mardi 28 février 2017

Gilbert Ouellet - Granby Hospital, Québec, Canada is targeted by a complaint with a religious connotation - A Montreal patient lokking for identity

Mr. Gilbert Ouellet - Granby Hospital, Quebec, Canada is targeted by a complaint religious connotation - A sick Montrealers identity
(Granby) The Centre hospitalier de Granby is targeted by a complaint religious connotation. A Montreal calls for the withdrawal of a crucifix hanging on the wall of the room in which her stepmother stayed until recently.
Hospital Granby, 205 Leclerc Boulevard West, Granby QC J2G 1T7 Telephone General: 450 375-8000
The administration of the Granby Hospital will she balls or she will replace the crucifix of our ancestors from the new France Catholique 1534 for secularism Philippe Couillard, the Koran, sharia, manipulation of the people

The complaint was filed January 12, 2017 to the users' committee of the Center for health and social services of the Haute-Yamaska, which includes the Granby hospital. According to its author, Gilbert Ouellet,such as establishing a public institution owned by the state, it must be entirely devoid of religious symbols.
It calls for the withdrawal of the crucifix did not jump in the eyes of the chamber 618 and the systematic verification of each hospital room to make sure that no more religious symbol is exposed. "To see the crucifix, I was inconvenienced, argues the complainant, recalling that public institutions are denominational decades. It surprised me that it makes 50 years that we have forgotten to remove the crucifix in that room.
"If people do not recognize what a crucifix is that he received poor instruction Western parental but need to know how to become touch-tone guy's web
First Quebec Charter values of the was not enacted as I know and that Quebec has no value, identity since the Liberals have given Quebec the Salafists, the Muslim, the person as that gentleman who thinks so smart demanding to remove the crucifix from the wall because Quebec is secular. Quebec makes integral part of Canada and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, is religious, multicultural, at the Justin Trudeau for us Christians and not to Muslims, allophones, other religions.
Supreme Court of Canada say that I am Superior of all Christian and Canadian My religion is the Greatest
In Canada, the Supreme course always examine the Muslim side, allophones, against Christians to foster multiculturalism as stated in the charter of the devil against all Canadian values and Quebecers. So, my dear sir, again you played the games of Philippe Couillard, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood and create another gap for these monsters, barbarians can again sink into our system and install their own value to the detriment ours.
The Judges of the Supreme Courts of Canada always err on the side of Muslims, minorities, allophones, turbans, kirpans, everything that is not Christian, etc., against our ancestral values
I know you mean well in the picture, but before acting as the person who committed terrible damage in the Saguenay who opened breaches in the Tremblay administration with the crucifix for mayor, that person also played the same game as you brothers Muslims, even if you do not know. These agencies, organizations just waiting for people like you, indiscriminately, thinking all know, plays the role of politicians, but puts the entire population, a company in trouble.
These demons are much higher intelligences manipulators to the little people Quebecers carefree and welcoming as you will get treatment and piss off everyone he Coasters in hospitals. The next time you go to think about it a hospital the hospital is not a place to do politics, because I do not think you have the knowledge and you are not corrupt enough to become Liberal or Prime Minister.
Zunera Ishaq, I shit over the Canadian Flag and the prime minister of Canada was happy about it
Quebecers thrown outside the Catholic Church, kicking her and brought Islam with open arms
and see we are at, penguins, veiled that walk on our streets, our boys learn that girls and will become slaves, citizens of second class as endorse the Prime Minister of Canada, the wahhabite, who dresses in white, barefoot and eating ground like animals, ah! I forgot his name, he was last week with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the woman who admitted one million seven hundred thousand refugees many of whom have left their cocks to violate the Germans and the young male Germans and destroy all installations and German and European values in their path Allah has drawn them.
This man selfie, whose name does not come back to me again, agreed with all these terrorist organizations recognized by Canada and his friends he meets fellow Muslims in mosques and greenhouses in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood in conquest of Canada. You know certainly, sir, the crucifix, several Muslim organizations in Canada ask the Prime Minister of Canada, which remains at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa, which I forgot the name because it does not worth to remember, repeat his heart day "NOT tO ATTEND THESE MOSQUES THAT ARE AFFILIATED WITH TERRORIST GROUPS AND MUSLIM BROTHERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY", but the son of the multicultural father wants nothing to do, because to him, the important c is the total destruction  Canada
Adil Charkaoui, imam, terrorist, living in Montreal, Qubec, the Supreme court of Canada said can I can continue to be a terrorist and terach terrorism to College people freely in Canada, Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are great primes ministers
Of sissies of the National Assembly of Québec
Mr. Gilbert Ouellet, our sissies in Quebec will use you as bait and Philippe Couillard is currently happy with what you did to help him to do advance its cause that is dear to him as he is a representative of the emirs of Saudi Arabia in Quebec, one of their servants advocating the Koran, sharia, Islamic values against the Salafists and receives as many others of ares propagate their ideologies in our institutions.
What is unfortunate in this whole story is that you make headlines detractors, crooked politicians that we entours all across the planet and destroy our societies, our cultures.
Of course you are absolutely right to say that our society should be secular, I am one hundred percent agree with you. But our institutions, our governments our politicians do not want us to become as secular religions, religious control so the spirits of those poor people who can not discern or understand by themselves that they are handled from birth by their religious, their preacher, their teachers, in child care, and also in their communities every day.

Philippe of Arabia Couillard Premier of the rags
The married lie down there, warts, leeches, populists, demagogues, the evildoers who line up to receive dirty money filled envelopes, WHICH REPRESENTS LIKE OUR ELECTED POLITICAL, OUR POLITICIANS A SEA POTENTIAL VOTERS aRE ESSENTIAL TO THEM FOR THEIR NEXT ELECTIONS the next election, and these are the minority, in this small country with little population with English speakers who control the balance of power.
Liberal Philippe Couillard will head the Government of Quebec for the next thirty years as long as the francophone vote will not be in the hands of one party. Do you think for one second that the Jewish community, Hasidic, which is predominantly anglophone vote for a separatist and Francophone party never. Do you think the Greeks communities, Italian, Romanian, or Lebanese or others, will vote for the CAQ and the PQ, never.
Philippe Couillard well knows and selfie in Ottawa as they are in power because Canada and Quebec now, migrants control the balance of power in every province and the entire country. The powers of their religious lobbies are so strong, mainly Muslims with monies from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, in all our institutions, private schools, and others. These countries Salafists barbarians, non-secular countries, countries whose governments are governments that religious authorities and direct all who want these administrations become similar in Canada and Quebec.

By buying our governments, our politicians, our teachers, our leaders, our media, our mayors, our businesses, our judges, do you think for one second that your claim of a secular Quebec exist? This is rubbish! Quebec will never lay as long as we have puppets who will have their pants down to bring down these religious, and these religions, and here I speak of all religions who lobbies the National Assemblies in Canada and the Hill Parliamentary in Ottawa.
Religious lobbies are more perverse than anyone can know. Because it is very easy to hide under the Die traits, Allah, Jehovah, to other gods, because people have never seen or met. The billions that these bodies they have, and they do not want to lose their power over their own community and in government, certainly do not want a secular government.

So Philippe Couillard is desperate to eliminate us to stay in power, Jean-François Lisée is desperate to be in power, François Legault is desperate to become prime minister, Amir Khadir, deputy is desperate to become first Minister. All those pretty boys are ready, as during the "feast of sacrifice" all slaughter all to stay in power, picking up the maximum money possible, take advantage of tax havens, to belong to the world elite.
It's unfortunate but you have opened a gap again to Philippe

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