vendredi 24 février 2017

Donald Trump Media are they explicitly bribed him with falsely and should we be wary of journalists sold as our politicians

Donald Trump Media are they explicitly bribed him with falsely and should we be wary of journalists sold as our politicians
You find that Donald Trump is paranoid when he says that the American media are biased? Could it be that by constantly encouraging Democrats to the detriment of Republicans, the media have ended up sawing off the branch they were sitting?

Take the current debate on immigration, which puts the whole world in turmoil.
To believe the American media, and Canadian International, Donald Trump is the most hostile president immigrants in the history of the United States.
Now what is the president who expelled the largest number of illegal immigrants in recent decades? George Bush? W. His son?  No: Barack Obama! According to the newspaper Le Monde, in its first five years in office, President Obama has expelled two million illegal immigrants.
Two thirds of these people had committed minor or had no police record offenses. Undocumented expulsions fined for speeding or for disturbing the peace have quadrupled between 2009 and 2014.

The situation was such that the president of the main organization for the defense of the Hispanic community in the US has treated Obama with  expeller Chief"! Bernie Sanders even said that his campaign against illegal immigrants was "inhuman".
Or, do you talk about this in the US media? No ! It is intended that Donald Trump. The witch-hunt, the Republicans, CNN is in the lead.
Still according to Le Monde, the number of targeted killings by Americans drone exploded under the two terms of Barack Obama. Obama has even installed a secret drone base in Saudi Arabia to help in its hunt for Islamic State, but he used them!
Hundreds if not thousands of innocent civilians were killed by the drones of President Barack Obama a Muslim. However, the US media have hardly mentioned it. "Even the leftist commentators are not interested in this issue," wrote Nicolas Bérubé La Presse in February 2012.
Do you think the media would have been more discreet if it was a republican government that had done the so? Never, all media in the world and Justin Trudeau will tell us that Donald Trump is worse than Nazistes.
A chord
can be found Trump ridiculous and grotesque. But when he criticizes the lack of objectivity of the American media, it is not wrong, far from it, he emphasizes that the pure and simple truth.

Media PURCHASED by Democrats, liberals, corrupt
journalists, and international elected including Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister Salafi Wahabi Canada Philippe Couillard Quebec Premier Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, Francois Hollande, President of France Islamic and all western countries sold to countries of the emirs, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, despise President Donald Trump. Donald Trump, before an audience at the White House for a period of 90 minutes.
Journalists who sat before the US president had pleasure in causing and distort the answers that gave them. I saw the benefits of reporters with their microphones waiting all like a pack of wolves to decapitate the open room in front of a worldwide audience.
Mostly, media representative, were Democrats, the Barack Obama Mohamed  and service Hillary Clinton, the international liar and the Muslim Brotherhood, thought Donald Trump was out of its gongs and apostrophize.

Media perversity international networks
Unlike some chroniclers of our local newspapers, media, and international, I have seen no Donald Trump be unleashed against the media. He simply put them in their place with the exception of a Jewish,racist, extremist who has just dealt him a racist.Donald Trump, told him simply that he was not a racist, anti-Semitic and more, the day before he was at the White House with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and even made the braces and they both continue their hands paths in hand. He directly told this racist, this manipulator, he knew with his lapidary about this reporter against her to sit down and shut.
Also what I liked Donald Trump, is that when he spoke with CNN journalist, the very democratic and anti Trump Network. With the journalist, both have had I think happy to discuss, I think quite frankly. I even found that CNN journalist, sold less, more objective than those we see in their antenna that tear the shirts by inviting people of color and Hispanics, and anyone could decry Donald Trump on set.
This reporter asked several questions about the Russian ships and that Donald Trump would do about it. Donald Trump has just said, at first, he would not say what the department of defense and make him regarding this. The journalist insisted, and Donald Trump, do you think for one second that I would say that we will launch missiles at Minsk, I think, in Russia, in a week, tomorrow or afternoon? It is not the business of CNN and other media.

Information media disinformation
journalist was surprised at his answer, because the president has said, that the media would immediately go on their antennae and disseminated the information and Moscow would know. Also, Donald Trump, after several jokes with this reporter, who was smiling, told him this: immediately after the press conference, especially CNN and mainly the US and international media distort my words anyway whatsoever.
The perversity of the media towards the Republicans is so ingrained in the habits of the news, that the American people will come toyou know and see in your continual disinformation play whatever comes our administration.  
Soon after the end of the show Donald Trump, and we must say, it is not the best diplomat in the world, and does not mince words, it is a whore serving Democrats, Islamist extremists Hillary Clinton. So I downloaded the CNN reports, CBC, CTV, CBC, TVA, LCN CBCNews, TV5 Québec and TV5 International and I all watched. The next day, after flying over La Presse, the Journal de Montreal, Le Figaro, Le Monde, Le Parisien, all media came to the same conclusions as Donald Trump, is a liar, he was rude to journalists in room at the White House.

