dimanche 19 mars 2017

Donald Trump rejects Angela Merkel humanitarian Salafist forfeiture

Donald Trump rejects Angela Merkel humanitarian Salafist forfeiture
Donald Trump and Angela Merkel played reconciliation which FALSE, lie
see scowling Trump who refuses to shake hands with Angela, one wonders what it would be s' they did not play reconciliation! No handful of hands certainly,but not a word, not a look either! Glacial.

The Queen of Europe importer ofSalafist  WahhabiMuslim terrorists became severely to take full barrel with Justin Trudeau Prime Minister Donald Trump on to do discredit across the entire planet with the aid of Francois Hollande, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillion, Alain Juppé and thousands more sold and paid by the emirs of the Gulfs and friends of Qatar ..
the Salafist depravity of the German Chancellor, who took the intolerable habit of directing Europe to the flogging, legendary smear, in defiance of its partners, is struggling to hide his face air malaise angry Donald Trump, who clearly displays his disagreements without qualms and without the hassle of diplomatic smiles hypocrites rigor in such circumstances. Donald has the balls and it shows!
Contemptuous treatment to which the proud Merkel, who decides, demands and orders to the 28 EU countries, is clearly not accustomed. She did not suffer such an affront on his way to the United States. A real pleasure this video! Donald Trump is nothing wrong, it is true, it is as it is, not like these liars, these politicians, these puppets to service Saudi Saudis and terrorists, refugees who roam freely in Europe.

It not only applies the program for which he was elected, which exasperated the waste from European officials, but also it does not feel obliged to make rosettes an interlocutor that he appreciates not, even a head of state.
Angela called for a strong Europe, it destroyed Europe to deliver on a silver platter to the Muslims who control all over Europe and by extension the West. Donald Trump thinks particularly if Europe becomes Salafist like Angela Merkel wants, he will have to protect Europe. Therefore, it requires that the Europeans strengthen their defense and rely more on the protection of the United States. NATO is not an eternal law and America no longer pay without sharing the burden.
On immigration, disagreement is total. Donald Trump denounces "tragic mistake" to host a million Syrian refugees. Angela Merkel and lectures him about "the values of democracy." The answer to Donald Trump, is that Germany no longer exists and that Angela Merkel will disappear.
Again it 100% right. If France applied the principle of reciprocity in its trade or diplomatic relations, it would not be there. No churches in Saudi Arabia? No Salafist mosques in France!

Donald Trump is definitely the best president of the United States since Reagan, the winner of the Cold War. It is not the idiot that our media tried to portray for months.
Donald Trump needs neither money nor recognition, nor of Rolex given by Qatar to François Hollande or friends of Qatar. It is not part of beggars French politicians who will cash their checks with Saudi Arabia. It is not there to take advantage of the system like our European leaders, Canadian or Quebecer who claim to despise money but tamper on all sides.
Trump is there to straighten America and it is surrounded by billionaires who do not need to go for alms to the Ambassador of Qatar or any kind of oil. They will do all the job that the people expect of them.

Meanwhile, all the economic lights are green and growth accelerates, and more than expected according to the IMF. Since Donald Trump is in power, stock markets around the world continue to rise, money flows, investors are happy as larks, but Western politicians are trying to destroy it. What are their reasons for doing so. I know, they are paid by the Salafists, Muslims, Islamists to continue their crusades to destroy the West and our presidents and prime ministers do all in their power to get there with their anti Trump propaganda.
Justin Trudeau in Canada is the best from around the world to do this. He specializes in mosques and on national television CBC and Radio-Canada for anti Trump pro Islamic hate, pro Salafist in newspapers, the media, to make us accept the coming of the newborn, the Koran, sharia the Muslim world, terrorist, inhumane as Saudi Arabia and Qatar implanted slowly but surely on our territory.
Our intellectuals of lefts, our feminists are veiled eyes, persecutions are started cons Christians who begin to revolt against hatred and racist who profess against Christians and Jews in all the provinces and that our laws protect. Our prime ministers do not stop them in their mendacious propaganda as they too, their political parties benefit from the largesse of the Persian country. Our elites at all levels and we have sold have sold. Only a few commentators have the courage to stand up and tell the truths to people.

A president, Donald Trump who deeply loves his country and fully dedicated to its recovery rather than his own career! But in Quebec, the Prime Minister Philippe Couillard, so hate Quebecers, water carriers, the French Canadian who never read French newspapers, do not listen to the Quebec francophone and anglophone TV but speaks Arabic.
Photo to the press conference
Not watch the press conference with Angela Merkel and Donald Trump Friday without feeling a shiver face so much ignorance and good faith on the part of an American president.
I loved when the photo session during which Trump has behaved like a real honest president by refusing to shake hands with German Chancellor because she did not deserve this tight in my hand.

Donald Trump certainly does not meet the regulatory diplomacy but Merkel also should have shut up and not to attack head-on with Justin Trudeau, Francois Hollande and several other presidents and ministers from various countries.
Angela Merkel can be harvested just what she wanted to sow in the garden, it Donald Trump, has allowed him to realize that the United States is their main breadwinner, and he does not like being punished this way for it to protect its Muslim refugees against his own people, the Germans true and patriotic disappointed with the devil, it represents the humanitarian decline in Europe.

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