dimanche 19 février 2017

Charles Taylor, philosopher, intellectual, the religious deceiver of the century - Puppet by Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau - Friend of Adil Charkaoui

Charles Taylor, philosopher, intellectual, thee deceptive Religious of the century, Repellent

The demagogue, a liar, the forger,the usurper, the disappointment of a people, of his ancestors, his parents, his family, be a daunting, repellent, mediocre, to aplaventristes services and obscurantist religious Salafis, Orthodox extremists and Canadians and Quebecers liberal parties with pay.
Montreal philosopher receives the Templeton Prize, with a purse of  million 1.5US dollars. This award recognizes the contribution of an individual to interfaith understanding.
Montreal philosopher Charles Taylor, a specialist in multiculturalism,anti Canadian and anti Quebecers,that is to say without any Western culture, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard, a biased man,water carrier,in ill at ease and the thought of Hegel, is the recipient this year of the prestigious American Templeton Prize, with a purse of 1.5 million US dollars.
Islam is the only religion for Canada says Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor was awarded for Progress and discovery in research on spiritual realities, presented in New York by the Templeton Foundation.
Professor at McGill, in Montreal, and Northwestern, Chicago, Charles Taylor, 75, is the author of reference books on contemporary debates about identity. These include The Malaise of Modernity, Sources of the Self, Multiculturalism and Democracy difference and diversity of religious experience today.
I am paid to lie, Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor Islamist Salafist mystifying
"The divorce of natural science and religion has caused harm to both, but it is also true that classical culture and the social sciences have been surprisingly blind and deaf to spirituality. In my case, the attempt to remove these borders was recognized and honored, "praised Mr. Taylor, at a ceremony in his honor.
Recall that Charles Taylor co chair with Gérard Bouchard commission on reasonable accommodation established by the Charest government.
The Templeton Foundation was established by the American entrepreneur Sir John M. Templeton. The first Templeton Prize was awarded in 1973 to Mother Teresa. His other winners include Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1983), the American evangelist Bill Graham (1982) and former President of India Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1975). Last year, the foundation has awarded the cosmologist John Barrow of Cambridge University.
The Templeton Foundation or deceit, deception of the dialogue between science and religion
of the Big Bang theory, quantum physics, evolution of life, emergence of consciousness: the latest scientific knowledge they renew the question of God's existence? Science does it open questions that religion would provide answers?
Charles Taylor I sold Quebec for money and love of muslims, Quran and Charia
Religions, religious, silver, powers, make excellent households
Are to believe the proliferation of publications for the general French public, science itself is the cause of these questions, referring back to back creationists most fundamentalist positions and those who believe that science and religion are antagonistic. In investigating this hypothetical dialogue between science and religion, the media who speak and those who wear it, it appears that the John Templeton Foundation (JTF) is never far away.
A richly endowed foundation paid by religious organizations, political and undemocratic
Founded in 1987 by John Templeton, a wealthy businessman, the JTF is an American philanthropic foundation in 2013 with a capital of nearly 3 billion euros . It distributes annually to 50 million euros to finance prices, research programs, seminars and publications.
It comes in 2015 as "a philanthropic catalyst for discoveries related to Big Questions of human purpose and ultimate reality. Our vision comes from the optimism of the late Sir John Templeton on the possibility of acquiring "new spiritual information" and its strong commitment to rigorous scientific research
Charles Taylor Catholic and Protestant religions must disappear from Canada, Allah is great
"Consanguinitas of Charles Taylor and Justin Trudeau, two traitors Salafi
The Templeton Prize, showcase of the foundation, reflects a strategy to gradually invest the scientific community and to give the illusion to the public that "the more we make scientific discoveries, the more we learn about spirituality, to get the maximum possible money in our pockets. "
Given annually to "a living person who has made an outstanding contribution confirming the spiritual dimension of life," this award $ 1.5 million in 2015. Created in 1973 under the title "Templeton Prize for Progress in religion "and first awarded to individuals whose main activity is religious and in 2009, more soberly" Templeton prize "which Charles Taylor received $ 1.5 million US dollar to lie to you when of his speeches and skew all reports he would now government agencies.
We are facing an evolutionary creationism (or theistic evolution) very sophisticated, type "spiritualism encompassing." Since the early 2000s, its main financial and logistical support is JTF. Like the Wahhabi Salafists who control governments Canadians and Europeans, the money that comes from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Emirates, the barbarian countries stoned Christians.

Charles Taylor, is also a large boiler carrier filled with money as our intellectuals, our feminists, leftists our teachers, our student associations who want the destruction of our democracy from the West to finally have a father who kick their ass and actually do work.
The definition of the function of Charles Taylor commission
Taylor contemptuous barateur secular identity
Maybe you do not know, here in Quebec, our students, many of them are children of kings, the new generation. Not all, certainly, some are honest and hardworking, but others tied to their beds with the umbilical cord attached to the Internet, to videos, to jihadist websites, how to make bombs, how to blow his parents, and local student associations they complain of school fees, the lowest in the world and they go on strike with the anarchist Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, the darling of Jean Charest.

In Quebec and Canada, is better not to be born Catholic, or a Christian, and if you can become refugees, Syrians  Muslims and you will have all considerations of political parties because you left the main electoral buffet balance of power both in Ottawa or in the provinces. Our governments could not care less about you all, you are interchangeable foods, and all political parties, as Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair have to need the same plates, Muslims, Islamists,so they tear for maximum veiled and they go to mosques, to lie to you. When they no longer need you, they will throw you in the toilet and move on to another group.

