samedi 25 février 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Islamic Racism - Radicalism - Terrorism - Extremist - Zunera Ishaq - Imams Sayyed al-Ghitaoui, Charkaoui, Chaoui, INCA, Islamic States - Muslim Brotherhood - Saudi Arabia.

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Semitism musulman- Racism islamique - Radicalism - Terrorism - Extremist - Zunera Ishaq - Imams Sayyed al-Ghitaoui Charkaoui, Chaoui, CNIB Islamic states - the Muslim Brotherhood - Saudi Arabia.
Wahhabi Salafists - Antisémitismes Muslims - Islamic racism - radicalism - demagogic - Deceptions - Manipulators - Diabolical - blasphemous

A week before filing a second motion in six months against 'Islamophobia' in the Canadian Parliament, CJNews of Toronto revealed the existence of YouTube videos showing an imam at a Montreal mosque, calling for the killing of Jews.
Sayyed Imam al-Ghitaoui invokes Allah to "destroy the accursed Jews"to "kill them one by one" and to "make their orphans and their women widows."
Canadians and Quebecers governments look
the videos have been removed from the directors of the Islamic center.
THE IYC CONDEMNS THE APPEALS TO THE DESTRUCTION OF JEWS IN MOSQUE MONTREAL but the governments of Canada and Quebec do not express any resentment against imams who promulgate such hate crimes in mosques in Canada the Prime Minister Canada will pray and make similar speeches to encourage them in their efforts Wahhabi Salafists to continue their invasion of the Canadian soil and Quebecers. Our parasites who govern us, these Islamophiles, these traitors,these hypocrites, the liars happy with hoods on their heads, tear brains to know and know how to fool us and make us believe that they have compassion for Canadians and Quebecers peoples.

Our politicians are devout liars, thieves and their murderous accommodate our young
They have no compensation for people, but not for Muslims, Islamists, horn players, either for Jews or for Tamil. It depends on when you remember it a few years ago, the year of Theresa Spencer,Native American millionaire, who secretly kept all the money for herself and her husband forgetting its own population, and that the truth to come to light after a few years, and this situation has gone around the world. The one who fasted for a month and could not lose weight, Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair fought namely that reap the most  sympathy public against Stephen Harper.
You remember, that veiled Muslim cursed that shit on the flag of Canada with Justin Trudeau approvals and Thomas Mulcair during his swearing-Canadian citizenship, Zunera Ishaq.  Both party leaders tore to new in the public square to who would win the most supportrices this terrorist who supports openly with her husband and Al Qaeda Islamic organizations in Ontario, Mississauga, mecca mosque that Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, disguises for there is laying down the elect of Allah.

Treatment of races by the Salafi religious Wahhabi Islamist
This battle will continue for several months and even Justin Trudeau asked Judy Wilson Raybould, Justice Minister of Canada to congratulate Zunera Ishaq having defecated on the Canadian flag, which is a crime. But Thomas Mulcair made the wrong card again, the Liberals have more money and being predominantly most corrupt in Canada were able to draw their pin of the game.  
Thomas Mulcair will lose the federal election and Justin Trudeau, the Salafi,  Wahhabi service barbarians of Saudi Arabia and of petrodollars, coraniste, Charianiste, Islamophile, francophobe, Québécophobe, who made the pact with the devil as the Gulfs leaders, Western politicians.
Do you remember there twenty years before the Muslim invasion,Islamic,I would give the example in Montreal, when he had a problem which was related to the Jewish community, Hasidic, or other related this community. All English media, and some French jumped on the back of francophones to treat us racists, Nazistes, all the words that the world could know against Quebecers.  

Canada and English at the time and today is a favorite sport to make Quebec bashing, The Gazette, The Globe and Mail, etc., it gives them additional prints. And the Liberal government of the time was supported by this religious minority but which gave him all the votes of Westmount, and English-speaking cities.
But came the invaders, Islamic  their Korans, their Charias, their racism, their mosques, their non-integration, their unreasonable accommodation, the Western anti values, some barbarians that our politicians have managed to collect their money and opened the veins of our systems political and legal for them to infiltrate and control the entire government, including elected officials, intellectuals, feminists, media, food webs, universities, that is to say all. Salafists barbarians widened and built their biggest mansions outside the countries Persique In our Western countries to bring our total destruction within the next few years.
They are here, they are rain or shine, and Native Americans were the first and became the last, Jews were the second and became, remaining as the last. We Quebecers and the original Christians we the knowe forever, and love of couch potatoes get crushed, get loot it, this is part of our water bearer of traditions as did so well the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard with his ministers, rags and garbage exclusive of this community service.  

