At Collège Maisonneuve, a young Muslim woman was excluded from consideration because of her hijab can hide earphones to cheat but she believes that Allah is above the laws of the other students.
We Muslims are superior to people from Quebec practicing non-Muslim
The incident in late September 2016, results from the application of a"SET DOMESTIC GENERAL kNOWN tO ALL STUDENTS"the biology department providing that teachers verify the absence of headphones hidden in the examinations, said Line Légaré, spokesman of the institution. The set, set up by the teachers themselves, is as toques and long hair that hijabs.
However, on 19 September, a student wearing the hijab "did not want to show his ear," and Professor then withdrew his copy and it could not make its examination for fear of cheating on his part and fairness to the other students.
The Muslim, according to some sources would have offered the teacher to show it was not in the ears by touching them with his fingers. The teacher refused this proposal because the teacher's instructions were to show the ears and not to touch the ears over a cloth and he did not accept the student to do the exam without he can observe his ears .
Ms. Line Légaré added after the fact, the student was presented to management of the College studies to report the incident. "Then she and the professor met to discuss the situation and how in the future they might function differently not to hurt the student, not to create unrest," added Ms. Légaré, midweek latest.
the school administration will not acknowledge that the teacher was injured by the repudiation of the direction of the College. It's sad to see a direction of cowards who governs our teenagers. What kind of adults will we in the future, certainly Philippe Couillard, Islamic racist, anti-Québécois cowards, anti-Canadian, pro-Islamic.
Shame on you, like say Anglophones
For now, no complaint was registered by the student. I, as a citizen and Quebecers, and my ancestors who arrived in New France in 1635 made a complaint complaint against the Collège de Maisonneuve for bad education and instruction to our young adults.
"I'm doing my job," was limited to say the teacher which I congratulate for having kept his pants Whereas the directors of colleges took to new relaxed before Chaoui Hamza, terrorists love your college, even the Islamic State granted columns you great qualities for services you help them for their recruitment in Canada.
I consider that management should resign and hand over their wages they received in the last ten years in government for their lack of management contracts and judgments. These are gravediggers generations.
As said the management, it is much easier crucified a Christian in Quebec, because this is the norm, if someone has a tuque, he will raise his hat. If there is hair, it will just spread her hair. If there is a hat or whatever, it does not hide behind the religion that humiliates and destroys humanity ...
"Collège Maisonneuve judge with their usual fear of sanction deemed appropriate, the College made new in their pants
"It is quite inappropriate to ask a student to remove her veil in front of the whole class and the target as a cheater, and to remove his exam paper without proof that cheating arbitrarily, "said Camille Gagné, responsible for women's issues within the local student association,
This extremist feminist, has no judgment, and will soon be leader of Québec Solidaire. Also when it has children, her husband, can commit an honor killing, and it will be this enjoyment of the victim. These women are true nounounes, blocked mentally, to such an extent, religiously. You see certainly, these students have not yet dry navel, do not even read with discernment, do not even know the international political and dare say nonsense questioning this Muslim student who does not want to integrate. This student will become the slave of the new conqueror.
The students are surprised that a teacher of standing frontal Muslim at Collège de Maisonneuve
College Management should impose such a rule while respecting the secular standards, not sexism and religious segregation in our Colleges, not the hijab, niqab, not religions.
Collège Maisonneuve the prostitute
A Muslim student at Collège de Maisonneuve excluded from consideration because of her hijab.
the student was excluded for a biology exam partly because she refused to remove her hijab for the teacher to see his ears to make sure she was not wearing ear. The student filed a complaint. A mediation meeting is scheduled with the student because the administration will lie as usual in front of his Muslim grandeur.
The kings children we have currently and now we have religions that exist in Canada and Quebec. Islam is the religion than human laws. Islam the religion of the barbaric reign over all our lives. Thank you to Philippe Couillard, the minus that welcomes with open arms this crusade of decadence.
Maisonneuve College in Montreal trying to determine how to accommodate a Muslim student who was prevented from taking an exam because it would not withdraw part temporarily her hijab, a spokesman for the school on Monday.
the Maisonneuve College should tell the truth it is, the Muslim student who is excluded itself from consideration because at the beginning of the session profession had told them he wanted to see the ears due to copying. She was informed, so that is a liar. Allah does not like liars, Sharia law should be applied. And the College management should clean their ears to hear before speaking.
