dimanche 23 octobre 2016

Justin Trudeau - Wearing the veil and Muslim prayer inside the Parliament in Ottawa for the coming of the Caliph Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

Justin Trudeau - Wear the veil and Muslim prayer inside the Parliament in Ottawa for the coming of the Caliph Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
See what the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made in Parliament in Ottawa, on this video with pictures of Muslim prayers in Parliament during the visit Hazrat Mirza Masroor Caliph Ahmad in this secular place which must respect women's rights, human rights. We all know that the Honourable Prime Minister is attending the Muslim religious places, mosques, but Canada, as I understand it is still according to the Canadian Constitution, only Christian, Catholic and Protestant religions.

Being prime minister of a country, is not a game
the Honourable Mr. Prime Minister should be reminded, though his father was multiculturalist and anti Canadian crops, this certainly does not mean we have lost already lost all our ancestral cultures from selfies that is at the forefront of this loss of identity in nation generalized

Ahmadiyya Canada
what we said this video: the story began with the invasion of Canada by praying the "Azaan" at Parliament of Canada before his Holiness the Caliph as the prayer to open the eyes of Canadians to greatness,calls Allah all over Canada. The Town House has enjoyed the speech of His Holiness to the little colony, these lambs devouring which their head office is in Ontario and the Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, disguised as a Muslim, and sold will make it ofvisits courtesy to sell you all Muslim communities, Islamic for like all good liberals more votes in future elections.
These liberals would sell their mothers, their fathers, their children, one under. They are true Pharisees. Jesus drove them out of the Temple. Justin Trudeau take them to the House of Commons and our premiers seated directly in the seats of National Assemblies with complacency. What are disgusting our elected officials have like whores in heat continuously?

What is a religious celebration to do in a democratic forum? When the pope comes to a country, it makes the papal Mass in a public place, outside the premises of the government. The government indecency Trudeaumaniabeyond the pale
Butby searching a bit I found pictures of various Liberal MPs who were downright veiled to accommodate the caliph ParliamentCanada.!
of Muslim women rights in a Joke
Controversies aroundIslamic projects in Canada's provinces
creating an Islamic court of civil justice in Canada would formalize this private justice through legal sanctions making final and binding decision of the courts. The formation of Muslim arbitrators Islamic law is another ambition of the court.
Me Ali cites, for precedents, courts of arbitration for Jewish and Aboriginal communities. Based on the presence of 000 citizens 1,000 Muslims in Canada, the founder of the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice (IICJ) is up to consider the extension of the Islamic Courts across Canada.
The Canadian Council of Muslim women sounded the alarm. Its president, Alia Hogben, hears that Muslim women are forbidden under Canadian law as all Canadian citizens.
Homa Arjomand, coordinator of the campaign against the Islamic courts in Canada, has no words strong enough to describe the risks by women's rights, individual freedoms and democracy. In a statement, she denounces the attempt to legalize the repression of Muslim women by arbitrators who decide according to their own interpretation of Islam. She claims that the legal provisions in civil and family matters are removed from the Arbitration Act.
The Canadian company would direct it, in the name of multiculturalism, to a coexistence of autonomous legal systems, an identity justice to religious connotation? This is at least the concern expressed by some citizens.

A delegation without wife
is not the parliament seat of our democracy, a secular site Excellence?
Did we not clearly established countries the separation of religion and state?
Why are these women are veiled as it is they who welcomed the Caliph in their enclosure in Parliament?
they were not in a mosque!
they were not in visit to a foreign country where the law forces them to hide!
Ladies MPs on behalf of what principle did you wear the veil in a democratic and political forum where religion has no place?
to please your guests?
Or because you were forced into it?

Greg McGlinchey,Judy Sgro's chief of staff provided the following information regarding the Islamic veil

Firstly, Ms. Sgro did not wear a veil during the visit of His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Ms. Sgro did however wear a modest head-covering (as depicted in the photo you provided) during the official welcoming, which she lead, and during certain formal meetings outside of the House of Commons Chamber.
This was not requested by the delegation. Conversely, Ms. Sgro opted to wear the said head-covering as a voluntary sign of respect during the formative portions of the day. As you will know, many Muslims believe that covering the head engenders a certain spiritual state of receptivity and centeredness.

For Ahmadiyya Muslims in particular, this custom is observed by both men and women and it is in this context that Ms. Sgro made the voluntary decision to demonstrate an understand and respect for the customs of our guests.In a similar vein, when Ms. Sgro was invited to attend the 2014 canonization ceremony of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII, she observed the long-standing traditional Christian ritual (as noted in 1 Cor. 1:3-6) of wearing a modest head-covering during certain events – even when those events were held outside of a Church. I have attached a picture that was taken during that time for your review.
The above aside, it is also important to note, once the official welcoming ceremony and initial meetings had concluded, Ms. Sgro opted to interact with His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, without a head-covering (picture attached for your review). As you would expect, she continued to be received by all guests with the respect and appropriateness befitting her role as a Member of Canada’s House of Commons..
House of Commons of Canada, an unknown country
We, the citizens of Canada, in all provinces, with our National Assemblies, the same with our municipal councils, are totally excluded from the actions of politicians, political content, lobbies that control the agendas of our politicians. Taxpayers only help pay people who work for the good of their political family, is carving a place in this international turbulent world of corruption, falsehood, death of truths, superficial, unreal world, with all the joy, the happiness, the most basic principles of the world.

What these people access to these high levels, these quantities, fly over the top of the entire planet where everything comes on a silver platter, but where this dish can become in a moment the worst disaster, a nightmare of humanity. At this level the rats swarm and honest people there do not stay long.  
What happens to say is that our governments take us through lies where the truth depends on the person speaking to us, its values. Politicians tell us they listen to us and if this is true, they are deaf.
In conclusion, the Trudeau government secularism is a hogwash, that Muslim government, and Koranic sharia soon in Parliament.
Never trust your politicians
extraordinary Quote Tony Accurso / mafieu

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