dimanche 12 février 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - You are responsible - without the testicules - Yassine Aber was denied entry to the United States

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - You are responsible - without the testicules - Yassine Aber was denied entry to the United States
Yassine Aber was denied entry to the United States Thursday night, a young athlete Sherbrooke was questioned by customs on the fact that he knew a student party fighting in Syria three years ago jihadist Samir Halilovic as a fairly remote acquaintance that was a former student of the University of Sherbrooke who left Quebec with two other Sherbrooke,apparently to jihad in Syria in 2014 and never returned.

Abed Yassine,Moroccan origin is in the crosshairs of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Yassine Aber and the young athlete Samir Halilovic  19 years appear side by side on a photograph from the same year and was still online on Facebook yesterday afternoon. Six other young men also are there in the picture. The athlete said he does not know him personally, but this is knowledge.
Samir Halilovic, jihadists, terrorists, frequent mosque Sherbrooke
Three young men who have lived in Sherbrooke attracted the attention of the RCMP and the Canadian Security Service of information since they are officially found, according to what we learned Bureau of investigation.
Samir Halilovic,and Sayed Youssef Sakhir Zakria Habibi in touch on Facebook, frequented all three the Muslim Association of the University of Sherbrooke (AMUS) as one of the defendants in the case of a plot to blow Via Rail train foiled in 2013 Chiheb Esseghaier.
The parents of Samir Halilovic and Youssef Sakhir have also been visited by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).
"It is in Syria or somewhere, I do not know where ... It does not give new, just that he is alive, that's all," said the mother of Youssef Sahkir Maria Houem. "It ruined me the soul," she adds. US Customs had also in the sights friends Yassine Aber he knew and shared on his Facebook account.

The US border with the track team at the University of Sherbrooke in the Eastern Townships, Quebec, Canada
Yassine Aber was denied entry to the United States Thursday, February 9, 2017 in the evening after several hours of examination on his way to Massachusetts Boston,for a competition. All members of the track team at the University of Sherbrooke could happen, except the young man born in Quebec to parents of Moroccan origin Muslim and having vague and distant acquaintances with jihadists Sherbrooke parties in Syria to go fight it with the Islamic state.

Interview with La Presse, media
in an interview with La Presse yesterday Yassine Aber confirmed that issues of customs related to Samir Halilovic and other individuals as he declined to reveal the identity. We do not know why he does not want to mention their names to the media, it's strange!
Note, I told you the names of other individuals assumed above. It is not known whether these individuals have stayed in Syria in recent years, but all are now here in Canada, Sherbrooke or Montreal. Canada on soil fertilized by the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau favoring Wahhabi Salafi extremists and their terrorist integrations of communities accommodations Canadian Unreasonable Removing anti-terror laws of Stephen Harper, the vigilante.
Persons of interest, as Yassine Abersaid Michel Juneau-Katsuya, a former CSIS, he is young Muslim background, Islamist, frequent mosques, former jihadi comrades party in Syria, it has everything against him.
Yassine Aber is guilty by association, cataloged for the rest of his life and with intent to trial because his community and our political leaders are not fighting for integrating our Western culture and left their imams, their religions, their preachers, their Koran, their Sharia, infested our parliamentary institutions.

Yassine Aber, a brave athlete killed by the positions of its religious
man, Yassin Aber this athlete who certainly has no association with these Islamic extremists trained Adil Charkaoui or other extremist mosques, schools Islamic subsidized by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and our Governments. He is an honest boy who wants to play, run the 4 X 400 meter for fun and can make an international career and good pay, what we wish him all the sponsors.
But, unfortunately, what is happening to this young man and who now come increasingly also through Europe, the people, the police, border guards will not allow themselves pushed around by the Emirs Gulf that fill the pockets of our politicians to sell us every day.

Islamic invaders pushed back the selfie Canada
Eventually, the revolution of the Western peoples will come and dislodge the whores that we put in power as George W. Bush, David Cameron, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, Philippe Couillard, and possibly the Prime Minister of Canada who is now licking the feet Salafi mosques in Mississauga, Ontario with veiled Judy Wilson Raybould and his veiled wife also roost to roost henhouses second Muslim segregationist floor.
"US Customs can say we do not know who he is or what his intentions are. Why we would let go? He said true or false? "Continues Mr. Juneau-Katsuya and without explanation.
Aber Yassin said the customs officers had also asked about the two mosques inSherbrooke.In these places, I have perhaps already met Samir Halilovic in 2014 or before, but not since then, has he said.

See the Canadian made TV series Customs under high surveillance

At border crossings, customs officers have wide discretion, see the series on pay TV, Customs supervision and they talk very often border between Canada and the States STATES, Toronto, Vancouver.  
Canadian customs act the same way with the US or other countries arrivals individuals in Canadian soil and are often deported to their own country.  
There is a week, a man and his wife had hidden a gun and wanted to go to Alaska through British Columbia and not have said.
Secondly it was an offense, and it was illegal, no revolver in Canada and it was the fault of Donald Trump. So they had the choice to leave their weapons at US border crossing, return to Canada to go to Alaska and pay a fine of several hundred dollars or return to the United States. They decided to return to the United States and not to set foot in Canada for the next two years.  

