Twenty-first century contagion religious diseases
Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Hillary Clinton - François Hollande - Angela Merkel - Theresa May - Stéphanie Vallée - Bouchard Taylor Commission
Islam is tolerant and recognizes religious freedom. But Mohammed said: "Whoever changes his religion, kill him." Islam is religious tolerance, according to imams who profess these falsehoods through our colleges and universities and mosques in Canada under the eyes of Prime Minister pro-Muslim, the Honourable Justin Trudeau and his liberal clique in Ottawa.
Said that the killing of the apostate, one who leaves Islam is confirmed, for example, by the uniform Arab Penal Code adopted unanimously by the Council of Arab Ministers of justice in 1996
Extreme claims against human Rights
Please note here that in the United Nations they mention "human rights" but as in many religions which specifically Islam, female, woman , is not a human being as such, it is only a entity reproduction of the devil, that is to say that you are nothing. That the human rights of the women included no rights or petrodollars that our United Nations elected prostitutes towards Saudi Arabia this world of barbarians, this religion backward mental with a lot of capital and oil and no human or animal consciousness. Here I certainly do not want to insult the animals as they are above these bearded people, dressed in white.
Grimy Western law system
The problem for us in terms of religious belief in our legal system is that it encourages and supports all the most excessive demands of these illuminated, these fascists, these nazistes these religious murderers. Indeed, requests for accommodation are primarily the result of extremists and religious fundamentalists, crazy fans who like our first Justin Trudeau ministers, Philippe Couillard, Kathleen Wynne, Rachel Notley, Hillary Clinton, Françoise David, Angela Merkel, feminists extremists, intellectuals lack of ideas, and several other eaters balusters.
If religion contains in its very essence skid elements, it is wrong to believe that faith makes crazy. Our human Western values are attacked by illuminated how our laws leave do for fear of discontent, losing votes and fill the coffers of their political parties.
But we are witnessing in our time to claim more and more minorities sectarian in the name of religion and which are frontal attacks on our Western values. Of all religions, sects, the imposition of the burqa, the desire to generalize feeding practices to the entire population and even the attempt of an Islamic movement in Canada to impose Sharia law to all Muslims this almost happened in Ontario in the last few years, are unacceptable.
In the West, welcoming we have forgotten our own values and replace them with the values of others, which will bring the downfall of humanity. Islam is the religion of Satan on earth. If God exists, if the Devil exists, the two are currently competing on the planet, the battle has begun, the end of humanity is in the hands of these religious, silver, sold elected, these monsters imbued with inhuman violence against all companies for the destruction of humanity as total Muhammad wishes.
Members of the Hasidic sect, imposed kosher food in restaurants, public transportation such as trains, airplanes, Jews kosher food in supermarkets and Muslims, Halal foods in our supermarkets and elsewhere, airplanes, in hospitals, schools, prisons, penitentiaries, our federal and provincial institutions, etc.
Do we see Muslims or Hasidic which veiled women refuse to shake hands with a woman or demand to be treated by someone of their own sect?
Murderous religions in Quebec
Eloise Dupuis, this young mother among Jehovah's Witnesses, who chose to turn his baby orphan, is a sin of a sect victim demented Jehovah's witnesses. In the name of absolute respect for the will of the mother, medicine, science, therefore, let the irrational and emotional neediness triumph, so to say.
What would it have happened if this person would Christian, Catholic religion? She would be, or his family under lock now. But view it is another that Christian is free to them in Canada. For Canadian and Quebec Charters of Rights and Freedoms have been created only for minorities against the majority of people, and it is said that it is better not to be born a Christian in Canada, a country that has lost . every culture since the arrival of the newborn, our national selfie, Mohamed Justin Trudeau
Another religion MONSTROUS
A teenager died after fasting for 68 days religion Jainism
New Delhi | The family of an Indian girl of 13, died in early October after observing a two-month fasting, was charged with murder, associations claiming that the girl had been forced to submit to a practice of Jainism.
Aradhana Samdariya, 13, fell into a coma two days after completing a fast 68 days. On October 4, 2016 she passed away in Hyderabad, apparently of a heart attack.
Jainism is a religion founded in India in the sixth century before Christ, whose followers believe in reincarnation and that insists on absolute non-violence , defense of the environment and asceticism.
