Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Kathleen Wynne, Van der Bellen, etc. Islamism Salafi, Wahhabi, Muslim faith spread of cancer in the West that spreads in our streets
Islamism Salafi, Wahhabi, this parasitic cancer of the Muslim faith, is undermining the coolest Western values in demonstrating that solidarity and tolerance are soluble explosives and gusts of urban machine guns.
The West has not yet found effective answer to obscurantism, violent Islamist the medieval Qur'an, Shari'a, respect of the human being in its entirety leaving to take its own decisions in this world.
Our Prime Minister, Philippe Couillard also spoke on Brussels attacks, declaring: ". We are united in our determination to defend our values of democracy, tolerance and inclusion and to fight these barbarians" Regarding is to fight the barbarians, it is clear that it is at their service in Saudi Arabia for several years. The premier of Quebec has again failed to mention the words Islamic terrorists, extremists and moderate Muslims because he has a fear of offending its Muslim militant base.
In the attacks to Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France, premiers Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard has never pronounced attacks Islamist terrorist by extremist terrorists, madmen of Allah. They just said it was part of their ancestral tradition to kill infidels, that is to say all of us.
Our elected officials, our Western politicians, our crabs, our poussasses who govern us and sell us
A profession of faith against Wahhabism, that "Islam cancer"
Cheikh Bentounès, the spiritual leader of the Sufi Alawiyya, advanced parentage between ideological suicide bombers Paris and Saudi ulema. And is surprised at the blindness of the West face the financial Gulf. Petrodollars that our politicians, international investors, our manufacturers and love to revel in every pocket, knowing that weapons purchased will be used to destroy us all and make people like George Soros more billionaire.
Justin Trudeau the Canadian Cancer
Or Angela Merkel, political rats with no conscience towards his own women it sends to be raped by her wonderful refugees who brings him votes in this manipulative, perverse, populist causing the destruction of Europe and the European Union. It is certainly not Christian, it must be Muslim as the Prime Minister of Canada who visit mosques there and say prayers every Friday as Muslim and valid interlocutor for their invasion, their Salafist Islamic crusade in Canada.
December 06, 2016, the Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel noted that Saudi Arabia is financing Wahhabi mosques around the world for decades, he notes, including Canada and Quebec Philippe Couillard.
But in Germany, as in Canada under the protections of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada and Islamic associations belonging to subversive groups and the United States, many Islamists considered dangerous are these communities.
Accommodations Unreasonable For Muslims cancer Quebecers
Canada as in Quebec blind eye to the financing of mosques and the teaching that spreads imams such Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza and several hundred others with grants from the ministries of Education of the provinces and the federal government.
These bearded, these dangerous preachers who teach with their hate speech that police do not dare stop because governments protect as Wahhabism provided a complete ideology in the Islamic state, and contributes to the radicalization of moderate Muslims and Christians vulnerable to fall into the trap of Satan.
François Hollande, the evil octopus
after the terrorist attacks in Paris, Salafism, Wahhabism emancipated offshoot of the Saudi guardianship has certainly been singled out as one of the factors of radicalization of young French transformed into suicide bombers. But political power is silent on the theme of this ideological drift that connects young French, often from the post-colonial immigration, Ulema of Mecca or Medina. So we wondered in Germany, Jack Lang, former French culture minister and current president of the Arab World Institute in Paris, rails against journalists who question the places of worship of funding came from Gulf. "That's not the problem!"
The cancer of Islam
"Very few people have the courage to say what is happening," laments Sheikh Khaled Bentounès. According to the cleric, head of the Sufi Alawiyya, the answer to the former minister of François Mitterrand is emblematic of the attitude of French leaders for decades: "They refuse to call a spade a spade. They want to reconcile the irreconcilable. This is the recipe for disaster. "Why? Saudi Arabia is one of the best customers of the French arms industry.
