vendredi 10 février 2017

Fabwa Alaoui from Fabwa Alaoui from Brossard can not enter the US and the Brossard mosque Justin Trudeau meets with the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood lobby at the mosque global terrorist group

Fabwa Alaoui Brossard can enter the US and the mosque in Brossard Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada who frequent that this worship populist, this upstart, this destructive, meets the leader of the lobby of the Muslim Brotherhood in the group mosque global terrorist

Note:for journalists and media please make your research work with the martyrs go on television and in the newspapers, this mosque is stuck to haunt the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist groups that frequent this lady with her husband. You should put the record straight.
A resident of Brossard, a Canadian citizen, a Muslim, is still upset by the reception received last weekend by US Customs, Border Crossing Phillipsburg.
Fabwa Alaoui, who has lived in Canada for 22 years, was denied access to term, she said, a close examination by customs that lasted four hours.

In the end, he was denied access, as her cousin and her two children. For Ms. Alaoui, the reasons given by the customs for denying access are not clear, but it claims to have suffered discrimination from them based on his religious beliefs.
But this is fundamentally wrong.
This mosque frequented you, madame, supports a global terrorist organization that Canada acknowledges and the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau regularly frequent.

The mega-mosque in Brossard, opened in 2004 and can accommodate more than 2,000 Muslims, plays a central role in the proliferation of Islamists on the South Shore of Montreal. You can not always fool the media with angelic airs in Brossard, Islamic Salafi Stronghold Wahhabi Quebecers.
Maybe you and your family do not know the ramifications that the mosque imams and the Liberal Party of Canada with the Muslim Brotherhood, but the CIA, FBI and the US government know.

While Justin Trudeau closes his eyes for the maximum votes possible of your community and he uses all of you as guinea pigs, US authorities all Canadians to eye.
Justin met the directors of this mega-mosque
Samer Majzoub, facing Trudeau, director of the Canadian Muslim Forum, the first political and media lobby of the Brotherhood in Quebec
Here we see Justin Trudeau,the pushy, manipulative, with President of the mosque of Brossard.

Donald Trump, US president protects Americans Justin Trudeau sells Canadians to Salafists, terrorists, that is the difference, why, you do not pass the US Customs because you have to admit, we must cease be ostriches, terrorists are moderate Muslims, extremist Wahhabi Salafists, maybe even refugees who are in your mosque without you knowing but Americans do not take that chance with you who are certainly honest and your husband.

At Fabwa Alaoui Brossard
Considering that honest Muslims never raise themselves to decry the evil imams, bad politicians that support the poor Muslims and your bad exaggerated and unreasonable accommodation, you pay the price. Increasingly the people and the country shall rebel because your community does not want half way to integrate, so you are partly responsible for what happens to you.  
Just think about it, and honestly think you are greeted with us, not in a country with Islamic religion. I think all of you should be smart enough to understand, but I'm not sure when I hear again and Adil Hamza shouting Islamic racism against Canadians and Quebecers with their hate speech of their shares as well.

Quebecers have opened your hands and not politicians and false imams, Adils who say your representatives, imams, people weeping in Quebec, real human, be with them, open your eyes, fight for throw out, our politicians that also sell you pasture Koranic barbarians around you.  Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Jean-François Lisée, François Legault, Thomas Mulcair, Françoise David, Amir Khadir and others downright care about all of you, they want to return to their seats and stick to it up to 70 years old and have a generous pension from $ 200,000 a year after we all fall.
Your Muslim leaders, Islamists, like our liberal leaders, and other parties that are pushy, they do not like us, they live in another world, it's not like you and your spouse are working and paying taxes and are not rich, they all are permitted because they are laws. They are everything and we are nothing and the same for your imams, preachers, they are watching as they too the power and money to gain the bait.

You are like all of us, the fish at the end of lines and play with us, and it is for us all to not get caught by these thieves conscience, radicalization and Justin Trudeau, and our premiers involved actively to the radicalization of our youth by their speeches.
Mosque in Brossard, cover terrorist valve, following
Justin Trudeau with the president of the board of the mega-mosque in Brossard, Mohamed Yacoub, and Hanadi Saad, near a militant Elmenyawi and Samer Majzoub Canadian Muslim Forum.
Last November, Justin Trudeau had sent this letter to the Canadian Muslim Forum, a division of the Muslim Brotherhood-financed by the Muslim World League, Saudi Arabia, which funds the Islamic State.

