jeudi 9 mars 2017

Gaétan Barrette - A tragic death sentence punishable by the Nursing Home for the next 20 years - Cruel and inhuman punishment according to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Gaétan Barrette - Criminal sanctioned spent the next 20 years in nursing homes - cruel and inhuman Punishment according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the United Nations
The scene takes place at the Montreal courthouse in March 2017.
The application judge the accused to stand up with his lawyer for sentencing.
A man, white and Christian, Salman of Saudi Arabia,or not, the judge and lawyer Me. Anne-France Goldwater, a man of forty years, unshaven but dressed well enough that anticipated the judge's ruling spent several years behind bars with criminals, imams, sexual maniacs, rapists, politicians, ministers, etc. Get up, sir!

Sir, you have been found guilty of second degree murder of your business partner. Not only have you committed a particularly heinous crime that shocked the population, but you never showed remorse. I condemn you to spend twenty (20) years in a NURSING HOME (CHSLD) under the direction of Dr. Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health of Quebec Whereas the meals have a budget of $ 2.19 or 1.50 Euro.
No person gains weight in these places and all meals and slimming requirements ....
Livid, visibly stunned, the man starts shouting his lungs ... No, No, No, earlier death, I demand the immediate extradition to Ottawa. I want to see Justin Trudeau immediately and the Minister of Justice of Canada Judy Wilson Raybould.
The judge, we take the accused! The lawyer of the convict gets up, furious. Asks the judge to immediately change his decision, so cruel, foul.
"Judge, with all due respect I owe you, it is completely unacceptable that you sent my client in such a sinister place NURSING HOME (CHSLD's). You are aware that in 1984 Canada signed an international convention against torture.
In Paris SALAH ABDESLAM, this Muslim-affiliated Islamic State, he is involved in the attacks of 13 November 2015 were 130 deaths in the Paris region is sent in a Luxury prison until the end of his days. And my client did not kill only one person.

The Convention on Human Rights prohibits inhuman and degrading treatment, even for prisoners.
And in 1988, the High Commissioner for UN Human Rights Council adopted a set of principles for the protection of persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment.
But the violent Eldercare all humanitarian principles!
Master, sorry, but I decided to give exemplary punishment to all criminals.
Sir, they are only entitled to one bath a week, sir! They do not have a plasma TV! They do not have a gym, library or high-tech headphones plugged into their seats, the inedible food, a diaper quota, etc.!
When they pee, they are left to macerate in their pee for hours! It attaches them to their bed at night! They never visited! And ... and ... (The voice of the lawyer breaks, the media record the tears of criminal and police who handcuffed this criminal. THEY EAT EAT THE SOFT! YEAR! It's inhuman, It is cruel, even the Islamic State best deals raped Muslim slaves that our own elders in our nursing home!

Judge,  prison Sept-Îles will make us a good solution. No, get out.
I'm going to complain to the Nations UN, Human Rights Watch to Amnesty international, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Mosque of Brossard, and Françoise David. I will write to the Red Cross, I will organize events, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, and Pauline Marois will come out with saucepans, sit-ins, will blow up the subway, anarchy!
These institutions were created for the old and sick, not healthy inmates who have a lifetime ahead of them!
Shame on you, Mr. judge, you are a criminal to treat criminals as criminals!
Gaétan Barrette, Quebec Minister of health and lying before the Salafi
Minister Gaétan Barrette agrees that quality meals are offered in all Eldercare the province by the end of the Liberal mandate in 2018.
Deputies and journalists were invited on Wednesday in a show-tasting new menus developed by health facilities in the national Capital and Chaudière-Appalaches.
Lasagna on a bed of green beans, coq au vin and loin of salmon, each solid and soft version were distributed to some 100 guests gathered at the Québec City Convention Centre. The price of the meal is between $ 1.97 and $ 3.07. Meanwhile the prisoners, for fish menu, steaks, recognized leaders of sauces, health food, hygienic with nutritionists.  We love our criminals in Quebec and hate our old.

Menus tailored for Muslims
Recognizing that customers in the Quebec City region is "of Quebec strain" Gaétan Barrette says that menus should be adapted to different cultural communities living in Montreal especially for Muslims who vote for our party.
Good news, CHILD move the old prisons
Meanwhile, 100 kilometers away, in the small kitchen of a small apartment, a man of about fifty years old talking to his mother ...
" Mom, I have good news! You guess. Never what I managed to do ... what?
"The man looks at her mother with a smile. "I found you a place at the new prison in Sept-Îles!" The mother lets out a cry of joy. "Not true! But, but ... it's fantastic! "The man pulls out a folder from his bag.
Cell services in Sept-Iles Jail with butler
"Look at the pictures, Mom, how beautiful! It's clean, freshly painted, there are beautiful colors on the walls!
You should see the cafeteria, a beauty! And the cells are super cute! You can even track all kinds of classes! Are you happy?

- This is the best day of my life! You really are the best son in the world -

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