Samdariya undertook to observe a fast of 68 days during which it is permitted water consumption porridge twice a day. According to press reports, a priest had advised the family to ask the girl to fast in order to bring prosperity to their affair began to decline
Trudeau legal corset of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
This corset legal in its application is transforming humans into robots. Religions, religious are not above the secular laws of our country and no government should respect those bloodthirsty gods who fall on our backs every day. But these fanatics, know well that God can not exist, and they are is also cram their virgins are made violated, they all lost their lives for nothing and can not start the these mentally deficient.
Our politicians, our unconscious monsters
We often speak of religions which, when interpreted by extremists, have the effect of causing people to blow themselves up and kill innocent people, for example. When our Prime Ministers, our have elected, them the courage to leave to settle in Iran, Saudi Arabia settle in the desert, and live as true Arab poor, and suffer the deceitful imams, bloodthirsty religious Sharia, rape, whippings, eat shit with the camels. Those elected will not even have the courage to speak, to get their hands dirty because they are so full of blood of their own citizens, these worst employees than during the time of Hitler, you traitors Western paid by our own taxes, impostors, thieves.
Religious should beings labeled as lobbyists
Religious of all faiths are salespeople, traders all as all the people who will sell their salads with elected officials to get their messages and for services without having the sets of population by bribing according elected officials, political parties. Religious, lobbyists, are representatives of companies, multinationals, like religions, are organizations of several million people with one purpose in carrying profit one idea.
So, as a company, a business religions, preachers, want money, profit, power, fame, they must register and if they make false statements, contracts, they should go to jail like any other people.
XXII century religious return to the Middle ages with Islam
Fundamentalism hits us head-on with all social media for decades, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and other religions were exported to our country Westerners who have misrepresented our human values of our ancestors.
Pope Francis loses his bearings and made politics
Pope is of course in his role when he applies the word of Christ inviting welcome the stranger as he himself was. Jesus was just passing among his guests. And he also recommended to love his neighbor as himself. Jesus did not ask his guest to come fly his wife to rape children, torturing his friends, he did not give the other cheek, but Pope Francis, in his nobility, to mix all. The devil was in front of him, and he did not recognize the devil in front of him.
How the prelate of God on earth as he said, could not recognize the viper that stands before him, rising like a gentle sheep. The devil disguises himself in every way to be able to get his message through churches especially the Catholic church, the Church of Rome, which is so vulnerable. The Church of Rome with his innocence will be engulfed suddenly sword by the Islamic crusade across Europe with those elected to the European balance of petrodollars for the total conquest of the continent. Pope Francis should start to think, not as Pope but as a human being with discernment when Islam came to see, it is not a religion that comes to see is the devil gave birth to the satanic religion.
But Pope Francis does not take the measure of the identity crisis that crosses Europe and undermines confidence in its values. It focuses not on the rise of Salafist totalitarianism, embedded in immigration baggage, not yet hides nothing of his hatred of the West Greco-Latin and Judeo-Christian.
The Pope Francis does not understand the fate of Christians as their reserve Muslims in other Arab countries but wants as any good Western government closed its eyes to the Islamic crusades.
Mohammad Shafia, Pakistanis living in Montreal, Muslim honor killing
In 1979 or 1980 Mohammed Shafia wife Rona Mohammed which we later discovered that it is sterile. In 1989, he took second wife Tooba Yahya for giving birth to seven children. Rona plays a big role in their education and raises the children as if they were his own. When the family moved to Canada, Rona was introduced as a cousin because polygamous marriage was forbidden in Canada.
Brothers and sisters Rona say she feared for her life in the days before his death. Tooba, the second wife, regarded as a servant of the family. Witnesses said Rona passport and identity documents were in the hands of Shafia, which prevented him to flee to another country where she could of the family.
Witnesses said Zainab, the oldest daughter, was a romantic relationship with a young Pakistani, which had stoked the anger of his father they had heard the threats. The younger daughter, Sahar, was dating a Christian who told the trial have observed bruises on her. It seems that his brother Hamed's struck. She said fear of his family and had filed a complaint to the management of the Youth Protection Quebec (DPJ).
In June 2009, Mohammed Shafia preparing a great trip to Niagara Falls, Ontario, where he will take all his family. The day before, he bought a Nissan Sentra because the trip will be in two cars. During the trek, Zainab and Sahar send text messages and photos to their friends on their mobile phones. They stop in Kingston, Ontario, back where the Shafia father decided to stop for the night.
