Emmanuel Macron, France, revolutionary sneaky traitor to the Salafist Service Gulf Emirs, the politician sold empty words
Emmanuel Macron, political debate, demagogic Muslims continue should not make secularism a weapon against monotheism. I am against the headscarf ban at university. Under a vengeful secularism, it comes out to citizens places of the Republic and to confine them away without stopping the rise of fundamentalism or strengthen secularism, he said. I am, month, Emmanuel Macron, for the total destruction of Christian culture to France to be replaced by the great Qur'an, Allah preserve us against invaders.
Friends of the Persian Gulf have taught me, by working with them, accepting their money for the benefit of the French people, I went to the service of all humanity. Having a mentor, Francois Hollande, this wonderful teacher of international relations, diplomacy demonstrated to me that when we kneel before them for their brazilian roots barbarians petrodollars, they begin to see us as their own. We invite you all to do the same, and killed our Judeo Christian civilization and long live our terrorists, the Islamic State, the Koran and Sharia.
Destructive to the quenching of the Prime Minister of Canada Salafist Justin Trudeau the selfie that you admire so much in France
Emmanuel Macron, or a macro of his whores, Salafist Muslims invading the whole Europe, and fulfill his pockets and his party policy, the latter, close to Manuel Valls, a Muslim traitor who press to go to ATMs embassies in Paris of the Gulfs of the country to get money with their wives, and their employees and that aplatventrent before the petrodollars of emirs, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, mosques, imams, media that propagate Quranic hatreds.
Shariah approved by François Hollande with a teacup full of Christian and Jewish blood and Angela Merkel, the "brawn" that send its girls and boys being raped by soldiers of the Koran before the barbarians of diplomats without souls, without humanities Emmanuel Macron worships them by licking their feet and another place down the back.
Emmanuel Macron is also Muslim Barack Obama Muhammad, Muslim Brother and Hillary Clinton as liar
A La Paillade, former Economy Minister was received by aid in integration associations. The opportunity for a lively exchange with an inhabitant of this disadvantaged area. "There are 80% Muslims here, launched by the latter. You are in a French Muslim neighborhood ... "As the Prime Minister of Canada, the dishonorable Justin Trudeau formerly Catholic and who changed his tune to become a Muslim and who frequent the Muslim community and Muslim religious sites Canada and elsewhere worldwide.
If you come to Canada and that your association is Muslim and terrorist ADDITION, associations that promote send money to subversive groups to Al Qaeda or other Saudi Arabia, Syria and elsewhere, it will give you the opportunity to make and give your religious message in a hanger on Parliament hill in Ottawa to talk to all MPs and ministers at meetings. Justin Trudeau will receive you as the great dignitary of the planet, but you should never be born French and Christian, because you already on his black and very black list.
Like his brother Alexandre Trudeau, defends his friends affiliated with al-Qaida cells. He must keep his father, former Prime Minister of Canada, he loved dictators, human killers, the Maoists, the Castro, Mussolini, etc. As he said very often during speeches, with a dictatorship, as with Muslims and the Qur'an, it is easy to lead people, fools, to govern, Mr. Emmanuel Macron.
French Muslim, is Emmanuel Macron in the soul and in checkbook and also we have several tax havens, I know them all, I am a thief with a white collar, an untouchable, a planetary wart squirting my populism wealthy Muslim, Islamist within the French government.
Emmanuel Macron seller temple, Islamic collabo
"You are in a French Muslim neighborhood, including the Salafists, insists the typical person. You are you tackle citizens who have the right to be Salafists in France and kill all the French. " The Salafists, Wahhabis French have more rights than the French of Joan of Arc, they are the elect of God like me, his disciple.
"Associations that déconnent". The tone rises between the two men: "There is in this country associations that violate the laws of the French Republic in the public space, including replica Emmanuel Macron. Because when you do not respect gender equality, it is not in the individual fields of the religious. "
The Honourable Prime Minister of Canada, during one of his stormy speech in a mosque in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada on Friday morning, in the presence of his veiled wife who had perched on the second floor of the barn with the other maids well-hung male and intelligent they listened with oval smiles almost stupid that they know, and stressed that female inferiority, including his wife, who loves, is below him, Justin, Canadian selfie.
Canada sexually transgenically modified
All members of the assembly, that is to say the males, and the silly were so admired his speech, which was on video and sent on CPAC. CPAC is the TV channel of parliaments, federal and provincial governments of Canada and that are passed 24 of 24 from across the country and broadcast in several languages and on Youtube. This extraordinary session that Mr. Justin Trudeau, wanted it made history, stressed the Muslim apartheid between men and women in the Koran, sharia and the Islamic world, and it approves.
What can you in Europe, Canadians and Quebecers men are women, sexually modified transgenic. Well yes, the males have become as a result of several years of male modified by feminists who have become true males.