The Salafist Nazism taught in mosques
And Muslim happens armada Salafi who cleans everything in its path and requires all to themselves and never made any concession on their part. After several years, they have learned the lessons in how to spend the martyrs and have completely bought the media, professors from UQAM, McGill, Concordia, revolutionary student associations, their diabolical course manipulations nicely braided paths by traitor Charles Taylor. May his soul rest in peace in the cemetery of Allah!
But now our imams, privileged Justin and Philippe no longer like the Jews, Harper lost the election, and the Wahhabi Salafists are in total control of Canada and Quebec to the Muslim Brotherhood. And two directors of consciences find no hatred that the imam wants to kill you because this is part of their tradition and custom as rape our women, hit them, treat them as slaves, their segregation are allowed by our elected for Muslims only, you Jews excluded when you accommodate you received previously.
What I suggest to you is to get all this mishap before the United Nations and the Prime Minister of Israel, because our politicians have turned you back. See you are not even invited to the Town House to religious services at the Justin Trudeau imam.

CIJA, Montreal February 13, 2017
At Philippe Couillard hate speech, he deserves the arrest your Muslim friend, or Muslim can say all the infamies of the Jews, Christians, Quebecers, Westerners, our values, with all your impunities you wrote specially to please them in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which only Muslims can use it with immoral indulgence Justin Trudeau, Salafist and without any restrictions according to your laws?
The week of February 13, 2017, the Canadian Investigative Journal ( reported, that at least two occasions in 2014, imam of the Islamic Center of Al-Andalus Montreal, Sayyed al-Ghitaoui, called for the destruction Jews.
In his sermons, al-Ghitaoui implored Allah to "destroy the accursed Jews", "kill them one by one" and "make their orphans and their women widows." Reuben Poupko, co-chairman of the Centre for Israel and Israeli relationship-Québec (Québec CIJA), issued the following statement:

"We condemn in the strongest terms the explicit calls for the death of Jews. Such hateful and violent rhetoric has no place in our democracy or in any religion. "We brought this incident to the attention of the police and we are preparing to file a formal complaint because we believe that these statements may constitute a violation of the Criminal Code.
"We urge the government and leaders of civil society and all religions of Quebec to join us in condemning these heinous and unacceptable comments.
According to them, the invocations of the Imam are taken out of their "real context" or the Gaza war, and imply that the news would aim to undermine solidarity since the bombing of Quebec.
When Canadian officials of a Canadian cult place for two years tolerate videos calling for the extermination of human beings, it deserves a headline, right?
Of course, they condemn any hate speech. But you should also condemn any hate speech against Quebec francophones across Canada, Quebec bashing that demonize us so often. Honestly are you so unhappy to be with Quebec francophones?

Answer honestly, if you would elsewhere on the planet, no other country gives you more than us speaking to your community, that this deserves respect for both sides at once. You should all, different religions, and religious, we say loudly, thanking us to be as open-minded and let us plunder over without too much fuss, you are in heaven, and many of you do realize not or do not tell your faithful. In your country from where many of are originating, life is cruel for your children, your crops, and here you bring your cruelties, think about it.
Immigrants who despise other immigrants
Many of your fellow citizens often tell me the same things, you leave your country wars, religions who terrorized you and redo, rebuild the same destructive patterns in Quebec. Why?
Many immigrants wanted peace and fit and finish their lives with their children without murders, bombs and imams or rabbis or priests or preachers and other extremists Tamils who come to unearth new battle-axes. The wars are over, the religious wars are over, so start living and ask our government to extradite these crooked preachers who infest the media with the barbarities and they return to their country with their charming scorpions.

Muslim racism
The Muslim anti-Semitism, although widespread, is rarely mentioned in public. Last fall, attacked by the Algerian press after a trip to Israel, the Quebec poet Karim original Akouche Kabyle replied:
"I am a survivor of the Algerian school. It taught me to hate the Jews. Hitler was a hero there. Of teachers praised. According to the Koran, Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are the most read books in the Muslim world, "adding,." I'm too free to submit to anyone basic.
"All the limits imposed by the most  citizenship are jumping. This morning, a writer by urging Quebecers, via Twitter, to "fight to death for a secular Quebec. And against the (sic) Québécophobie ".
Yes, death.
And that, just three weeks after the murder of six Muslims in prayer Quebecers in Sainte-Foy.

I like living under a cloud of gas permeated with hatred.

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