samedi 4 mars 2017

Our politicians sold and bought in the Emirates - Islamic states of people eaten away by barbaric hatred of the Quran - Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Adil Charkaoui - Zunera Ishaq - Judy Wilson Raybould - Angela Merkel

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Adil Charkaoui - Zunera Ishaq - Judy Wilson Raybould Angela Merkel - Muslims - Islamic - Extremists - Our politicians bought and sold the Emirs - Islamic states of people ravaged by hatred Koranic barbarians
of two things one, either they were always there and feel emboldened to come forward, whether they are recent converts to intolerance by the ideas circulating since the last presidential campaign of Donald Trump.
Women are good only for bed
Still, that cases of racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, in short, hate every beast, multiply the United States and no one knows how to react. What we all know, we Western politicians, which blithely pavoisaient with our heads on plates of gold to the countries of petrodollars to sacrifice ourselves, our Western values and rub the Salafist Islamic barbarism in all our countries hit a Wall, Donald Trump wall.
This building, the Trump Tower, that bothers so many global elites on this planet gutter rats will drink daily basis at branches of Emirs Salafi Wahhabi Saudi Arabia,Qatar,the empires of the devil, the evil, diabolical Koran that runs through our street, with this culture not our governments force us to accept.
If his husband ask her to kill herself she should do it because her herbush is the greatest
Salafist Islam Wahhabi is not a culture, it is the ignorance of Satan on Earth, the sacrilege of a sect without soul and faith
Quebec recently hosted a conference on radicalization where it was question of any except of radical Islamism. No wonder one of the questions that haunt many minds affect the collusion of Western policymakers with wrens of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two breasts that fund, with billions of dollars, the expansion of the Salafi ideology worldwide.
How many times have you wondered why our political leaders turned a blind eye for so many years on the expansion of radical Islam? Why did they let free the ideologists of Wahhabism petro-to indoctrinate our youth, spread hatred and issue calls for jihad?
Why did they choose Islam rather than Islam? Why were they recognized as interlocutors Salafist groups who advocate the burqa and sharia and want to undermine democracy instead of listening to the Democrats Islam Muslims living peacefully and harmoniously blend into their host society ?
All muslims should kill all jews
Donald Trump is right
Normal moral reaction, of course, is to denounce this narrowness, but the fanatical rejection of others hardly seem affected. There is always the ethereal way, like "wishful thinking" on Donald Trump, as expressed during his press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
"I think you will see the United States very different in the three, four or next eight years. Many good things are happening. You'll see lots of love.
"The President of the work ahead. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a group of civil rights, has unveiled its report for 2016, a "record year for hate." The presidential campaign of Donald Trump with an anti-immigrant program is among the main reasons for this intransigence thrust. Migrants bring us religions whose Islam.
Imam I love love young boys to make love
Religion, Islam makes us lose our freedoms
Islam brings us back to the era of religious wars, slavery of peoples, barbarities, of devilry. The people, having been brainwashed since their births are and will be unable to have decisions in their lives about their own religion and the religion of others. They will forever be criminals expectations to attack the infidels, draft evaders.  
These are people, dormant spies Allah service within our society. They will never, themselves say clear and sharp, Western democracies must be destroyed replaced and sharia and the Koran and infidels must die. That is to say, all of us, Christians, Jews, but our politicians have sold we will be spared as slaves I hope.
I will marry my nine year old girl tonight
Hamza Chaoui, Allah is with me, and Canada is knee
Hamza Chaoui during his speeches in mosques in Montreal, the great highlights, every day, we will never integrate ourselves to Canadian companies and Quebec, we Muslims , Islamists, we are disciples of Allah, Canada is our territory to colonize, we must have as many children so that the population of Muslims is higher than all other religions in Canada and that we can take power with the help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, our selfie, our mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood in Ottawa.
I tell you, you women, you need obedience to male and every night when your husband, your husband wants to have sex with you to procreate, you owe him obedience as is the Koran. It is your duty to have a child per year, and never say no to your spouse, because Allah will punish you for not wanting to colonize Canada and to get rid of the infidels, Christians and Jews cursed.  
Women should stay home and serve men
Our North American politicians are not let
Allah allowed us to come to North America, we conquer Canada first with Justin Trudeau, and Philippe Couillard, and after Barack Mohamed Obama and the Muslim Brothers, United States will be at our feet. There is convincing evidence and almost overwhelming that not only Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Hillary Clinton have created a phony Arab Spring in support of the Muslim Brotherhood, but they have also created, funded, and practically protect ISIS Islamic State.
It is a known fact, and not mere speculation that Mohamed Barack Obama has close links with the Muslim Brotherhood. He invited this terrorist organization at the White House, more times than any other group or lobby.
He appointed members of the Muslim Brotherhood, in very sensitive positions in the Department of Homeland Security - Homeland Security, and now it has extended the appointments in his administration.

