samedi 25 février 2017

Kamel Daoud, Muslim. Algerian journalist threatened with death by Islamists and our rascals politicians who destroy the West for the arrival next of Allah - Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard

Kamel Daoud, Muslim. Algerian journalist threatened with death by Islamists and our rascals politicians who destroy the West for the arrival next of Allah
Kamel Daoud Algerian journalist on Friday morning, the taking of hostages at the Radisson hotel was not completed . It is expected by some to firm up in Algeria. Since December 2014, he is subject to a fatwa in his country.

Even sentenced to death by fanatics, Kamel Daoud refuses to shut up. "If we are silent, he said, allowed the radical criminalize our religion. We must save Islam extremists.
"The writer feels a duty, a responsibility to speak and explain what happens at home. Despite threats and danger faced by his family and children.
"It gives me the order of moral obligation. I would feel guilty not to speak when things happen so monstrous. "
Kamel Daoud holds the most read chronicle of Algeria, for over a decade. His articles are published in the Arab world, in France, Italy, the United States. He sought everywhere except by Salafists Westerners intellectuals and our crooked politicians who govern Canada, US, and European countries.
He was issued an opinion piece in the New York Times pages on the paradoxes of the West on "Islamic State of Saudi Arabia. In its fight against terrorism, the West wages war against one while shaking hands with each other, "he wrote. "We denounce the jihadist as the evil of the century, but we do not dwell on what has created and support.This helps to save face, but not lives.

"Our scoundrels who govern us
and their underwriters fervent followers are fans of elites, our politicians, our sold, the Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister Salafist Muslim selfie Canada, Angela Merkel , German Chancellor, Francois Hollande, President of France destructive of French culture, nuclear waste, Philippe Couillard, Premier, Québec,  Québécophobe, Islamophile, Christianophobia and a Wahhabi.
Barack Obama Mohammed, spiritual father of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, Hillary Clinton, the Muslim international liar, David Cameron,a British Prime Minister who just followed her boss Barack Obama as a poodle, and many others sold, including your ministers.  
All these wonderful people, appear among the Emirs Gulfs with bags so they are filled with silver, gold, power. Our elites, our politicians must therefore lie to us secretly and openly support the terrorists Daech worldwide.  
What do you think are the reasons that were honest people like Emmanuel Macron to say that Islam is best for French society that the French themselves? It is a waste that sit for years in your National Assemblies and rotting like many other intellectual schemer, Nazism worker, collaborator, as the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau selfie, the total destruction of France , values of men and women who fought in the wars to keep their honors and dignities.

The Emmanuel Macron in the world, certainly not deserve to be elected to the presidency of a country, the maximum he has to go would be a garbage man in the sewers of Paris. Rats like him could do more knowledge and learn to say the texts at least a few meanings. When he talks, it seems, the wind comes out of the anus, his speech is always meaningless, says nothing, he speaks, he verbalized, he talks, he verbalized it is empty Emmanuel Macron.
But cache, naughty urchin, the traitor,his game Islamist Salafist Wahhabi that will build France and the French and the whole of Europe with Angela Merkel to total destruction. Allah is great with these despots in power, told us Justin Trudeau during a speech at the mosque in Toronto.
Kamel Daoud, a Muslim intellectual, threatened with death, because he says all the truths of Salafi Islam, which enjoys all the prerogatives of our territories our media, governments, our Muslim Salafists as Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza, in their mosques do not even dare slip the truth in their hate speech against Western Christians.
Islam is not Islamism, says Kamel Daoud, 45, who believes it is time, beyond speeches, to act, to save man from himself. "I'm standing here and I'm not trying to kill you, he told me point blank. I am a human being like you. I have children, I have a family.
Currently, in the West, we forget that the first victims of the Islamists are Muslims. Daech, the Armed Islamic State group, which kills more Muslims than Westerners. He will not be forgotten. Do not do the accounting murders and deaths, but sometimes it makes sense also to dismantle a speech.

"The Islamic State survives on petrodollars from Saudi Arabia and Qatar and with the commitments of our elites their policies to sell the maximum military weapons to the barbarians, to this evil cult, the Wahhabis, who control the economies of the world and the United Nations, the most corrupt world Organization.
The United States and France leading sellers of arms to the Salafis barbarians
journalist denounces binary thinking, "that is comfortable, but not lead to any solution," and warned the West against the consequences of his refusal welcome Syrian refugees.
"When terrorists strike, they want to radicalize, he said. They hit in France, home to the largest Muslim community in Europe, to cause suites rejection, racism and the rise of extremism. If you enter their radicalization cycle, into the hands of Islamists. They produced their army.
Rookie is made to Daech. They want Europe closes. The more repressed refugees who will return to their country to serve as cannon fodder, there will be more of Islamists in their service. That seems obvious.
"I informed him that according to the latest polls, six out of ten Quebecers do now want more than 25,000 Syrian refugees promises to host Canada's government Justin Trudeau by the end of the year.

