mardi 14 février 2017

Paris, France, the Islamic invader destroy with the tacit approvals of our Politics dogs François Hollande - Emmanuel macron,François Hollande - Emmanuel macron, and with the other slipping whores

Paris, France, the Islamic invader destroy with the tacit approval of our Politics Dogs
François Hollande, Manuel Valls, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillon and other many other slipping whores and go collect the Salafist distributors of the Gulf emirs who Euros hide in tax havens to stone the better French, WAKE UP, the devil is in you, there is fire in the house as in all Western countries and Canada, we have the worst of all, the Honourable Justin Trudeau do not rely on his angelic area you love the French.  

If Western nations do not wake up in a few years, and people do not rebel counterattacks their corrupt elites, our democratic civilizations will be replaced by the demonization of entire humanity to have earned petrodollars barbarians Gulf without human law.
Religious hypocrisy policies of our justices, our judges
See they still have angelic faces, like when they killed the young child and they made the Hollywood script to put it on the beach and the father the pick up and surprise the media cameras were filmed there for the dead toddler. I never believed in this scenario. It is written in the Koran, Muslims, Islamists can lie and use all the tricks, lying, killing, etc., to conquer and eliminate the infidels for the sake of Allah! It is crystal clear, even a feminist, an intellectual, a prime minister or a president, or university president or Emmanuel Macron could understand these words, infidels.
Scum Islamic Salafist films led by François Hollande, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Manuel Valls, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillion, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau and other corrupt in the world that infest our streets, our cities, our territory destroy our civilizations with the tacit agreement of our puppets of politicians who stuff themselves with petrodollars from mosques, terrorists, emirs of the Gulfs of George Soros, criminals white-collar worker.
Agnès de Féo, sociologist, sociopath, anti feminist, pro Salafisté
These intellectuals, who have never worked with their hands, these feminists lacking in personality is Agnès de Féo sociologist thinking that telling a Muslim frightened could make us swallow that all Muslims are happy to veil, to be raped, and sometimes to accept that their husbands, their children are honor killings.  

Ladies Agnès de Féo as our national feminist Françoise David,President of Québec Solidaire, recently asked his retirement, that God has helped us to make it back to his barn to admire the beautiful and happy Niqab crybaby, beaten, the first Muslim Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau,thewas inveterate feminist and impenetrable selfie encourages bearded continue their crusades to the total destruction of Canada and Quebec to become a country without culture.
Multiculturalism here like in France, our countries have become multicultural, that is to say the country without culture. We certainly can not say that the Islamic religion is a culture, Islam gave nothing positive to humanity, the destruction, the killing, has built nothing, always destruction. Islam is the antithesis of religion is anti-religion that promotes death instead of life on earth, line item.
Salafist Islam bearded is mortal
It is a fatal religion, spreading hatred, who wants to conquer, to destroy, and that can never build because it is against its own principles. Islam for life on earth is not worth living, only death is great. Allah's Paradise is extraordinary for males who can cram in the heart of day and that women can she be bored for eternity, what we call democracy in gender, of Henrietta Recker Cologne.
Islam today, Salafi, Wahhabi,Saudi Arabia, Qatar, who stone Christians, Jews, and that the UN, our major Western countries turn a blind eye to their selling arms to come kill us and celebrate their achievements on all of us.  

Philippe Couillard Premier Québecnistan
Even our premier of Quebec when it arrives terrorist attacks in Europe made by Muslim terrorists he will never say the words terrorists, Muslims, Islamists, he will say on television that this is a party corpuscle group of mental patients who have attacked the vulnerable and this is part of their manners and customs. Philippe Couillard has even created a new law to ban us terrorists words and Muslims, Islamists, Salafists as it considers hate to this community that directs all of Quebec.  
This new gag law against the freedom of expression of Quebecers Christians but Muslims themselves may all hate speech against Christians and we Quebecers without penalty, is what he calls a reasonable accommodation law. You should know that our dear Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard did his training in Saudi Arabia for a period of five years and returned fresh and convinced Muslim.

François Hollande President of France Nonexistent
Francois Hollande Seetea with the King of Saudi Arabia, this criminal, this poor woman was dragged before petrodollars and occurs after the drama of Charlie Hebdo and the hypocrite you just the Sermon on mountain whining that it is sad that this carnage has arrived. But Mr. Chairman, your whore, your sucking working under your authority, and your colleagues presidents of other countries and first Westerners ministers, global elites, as in Canada, noted selfie Muslim who frequent the mosques, your faces to miles hypocritical faces.
The only premier world that respects its own citizens is the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, had less he is not a traitor to his own nation, it is not multicultural him, he respects you can not love, but his people love him.
Who is going to France to cry you make me puke with your long demonstrations of your venom in the media that lick your feet and that Pope Francis the collabo justifies his actions on St. Peter stone. All of you are guilty, murderers, criminals have let him into our political system that not barbarians who supports our politicians who feed their barbarities for us to die and destroy our civilization, not displease in our media which mainly sold to these whores Gulf.

