Satan - Religions - Crusades - Politicians - United Nations - Corruptions - Oil Money - Allah
Some representatives of Satan's: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, François Hollande, Angela Merkel, François Fillion, Emmanuel Macron, Alain Juppe, Sadiq Khan, Luc Mélenchon , Salman of Saudi Arabia, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Philippe Couillard, Judge Fabienne Siredey Garnier, Agnes Féo, Agnès Gruda, Luc Chartrand, CBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera, BFMTV, etc.
Satan does have the representatives on Earth and billions of people who follow them blindly are the world via the United Nations, uncontrollable and corrupt teaches without human morality and soon they will get the order by the controlled chaos, "Problem - Action - Solution".
There is no better way to put the world on his knees, with this political religion with black gold that all countries that snapped to appropriate one world government, one world thought, one universal religious dictatorship and a one world religion where Satan, the Koran, the fools of Allah is the one and only God.
Religions and religious retrograde
Our own governments have already thrown all the bases in this invasion and made it tight if the armrests of anti Islamic laws, Islamophobic, expressions deletions rights of Christians and Jews with the laws that have opened all pathways of these highways of Satan, the Salafist who visit mosques every Friday for the invasion is as subtly realized with their friends the Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim extremists associations bribe cheerfully liberal parties of Canada, the provinces and Western countries.
Islam the abyss of religions
Islam, the Koran, sharia, barbarians, the Salafists washabite, petrodollars with the collaborators of politicians, investors, billionaires, leftist intellectuals, feminists depraved, Pope Francis the collaborator par excellence, the representative of Jesus on earth, embracing the Quran and kneels before refugees and terrorists sent and paid by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other satanic country, sold the Catholic Church.
This pope unfortunate that holy Father, was caught by Satan, even on the plane Papale, and starts doing politics. Pope Francis politicized instead of religion and protecting the Catholic religion and Christians and Jews who are eliminated one by barbarians that our government make laws to strengthen them in their wars against our civilization
Pope Francis Prepares to Welcome Lucifer In The Flesh 2017, Islam
If Satan exists, Hell exists, hell is Salafist
If Satan exists, Hell exists, hell is Salafist
God opened the gates of hell, and came out with the Wahhabi Salafists.
According to the Bible, hell is underground, the black gold. It is a place of torment that we could compare to a prison, Saudi Arabia, barbarians, mad Allah.
According to believers, God or Jehovah locked disobedient angels in a part of hell called the abyss, a bottomless pit. We even know that Satan is waiting for God or Jehovah furnish him the key of the abyss to force out demons his cronies who were imprisoned there.
The fifth angel sounded. And I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth. The key of the bottomless pit was given to him, and he opened the bottomless pit.
We know that Jesus descended into hell to preach to humans who were locked up there, those who are just could mount a heaven to him. For two thousand and victory of Jesus, all believers now go to heaven after death. They were previously kept too underground in a heavenly place called hell.
The fifth angel sounded. And I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth. The key of the bottomless pit was given to him, and he opened the bottomless pit.
We know that Jesus descended into hell to preach to humans who were locked up there, those who are just could mount a heaven to him. For two thousand and victory of Jesus, all believers now go to heaven after death. They were previously kept too underground in a heavenly place called hell.
The lies of Islam
Yet until there is no real ideological transition to the idea that Islam is a doctrine and practice as one that must also pass under the critical scrutiny it will not advance towards a collective awareness of the population to gradually prevent the killing of daily transforming every object in it as a random average murderer.
Our softness towards the Salafists
Thus not only the lack of gender equality must be denounced, but we must also remember that this is not the lack of democracy but Islamophilia which prevents either built churches, temples, synagogues in Muslim countries; it is also the Islamophilia reducing minorities, including Shiites, living in those countries to be only second class individuals; not to mention hundreds of thousands of Jews were expelled from the country since 1947 when they lived there long before the Arab Muslim invasion.
Our delicacies to Barbarians
How paralyze the hand of the killer if by doing doubt his interpretation Islamophile? Null recipe a priori true, but consideration should be given to stop believing that this would have nothing to do with this whole practice of Islam that exists in many countries in finance from "home" for some reply.
Our whores crooked politicians of Emirs Friends
Butour belles souls prefer to "combat Islamophobia" that is to say, refuse the ideological transition that would arm the consciences critically rather than the opposite.
France under artificial respiration with Muslim refugees and
The battered nation has given way to special interests. Racketeers, nostalgic ideologues candidates cloned by marketing techniques have invaded the political scene. Legendary figures such as De Gaulle and Mitterrand were replaced by politicians without scale as Sarkozy, the hyperactive, and Holland, pusillanimous. Endemic corruption, deceit and lack of transparency have used the political institution.
Divided from within, having failed in integrating its immigrants, weakened by the crushing weight of his public service and constantly paralyzed by unions in public services, France now expire more than it inspires.
Your politicians have sold you
As noted Donald Trump, Paris is not Paris, France is no longer French, France Emmanuel Macron has no more culture, except being Muslim, to become barbarians, bloodthirsty. This is the new Europe, the queen Angela Merkel wanted to create with the arrival of millions of religious terrorists on European soil, the invasion was successful, Barack Obama is enchanted, the Muslim Brothers have conquered the old continents, François Fillion will beg for air tickets to again go to Qatar and to dress his wife free to fee the French.
The France of the great Charles de Gaulle is definitely gone. Paris the city of light, just turn off all the lights, she became the city of blackness, the city of Satan from where the Koran, mosques proliferate as uncontrollable virus.
France's Francois Hollande, this incubator of Satan, this poisonous politicians, crooked it, let your country being trained in Koranic abymes Salafis from Saudi Arabia for some 24 French aircraft bursts, leaving agonize culture, ancestors , knowledge, intellectual scorpions to this company, these animals without any human value which currently rules the world with their petrodollars immoral.
My politicians sold us also
Unlike you, in Canada, our charmant Prime Minister you love all in France, our selfie, our empty shell without brain without cerebellum, the Honourable Justin Mohamed Trudeau,you see now this photo declaring his affinity in the mosque in Mississauga, Ontario, this mosque is affiliated directly with Al Qaeda and the political party of Mr. Justin Trudeau Liberal party of Canada (LPC) where he will preach the good news of Muslim brothers that his party is a member.
On some occasions, the Honourable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, who enacts all possible pro Muslim laws and banned from coming to power of freedom of expression for Christians, propels his wife and perched on the bench in the second henhouse floor of the mosque with other veiled females looking down his "HIGHNESS" his "GREATNESS" his "MASTER" to its Salafist instructions to his disciples.
Knowing that you all, French, France, the Honourable Prime Minister of Canada and his brother Alexandre Trudeau common Muslims and mosques, religious sites. The media from coast to another wonder why this craze from families Trudeau, Pierre Elliott father was Maoist, Marxist-Leninist, nazi, Castro's, and Québécophobe and Justin Trudeau son Mohammed became Salafist radicalized Islamist pro Sharia and Quran.
Canada's Muslim brothers in Brossard Quebec underline their pride to be understood and protected by the central government and welcome all the amendments that could bring universal introduction of the Qur'an, Allah on Canadian soil.
Islam, a Muslim extremist, petrodollars
say the words as they are, a terrorist is a Muslim is a Muslim, not a madman, a mental patient, a lone wolf, a psychopath, it is a being inhumane, with a mad inhuman religion of Allah and nothing else, and this is not racism to say things as they are, this is the truth, and that n is not Islamophobia, word invented by Islamic racist to western sensitive hearts.