The investigation
On 30 June 2009, a black Nissan Sentra left broken taillight is marked in water a lock on the Rideau canal. Kingston Police Station, Mohammad Shafia announced that four members of his family (three teenage girls and their cousin) missing. Their bodies were found in the submerged car. Police initially believed that it was a tragic accident and considering close the case quickly.
However, she learns that Hamed's son, reported an accident while he was bringing to Montreal the second car family - a Lexus. Despite strong suspicions, it does not have sufficient evidence to ask a judge for a search warrant. A detective, however, manages to convince Shafia examine the Lexus. After assessing the damage to both vehicles, police is convinced that the Lexus pushed the Nissan into the canal lock. On 22 July, Mohammad Shafia, his wife Tooba Yahya and Hamed son are arrested and charged with first degree murder.
The verdict
On January 29, 2012 the jury give their verdict after 15 hours of deliberations. The Shafia convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole for 25 years. The judge then addresses Mohammed Shafia: "It is difficult to imagine a more despicable crime and hate. The apparent reason for these shameful murders committed in cold blood is that the four completely innocent victims offended your concept had completely twisted honor, which absolutely no place in a civilized society.
Responses To our elected clairvoyants
According some of our ministers or first federal or provincial ministers, these honor killings are part of Muslim customs and integral beings are understood by all Canadians to be able to promote their values integration at opening people advocated liberal parties. These communities serve many chests of our parties, electoral bodies, we're honored to give them a hand in their misfortune, their luck at a mere misfortune, honor crime.
Justin Trudeau our walker waters
Since his election, a year ago, Justin Blessed is the black hole, full vacuum in Canada. He loves all nationalities and religions but not Quebecers and Christians.
Christ Justin, the son of the father, Elliott Trudeau, trafficking, multiculturalism, of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for terrorists and minorities also like mosques , he attends every Friday to preach, especially if they are radical, veiled perched there on the second perch as parakeets!
He is so proud that a Muslim, Zunera Ishaq, of Mississauga, Ontario, congratulated by Judy Wilson Raybould, Minister of justice of Canada, who do not even respect the own Canadian laws, veiled in full, could take the oath of citizenship and crapped on all Canadians, our values, our ancestors!
Justin Trudeau the door open mosques
All friends Justin veil cheerfully to submit to Muslim cleric who lands a lord in Parliament with no female with them as they are made only for the bed Our government in Ottawa is a lousy government that does not even respect its own people.
Justin Mohamed Trudeau likes the Syrians that can come make new jihadists in our colleges and help our imams protected by our laws discriminating against Christians favoring Muslims Philippe Couillard. Police said among refugees admitted last year, there is a large number of cases "doubtful". But even questionable, even Islamists, even hostile to the West, Justin still loves them because these people vote for him and the liberal parties of the provinces of Canada and Muslim Associations filling the coffers! Ah! That life is beautiful in Ottawa.
A wireless tablet
Christ Justin like Saudi Arabia, in which his apostle Stéphane Dion, our national all-pic, anti-Quebec, came directly from France, to taunt us for decades sells military toys.
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister adored by young people, this new generation seeking their brain in connection with son attached to a shelf and liberal USB connections, love all that unusual when it can go take one or thousands of photos of him.
The self-indulgence of the Honourable Justin Trudeau
Self-esteem, personal development, pursuit of happiness, psychological work, philosophical reflection, will not we be looking at our navel a little too close to the Honourable Justin Trudeau? This is a question that arises, Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaydan as a man but as a physician and psychotherapist at the embassy in Ottawa about you.
The idea is not to us accused of egocentrism but understand why the psychological and philosophical issues are becoming increasingly important in our society. Performance, hype, stress, overwork, your poor, poor judgment. Speed, displacement and disappearance of pins. Sense of loss, hopelessness and depression.
The discomfort is so important to you as your father as your Liberal family is the total destruction of the country, the Canadian people to make slaves the new Muslim minority which you have been indoctrinated, the need for remedies is screaming at you. Does this mean that the concerns psychological and philosophical are the preserve of affluent societies like ours.
In these troubled times, the Government of Canada, provincial governments should have a lot of inconvenience to walk around displaying their colors pro Muslim advocates the destruction of Canada and all our values welcoming these newcomers, all in their large opening doors with petrodollars to the detriment of the nation. We all know that Western governments, our prime ministers, presidents, muffs, king's, ministers, politicians, local, judges are whores, sold, peepholes, but these are not reasons to do the same things.
Religious power gives political power andmoney
Religion and polical are Synonyms
The religions and religious killing in 2016
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