Video: Islamic Lies recurring: it is these thugs obsessed with virility, the customary finger salute and rotating playing rape victims! The Islamists are not virile men, are males who have fears of their penises and do not control because the Qur'an was written for males only and women are disposable accessories such as disposable razors, Mrs. Agnes de Fao.
The victim of France Christian hospitality
Incidentally, rape qualify a police baton entry accidentally shot in the buttocks of a detained individual is rather inappropriate. To qualify a rape, there must have sexual desire. Or an outdoor police control and for all does not seem conducive to the emergence of libido. Rather this regrettable incident would report it skid (in the material sense of the term), due to an unfortunate combination: a driven police control in the areas of adversity insensitive to the republican law (in which the control refuses to for an examination and debate) and fashionable pants down to mid-pants, fashionable in these "neighborhoods". Showing fashion on this occasion its indecency and its potential nuisance to his followers ...
An incident causes retracted by the press and the "city residents" as rape to justify hatred and justify the repetition of ordinary violence and looting.
What the guys of "neighborhoods" exhibit is indeed above all their rage and hatred, as always motivated by incidents which take only rarely question their life (and when it does it is often by accident, they did, fleeing a police check). Rage and hatred motivated less by facts than by an archaic concept of honor.

The manly honor. A "honor" violated their eyes, caricatures, The Case, that is, ultimately, shame. A shame that is behind the sense of manly superiority.
Charles de Gaulle, the French should be ashamed
If Charles de Gaulle is still alive, he would be ashamed of the current France and Europe. When he spoke to the French, London, to stand against the Nazis, the French stood for their country, but today they have sold and even give a silver platter their country, their institutions,their language, their cultures, their ancestors to the Salafist barbarians without saying anything because the media were fooled, lied for several years with their politicians who sleep with these raptors destroying this beautiful France, the only country in the world with a cultural identity became a multicultural trash as Canada today.
The first thing you need to do French, conquer the media and make them tell the truth and remove the lies of the intellectual. Knowing that the French love hyphenate ten, went their breaking words into their twenty close their mouths. Yell loudly and whine like these madeleine veiled with eyes down, have sad as they are hypocrites, do like them, learn from your politicians lie.
It is at this level, educational, cultural, it should intervene because this is the root cause of the impediment to emerge from recurring archaisms vectors of the worst violence, those who are blind and deaf.
The real victims, which always affect the archaic guilt to justify their hatred and violence, are the host population, the French, who actually suffer real and multiple attacks: theft, rape, gang rape, murder, murder mass (Charlie Hebdo, hyper kosher, Bataclan, Nice, butcheries, decapitation ...).

Occupied France by Muslims, Islamists, terrorists, by their hatreds, their dead by
the scum who cares and even rejoiced. Attitude is the result of tribal solidarity and virile, shame and shared hatred. Without any guilt. Result of a traumatic virile culture, highly likely, that does not allow self-criticism.
The victims are falsely honored by our governance. By candles and flowers. It is allowed victims to cry, but especially not to complain.
Quiet, walking to the slaughterhouse without complaining - if possible by fighting the guilt - you stroke their spine and forgive them. Because they are guilty!
But they are warning to complain if, protest and inform, they will be demonized and pursued: Racist! Islamophobic! Fascists! To the court !
But there comes a time when the enormity of reality overwhelms all official speeches that seek to hide.
We are at the moment, France is in agony, AIDS has spread in all your institutions and the only cure, vote Marine Le Pen.

Presidential election: what is in the Marine Le Pen Program
The Presents the FN candidate, Saturday and Sunday in Lyon, "144 commitments," which include the euro exit or reduce immigration.
In a presidential to other, programs and are very similar to Marine Le Pen. The candidate of the National Front in the 2017 presidential election showed on Saturday, February 4 at Lyon, "144 commitments" on the occasion of his "presidential foundation," organized at the Congress Centre of Lyon.
As explained in recent days a National Front leader, the novelty lies above all in the "formulation" of the candidate proposals, which aim to cut corners on the most controversial points. The document presented Saturday by the President of the National Front comes down to a "mixture of general guidelines, principles and technical measures" as decrypts a campaigner.
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in Canada, vote CONSERVATIVE party, never for the Liberal party, the Salafist party, Muslim Justin Trudeau as in Quebec
in Quebec, do not vote Liberal, corruption, pro Muslim , Salafi, Quebecophobe, Francophobe, Christianophobia, Islamophile, Coréanophile, segregation between men and women, apartheidiste, so vote for any training even for a garbage can

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