In a word, Donald Trump, is worse than all the terrorists, the Islamic State, Muslims, moderate Muslims and extremists that colonize the entire West with this barbaric religion which the Quran Salafi Saudi Arabia which jumped bombs at us and kill millions of Muslims throughout the world. If the devil exists, his name is certainly not Lucifer but his is Donald Trump, according to media who distort everything in its path.
Donald Trump was democratically elected, whatever the Democrats, liberals, and Justin Trudeau, friends of the Muslim Brotherhood and attending only their mosques assiduously and wants to put us back in the US, and Canada, not Justin Trudeau, he's a millionaire, but we ordinary citizens, workers will lose their jobs and Justin and Philippe tell us that even the sins of Donald Trump.

When Barack Obama Mohamed, a Muslim, amber color to the White House was elected, no Republican has done to protest in the streets to remove this criminal, collaborator, sitting in the White House. Certainly the Republicans have often blocked expensive laws to Barack Obama but it is the jungle law and it was done according to the laws in force in the country. Republicans have not made the entire country and the planet bag because Donald Trump was elected.  
propagandists journalists
George Soros who generously paid global organizers to kill Donald Trump was known to all the media. But the media did everything to not let people know little who was walking away against Donald Trump was simply pawns of Democrats who drink dirty monies to bring you the Koran, sharia, the disappearance of United States, as you know.
You US and Western, we are all playing with fire now leaving our demagogues politicians to create fear, fear for these Salafi Islamists, barbaric, cruel, can come and rape your women and children. Your teachers in your schools, universities, intellectuals, feminists encourage you to destroy you parents. Your children, your students are filling the brain of patients, these anti patriot, these anti American, anti Canadians, Quebecers anti, anti Western values, Christian.

Now is the time of revolutions in all countries to counter the Islamic hemorrhage that runs all Western currents and even the collaborator, Pope Francis was caught in the trap of the evil of Satan.
The Salafi Islam, that our politicians are forcing us in the throat, is Islam's death. King Mohammed VI of Morocco has put in his place of Islam and well control the terrorists we in several in Canada we protect, Adil Charkaoui and others who give seminars to know how to become jihadists and eliminate the Canadian democracy , endorsed by the Liberal party of Canada.
Several Muslim countries are trying to get rid of criminals course our streets and sitting in our National Assemblies West. But these countries are countries with few resources, little money, and often corrupt as our own Prime Minister and the Liberal Party of Quebec so he expected the revolution that Donald Trump now spread worldwide.

Journalists dictators, liars
Press is a key institution in democracy. And see what happened in Canada with Stephen Harper, journalists, the media just crucified in public the Prime Minister of Canada who wanted to restore order. And we are with traitors who sells the country to the Salafists for petrodollars and your children there will be future prey, married nine and pregnant.
I think the first journalist function is to provide information and highlight both sides of the medals that citizens can get a clear idea. This is not journalism that always falsify the information that the owner's name and the amount of federal subsidies. The true journalist should inform, give all points of view, good or bad, and less intelligent people can get an idea.  
Currently at all levels of information, the normal citizen, informed ten minutes a day of collusion of our politicians, financiers, our terror, our petrodollars, certainly not the time to discern the true political, human, monetary, cultural.

Ordinary citizens, unlike the politicians, have to work to pay the politicians that tax and impose maximum. In conclusion, what you write, say in the media, and you keep saying every thirty minutes, brainwashing, comes to the citizen disconnect from you journalists.
Afterwards you just cry for the loss of freedom of expression. First you lose all credibility with the public. Donald Trump, is like any politician, populist, liar, but he did what he said during his race to his chiefdom and during the election period of two years. Nobody in the world can say that he did not know or did not know the mood of this man and certainly not journalists, Denise Bombardier, which I love.
Donald Trump did what he said and tried with great awkwardness with his team to manage a country. Why not leave him a little luck as you did with Barack Obama, the savior of American minorities that say? Even before starting a speech, journalists gun shoots him, only a few journalists here in Montreal gives him some mercy for now. I know, it moves the planet of these corrupt politicians, sold, and who fear that their own population dispose of them.

Examples David Cameron, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel soon and we ask God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, Allah, Jehovah, and to all known and unknown deities rob of selfie Mohamed Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party of Canada and of all Canadians and Quebecers liberal parties.

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