jeudi 6 octobre 2016

Donald Trump hero of the American people and Hillary Clinton's career politician

Donald Trump hero of the American people and Hillary Clinton's career politician
Middle class Americans and working class are sickened the most of the old politicians, but Donald Trump is clever.

The US as well as citizens of all countries of the world , to see these politicians from father to son, are eternal political careers, are so frustrated after being ignored for so long they are willing to give him the wheel to put "KO" politicians who does very little for them for decades by gorging maximum pockets of monies from taxpayers and selling citizens to moderate and extremist Muslims.
During the crisis of 2008, nine million people have lost their jobs and five million lost their homes the United States and during that time, banks have been enriched. Workers, paying, taxes see them wages stagnate.
How many Americans have to live in their car, sometimes with their children, because they do not earn enough to lead a normal life, renting an apartment. The country where the opportunity is greatest, freedom is required, it is the country where money is the law of the strongest, the weak, such as in nature is literally eaten. Your worth is how much money you have.

All Americans know that the big bankers continue to lead royal train, despite the shenanigans and fines They know that almost ten years after the crisis, banks' profits increasing. And the bonuses that come with it. And the government endorse the bankers and does nothing to counter these criminal white collar that destroy entire families.
Donald Trump is a populist, he is proud. Hillary Clinton is a feminist and Muslim.
The US media
For months, the whole American press, television networks can create or destroy or the position of President of the United States.
Does the electorate consists of Trump as recently suggested Hillary Clinton, half and half desperate maniacs?
We remember the accusation of Clinton, which had the support of Trump as a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic and Islamophobic. This is the deep revolt large segments of the population against their elites.
Trump himself as the great outsider, one who defies the elites openly.
He multiplied the provocations that made all much media scandals.
One thing is certain however: American elites, politicians, bankers, millionaires, thieves white collar workers, judges are responsible for having allowed to develop a huge frustration in their most country.

The United States, we see the  frightening social inequalities, exacerbated racial tensions, massive immigration, international prestige of decline, consumer frenzy that shows a terrible spiritual emptiness: in a country crossed by many crises, he had to expect a peaceful election? The richest countries of the world, it is the country where poverty enjoy the maximum. Social inequalities make the misfortunes of this company that elites hide and lie to their population.
American politicians are among, international politicians, the most cunning of all. The US media, which are both bought by political parties, by the financial big, some pressure groups are the American people, the little people is so manipulated that the truth never surfaced. How would you have or seek the truth among candidates or political parties when the country is elected for two years without stopping and the real issues of society disappear media screens.
The blas., Blas., Media unceasingly loop you see reporting biased both by some network information that comes to you to vomit to see them analyze each lice every word that candidates have spoken, their clothes, their health. After some time, the populace is so tired of hearing you say infantilités of these politicians, why have a period of almost two years to run the United States for lying to the people.

The US should be started think, that the Internet and planes exist today. The horses are no longer used to travel the country and give information. The most computerized country in the world is run as a bailing wire company. This leads to the American people helpless, these political elites talking, only to hear that ignoring taxpayers. The elites pride themselves on the grain.
What he said 200 years ago between Marie Antoinette and Axel correspondence Fexel The only god in the USA is the Silver
It is therefore of America, without any action brilliance has signaled his campaign. But he practiced faithfully all military virtues: it has become hard to fatigue and "himself". It takes from there universal esteem to the cause he went to serve, it is secondary.
Americans, including George Washington and others, let him remember a fierce greed, "Money is their god." All that is long gone, now he is anxious to prolong his stay in France, ie "the happiness of his life,"

The US today Americans do not worship the God money, how do you trust in their government as well as our governments are only the balance of the major global speculators.

The people do not exist, major exist and that you are the saps which feed the vampires that feed on you all communists or capitalists are the same the same, the stronger the pocket.

So, the little American people work very hard, very honest, no place for the weak, but their political elites, the great of this country, as in our country, big business, have no consciences, no sensitivity, no humanities, money, gain bait, profit, power over the poor.  

Is it these characters like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, both billionaires, how can they think about people who earn the minimum wage, which pays them their taxes, who do not have tax losses, hiding in tax havens, I mean the ordinary world. People who are having to wait their payroll checks to see which purchased food this week, paid their rent or their mortgages and end of the month to have a few dollars to pay a small output.

These real American, these hundreds of millions , honest people should go to work every day, get up in the morning or night work in very poor conditions and can not complain. Health insurance companies, thieves, millionaires, doctors, will offer food as the small American people.

The large, American political elites, they never pay anything. The richards, as in Canada, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, etc., allow themselves transported across the world at the expense of the little people.  

And they live in luxurious mansions, protected police and can commit all the possible nonsense imaginable, all their permitted. They are the cream and always their actions their will be forgiven by our intellectuals, because it is they who make laws to rob us.

They do not live on the same planet as us. They are in the class of the elect. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Justin Trudeau, others have never experienced a single minute of work in their lives just like Mr. whole world has to go to work every day and pay taxes to 50% and not not 5%. These elites have Pigés in the buffet were stuffed, and want to keep everything for themselves. After a while, these billionaires are so rich, they need more action and they want more and more.

Our political elites have found a new way, a solution to the mess in our societies inviting Islamists, terrorists here. They accepted their money, their religion, their crusade becomes embedded within our governments. So our politicians, our schemers can continue to steal the population we handle.

The people, the taxpayer is the food of the elite

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