vendredi 3 février 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Our elites PUPPETS Salafists -The feminist leftists, intellectuals despised, braggarts, media purchased perverted

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Our elites PUPPETS Salafists -The feminist leftists, intellectuals despised, braggarts, media purchased perverted
The left worldwide which Angela Merkel has literally destroyed the entire Germany for personal gain and sold to barbarians petrodollars from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and other countries do not accept gulfs Donald Trump but accepted Barack Obama, the Wahhabi Muslim affiliated with Hillary Clinton directly to the Muslim Brotherhood, internationally recognized terrorist organization who were advisors trusted these two traitors who walked freely among US institutions with the aid of several supporters of the rights and freedoms of blacks and American minorities.

When Obama won the election, Republicans have accepted the outcome of the polls. Republicans have not started their propaganda NAZISTES around the world to destroy Barack ObamaMohamed.Certainly he received arrows of the opposite political party, but it's fair. All parties do the same. But the population does not jump into the street with the media, governors, deputies, the disabled, the mentally ill with their pets, slogans and shouting at American genocide and human sending Donald Trump.
Mohamed Barack Obama, when he won the Nobel Prize for Peace as premature manner, and unjustified nobody protested. You never protest when there is a black in the direction of a position, because there is political correctness, ladies feminist, intellectual, religious beards.
Your indulgence towards Muslims religious, Islamic, that practice torture, mistreat women as slaves for thousands of years you definitely do not go to their territory protest against the rotten government who get rich on the back of their people and their religious depraved continue by line their pockets by stating falsehoods about their religions. No, you shut your damn Guelph as the media. You return as slaves in worth lies that you vehicle against Donald Trump without giving a single little chance to govern.

Do not wake the sleeping mice
See how the media and friends, governors and others who have rejected during the race at his inauguration in the year. This circus the media chained to every day, the minute, the perversions of the American Democratic moribund political coming out of your newspapers, the Internet, on television, you were throwing up the whole planet. All these sold, the peephole they threw overboard the ship before he becomes the US president have so hurt America as no more no one believed that the country would rise.
Whether we like or not Donald Trump,with an earlier rapid language, he said what he will do, and unlike the politicians of other parties and his own party earlier, and youall know his speeches and that he wanted to do, he does. It does not lie, and he even tries to apply, at least until now all these rules for its own companies.

Name me, not ten presidents or prime ministers or governors or members around the world who would dare to apply the medicine itself, that the same practice to the others, and without s 'enrich. Certainly not Barack Mohamed Obama, the thief Hillary Clinton, Manuel Valls Prime Minister of France, Francois Hollande president Angela Merkel Chancellor Germany that fills the pockets with the Syrians refugees, David Cameron, the collabo Pope Francis,  not recognize is the difference between religions and the Catholic Church
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, who frequent the mosques with his veiled wife, and  Joly Mélanie who are perched like chickens in poultry houses in the second not encouraged men to debauchery. You do know, not  Mr. Justin Trudeau is gender segregation between men and women only but if you make minority parties and which can bring him more votes in future elections if you are gays, homosexuals, heterosexuals are you looking sex, lesbian, transsexual, transgender, hybrid, alien, multi genre, Justin will be doing everything we can to squeeze you and put you at ease.  

Polecats of Parliament
Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party unanimously banned and forever, two exclusions you have to observe, not to be Francophone first because it is a crime of lese majesty and Christian. If these warts are attached to your body, you absolutely certain that he will find every way to destroy you and reduce you to ashes. So you better my dear francophones become vires hoods like Stéphane Dion, Jean Chrétien, of Mélanie Joly, become mini Anglos Canadian time until it has a rejection of him or Toronto.
Donald Trump, the pitbull, the go-getter, non-hypocritical
Trump, however, does not enjoy much complacency Democrats. In addition to tricked out of the worst epithets and making daily subject to a trial of intentions, it is attacked by a tireless protests which doomed him almost psychiatric hatred.
Hysterical reaction, megalomaniac, child
Certainly one can hate the character as much as his ideas. And it is of course criticize its policies. The hysterical reaction of the left still is breathtaking. However, more than it sullies the new president, the anti-Trump movement allows to drop the mask of the militant left and reveal his true nature.

By their actions, Democrats showed their intolerance of democracy when it does not serve their interests. They unveiled their fascist side unscrupulous vandalizing other people's property. But above all, the right-thinking left revealed his morbid fear of Donald Trump. Not because she fears the gestures he could ask, but because she has an opponent who refuses to be intimidated and submit to his edicts.
Donald Trump puts political correctness in his place, saying the words as they are, even if that shock a dog that barks,the dog does not ponds eggs, and a moderate or extremist Muslim is potentially an Islamist terrorist in religion, the Koran, Sharia, and not freedom of thought.  
Of all the religions in the world, it is now Islam that kills more people in Islamic countries and the West and the East and no honest person can say otherwise, not even Justin Mohamed Trudeau and Philippe Couillard with his unreasonable accommodations for the Muslim community against the Christian majority in Quebec.

