mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Stéphanie Vallée Minister of Justice of Quebec better known by the surname of the Law 62 charter law minister on Islamic rag

Stéphanie Vallée Minister of Justice of Quebec better known by the surname of the Law 62 charter law minister on Islamic rag
This is a charter on the machine to avoid offending Muslims of our dear Minister of Justice of Quebec, Stéphanie Vallée, responded to criticism of Bill 62 on the neutrality of the State must be secular.

This successful Minister think that religions control the state rules by posting religious symbols whose veil is the expression, the chador and burqa version the tank.
We can certainly point out that the Minister Stéphanie Vallée has no general culture and it should work in any waste to landfill. It is impossible to believe his intellectual inability to describe the reality of the invasion of our institutions by Islam across all government institutions, parastatals, municipal, school, etc. The infiltration of barbarians in all spheres of society from early childhood, the brainwashing of our young children up to the university. Minister Stéphanie Vallée creates fascism in Quebec as Justin Trudeau did the same for the whole country.

Secularism Version rag Québécoise
This bill 62 speaks of neutrality, this rag, this word evacuating that of secularism, and a great pleasure our next Prime Minister that Quebec, as revered imam Adil Charkaoui, who professes hatred against the whole West and Canada approved by the Quebec Liberal party and the Ministry of Education and some universities and mosques, several imams , racism, christianophobes, Judeophobia plague our society with lies, deceit, cowardice through the media.
The main contractor of this immoral collusion is the Premier of Quebec, the Honourable Philippe Couillard, the man who so hate Quebec, which will do everything in its power to destroy it. Knowing the parties of the opposition of Quebec feminist Deputies, poor judgment, and go populist in public squares to again endorse the mechanization of these wipes, these liberals, these rags aplaventrismes to Muslims, masters the West that meet their caps, their coffers of their political parties, corrupt Quebec.
Muslims, imams have made an excellent choice by taking the Liberal party as a leader in the fight to destroy the Quebec culture, in choosing the Honourable Philippe Couillard, the ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Quebec who spent five long and fruitful years learning the Koran, Sharia and knowing his extreme intelligence he learned Arabic and customs. Nobody knows if he has participated in these orgies of barbarians public places, after prayers, stoning, crucifixion, from young children weddings, rituals with animals, young boys and girls, as he puts it well, in his colorful conversation this is part of their customs that his government must protect against the Christian state is Quebec.

The Prime Minister Philippe Couillard, white beard, like any good imam who is who displays its rational image almost all circumstances, must rejoice to offer people the collar and white neutrality as a sink that awaits someone who stares into a mirror and see Freddy with steel claws.
Our Prime Minister doctor put on voluntary coma a broad electorate worn by these tiresome debates. Knowing his election, Quebecers, knowing that at the Charbonneau Commission, the Liberal Party of Quebec, being highlighted for its legendary corruption was on the front of all the media was nevertheless re-elected without any blame of a treaty that infiltrated by the Liberal government in the Commission. Maclean's magazine quoted that Quebec is the king of corruption and that Quebecers show their status as happy as the Quebec Code and this cultural trait is the board on which the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) hopes to ride to a second term .

Wipe, this carpet
We're getting screwed again by the Quebec Liberal party, the party of allophones, anglophones, Muslim families Desmarais, Radio-Canada, Press, Prime Minister of Canada, who visit mosques diligently every Friday, the Honourable Justin Trudeau and participate in ceremonies of sacrifices. We do not know if his hands are full of blood when he cut the throats of sheep and what he thinks, may be his crusade to a multicultural Canada, forfeit a country like his father wanted?
The Minister of justice, the Honourable Stéphanie Vallée, if words still mean something, genuine neutrality would be that the state agents do not display their religious beliefs. So if my neighbor is a terrorist with explosives around his body explosives, kirpans as the Supreme Court of Canada gives the right to reach at all times, may enter the offices or the National Assembly, Parliament, in schools, town halls and blow themselves up. The minister seems to be a personal choice, and the injured or dead, it is their fault they did not vote Liberal.
Stéphanie Vallée, and the Liberal Party are insane and extremely dangerous to use, according to Health Canada