Mosques incubators terrorist
Canadians Customs have posed the same questions as this Yassine Aber as US Customs, they stood or with whom, partially Relations in mosques, say supposedly incubators Islamic Terrorists  in the Sherbrooke area, the FBI, or the CIA, CRS had given information to the US government. Your discussions on Facebook, your websites were monitored because there is no denying the majority of jihadis are fools of Allah, moderate Muslims, extremists, same crooked politicians, attending mosques. Very rarely jihadists are even Eskimos if our prime ministers would have us believe.
Lawyer Immigration
Lawyer in immigration law Julie Lessard, the firm BCF, said yesterday in an interview that customs have a very wide scope to accept or refuse the entry of a stranger in their country.
"As Canadians, we often think we have the right to enter the United States, but has no rights. It is a privilege, has she explained.Once they have the slightest doubt that the national security of the United States may be questioned, they have full discretion to deny entry to a person. And they will tend to refuse easily. They prefer to refuse to take a risk. "Canadians customs act the same way.

Yassine Aber is not concerned by Donald Trump case
Yassin Aber is not affected by the new presidential decree to the citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, she added. "It does not hit Morocco, it does not affect the holders of Canadian passports, and in addition, the decree is suspended," said Mr. Lessard.
The lawyer was not surprised by the absence of reasons communicated to Mr. Yassine Aber: "It is common when these are issues of national security."
What can Yassin Aber to change attitudes current Islamists too accommodative for his community and correct this situation so that it can continue to be a whole human being and share not become a hate bearded global Koran.
As a young man, I believe friendly and open minded and knowing the people who go to mosques, he knows extremists tortured with these women, these slaves have no right words, except the book that dictates everything .  
Finally a man who can stand up with his friends and trying to communicate with his fellow Moroccans to understand and bring here the teachings of Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, ie civilized Islamist, Salafist Muslims, medieval we have here Canada, which encarnacion females in dark boxes, black as the devil described so well. The king of Morocco has developed not Islam, preachers, imams should become human beings change and dead languages to life.

Stop their hate speech as so often the Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza, Mohamed Mahjoub, Anjem Choudary, Salam Elmenyawi, Sayyid Qutb, Haj Amin al-Husseini, Ali Jinnah, Said Ramadan, Ashrafuz Zaman Khan, Musleh Khan, Navaid Aziz Andel Salem El-Menyawi Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, Munir El-Kassem Ibrahim Hewitt, Samer Majzoub Zakaria Douiri Samer Hussein Samah Jab, Samer Majzoub, Kathy Mals, Douiri Zakaria, Samer Majzoub, Stéphane Dion, Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulcair, and hundreds of other milers in mosques, in the media demagogues, teachers in our colleges and universities who delight in bashing people. You must first revolt against this rot that permeates your whole body, your brain, your institutions, and make us shit.
Our critics, manipulators, populist, traitors Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Angela Merkel and others

Your parents came here to rebuild their lives, and I hope democratically, why would we rot. The ball is in your court now because it is not in our. The tragedy of the mad Quebec,which was in no way a terrorist attack but a psychopath, no offense to Justin Trudeau, Salafist  apostle will come again if you do not stand up and demand that Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard to their panties and prohibit crazy Allah to act hatefully as they do for decades on our soil.
If they do not agree with our values, let them go to their country of origin. Ask Adil Charkaoui to return to Morocco. He will consecrate you a stolen because it is a terrorist who killed Moroccans in Casablanca and is imam in Montreal, where he reigns as Queen of Arabia, the Queen Sabbath, it conveys its venom Islamophile , Québécophobe, Christianophobia, Francophobe, Islamophobe, Mythomane, Manipulator, all these fellows, these pure bearded, dressed in white, in a lack of humanity, torture anywhere in your ranks.  
It is for you, the good Muslim'm saying, get rid of them and return them to their native country to be judged or to be rewarded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar or other evil empires all as our politicians receiving daily acres of these Emirs.
Tony Blair has launched an alarm signal to Europe and Canada invaded by the Muslim Brotherhood in our mosques and universities
Our leaders should be concerned about the operation of schools by the Muslim Brotherhood. In a speech before yesterday in London, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has launched an alarm about the growing influence of the Brotherhood in Europe, given its dangerous and corrosive fascist ideology that inevitably leads to violence "organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood intensify their activities and friends of liberal parties Canadians and Quebecers. The Honourable Stéphane Dion, MP for Saint-Laurent organized with them raise funds for Muslim brothers and schools of learning in Quebec to better teach the Koran, Sharia and all that comes with it.

In Britain, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, stressed that several incidents in British and French schools lead us to reflect on the degree of penetration of the Islamists in our society. "We know where our premiers like penetrations .
Never forget, the most corrupt politicians worldwide are liberals. Whores are not all on the corners of St. Catherine and St. Laurent in Montreal?

The next federal election vote Conservative

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