Charles Taylor gets a lot of money from Jewish communities
But beware, when Charles Taylor is nonsense, or when the veiled Muslim women are beaten, raped or according to the rites of their holy mosques, and Françoise David, leader of Québec Solidaire and Lise Bacon approve this anti religion retrograde woman, as Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard who enact laws that facilitate apartheid, segregation of the sexes, our dear students, see nothing wrong. Because here in Quebec, we laid out the Catholic church, and yes right out, and priests and religious, outside.

All that is Catholic can be criticized and destroyed with the tacit approval of all governments at all levels. But you must never touch two religions, Islam that wants to convert us devilry, lies, and Judaism he makes is working without too homesick, but also with several accommodations which Christians not any rights according to Chartres of rights and freedoms of Canada and Quebec.
Charles Taylor is not honest with Quebecers Allah thanked him for his lies, sonata 32.01
Jean Staune confirmed the figure of $ 6.2 million to the journalist Pascale Pascariello in "Grand reportage - Creationism" emission head squared, France Inter, March 30, 2012.
the hidden faces of dialogues between science, religion, and our petrodollars corrupt politicians and intellectuals including Charles Taylor generously bribed to confirm what these communities including the Muslim Wahhabi Salafists Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard

The prestige of the speakers contribute to legitimize a speech find themselves pell-mell of individual beliefs and scientific knowledge. The illusion that a dialogue between science and religion has emerged in recent years is maintained by self-promotion: the rewards are largely attributed to people who participate in the orientation of the Foundation's activities and promoting the reconciliation of science and religion. Thus, of the fourteen awarded the Templeton Prize for 1998 to 2011, eight of them were members of the board of the foundation and the others were involved in programs it finances.
Biography of Charles Taylor, the manipulation of Quebecers
Demagogy Taylor and company comes from the words Quebecers Philippe "Muslim" and Couillard "Salafi" is a political concept and rhetoric pointing to the hateful political state unreasonable accommodations to facilitate the Crusades Islamic extremists in the conquest of Canada in full.
In which leaders lead the people handling it to curry his favor, including using a flattering speech or calling the passions by removing the freedoms of expression and media people saying the opposite of Islamic government policies subsidized by terrorist organizations and emirs of the Gulf.
The speech demagogue fate of the rational field to address the impulses, the frustrations of the people, his fears, the mob, college students, universities, UQAM professors, anarchists pushers pencils.

Also it uses the immediate satisfaction, formally expectations, or the most egregious of the target audience wishes, that is to say the least intelligent, people often connected to the day after their iPad, tablets and other, with son in buses, or starting to read the morning paper at the end.
Sport is much easier, sports room, do not need brains to think, when you see them talk on television and that their vocabulary is ten words or less, how do you that they may know the politics, politicians with religious discourse, misinformation imams, preachers, imams, Adils Charkaoui, of Chaoui Hamza, etc.

Manipulation of religious preconceived ideas $$$
philosophers of the caliber of Charles Taylor know all the ways to handle the truth. They are so liars, even when they tell the truth, no one can believe them.
Without research in the public interest but in order to personally gain sympathy and win support and well greed Whereas Liberal active member.
The demagogic argument must be simple, even simplistic, to be understood and taken up by the public to which it is addressed. It frequently involves the ease or intellectual laziness by providing analyzes and solutions that seem obvious, without a dose (necessary and sufficient) imagination.

Demagogy, with anarchy, was the perversion of democracy.
Often confused with the term "populist" politician, which also designates an overhanging posture without qualms, demagoguery differs from it insofar as it refers to the idea to tell the people what they want hear, while populism refers to the idea of doing what the public wants criticizing elites, instead of establishing a consistent proposals.
Demagogue. Trying to lead the people, who manipulates by promises or by prophetic nature to predictions, threadbare (as much as possible to facilitate a proselytizing
Immorality of Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor is a puppet Punchinello in the service, seeking the highest paying hands to their pockets. This intellectual sold first, these religious organizations had no objectivity in the conduct of the commission.  
Also having received large sum of money Jewish, Hasidic, retrograde,Orthodox several religions, religions, lobbyists falsified results, this individual has been able to reveal the past few days his ignoble, his evil face, liar to any Quebecer and Canadian population. this intellectual, which will soon a distant memory, some will strut with its seventy-two virgins in paradise dismembered Allah with our prime ministers, ministers and charming friend, Imam Montrealers, you definitely need to lick its Halal, Adil Charkaoui.

Charles Taylor, you are a monster unpatriotic, anti-culture, a demagogue, an anti philosopher, as the entire population could certainly tell you all immoral qualifications to teach at UQAM.
Having personally contacted the Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Azizde Saudi Arabia regarding you Mr. Charles Taylor considering you still Muslim, but what would soon be on your spiritual calendar, he told us that you should have as the divine laws of Allah the law and the joy of virgins in paradise. But before the big start to your eternal sleep you should do you grow a beard and a Western brain and he sent me the following:

And they will have Houris with big black eyes like pearls, "proclaims Allah the Almighty in sura "El Waqi'a"(the Event).(The houris are beautiful women meeting the canons of beauty Arabic). "Verily we created them for a purpose. We created the virgin, "says Allah. (We can not even imagine what would have happened if he had created not virgins. Hello gossip. Mohamed would have immediately been pointed, but after consultation with the Emirs and Justin Trudeau, everything complies with Canadian laws and Quebecers.

Goodbye Mr. Charles Taylor, your virgin want to be stared at by extremist leftist intellectuals

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