Mohammed VI, King of Morocco
The King of Morocco, Mohammed VI,is Muslim, and Muslims are peaceful Morocco, they are human beings like all of us. How is it that the Syrians, Muslims of Arabia Saudis, Qatar, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and several other Muslim countries which practice the Qur'an, the Salafist Wahhabis are those that we have the more here, on our territory and in the European countries who commit terrorist attacks are not filtered but left to their guises.  
These are criminals who indoctrinate our schools as Adil Charkaoui or Chaoui Hamza in Montreal that our government subsidize fear of being brought to justice as racist because we must protect the religion he professes, killing the devil, not the Koran to humans, but their Koran barbarians.
Leftist American mediaT
The American left is terrified, because for the first time, she confronts a president who, rightly or wrongly, does not dilute his speech in political correctness. He refuses magical thinking and xenophobia which plunged Europe into turmoil. And replaces the romantic vision, naive and aplaventrisme moralistic convinced of their intellectual superiority with a thought more realistic and pragmatic about the situation.
Donald Trump symbolizes the end of the domination of the left cutesy ready to sacrifice the West, its values and traditions. That is why it is so challenged!

The liberal foolish paid by George Soros,international corrupter, 70 million US dollars to organize demonstrations against Donald Trump and supported by all the international media, here are your feminist, your corrupt publicly that represent you, ladies
American feminists do not accept Donald Trump as president but accept that Muslim women are beaten, tortured in Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, veiled from head to foot, can not drive the car,not can go out alone outside the home, but as soon as Donald Trump dare say a single word, the Democratic Liberals jump into the curtains are  and filthy protests, immoral, irresponsible, malicious, decadent, plague, sly, devilish, decadent, deceit, lying, hypocrisy, etc.
These so-called feminists have never been a slave of a barbaric religion and authoritarian male up to kill. These women, who constantly or who want to be raped every day, these are the feminists who walk with their husbands who can not relieve from the evening. These feminists have never known what it was to be a housewife with a husband and twelve to fifteen children at the table and wash the floor by hand. Today these feminists go to spa to clean the nails, mourned the office, look for the loophole to bring her boss to justice simply, they are born victims.

Gangrene extremist feminist Françoise David, Lise Bacon, Agnes Faw Henriette Recker, etc.
I understand the fear and anger of Americans who painted their streets in pink Saturday. Human rights and equality, they live on a tightrope. The US Constitution still does not recognize gender equality, even if the first submission of an amendment to that effect was in 1920.
Enough of what? Donald Trump? Not my president. Liberals? On Éric Salvail? The war in Syria? Hatred against women on the internet? Left women, that is. Not only a more conservative feminism, mine, does not exist, but some feminists believe that we deserve to be insulted.
Personally, I've had enough of "victimhood" Quebec feminist postulates, like Lise Payette,that little or nothing has changed. The Americans cannot even afford to dream of access that we have. On the scale of equality, Quebec women are catching the Scandinavians. In Quebec, feminists, women are the queens of equality between the sexes, Quebec is a matriarchal society where the male has lost totally his male role.

Constant victim, you have wearied us with that, you have so much free pass, as Muslims, Unreasonable Accommodations
Enough, too, feminist who refuses to see that guys are bad and which rejects any initiative to come to their help. This is also how we manufacture the morons that denigrate women on social networks. What are the reasons we we almost Ministry of Women and it is the boys who drop out in school?
How is it that the husband goes to commit murder against their wives without any psychological assistance and government aid. Why, when a man divorce his wife loses everything he has picked up and if he is doing, he will crumbs. When stopped for any reason, the media is instantly crucified, but if it's a woman, she is all considerations of the world and pardons.
Feminist vs masculinist
If feminists true and honest would win their battle, she should begin to recognize at least in Quebec, it remains in a state where laws protect the highest point above for some of them to except for certain religious environment that you close your eyes specifically not to show the truth happens to these religious barbarians and here I speak not only of Islam but of other orthodox religions and sects.

The most visible of all Islam and wants to indoctrinate us Islam
Enough of Islamic-leftist feminism that defends the indefensible cantonment of Muslim women to a religious identity and accuses the West, however, the only ground of feminism, d have created the conditions of their imprisonment.
Enough of the instrumentalization of feminism by Islamism. The Canadian Anti-Islamophobia Collective of you-know-who published this Saturday on his Facebook page: "Trump will be monitored by the women of the world." How dare he?
Enough of a first progressive minister defending the niqab, the other the chador, the burkini, stoning. Enough of affirmative action, an insult to women's competence. Enough, too, to see feminists defend lease female bellies to make babies.
Positive stoning sonata 32: 01
Concerning the affirmative, the Government of Canada announced a project for Muslim women how to accept the stoning of a positively.
First, you are buried.  Code Muslim-Canadian Criminal, Justin Mohamed Trudeau ,said that a man convicted of adultery is buried to the waist; a woman to the chest and that she should keep her veil on her head in the presence of an MP or Minister of Canada Town House which it must wear the Niqab with the Holy Quran in the hand.

If the conviction is based on the confession of the prisoner, according to the law, the presiding judge who cast the first stone. The foundation stone will be a point one hundred and fifty grams to make it go as long as possible and the other fifty grams of weight a hundred and fifty grams of different colors
If the conviction is based on the report of witnesses, are witnesses who throw themselves first, then the judge, then the other, usually other officials of the justice and security forces.
The stones must be of medium size according to the penal code: not too big for one or two are not enough to kill a person, but not too small that they could call them rocks. In other words, about the size of a mandarin. The entire procedure takes less than half an hour. None of these stones should have the shape of a banana.

Mental circumcisions Liberal elected

And Justin Trudeau, every Friday, when he will pray in the mosque with his veiled wife, and who perch on the second floor so she would not be with men as the prescribed imams, religion. Justin Trudeau, practice discrimination of sex, apartheid between humans as in South Africa between whites and blacks, finding that his wife is inferior to him, the higher being.

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