samedi 25 mars 2017

Islamic radicals, moderates, are destroying the Western soul that has its roots in the freedom of conscience and freedom of expression, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, François Hollande, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen, Donald Trump, Theresa May

Islamic radicals, moderates, are destroying the Western soul that has its roots in the freedom of conscience and freedom of expression, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, François Hollande, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen, Donald Trump, Theresa May
Leaders of the coalition against the Islamic State met Wednesday in Washington while almost simultaneously an Islamist terrorist attack in London.

The coalition against the Islamic State problem is that it includes among its members several governments themselves are the countries that encourage and pay for Islamist terrorists commit their murders come in our democratic country that our politicians are selling these Gulf Emirs. We are allied with Islamists to defeat Islamism, these Nazistes, this Salafi Islam, the religion of death that seat as CEO for Human Rights at the UN. Have allies like that is like having a knife to her throat.
What Islam Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard force us to accept this political enemy religion of our laws, our customs, Christians, Western
Islamism is a political and religious ideology that seeks to conquer the world order to impose a radical Muslim faith. Some, like the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, think that this conquest can be done by peaceful means rather, propaganda force and buy our politicians who collect their checks, their Rolex as do so many French friends Qatar, François Hollande, François Fillion, Emmanuel Macron and several hundred beggars French politicians.
Others, like the leaders of the Islamic State, believe that this victory can only occur by war. Islamists do not tolerate any form of criticism against their religious beliefs. They do not tolerate that science and the arts question their dogmas. Also, Boko Haram, the first actions they take when they come to power are often burned libraries, destroy the museums, artists persecuting and killing freethinkers. In this respect there is no difference between Taliban religious leaders, Iran, Saudi Arabia or the madmen of the Islamic State.
Why Islamists they attacking democracies? Because our rights shall protect the criminals, that is to say those moderate Muslims, extremists roam our streets, imams who propagate religious hatred from the Qur'an with impunity.
The Government of Canada enact pro Islamic laws and amendments to control our expressions rights, promotes racism Muslims to Canadians Christians and Jews, we are the infidels, the Qur'an. Islamophobia created from scratch by Muslim associations, the Muslim Brotherhood who bribe our politicians and political parties. By dictatorships of nazistes, plots of imams in mosques in Islamic schools subsidized by our governments, our taxes, our deputies to the National Assemblies, our media, our state television. Their planetary invasions Salafists continue to the destruction of humanity.
Their Islamophobia, their racism, and encourages radicalism protected by our prime ministers, ministers, MPs, our National Assemblies, there are building highways destruction of expressions freedoms of our civil laws, the massacres of our religion, our customs so they can install their barbarities, their Sharia, their Salafism, their dictatorship by Amir Khadir of Québec Solidaire.  
Islam, the religion anti democratic, anti-human, religion, death, religion contrary to life and is opposed to all the other religions of the world, who wants to conquer, for murder, no matter how, power, money, politics, demagoguery, the suppression of civil liberties, the annihilation of identity thinking.  
Humans can not think for itself, it is an automaton, a can filled with black bean, Satan, a book think for him, and the human back to life as it was two thousand years and ignores all shareholders of science for others.  
Imams and religious rich, they are using the delights of democracy, like vultures, in luxury with their families, but the poor have to follow the directions of these Nazistes the heads of these preachers of mosques.
Islamists are fighting all political regimes that are not run by religious leaders. Democracy is unique in that citizens of democracies are only subject leaders they elect. This freedom is untenable for the Islamists. They believe that humans must submit to Allah. They believe that Islamist religious leaders are the interpreters of the divine will. The others must be quiet and obey.
The politicians are not the only ones responsible for what happens in the Near and Middle East. The Desert Rats, the Emirs, religious Allah with petrodollars welcomed with open arms money, dollars, power over their own people and the world. These wonderful servants of the devil, knew what they were taking this Himalaya of money, profit, power over politicians, on investors, our corrupt who lead us, the devil politico religious, Muslim Salafists wahhabis, barbarians, the sect of the desert, became the very fact that global elites,the Illuminati's New world order.