In the bloody turmoil of the fall of the Ottomans, colonization and Sykes-Picot Agreement that bisect the Middle East will emerge Saudi Arabia, which in 1926 will adopt Wahhabism as the state religion. The Saud will operate a hold-up on religion into a tool of power, he said. Their religion is inspired by the ideal of rigorous pious ancestors, the Salaf, and erected the myth of a golden age of the struggle against the invader. This is the trap that will engulf many intellectuals like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton are loyal employees today.
Wahhabism will generate neo-Wahhabism and Salafism finally Takfirism, doctrine that justifies the killing of infidels whose claims to now the head of the organization Islamic State, al-Baghdadi.
"They advocate a so-called homecoming, a purified Islam, a unique interpretation of sacred texts and anathema to all other schools of thought. They have frozen Islam and killed all critical, "says the Sufi cleric who defends a humanistic Islam in the North African tradition.
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
This reading of Islam will be spread throughout the world from the end of the seventy with the support of the Muslim World League years headquartered in Mecca. The first mosque it will finance in Europe is that of Petit-Saconnex. Since then, hundreds of places of worship have benefited from his support, but also suffered his supervision. Since the 1980s, Saudi Arabia has trained 45,000 imams. "Behind all this there is a country that wants to take the lead and impose his thought."
Mecca, the spiritual capital of Salafism
What to do against this onslaught? Saudi Arabia is outdated and becoming aware of the danger. Is not she in turn targeted by jihadists, a victim? "So, it shows that it takes action, reacts Sheikh Bentounès. If the government wants to really change things, it must act in the field of training and information. But it is not. "Six million pilgrims annually visit the holy places of Islam in Mecca and Medina.
Terrorist organisations in Canada
Terrorist organisations in Canada
There continues to distribute a million books Salafist theologians Ibn Baaz (1919-1999) and Al Albani (1914-1999), author of fatwas against Algerian intellectuals. "Al Baghdadi get calls! He even claims to Islam, the same theological references dating back to the thirteenth century and thinker Ibn Timya at the time of the struggle against the Mongols. "When is that Saudi Arabia will" hunt those funding from its soil Islamist groups? ", he adds.
Very active in community life and interreligious dialogue, Sheikh Bentounès founded in 1990, the movement of the Muslim Scouts of France. He remains stunned by the French deference to the Saudi government. Since the early 2000s, when the Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy insists that at best receive the head of the Muslim World League. Or in May, when François Hollande, traveling in Saudi Arabia, is not received in Riyadh but Dariya, the place of origin of Saud. "Was there anyone at the Foreign Ministry to say that it is the spiritual capital of Salafism?" The Sufi leader barely understand that in international relations "are not measured against certain acts-productive ".
Breaking point
Forin this Salafist drift, Saudi Arabia is not the only cause. Authoritarian Arab regimes have also instrumentalized religion. The West has its share of responsibility with the colonial legacy, his troubles alliances, economic calculations avowed or not.
"Take a young Muslim of 25 years. He was born with the first Gulf War and he lived disaster after disaster. The intervention in Afghanistan and then in Iraq, Libya, Syria, besides the Palestinian problem that has lasted 60 years, attempts to explain BentounèsSheikh.He does not understand this world where only the financial interests prevail. He needs another ideal that gives meaning to his life. There will be more permeable Salafist ideas if we are in a logic of confrontation. The violence seems the only answer in a society desperate.
"Faced with this radicalization, the answer may not be as secure. "Ideas are fighting with ideas, going back to the doctrinal level," said the monk. He observes an "awakening" in Africa where, in 2013, were created the League of Ulema Sahel, Algeria, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger. These capital, Rabat, capital of Morocco,in the lead, now make great efforts to train imams out of Wahhabi influence.
This will not suffice. To fight against religious fundamentalism, this "disease of the century" Bentounès Sheikh calls for mobilization of the same magnitude as against global warming. His Sufi Alawiyya International Association (AISA) circulated a petition for a global day of "Living Together" under the aegis of the UN. He also dreams of creating a Peace Academy. "We have reached a breaking point," says the spiritual guide
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