mercredi 15 mars 2017

Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Francois Hollande, Marine Le Pen - Les Québécois de souche, The French of France, we welcome immigrants with open hands and we have become citizens of last class in our own country according to the Charter of Rights because our politicians use migrants for the balance of power

Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, François Hollande, Marine Le Pen, Angela Merkel

The native Quebecer from Quebec, The French of France, we welcome immigrants with open hands and we have become citizens of last class in our own country according to the Charter of Rights because our politicians use migrants for the balance of power
Multiculturalism, immigrants kills nations

Multiculturalists intellectuals of the school, self-hatred, welcome the destruction of the national identity. Immigrants have no sense of allegiance to their adopted country.
Multiculturalism has become a one-way street in which the West made concessions and non-Westerners requests. This is untenable. The West is now exposed to the paradox of loss of cultural identity auto generated which is a political weakening in a global village. The task before us is to cure the multicultural illusion reaffirming once again the values that made the West strong and attractive to the rest of the world. "
Loss of distinctive character of Quebec and France and the country that the migrant has chosen has become a Tower of Babel of languages and also mono cultural ghettos of foreigners.
Our population being accelerated replacement, destruction of the West by migrants. Westerners people's demand an immediate halt to Muslim immigration communicating hatred of humanity and the destruction of national identity which lead to barbarism this political religion, the Salafi Islam washabite our politicians we stuffed into the throat with force.

False guilt of Quebeckers and French
They insinuated a sense of guilt in the minds of all, so that merely to question the wisdom or viability of a society consisting of myriad ethnic and religious groups without mutual sympathy and often mutually antagonistic is believed to cause a shift towards extreme nationalism or fascism.

The French from France discovered and built in Quebec in 1554 and supporting the nomination of a Quebec, Québec for Quebecer. It would cause a national scandal and they would be in newspapers around the world. Quebecers are racist in the slaughterhouse immediately, we must all stone us said the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard
Vote ethnic, the media, intellectuals, politicians, Justin Trudeau
Emmanuel Macron "When I say" Algeria Algerians ", everyone said well done! "Tunisia Tunisians", everyone said well done! "Turkey for the Turks", everyone said well done! "Africa for the Africans", everyone said well done! "Palestine Palestinians" everyone says bravo! Israel to Jews, everyone says bravo! Germany Islamic terrorist refugees Salafists, everyone says bravo! France to Muslims all say bravo! The United States Barack Obama to the Muslim brothers. NOR Does Donald Trump told the Americans, everybody says bravo!

But Quebecers and French-born, have they lost their identities and countries. Have they been so welcoming to migrants that were caught in the traps of non-integration of minorities in the majority. When their premiers Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard to preach intolerance and divisions against Francophones in Quebec, they constantly fan the flames for the complete extinction of French life in America.
The lies of Radio-Canada, Mélanie Joly and Luc Chartrand
But when Quebecers dare to speak identity lip, treated racists, they say they are closed on themselves. And CBC pat them on to prime time by associating them with Marine Le Pen.
Without 40 years of political and media lynching of the FN, Marine would be elected in the 1st round
As in Canada, the US, France, feeling the effects of the media paid by the Salafists, dictatorships, dictators, who want to control the country and control as in Quebec, Desmarais family almost all newspapers, the media and in English Canada.  
In the United States, Donald Trump was quite right to say that CNN and most of the media, newspapers, news networks always lean on the same side, the side of Barack Obama, the Democrat. Here in Canada Stephen Harper, former Conservative prime minister, who is trying to put order in all of Canada was crucified so many times in public by these cowardly journalists 24 hours 24.  

And we raised this human wreck,a Muslim Salafist multicultural having no culture, who spend billions every day, with huge deficits, which sells us the barbaric Saudi Arabia and state television, incense constantly because it receives millions in grants and their leaders do not want to lose their big and huge salaries.  
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
The Liberal Party of Canada and provincial Liberal parties manipulate the masses and considering them as little politicize the national selfie cajole even the French media by naming the Kennedy Canada. As journalists, the French and the world's media have been taken as fools by this charlatan. He can not even manage a 20-cigarette pack of cigarettes without a committee ad hoc to tell him what to do.
Even his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the first traitor, Canadian "the night of the long knives", and that settled the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the Canadian Constitutions to destroy the French-speaking Quebec, and succeeded, not even wanted to restore the inheritance to his son forty years since it was still unable to manage his weekly budget that his father gave him every week as pockets of currencies.  
When was the first leader of the official opposition in Ottawa, our current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau did not attend the meetings, for him it was not important. In addition,the New last year when we made her wish, he asked broadcasters to transmit his live speech on networks. But the catch is that he was already with billionaire friends, Muslims in the Islands of the Bahamas and the message was prerecorded.  The Prime Minister's office confirmed Wednesday that a Liberal member and the president of the party and their respective spouses, recently stayed with the Trudeau family in the private domain of the Aga Khan, the spiritual leader and lobbyist Liberals in Ottawa.