The US wars in Iraq and Libya were serious errors. The support of Donald Trump to Israeli religious fundamentalist settlers is also a mistake. The need to control the sources of oil and gas has led many Western countries filthy alliances.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Gulf countries, Islamic countries, backward countries, barbarian countries, cancers of mankind, religious AIDS patients of all religions, unable to control themselves, not even their hatred, their sexuality, their dignity. Their women are still used slavery in Saudi Arabia, they do not even have the status of an animal. And our intellectuals, our feminists are fighting for the religion we invade, and we control. This is just do not understand these leftists, Agnes Féo, Agnès Gruda, Françoise David, Henriette Recker, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Luc Chartrand, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillion, judge Fabienne Siredey-Garnier, etc.
But neighboring countries and oriental means also bear a large share of responsibility because of religious strife, tribal and political held there.
Why ally with the barbarian country, cruel, inhuman, veiled Islamists?
There is no longer any good reason to do so. But the United States, France, Britain, China, Russia, Canada, Australia and many other countries, receive lavish contracts from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, etc. And they need the oil and gas from these countries. So rather than fight these countries, they prefer to save time, to ally with them against the common enemy, these Nazistes as the Islamic State.
How to solve the problem? Stop immigration of Muslims.
First, use the right vocabulary, terrorists are Muslims, Islamists, who have been brainwashed since birth with the Koran and Allah, to kill, they are killers, murderers potential, dormant in waiting to attack us like wild out of control, full stop.
Saudi Arabia is an enemy country, to destroy, such as Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Libya,and several African and Asian, soon Canada and France will be under control Islamic countries. We must also open our eyes to the true nature of Islamic ideas, which are disguised as religion.
Then, the United States should be included in the coalition China and Russia and exclude countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Bombing of London
Bombing of London was attempted by ordinary Muslims, moderates, extremists, you rubbed shoulders every day, in the streets, eating Allal, which require compromises unreasonable and your government their accord to avoid offending these wonderful future religious criminals, Islamist immigrants, on the ground British, who kill the British to promote Allah, the Koran and the Sharia point machine.  
Not Tamils, Christians, Jews, who terrorize people around the worlds are Muslims, Salafi Islamists, who often stay in Birmingham, Muslim city, Islamist, Salafist, veiled city, as your Mayor of London import love to drown the British population and assimilate you to the religious politico devil pointed Sadiq Khan.
Your mayor, Sadiq Khan, your future terrorist Salafist incubator hope your Prime Minister, Theresa May brings you 90,000 new Islamic Muslim refugees per year in soil Columbia to continue the colonization of the ancient empire of which the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the National selfie is consistent also for the total destruction of Canada.
Each new Islamist attack in western countries causes different reactions, wrapped in caution wadding and formulated in a vocabulary that seeks to mitigate the brutality and barbarism intolerable act of a murderer. "We're not afraid," assure our leaders have to hide their trembling hands behind his back when publicly commenting on the killings of the soldiers of Allah.
This is not a crazy sick is a Muslim, the Koran crazy, that is to say, a religion of barbarians, the money currently protects worldwide. But this attempt to dismiss the real reason for this war, waged in the name of Allah by fighters whose goal is to destroy the Judeo-Christian culture, is used to justify Daech, Al Qaeda, the Taliban or Boko Haram which create terror on every continent, but seeks universal cataclysm which our politicians, our intellectuals, our media do not want us to show the content. They are fighters dead including the Prime Minister of Canada will preach in their mosques on Friday to continue their barbarities.
Islam, Salafi political religion inf monstrous soul
Many Muslims who do not want to integrate and to hate us, to throw our civilization, always demanding more openness from us, while sowing hatred in our back Philippe gentlemen Couillard, Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair.
Montreal police recently informed us that three Montreal imams delivered sermons archived on YouTube by concerned mosques calling for the murder of Jews (they said "Jews", not "Zionists"). If you think they hate the Jews, think again. Who emptied the Middle East Christian communities whose existence dates back to 700 years before Islam, if not Islamic fundamentalists? Hamza Chaoui,imam in Montreal, Islam is incompatible with democracy, to death on Canada.
What reasons do we keep criminals from Allah to us with their hate speech against Christians and remove our rights expressions to give them free field to these religious nazistes?

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