vendredi 10 février 2017

Philippe Couillard - Unreasonable Accommodations- Quebec is not racist - Prime Minister of Canada - Justin Trudeau is racist Islamophile, Christianophobia, Québécophobe, Christianophobia, segregationist, Apartheidiste, Distorted

Philippe Couillard - Unreasonable Accommodations-  Quebec is not racist - Prime Minister of Canada - Justin Trudeau is racist  Islamophile, Christianophobia, Québécophobe, Christianophobia, segregationist, Apartheidiste, Distorted
Politicians create religious and political disputes
With Bill 59, the government Couillard protects radical Islamists instead of protecting them against secular  says society,former liberal MNA Fatima Houda-Pépin and the majority of the population who receive millions of unreasonable accommodation that group only receives Liberal governments of Canada and Quebec over other migrants, newcomers and Canadians and Quebecers citizens.
Attack a crackpot in Quebec
The murderous attack that claimed the lives of six Quebecers, of North African and Guinean origin, the Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec (CCIQ), 29 January 2017, is a tragedy that will mark us long. She left to mourn and need 6 widows and 17 orphans. Do not forget them.
Muslim unreasonable compromises involved
The main cause of these murders, the main responsibility is our elites who cultivate the political point of view, those who sleep with religious, with Islam, these extremists, to finance their political party detriment of the majority of the population and that makes some people insecure and crazy.  Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard, the François Legault, the Thomas Mulcair, the François Lisée, Françoise David, and Rona Ambrose,Adil Charkaoui, the Hamza Chaoui, Schools of Knowledge, feminists, intellectuals, the media, and several others in mosques, school principals, etc.
All these populist, provocative, demagogues will have to ask questions that comply with exaggerated demands by Muslims who do not want to integrate it is they who have committed the murders and not only this young man, crazy, but it is them guilty by their actions.
However, it would be too easy to ship this horrible act by reducing our examination of conscience for selective identification of some scapegoats right or left, politicians and media alike. These abuses exist and it must be denounced, but the problem is much deeper.
Racism in Quebec it's wrong, Quebecers do not even respect as a people, they are water carriers says Philippe Couillard
Since the 1970s, Montreal, anglophone city, bilingual, the Las Vegas North , Canada's metropolis has become a multicultural city, with a non-common language "french" default "English" necessary and hundreds of other languages spoken in all areas of the city.
Inevitably, you must have three languages to be employed depending on where you will work in small shops. Montreal, Quebec City, Quebec is not, is not a French-speaking city is a city like like the Prime Minister of Canada, a multicultural city, which has no specific culture, who lost his francophone identity certainly.

The French former Quebec is gone forever, it is colonized
Still remained Montreal, the English Montreal because they are standing up and speaking so openly welcome returns all their key newcomers and its rulers we sell so vites and the media there Montreal that actively participate in twenty years will no longer be called the city of a hundred churches but the thousand mosques and the only language is English and the second language Arabic.
In Quebec we integrate Quebecers to minorities and not the reverse
So is there any racist in Quebec? The answer is yes. So he was there-Quebec imams who propagate terrorists? Islamic The answer is yes. So our populist politicians they sow racist? The answer is yes ! Is that Quebec is a racist society? The answer is no.
Quebec is not racist, they are Islamists racist because a coin always has two sides?
How are we there yet today? To ask the question, is to answer it. Y answer is to enter into a sincere dialogue with the other. Or, sincere dialogue requires openness, listening, nuance and frankness, sharing wrongs and responsibilities too. The problem is deeper than you think.

But good Muslims must stand up and close ugly mouth of Adils and Imams who bribe our leaders
Quebecers of all origins, particularly francophones, have shown their humanity. Freezing cold, they found the words to say they shared the pain of the bereaved families and were against violence. Topping the list of honors, we must pay tribute to the people of Quebec. He showed his greatness in the face of the world. It is Quebec that I love!
On the Muslim side, despite the pain of the ordeal, we have seen moments of grace, especially when the founder of CCIQ, Benabdallah Bouteldja, told the people of Quebec, "I love you" on January 31, 2017 to The catholic church Notre-Dame-de-Foy, Quebec. What nobility, when he declared at the 17 orphans: "We will tell them that it was a" mistake "for they do not keep" resentment.

