mercredi 22 mars 2017

GENOCIDE - RIPOSTE LAÏQUE - François Hollande - Angela Merkel - Justin Trudeau - Our politicians, our judges, France and the Western countries muzzle Our Freedom of Democratic Expression

GENOCIDE - François Hollande - Angela Merkel - Justin Trudeau - our politicians, our judges, France and Western countries muzzle Our Freedom of Expression Democratic
17th Chamber of the High Court of Paris
Paris,France and Western countries are muzzling freedom of Expression to please the religious and religions that bring votes to the ruling political parties and aspiring politicians who want to sell the country to the barbarians Salafi Saudi Arabia, the emirs of Qatar and the Golf Courses, petrodollars, and receive their checks weekly and especially the friends of their Rolex Qatar.

Judge Fabienne Siredey-Garnier, never insult my religion Islam
Saudi Arabia, the humanitarian Koranic degeneration
The country of Allah, women, males of the trash, have no legal status. They should even ask permission to speak. Here is the West, our politicians want to take away the right to speak at the risk of censorship has accompanied the development of the modern press, parallel to attempts by the authorities, state and others to restrict the proliferation of decision word through the arts, film, literature. The battlefield was clear, the identified stakeholders, it was possible to fight for freedom.
Religious, legal dictatorships, lobbyists, populist, political
Censorship powers evolved, borrowing for many years the forms of formal notice. This has become familiar in the newsroom who know cope. It is often expensive and sometimes complicated, but the field is clear, the identified stakeholders, it is possible to fight for freedom.
France, land of ideas, intellectuals become the country Nazistes Intellectuals Collabos Quêteux
Wednesday, March 22, 2017 will therefore be held in front of the notorious 17th House of Paris, the trial of our founder Pierre Cassen. He is accused, as editor, for allowing the publication of two articles by Maxime Lepanto.
Riposte Lay
The two texts, written a few hours after the massacre of Nice and several Muslim assaults in Germany were reported to the prosecution by Gilles Clavreul, militant socialist, post without Prefect, placed by Manuel Valls at the head of the Dilcrah which now ends with an H, homosexuals did not want to be forgotten.
One thing more, paid for by our taxes to encourage the collaborators and Muslims to denounce patriots and hanging them in court while employing the former president of SOS Racisme, a former Socialist MP and forced some need good to eat, with the money from our taxes.
It is indeed a genuine judicial harassment suffered by the co-organizer of the Aperitif sausage plonk, since he was abandoned in October 2012, the site management Riposte Laïque (Secular),leaving our Swiss friends navigate the site with an editorial from strengthened.

Our judges, our politicians bought and our laws protect the political demagogues politico religious salafists
We do not care of Charlie Hebdo, the French cursed, these white, these Christians, these Catholics, they are not Muslims, they are morons pure inferior beings who are so welcoming that minorities govern all over the country with aid whores and judges who rule you
Horror, we Francois Hollande, Emperor of the Quranic Islamic Republic of France and my wife Emmanuel Macron are all paid by petrodollars and the colossal work must continue the total destruction of Europe with the Queen of Angela Merkel Europe.
Dear Angela Merkel, I like her smooth thighs, which host a significant number of Muslims, not genuine refugees, but paid by the Emirs, to continue the Crusades of Islam in Europe and America. During the visit of his holiness, the selfie, Canadian, Justin Trudeau,who was defrocked to become Muslim and frequent mosques in Canada, when he appeared in Berlin with my Queen Angela Merkel, have driven to the Wall Donald Trump.

The judges always lean towards the invaders and encourage the destruction of the country
This infamous man, who works for his country, his people, who will not be bribed, this inhuman man, that discredits us all, our dishonest politicians, as it should. Our rules are immutable, are kissing all the population and enrich our friends the Muslims, imams, our judges, our intellectuals, our pushy, our populist.
We, the politicians, have been very angry to see this Yankee walk freely in Europe and tell us and give us advice. We know how to steal, lie, destroy our country. If you want more information, how we are willing to prostitute ourselves, you do the buying volume Our dear Emirs of Christian Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot.

What are the aims of the judges to protect exclusively the politico religion which destroyed everything on the planet for decades against the population of our own country?
My wife, my ministers, my deputies, my jihadists, my beggar, my mayors, elected officials, have had intensive sessions in Qatar. We would like to apologize to François Fillion,he had no ticket with Qatar Airways free available for this great man. We suggested the price of Euros 50 bill and he refused because he had to get his weekly food from emergency services for the poor.
So we decided, and learned the Quran 101, in thirty minutes, remove all the freedoms of expressions for the French. They are not smart enough to use it smart, we emphasized Mrs. Agnes Féo, feminist insignificant.
French Islamic World Police nazi the17th.
The next sentence of the former editor responsible for secular Riposte paves the way for a form of global thought police.
It is already worrying from a French court if one considers judicial harassment suffered by those who oppose the Islamization France and Europe. This, however, should concern us more is the risk of opening in the international legal order, a breach in which then could engulf countries where certain violations of Sharia law are punishable by corporal punishment or the death penalty.

Decadence of France caused by the judgments of its immoral partial judges who guillotine the freedom of expression of the Christians the religion of the Westerners
Are the French prepared to accept that foreign legislation - where appropriate Islamic law, Sharia, the death of the human being - is needed everywhere and also in France? What would remain, the freedom of expression so dear to the Enlightenment, including France, rightly, is so proud?
It's not just the former editor responsible for secular Riposte, they are all patriots of Europe that now have their eyes on the Court of Appeal of Paris, now called upon to rule on this form dangerous judicial imperialism.
Canada Salafi Muslims Brothers
andin Canada, the government of Justin Trudeau is the same for the laws of the Koran and Sharia, the freedoms of expression disappear in favor of Muslims who took total control of all government agencies Canadians heading Salafists us now. Thank you, Mr. Justin Trudeau,multiculturalism, the death of nation, Canada without culture, without any identity.
Shames François Hollande, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillion, Pope Francis, Alain Juppe, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Philippe Couillard, sold our judges, non-patriotic
 French wake up, stand up and vote
Le Pen
See text Riposte Lay

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