Sheikh Fawaz Said, representative in Canada of the Muslim World League, is part of the board of the mosque in Brossard.
Foudil Selmoune is the imam of the mosque in Brossard. He is seen here seated to the left of Sheikh Said Youssef Fawaz, at the last banquet of the Canadian Muslim Forum, held in November 2013.
The imam Selmoune said on CBC airwaves November 22, 2011 that "the laws of God ordered the amputation and stoning "and that can not change."
The Muslim World League, which represents Fawaz in Canada, is based in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and funds mosques around the world with billions of petrodollars ..
Fawaz campaigning for Quebec acquires more mosques and Islamic centers ...
Fawaz heads the Council of Sharia (Dar al-Fatwa) of the new Council of imams of Quebec, which is also part Selmoune imam.
The Muslim Brotherhood are in their third attempt in 20 years to set up a Council of Sharia in Quebec:
Council of Sharia (1994-1995)
Council of Sharia (2004-2005)
Committee Dar al-Fatwa Council imams Quebec (2014-)

the Council of imams of Québec, founded in 2012, was officially launched in March 2014. This Council comprises Dar al-fatwa Committee chaired by Fawaz, which was also part of the first Council Sharia, founded in Montreal in 1994 (and disbanded in 1995, following the outcry Fatima Houda-Pepin).
Said Youssef Fawaz and Syed Fida Bukhari Islamists are among the first to have established in Quebec. Imams of the two largest mosques of the island of Montreal, they were both part of the first Council of Sharia.

They also admitted in 1992 being paid agents of the Muslim World League, based in Mecca, whose stated mission is to export sharia around the globe.
Will the Muslim Brotherhood invited to Parliament Hill in Ottawa?
In 1995, Fawaz participated in the Council of Sharia in the premises of the first Muslim school in Montreal:
The First Council of Sharia was chaired by Abdul Rahman Ibrahim

La Presse (1995): "Six Muslim personalities, educated in Islamic law, serve permanently to the Council, whose decisions are based on sharia, Islamic law based on the Koran and the sayings of the prophet Muhammad.

Founded a year ago by Muslim religious leaders from Montreal, the Council of Shariah, also called Islamic Jurisprudence Council decides matters brought to its attention in the field of family law and civil law by Muslim citizens . He heard a dozen causes, including concerning matrimonial [...]

The Islamic court in Montreal is the first of its kind in Canada, as one of its members, Mr. Ridwan Yusuf, also director of the Muslim school in Montreal where the Islamic headscarf (hijab) is obligatory for Muslim.
"This is a court of arbitration of disputes, but anyone unhappy with his decisions can always apply to the civil courts of Quebec," said Yusuf. According to him, the Council of Sharia does not attempt to replace the Québec or Canadian law, although its decisions are binding, said Mr. Yusuf in an interview with La Presse.
Several MPs and mayors of Quebec go and pray in this mosque as the mosques of Mississauga, Ontario,of Zunera Ishaq, a personal friend of Jody Wilson Raybould and the Premier of Ontario.I forgot to tell you that Zunera Ishaq, also feeds terrorist groups from Canada and I know it must be a member of the Liberal Party of Ontario and Canada, they accept anyone and do not import what we said our wonderful selfie.
If you Fabwa Alaoui Brossard and your husband fought for the Muslim Brotherhood, at the mosque in Brossard, nobody knows, it is your personal choice, but to cry foul at customs, when playing with fire, you risk getting burned?

"Our role is to resolve relationship problems, to help families and provide them answers to religious questions," said Sheikh Fawaz Said [...]
In addition to Messrs. Fawaz Yusuf and the Council of Shari'ah consists of Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, who chairs the Bilal Kuspinar, Fida Bukhari and Imam El-Tayeb. [...]

The Council will be expanded this spring to all imams (prayer directors or mosque) of Montreal, where there are thirty about mosques, and other jurists of Islamic law, has said Mr. Ehab Lotayef, of Montreal Islamic Council [now led by Elmenyawi], an umbrella organization that coordinates various activities of the Muslim community. [...]
Source: La Presse, General News, Friday, February 24, 1995, p. A1. "Quebec investigating an Islamic court. This court raises serious concerns in some quarters," by François Berger.
This first Council of Sharia was therefore located in the premises of the Mosque of Montreal, the first Muslim school in the metropolis:
Second Council of Sharia

in 2004, Le Devoir reported that the Council of Sharia Muslim Brotherhood was process of being reconstituted under the leadership of Salem Elmenaywi.
In Quebec, the project is well underway, while a core of Sharia Council already made. Who include seven members, including well-known imams Muslim Montreal.
This is, among other things, of Sheik Omar Sufyan, al-Umma Mosque [the journalist was probably mistaken Sufyane Omar is the imam of the mosque Assuna], Sheikh Abderrahman Ibrahim, winner of the University of Medina, Saudi Arabia, Mohamed Hossam, imam of the mosque Attawhid and Salam Elmenyawi, winner of the Cairo Institute for Islamic studies and prayer the imam of Friday mosques McGill and Concordia.
Allah is great in Canada
The promoter of the second Council of Sharia Salem Elmenyawi (he also chairs the Assuna mosque, an incubator of terrorist al-Qaeda), officiates on the occasion at the mosque in Brossard.
Elmenyawi, officiating and praying to the mega-mosque in Brossard
We would like to thanks the selfie of Canada to sell all of us

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