dimanche 5 février 2017

Rona Ambrose and Justin Trudeau spend holidays with millionaires at our expense

Rona Ambrose and Justin Trudeau spend holidays with millionaires at our expense
While some Conservative MPs were highly critical Premier Justin Trudeau for going on vacation on a private island owned by the wealthy Aga Khan, the interim leader of the party, Rona Ambrose, was sitting on a yacht owned by another billionaire in the Caribbean.

Canadian Press
Our elected officials, our politicians sell us twelve months a year
A spokesman for Ms. Ambrose confirmed the news reported by the website iPolitics that Ms. Ambrose and his friend JP Veitch, will be relaxed on the yacht belonging to oil magnate Murray Edwards off the French islands of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin.
Mike Storeshaw stressed, however, the Canadian Press that Ambrose had been much more transparent than Mr. Trudeau on vacation.
According to him, Ambrose followed all the rules for holidays, adding that it had been open with the Commissioner of Conflict of Interest and Ethics, unlike the Prime Minister.
He said that Ambrose had paid for his ticket on a charter flight with some of his friends. None of them, he added, is elected.

Mr. Storeshaw ensures that the conservative leader discussed his holiday with the Commissioner conflicts of interest and ethics that, after verification, found that Ms. Ambrose respected the rules.
According to Article iPolitics, Ambrose is on vacation from January 3 to 14. Meanwhile, members of his caucus demanded an investigation by the Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson on the residence Justin Trudeau on the private island of the Aga Khan.
The Prime Minister was first went to Nassau in a government aircraft as is the custom, then boarded the private helicopter Aga Khan to reach his private island in the Bahamas.
Also Helicopter and private island, shadow of Muslim Aga Khan following Justin Trudeau
According to section 11 of the Conflict of Interest Act, "it is forbidden for any public office holder and any member his family to accept a gift or other advantage, including from a trust that could reasonably be seen to have been given to influence the licensee in the exercise of his official duties. "
However, the law provides for exceptions to this rule, especially if the gift "from a parent or friend."
In section 12, it prohibits the Cabinet members' travel on chartered or private non commercial aircraft for any reason whatsoever, unless their duties in public office holder or warrant except in circumstances exceptional or with the prior approval of the Commissioner. "

They protect the interests of Canadian taxpayers or their own pockets? All people know they do not care about us!

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