dimanche 26 février 2017

Francois Hollande, President of France, this con, reacts to Donald Trump that France is predominantly Muslim, Islamic, without French identity and Canada of Justin Trudeau became Saudi Salafist

Francois Hollande, President of France, this con, reacts to Donald Trump as France, Paris is predominantly Muslim, Islamic, without French identity and Canada Justin Trudeau became Salafist Saudi
Holland Trump said: "Paris does Paris is "" France is not French, it is multicultural, so no culture "because of Muslim immigration that smothers us with this sentence:" Here there are no people who take weapons to fire into the crowd. "

Note that, in a sense, those who murdered the French in November 2015, in the streets of Paris and Kalashnikovs, not individuals. These are not animals, not because the animals can not use weapons.
So, how to call them by their name, Muslims, migrants, politicians have left entries to the pochetée. Muslims, barbarians, coranist, the Charianiste, humanitarian carrion, services of wahhabi Salafis from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Islamic countries, petrodollars who bribed our politicians and our Western institutions, our intellectuals, our feminists, our clergy, our teachers, etc. Muslim immigrants simply crazy Allah, bearded with no respect for human beings.
Because you have to face the facts, Paris is not Paris. All who were able to visit or pass through this city in recent years will tell you it has nothing of the Paris of yesteryear. Paris became as dark as its buildings to no man's land.

François Hollande the European AIDS
Except that all France became an Islamic colony without a backbone, without identity, without Christian religion but Muslims, the worst monstrous religion and same colors barbarities Wahhabi desert Gulf. This deliberate immigration by leaders Paris has changed as it has changed the world.
François Hollande as Angela Merkel, without the balls, let themselves go to ATMs that their offers daily the Emirs of the Gulfs for their bail out their pockets and their political parties. Donald Trump currently acts as a wolf in the backyard, these hens, these elites pocketed the bonanza without any concern on the part of other global elites and now the US president sows bickering in the way stealing their own people.  
Donald Trump changes the rules of the game, corrupt, global governments, our leaders who greased the tabs for decades with the barbarians who were selling us their arms who used to come and kill us afterwards.
Donald Trump fired in this fold, and fold revolt by sending millions of immigrants, normal, moderate, extremist, extremists great, veiled, bullies, rapists, buying media buying Pope Francis, our clergy, buying our teachers, our institutions, our laws, our judges, our municipalities, our National Assemblies on their passages, they conquered the whole country, our identities, destroyed our cultures, our know-how. They returned to Allah, which came to him from the right, the devil on earth, death of humanity. Allah is great in heaven from hell!

Allah and the Koran are the largest political universal deceit
Donald Trump despite his rather vulgar allowances has reason to whip this shit that governs us from the clouds spitting at us, we ordinary citizens who are still paying for their pots have broken.  
François Hollande, the swab that you insert in your ears or elsewhere, and like the other presidents and prime ministers of other countries are LIARS, the crossers without pride, without patriotism towards their citizens, they are LEECHES, worst the MAFIA, it is the NEW and RECYCLED NAZIS ISLAMISTS of the twenty-first century Holocaust of Jews and Christians, the Western people by the Barbarians came with their Koran, their Sharia, invaded and raped our people with the complacency of our courts.
What protection or securing borders he talking about? France, like Canada, including Justin Trudeau, gives citizenship to all the terrorists who cross borders through the US to Canada to do a snub to Donald Trump. Our countries are sieves in which they collect all the waste of humanity, the good people as bad indiscriminately giving them any financial protection, medical superior to people who live in the country.
Shortly after their arrival they ask for accommodation unreasonable because they are frustrated to have the mosque around the corner, eat only Halal, to their prayers four times a day, for free taxi services, free for dental, ophthalmology, and very handy with a pension from sixty.

In taxis, shops, restaurants, hotels, public services and it is not finished. The France as in Canada and other Western countries became moribund country dying before that Muslim immigration, Islamic Salafist that infects our institutions. Western democratic
For thousands of years these people, these sects, these tribes were torn and have created a destructive political religion of death that was contained for centuries. Since the arrival of oil and petrodollars that the West was needed for its economy, it is associated with the devil, to the barbarians of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Our elected officials have been able to fill their pockets these wonderful dollars and make a fortune and at the same time, these dear barbarians invaded our streets, our religious sites, our institutions of knowledge, our National Assemblies and even the United Nations have control universal of all goods in the world and can attached to it included the powers of the mind religions.
My masters of the world, blasphemers, as they like to call themselves, these barbarians, these migrants without any human value, not think with their penis. Their body contains no brain, no intelligence, no animal even knowledge, this species two leg with tail between legs are diabolical Koranic dismembered who hate human life to promote death.
If you call it a religion, so it is the religion of the dead, and who love the dead, our elected politicians. We hope that Donald Trump could to ax the heads of our countries and in Canada if Donald Trump closes the Canadian border from the standpoint of Commerce, the first Muslim minister, Justin Trudeau will cry in front of Angela Merkel to discuss further support .

And Canadians, Canadian businesses will all the agonies and Justin Trudeau will again take a vacation paid for by taxpayers, considering it's a millionaire, so everything is free for him and his family in Bahamas, the islands, private learners billionaires Muslim barbarians who suffer their people, in castles at the beach with champagne accompanied by François Hollande, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, George Soros and others white collar criminals to take it easy.
That France cajole our National selfie, that you lack of discernment, always judge the bottle and never contained, as in Justin Trudeau, its content is -such that his own father would not give him his inheritance before age of forty five years because he can not even manage a liter of milk in four parts, it must rely on a committee or a prayer in a mosque where his wife perch on the second floor of the henhouse the mosque with other servants, slaves,women virile males of sitting down listening to the prowess of Justin on the total destruction of Canadians and Quebecers values.
Justin Trudeau endorse gender segregation and his wife explained to the media that it is less than her husband and all the males.
The presence of Justin Trudeau in a mosque imposing separation between men and women causing a stir. Women's groups complain that the passage endorses a misogynist practice.
This is the case of the Canadian Council of Muslim. Its director, Alia Hogben, recalls that "unfortunately, although some of us, Muslims, are against gender segregation in mosques and in social gatherings, most are more traditional and have no problem with the separation. " "It would have been good he claims that he and his female ministers are for the same time meeting and not separately. At least it would have demonstrated gender equality.

Politicians should lie to us regarding segregation
The Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) declined to comment on the subject. To the right of women in Quebec (PDFQ), a group created to disassociate from the FFQ considered too conciliatory on issues of veiling,deplored the visit. The president of PDFQ Michèle Sirois noted that "racial segregation, we fight against long time. I'm not a politician who would agree to go to a place where blacks on one side it looks like, whites on the other. But for women, it seems to be less severe. "
Fédération des femmes du Québec we are for liberal parties, so we can not afford to be honest.

Ms. Sirois believes that politicians should stop frequenting places where gender equality is not appropriate. It reminds Borough Mayor Anie Samson who was veiled in a mosque in 2013 to invite the faithful to vote to block the Charter of Quebec values.
Liberal = Islam

The next ballot vote Conservative in Canada and Quebec, vote for anyone except the Liberal Party

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