The roles were reversed. Eventually the male gives birth to the child and the female unite standing. So the Prime Minister tells us that all men should be accomplished feminist, but women only good for cooking, serve their husbands and in the bedroom and look after the children. For after all the males on the bottom floor, like animals were served food, and the henhouse top, females received their food in their usual seats troughs floor.
Back to Judas, Emmanuel Macron
The man grumbles. Emmanuel Macron pushes his advantage: "There are associations that déconnent who do not respect the laws of the Republic. We will not say that there is no problem either, otherwise we will tell the pipe to everyone!
"Emmanuel Macron is the traitor, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama Mohamed, Hillary Clinton American liar trying to betray the French people as a whole as does the Premier of Quebec with unreasonable accommodation to Muslims only enacts laws against freedom of expression but not for the Islamists, laws against hate speech but not from the Salafist imams, a Charter of rights and Freedoms which strain of Quebecers do not have the right , yet only allophones against Christians are expected, and still lose Quebecers.
Canada, Quebec like France and Europe we were stoned by Emmanuel Macron and company
Emmanuel Macron used a more refined language to define "what being French, collaborator, a Petain."
French note, here in Canada, populist, extremist feminists, our politicians, our judges, several media, our investors, our educational institutions, our teachers, our intellectuals, our institutions, our newspapers, propaganda of political parties, make money moderate Muslims, extremist Salafis, who control all have invaded all Community fields of our society.
He not only remains a few people, writers who can stand and our government, our newspapers, our intellectuals, our feminists always trying their deceptions misleading to destroy them and make laws to prohibit them to tell the truth about the barbaric Islamic, this diabolical religion which permeates our Western civilization due respect the "politically correct"
Liar as a tooth puller
"France is not a fixed identity, closed, inward past fantasized" a- he eliminated referring to the right address. "France is not an idea, abstract," he continued, referring to Wagram speech of François Hollande on his "idea of France". All the French, at least the smart French know François Hollande, the Angela Merkel pooch. François Hollande has yet to suckle the nipples Angela? "France is a will, we will," he firmly told. Words they do not mean anything, it's like saying, I'm an honest politician, no one will believe you!
The Qur'an does not tolerate tolerance, tolerance is low for French Emmanuel Macron
The will notably "to let religion divide us," he connects very applauded. Turning to the chapter of secularism, Emmanuel Macron tries to distinguish itself from Manuel Valls, without falling into the naïve either. "Secularism is freedom before being prohibited, he says. Secularism is a tolerance text. It is made to allow everyone to integrate into community life, not to fight a battle against any religion. "
Emmanuel Macron is disrespectful of the French ancestral values. In France, insists he, no religion is a problem except the Koran, Islam, Muslims. What is a problem however, that certain behaviors are under the sign of the religious, the politicians who lie without stops when they are imposed on the person who practices them.
Claiming "1905 secularism", refusing to "negotiate the basic principles," "like that of equality between men and women," Emmanuel Macron believes that "the problem today is not laicity. The heart of the debate is Islam. " A debate that he wants to discuss "dispassionately". "We have a choice: whether we want to fight a religion, or if we want to build a place in the French nation, accepting and helping to integrate."
Islam wants to dominate the world, do not fit in, which destroy France and it is written in the Koran, if you can read Mr. Emmanuel Macron
What are the reasons that our politicians for decades they fight through the planet for Muslims, Islamists, Salafists, to put into our brains, the ideas of this religion, customs of barbarians, these bearded, the emirs who fulfill the election funds of all political stripes.
Which made for money, petrodollars to all schemers, judges, managers, critics, buying media, George Soros of the world affiliated criminals to Saudi Arabia, which sits on the Rights of the man at the UN, the most corrupt organization in the world that closes eyes the atrocities that wahhabites Islamists behead Christians and Jews under the eyes of our crooked politicians and make us the lesson to Angela Merkel pure that also destroyed his beautiful country Germany who became a rapist mark, the liar that Henriette Recker, Cologne mayor loves protect rapists German girls in her town.
Here is what Tony Blair Prime Minister of Great Britain, WAKE UP, your politicians are liars fervent
Tony Blair has launched an alarm signal to Europe invaded by the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafis in our mosques and universities
To Mr. Emmanuel Macron, for your intelligence, it is between your ears, and should be firstly French and not Muslim and paid in petrodollars, and stop talking without saying anything, so many empty words, that even a empty water boiler is filled you.
See your speech on Youtube, you complete blank, I believe that in the sidereal space, black holes are less holes you without offenses is not because we can not offend a hole minister.
Our leaders should be concerned about the operation of schools by the Muslim Brotherhood. In a speech before yesterday in London, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has launched an alarm about the growing influence of the Brotherhood in Europe, given its dangerous and corrosive fascist ideology that inevitably leads to violence .
In Britain, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, stressed that several incidents in British and French schools lead us to reflect on the degree of penetration of the Islamists in our society. "We know where our premiers like penetrations .
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