It's always Quebecers to concede, Muslims receive the accommodations and we are tired of being treated in the minority because of your religion that is not ours
And what about the lecture ambassador of Guinea, in his speech at the funeral of Quebec, February 3 2017, paying tribute to two Quebec victims from his country? He went on to give his forgiveness and that of the bereaved families the alleged killer. It is strong, very strong as a symbol. Suddenly we discovered that humanity has neither race nor religion.
Honest Muslims and happy to be in Quebec who want to make their lives here, cut these imams, with their false messages of hatred that spread across your communities against us all in your mosques, your institutions,your requests against us infidels.
"Racism is a complex issue that requires a proper diagnosis of its causes and its manifestations." This is what I stated in the Journal de Montreal on 16 April 1993.
In the context of international instability of our world, it's hard to ignore the violence that threatens our security and social peace is also the work individuals and groups claiming to radical Islamism.
For decades, the Western democracies - Quebec and Canada included - a little indifference, somewhat ignorantly and many political opportunism and greed, turned a blind eye on the meteoric rise of the Salafi ideology, cancer today generalized to Muslim and non-Muslim.

Salafi Muslims Justin destroy Canada and
Quebec Muslims here and abroad are the first victims of this murderous madness that has marked our collective consciousness. The silence of the majority of Muslims to radical Islamism is deafening. The wrong done to Islam and Muslims by the ideologues of hate and the "leaders" self-appointed is irreparable.
The ball is now in the court of the Muslim communities themselves. Extremism mutually feed on their mutual hatred. Racism can not fight if you do not fight hate speech and jihadist violence against "unbelievers". Like the people of Quebec, Quebec Muslims should show their humanity by denouncing violence committed in their name and in the name of Islam.
Quebecers no longer recognize because it has become a minority in their own country and minorities have become majorities
Here is unfortunate is that the honest Muslims here and happy to be with us, are first attacked by these imams, these accommodations destroying your lives, your feelings, your freedom, your family. You left your country, came here by redo your life with your wives, live happy, have children, your religion, the freedom of expression, to speak, to act, to move where you want, driving the car, not having to obey in life to a book, Sharia, that is to say, to live life before dying.  
You are the first to be attacked by Muslim extremists and that governments approve by populist cause. You must fight the Muslims, go to the media, and secularism is mandatory in Canada and Quebec, and religion here in America, is in your home and in your mosque. In government sites Government of secularism is necessary because our governments are not barbarians governments religions.
When will Muslims wake up, or are you all dormant Salafists?
You Muslims have arrived at a critical choice, not only in Quebec, Canada, but to the West. The revolution of the people of the West has begun since Brexit in Britain, the departure of François Hollande, the forfeiture of Angela Merkel, the start of the Muslim Brotherhood Barack Mohammed Obama to Saudi Arabia and Hilary Clinton route without stopping the halls of Alcatraz and several other politicians will themselves find soon in darkness.
Why do not you describe these imams who propagate Muslim hatreds as Adil Charkaoui  in his mosque and several others that teaches to fight for the Islamic State and to train terrorists in our media.  
Is it your sole representative, your Islamist word or it is Zunera Ishaq, a personal friend of the Honourable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, in Mississauga, Ontario allied to Al Qaeda and the Liberal government of Canada and the Minister justice frequent Jody Wilson Raybould and the  of Premier Ontario Kathleen Wynne,political opportunists, populist, ignorant that fill votes to the detriment of Canadian values.

We can not continually ask others to do what we refuse to ourselves. "One hand does not applaud" if we want to build a harmonious pluralistic society, inclusive and respectful of diversity. So is our credibility and the future of our future generations.
Imam Hamza Chaoui, having several problems with certain glands, we publicly emphasized that Islam, the Koran can not coexist with democracies and must destroy our country and our province.  

Hamza Chaoui, on the internet and in mosques, wishes to thank Canada for giving her Canadian Citizenship and let the chance to say all his hate speech against Christians, Quebecers, Canadians, other nations, because it will never pursued because it will Islamophobia, anti Muslim racism. Thank you to Philip, he played the game of the infidel, he served on a gold platter democratic Quebec Salafist demon.
Never trust any politician, lying is theirs
The first politician, the turncoat
Muslims fighting against Wahhabi Salafists, THE RACISTS ARE
Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulcair, Philippe Couillard, Kathleen Wynne, Zunera Ishaq, Kathleen Veil and all other sold elits

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