Allah loves Adil Charkaoui, your wonderful terrorist imam at Collège Maisonneuve
Muslim would not show his ears, and Ms. Line Légaré said, adding the student his teacher offered the opportunity to touch through the hijab to make sure it was not trying to cheat.
Ms. Line Légaré with his colleagues should go do an internship in the democratic countries of Saudi Arabia for many years and open his eyes. Whenever you make compromises with these people than you lower the Quebec at slavery. I do not think this is the work of a college to do politics.
The College, became in time the Muslim slave tentacles in Montreal, and I know it is not easy, for you, but prostitution as you do with these Muslim students show the weaknesses of our governments.
If our students control our Colleges and do not want to study, follow orders, we are flat broke. That fact that teachers are not borne by their directions, they are always on the ice and wait until it ruptures, you thus create insecurity among students, teachers, parents, taxpayers, the taxpayers and crooked politicians.
he then told the student that she could not take the exam that day.
Ms. Line Légaré also noted that the professor said at the beginning of school it reserves the right to ensure that students were not wearing helmets before exams.
the teacher wanted to be fair to all
"What the student had a hat, a hat, or a lot of hair," said Ms. Line Légaré, that teacher wrote in his syllabus he asked students to show him their ears, a policy it said was tolerated by the biology department. The ears should be found during the examination, what, that the Muslim could lose its paradise at the end of his life to the causes of his ears. I wonder, does this archaic religion, sexual ears are part integral. Are these women, they have ears to the vagina, go see?
Philippe Couillard tartufe the
Prime Minister Philippe Couillard Quebec was asked Monday about the incident and said that the teacher "has used its judgment" to ensure that there was no suspicion of cheating.
"from what I hear, the review will take place," het-he.said in Montreal. "I think it shows that people on the ground are best placed to manage these issues.
"He Added that his government presented a draft law on religious accommodation, and we will have the chance to have a debate on these issues to help Muslims
Muslim women are superior to Christian by Justin Trudeau
Yet when we read history, we realize that the girl has refused to lift if only momentarily her hijab to her teacher makes a usage audit, he would have done with a student with long hair or wearing a hat, to see if she wore headphones that allowed him to cheat on a biology exam. It is also noteworthy that the teacher did not want to violate the fact as terrorists.
In interview Director Maisonneuve College of studies prof clearly explained in his course description at the beginning of the year he would do this verification during examinations.
The girl ignored the regulation, refuses a simple and reasonable request to temporarily lift her hijab to show his ears, yet it is said that it is she who is excluded? Instead, why not tell the truth, whether it is itself which is excluded by refusing to submit to a simple rule, fair and equitable?
Why the story she carries not rather the following title is a liar!
A student is excluded itself a because of its religious fundamentalism examination
A student refuses to raise her hijab to respect the Collège Maisonneuve Régulation. A Muslim pupil wearing the hijab requires an unreasonable accommodation. This wonderful abused Muslim student at the College refused the rules of "living together", Maisonneuve College continues to worship, into prostitution. As she points out to all the other students, you have to integrate yourself to me, I am your law, your religion, your mentor, I'm Muslim!
Why a Christian student who refuses to comply with a regulation is pointed, but a student who refuses to comply with regulations in the name of religion is pathetic and should be accommodated? The management suggests that the College puppet, could change its instructions. Sorry ? Just a student refuses to comply with regulations and changing the rules?
But what rubbish!
What it "hurts" a student to show the ears, how it creates a "malaise"? If it does not create discomfort to raise his hat, why create discomfort to lift her hijab?
The Collège Maisonneuve welcomes fundamentalism with open arms. Does management receives credit monies to close his eyes as political parties?
And the crazy president, in charge of women's issues within the student association, whose intelligence must be closed double turn out that it is not nice of Prof. enforce its regulations. I think she must be very close to Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois and lawlessness.
"It is quite inappropriate to ask a student to remove her veil in front of the whole class and the target as a cheater and then to remove his exam paper without proof that cheating arbitrarily. " He did not do a strip search, poverty, he asked him to slightly raise a piece of cloth to see his ear appendix!
I guess all these people walking on eggshells and wears white gloves, which to afraid to call a spade a spade, was afraid of being treated Islamophobic. Long live the people who want to protect our Quebec and Christian race against Islam. The Maisonneuve College and the Department of Education endorse apartheid set up by the Prime Minister Philippe Couillard, racist Islam and religion . Muslim anti-Quebecer Philippe Couillard hate the whole Quebec Croesus Quote: whores are not all the corners of Saint-Laurent and Sainte-Catherine
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