The vice president of Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court Tahani al-Gebali, said in an interview with the al-Kibir Bitna chain last August that the brother of the president of the United States Barack Obama Mohamed, Mr. Malik Obama, is one of the architects of the strategy of investments on behalf of the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, an international terrorist organization.
Well, okay, I bow exclaimed Thomas Mulcair
Freedom of expression does not exist for the common man except for Muslims who attack all parts of society. Now the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has only one side of justice, one side of the coin, it always leans the same way. As in the United States, when a black or Hispanic deemed it 50% less likely to be found not guilty a white.  
Here in Canada or Quebec, it's the same situation if you are a Christian, you have no chance, or French is even worse, but if you are Muslim, all doors are open to you, you will all the free services, the media, you incense,the flags will be bernes, politicians will be special laws, money, experts, intellectuals, feminists will fight the shirts to mount pins in folders in your favor hiding the essential truths, demagogues politicians will skate during the week on it to collect political funds.  

All shout, that francophone Quebecers are racist, Islamophobic, Quebec bashing Canadian English will be the maximum, complete enjoyment, Philippe Couillard, who hates so much the people of Quebec will enjoy again and open the Quran to pray to Allah for having served this gift. Migrants in Canada and Quebec, for the liberal parties are bonanzas from heaven Allah is their saviors, those who put their "X" on their ballots.
Salafi Islam Wahhabi of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, AIDS advocate of humanity that our Western politicians for maximum of petrodollars and instinct ion of our cultures and democracy
Justin Trudeau does not care their religion and s they are terrorists or not, their vote is important,full stop. So there is no more tag to the Islamic religion, this religion to the open field throughout all the provinces.  
And we discover how freedom of expression is infinitely more fragile because several religious faiths now claim that our freedoms we expressions are withdrawn. Some preachers have become to say that their religions are above civil laws. These religious people are currently dangerous for our democracy and our constitution, when you crazy Allah bloodthirsty bearded, without laws, which we entours who want the annihilation of Canadian culture, Quebecers and Christian.

For some, the call for censorship takes reflex and, in others, one wonders if it is not a political program. Or, precisely, freedom of expression is valuable only when it lets say disturbing things. Freedom of expression must be made as a medal, having two sides, to be free and uncensored by religion's, precepts, principles, correct policies.
For months, the Quebec government has seriously considered before declining to entrust to the Human Rights Commission, on behalf of the fight against hate speech, the power to investigate on the basis of a simple denunciation and crack down if necessary. The case is also more insidious than is generally realized. In today's climate, it is no longer necessary to openly call for censorship.
Laugh all you want of the Catholic religion. But you will think more before you make jokes about religions in which the sense of humor is doing less well as Islam. We say, for example, that certain remarks are creating a climate that trivializes or provoking violence.
Our politicians have they become more populist after the tragedy, religious delirium
Are some of our leaders are Crazy?
Delirium on Islamophobia or intolerance on the clothing is moving beyond all bounds of reason.