Dementia which means madness, populist is a serious loss or reduction of significant enough cognitive ability to sound on the life of an individual and result in loss of autonomy suffers several MPs, provincial and federal ministers who are bribed by the eminent bearded. Religious carcinogenic liberal brain function particularly affected may be memory, attention, and language. It may be temporary, after a major brain injury or a long-term psychological decline.
It is classically defined as a deep psychological weakening, global and progressive that alters the fundamental intellectual functions and disintegrates social behavior in the Liberal cuckold Philippe Couillard. She reached the personality regarding being reasonable, "that is to say in the system of its logical values, knowledge, judgment and adaptation to the social environment. According to the minister all religions, the religious beliefs of everyone are above the state laws. This means that the minister wants Quebec and Canada a religious state, Islamic as the Islamic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and others.
What Stéphanie Vallée certainly forget, when the bearded willpower, Ms. Vallée will be with tea towels in it, veiled awaiting him when husbands and say, come, my beast in bed, she will go like a poor little darling. You will not be a minister, you will not have the right to drive can be, when you go out to the mosque, you will see Justin Trudeau perched high on your perch like a bird waiting for his worm. Here you can tell, but I do not think you will have the honesty to do so, you have the whole kneeling Quebec, the West, women, feminist Françoise David as to the precipice, into nothingness.

How many Muslim women and other religions of this world are flouted by these barbarians, religious, bearded, who would be in Canada and Quebec to get rid of these criminal life that prevent women, girls and also those young men to live their way they want. I think I hear you, nothing after our death we do not return to this planet to live, we only have one life.
All these religions, not only Islam, several dozen other religions the Quebec and Canadian soil fooled the rights of women and men to live their lives freely and YOU and YOUR GOVERNMENT denied your carrier to stop this religious slavery of these religions for centuries and centuries. If these crazy religions, these religious are to continue their dictatorship over the human species that doeth them home but not in public, in our institutions, in our government, we have whores who control us and you sell every day.
Manuel Valls with National Assembly
Stéphanie Valléewas to be busy when the Prime Minister of France, Manuel Valls, came to explain the symbolic significance of certain garments. Wanting to clarify, Ms. Vallée then blurted out: "The State has no beliefs and no non-believers."

Big generational consequences
Result from this: the teachers and child care workers will also wear the veil. And that is probably what is more worrying. Because these people embody a huge symbolic authority: in front of the children, they represent the company. Our civilization will fall a hundred years and our boys will again beat the girls, raped, that's what Stéphanie Vallée, Minister wishes for the new generation of Quebec.
Afterwards just not on the media tell us that like daughter was raped at Laval University, we will laugh, Ms. Stéphanie Vallée, because you have approved the said rape implicitly with your li 62 and your Prime Minister Philippe Couillard. You are responsible, liberals, sold, criminals, Quebec destroying all our values, to put the barbarians within our governments.
Do we really want that children learn to find normal that a woman must be veiled to show in society? In a society that believes in women's emancipation, should we normalize from childhood, this very problematic sign what the Islamic veil? Relativism here justifies the female submission. These women they realize it or not, they are silent slaves and have fears of being killed. And you, the Liberal government you condone this disease is Islam. You Allah is greatly pleased to have you. Whereas hell is made, according to Islam 90% of women, there can be you'll eternity with your 62 law, your holiness, the wipe.

Stéphanie Vallée promotes Islamic apartheid
Ah! That Québec Solidaire, Françoise David, extremist feminist, the optimist must enjoy power to veil the mind every day hoping to get the votes of the Muslim community in Montreal. My dear Mrs. Françoise David, even if Amir Khadir, a Muslim, is a deputy, you'd never be Premier of Quebec. Allophones who voted for your party are not the same as the Liberal party woos every day, yours are of a different social level. You can hide as you want, you will remain forever in the shadow of the opposition. If I were you, a feminist as you say extremist, I'll go with pots, make demonstrations against the bill in the streets of Quebec to decry this legislation and to enable women to have their say in that democracy and not the bearded who bend our governments issue.

Islamism planetary calamity and petrodollars
Because this debate is really about a central  exhibitionism of identity at the heart of the strategy of radical Islam. The goal of radical Islam is to establish itself in the West on its own terms without having to make any concessions. And exploits women's bodies to show its power. Our societies should not hesitate to stand up to him and make secularism a dam.
The hijab! The niqab! Jihad! The Unable! The Burkini! The rugs! Charkaoui!
So do, do, do, small puppets, Philippe Couillard, the Liberal Party of Quebec,
the Quebec National Anthem Muslim Liberal
Thus do, do, do
Small Puppet,
So do, do, do,
Trois p'tits towers and then leave.
and the sleep Quebecers
That's what puppet, Stéphanie Vallée $$$$$$$$
Approved by the official agent of the Liberal party of Quebec, the company Anal Benghazi

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