Justin Trudeau in hosting Syrian refugees compromises the safety of Canadian ground
"This is what I call the permanent attack, he said. There was the bombing, which killed several people, then there is the aftermath of the attack. If you do not want to 25,000 Syrian refugees, it will be 10,000 recruits for Daech. People can no longer say: "It is very far, it does not concern us." You either get involved or undergo to.
"Recognized for his polemical articles Algeria, Kamel Daoud is very critical of his own confession  the place of Islam.
"But the criticism should lead to a benevolent position, not exclusion, he warns. I wrote that there were four great monotheistic religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam and intolerance. Intolerance has become a religion that is more and more followers. Islamophobia, which is based on racism should be condemned. But criticism of radical Islam must exist.

"Islam politically intolerable
Islamophobia, Philippe Couillard, Charles Taylor, Justin Trudeau, Adil Charkaoui, and thousands more wineries intellectuals, feminists, depraved students at UQAM, televisions, media, Radio- Canada and others, that some refuse to acknowledge, fed the basis of the extreme right electorate throughout the West, said the writer. "We no longer ashamed to be racist.
Radio-Canada and CBC have communicated to all media that terrorists, jihadists trained by Adil Charkaoui of Montreal are only speculative and that the main cause is Donald Trump
CBC, Islam, terrorists, it do not exist in Canada and Quebec, as Mélanie Joly has emphasized that if we change our speech, our Justin Trudeau will eliminate federal subsidies, and we the directors of Radio-Canada and the CBC, can not afford to lose our jobs 500 000 per year, so the only possible conclusion, it has not any terrorists in Canada and in Canada unless Christians and francophones.
Europeans also are they suitcases are filled by their elites
When you see an elected who said France is a white Christian race and country, MEP Nadine Morano, to the One is no antenna not lying on French television, it's still shocking.

That one gets to tell the public television, the most normal of the world, it is amazing. It was 20 years ago or even 10 years, if you had announced that no one would have believed you. But to say, a century after colonization and three centuries after slavery that France is a country of white Christian race is to be in the most primary race theory.
"Ifhe sees the invasion of Iraq as "the mother of Daesh" ( "If you remove someone the value of his life, he will give value to his death"), Kamel Daoud does not exempt provided the Arab world of its responsibility - which earned him sharp criticism in Algeria.
"The West is guilty, but so are we, he said. On the one hand, we make wars and other attacks.
"Algeria:Imam wanted the death of the writer Kamel Daoud, 6 months sentence for
a prosecutor to a tribunal of Oran, western Algeria requested Tuesday six months in jail against a Salafi preacher asking the execution of writer and journalist Kamel Daoud for "apostasy".

Well known in France since the publication of his novel "Meursault, against-investigation" Actes Sud, which won him the Goncourt 2015 first novel, Daoud is a few weeks the subject of intense controversy after a group of academics accused of the Algerian World tribune of having "fueled Islamophobic fantasies" in a column devoted to sexual assault New Year Cologne.

I wonder if these students have direct lines with student associations and with professors from UQAM in Montreal to say such dirt.

                  Found guilty of "apostasy" by the Algerian judge

In Algeria his tormentor is named Abdelfatah Hamadache Ziraoui. In December 2014, Ziraoui, who heads the Front of Islamic Awakening Salafist (unacknowledged), had called on his Facebook page the Algerian authorities to condemn Kamel Daoud to death and executed in public.
The call came after a statement by Mr. Daoud in a French television show where he criticized the ratio of Muslims to their religion.
Abdelfatah Hamadache Ziraoui, which campaigns including the prohibition of alcohol and swimwear on the beaches, considered that the columnist "waging a war against Allah, His Prophet, the Koran and the sacred values of Islam" .
He deemed particularly guilty of apostasy, punishable by death in the eyes of Islamic law.

Before the tribunal of Oran, where he went alone, Mr. Ziraoui kept his remarks. Furthermore, this sentence to 6 months in prison, a fine of 50,000 dinars (450 euros) has been requested against the preacher charged with "death threats".

Defence Kamel Daoud for his part called for imposition of a symbolic fine of Algerian Dinar.

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