Do we really remember that it is the religious freedoms that are based on democratic freedoms and not the reverse?
Religions are not the cause of democracy. Democracy has emerged from a long struggle, including against religious powers.
And now because of religious criticism displease some devout Muslims, would require the Canadian parliament vote a motion condemning Islamophobia created by Islam by Muslim extremists to blame the Democrats small as weare?Our politicians, our feminist mango intelligences, our nounounes, Françoise David, Lise Bacon, Hilary Clinton, Angela Merkel, our politicians liars, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Emmanuel Macron, François Hollande, populists have all smelt of manna traditional Islamic religious racist propaganda he deploys with heavenly arrogance to deceive us and make us feel as guilty as them, religious barbarians, religion of death.

This support religious drift is the same echo in Quebec Premier who loves self flagellate to the citizens of Quebec, he hates to no end. Since coming to this wonderful desert country, Saudi Arabia and whose Notes petrodollars enjoy in his brain and in his accounts in tax havens, he imagined all the ways to put ourselves in situations that all non-Muslims Quebecers racist, Islamophobic, worth of nothing, pigs.
The duty of criticism of all intelligent citizens
Criticize radical Islam should be a state duty of citizens and elected officials. Wahhabism,in particular, is a real political program to overthrow democracies.
How about the veil in terms other than sexual repression? By what modesty unreasoning religious leaders they forbid women to leave their homes otherwise almost fully covered? While they are not covered in their home, while it was 35 degrees in the shade? Explain, Charles Taylor, which twisted philosophical principle, therefore justifies the oppression and suffering?
The wanderings and flatulence of the first Canadians ministers
How a Prime Minister can he take the side of oppression against that of liberty? Sexual oppression is so well integrated that some Muslim women believe they are acting freely.
Tell us gentlemen Trudeau and Couillard, your parents did not they ever tell you how terrified the population of Quebec Catholic church with his stories of sins? mortal  How men and women sincerely believed to be well when they were subjected to the dictates of the priests? Are you therefore unable to see the parallels with what some new religious leaders today imposed on Quebecers of different religions?

On second thought, you are the illustration that if the Quiet Revolution freed us from the stranglehold of religion, we have still kept some priests.
Acts that should be criminal and not disparage our first Canadians ministers for religions and religious superiors are civil laws in Canada
Many other religious injunctions are completely stupid and even fatal. How is it that Jehovah's Witnesses can prohibit their flocks blood transfusions, which can kill them? Spread such dangerous beliefs health should be sanctioned by the penal code. No philosophical or legal principle should never lead to justify murderous beliefs.
How is it that children of ultra-Orthodox Jews are raised in ignorance of science? How can we justify social autarky these religious haredi impose their community?
Democracy frees minds and Canadian politicians do not respect the Canadian civil law primarily because the religions are a unique and individual mindset to each person, and Canada is a collective territory, a nation with citizens and laws human governing without distinction

Of religious injunctions list is long. More often they help to keep practitioners in terror of hell after death. These religious practices imprison the minds and submit them to the religious leaders of wills. Democracy frees citizens because it subjects them to themselves.
When believers want to silence criticism, it is because such criticism just aim. By flattering the most radical religious beliefs, some of our elected officials hope garner more votes. In reality, they are far from the majority of the population. But above all, they betray the foundations of democracy.
Religions, religious, preachers, politicians will bring the Apocalypse and the revolutions of the people against them, gentlemen Justin Trudeau, Francois Hollande, Pope Francis, Angela Merkel, and other beggar millionaires with their spouses, their associations who look emirs from the Gulf, petrodollars, these terrorists are committing the murder in us by post, fill the wonderful checkbooks figures that settle in obscure accounts. As does some person I dare not name, in France, François Fillion, committing representatives of his own family and who is known not when taken hand in prize pools with money dirty, we will tell all they found and have forgotten to put it.

Our politicians are opportunists, liars of the worst kind. These are very good actors, charlatans, who would sell their mothers for five under. So you understand we sell us, the idiots who contribute to their hold on power, we are the first to be sold and to be sacrificed. They will always treat them the rights of us racist, Islamophobic, all the words, but they will have filled their pockets, treacherous they are with their angelic devilish tunes.

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