The bills have been passed on to us Canadians, the taxpayers because Justin Trudeau is only millionaire so he does not pay for his holidays, but the people must pay him a holiday. The rich who live in the poor brackets, as I often say, our politicians the welfare of the rich, François Fillion.
Even the first of Canada did not want to be in Canada, the country with no culture since his arrival and we lied in the face. The media are always accommodating with the Liberals and never with the Conservatives.
Marine Le Pen is betrayed by the media, intellectuals, feminists
Your media in France have been so stupid it, name to even a worm is smarter than him, Justin Trudeau,who frequent the mosques, and that he considers his wife that she is less than the male, is traitor, Canadian identity  and Québécophobe, as François Hollande, Angela Merkel, François Fillion, Emmanuel Micron, Hillary Clinton, Alain Juppe, Philippe Pétain, David Cameron, Philippe Couillard, etc.
French, it's your last chance to wake up
The talented Eric Zemmour explained, according to him, the reasons for what he called the French political impasse.
- 70% of the French think that there are too many Muslim immigrants
- 70% of the French do not want to hear about Islam
- 70% of the French do not want to hear about Marine Le Pen in the Elysee Palace.
But he forgot to specify the reasons for this. For, unless we consider our compatriots as degenerate morons, we must provide an explanation for this unlikely situation.
It is very simple. For 40 years, the party, and he alone, is subjected to a constant barrage, daily, from all other political parties, and almost all media.

He suffered with impunity, leftist violence. They know that everything is permitted to them
- organized attacks of the National Front rallies
- Blocking trains delaying policy initiatives of this party
- Vandalization regularities premises and facilities that agree to host
- encouraged assaults of activists
morality left him stuck the infamous label of "racist," "Islamophobic" because he refused immigration, especially during periods of unemployment and non-assimilation.
He suffered with impunity, the shameful amalgam "And as F Fascist, Nazi and N as" low, low, the National Front. " Plantu took it upon himself for years, drawing Jean-Marie Le Pen with the cuff likening the Hitler Party.
Marine Le Pen and demonization of Donald Trump by Salafists, traitors,sold, warts, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillion, Alain Juppé, etc.

All televised passages of Jean-Marie Le Pen were true indictments of journalists Prosecutors, who had only one goal: the trap and show their contempt. When I see the reports on TV5 Québec for Marine Le Pen I think I see all the media here said the Parti Québécois, the party of racist monsters of the universe, what Quebec bashing, Canada English liked to destroy the entire Quebec.  
How many times the Quebec English the better equipped minority, health, education, all in their own language, their own system according to their own needs and higher Francophones and we described the francophone Quebecers as bloodthirsty monster, Mr. Thomas Mulcair, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada in Montreal.
Marine Le Pen Joan of Arc will save the real French, not the fucking politicians
Marine Le Pen should stand as Joan of Arc when it is under attack from these criminals who attack these collaborators, these Islamists, these rots sold in the Emirs of the Gulfs, that only want to fill their pockets. The French lost their identities, their dignity, their patriotism, their country, their language, and soon will be like Canada Justin Trudeau a country without culture, country, multicultural, that is to say a pigsty for migrants only.
Today, it is with Marine Le Pen, Marion Maréchal or Florian Philippot, it's the same scenario,and some journos like Anne-Sophie Lapix or Audrey Pulvar, Laurent Joffrin or Fourest Carolina, not even hide hatred that inspires their interlocutor.

They banned any artist, under pain of social death (see John Roucas) to dare show any affinity with the ideas of the FN, when these sores, which for the most part, do not pay their taxes in France, increasing calls supporting illegal.
This caste, which denies workers any protectionist measures, claiming them for itself, measuring not even then they adopt Marine Le Pen party program and Donald Trump.
They multiplied unfair trials, even daring heavily condemn the president of FN for saying the obvious, in 2005: "The day we have in France, not 5 million but 25 million Muslims, they are the ones in charge" .
Manuel Valls, Clementine Autain and Tariq Ramadan, rats, Muslim terrorists, fundamentalists, extremists, Salafi, Islamist leftists, pro Sharia: Together we will destroy and welcoming France, all media will support us in our crusade, Allah is great to veiled paris, the city of blackness of andouille Clémentine Autain
There are no journalists, on public or private channels, in any writing, which can afford to demand of Marine Le Pen, otherwise the next day his career would be broken. During that time, activists such as Clementine or Autain Caroline Fourest have multiple antennas hours, where they can vent their spleen against the FN. The public service media, including France Inter and France Info, rallied round the clock to break the back of the party created by Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Even François Fillon, clean him, and good Catholic, is too cowardly to shake the hand of the beautiful yet so Marion Maréchal Le Pen. It even feels obliged this coward, to say that the FN is its main enemy, the Trocadero evening. It must be paid clothes, travel, meal, the Emirs quest, he has no time to work it beggars.

Donald Trump will save smart French, patriotic and unsold
Which party would have been able, subject to such processing, resist, for 40 years, and to achieve such a score? The communists did not need to become a media lynching splinter group, the balance sheet of the Stalinist dictatorships reality was enough to open the eyes of the French. Imagine there is the RPR or the PS, which are falling apart, too, alone, following their bankruptcy 40 years of joint management of France, subject to such an outburst of violence and hatred? They no longer exist. Just because their globalist ideas integrationists and Islamic-collaborators are not in line with those of the people of France.
The whores over at the Elysee
The collaborators who defend this system were able to install a barrier to prevent the flow of FN voice forward. The last dam they found, to discredit UMPS is Emmanuel Macron, supported by all the financial oligarchy, media owners, the Juppéistes, Alain Juppe, who built mosques throughout France to better destroy it, his Islam, this corrupt barbaric Allah this Salafist frying, the socialist right and many old horses back as Bayrou, Lepage, Hue, Denaloë and other parasites, not to mention the Medef mobilized behind her foal. But when a loose dam, the tidal wave that is sweeping.
Angela Merkel prostitute Salafi Wahhabi Petrodollars pending rape of around Germany
It is their last gasps, their last lies. All this should not take long. They will be submerged 23 April, and especially May 7 To do this, just as the French who agree with them about Marine Le Pen stop voting for scoundrels, raptors, thieves, liars,crossers, waste, Fillon, Macron, Hamon or Mélenchon, and vote FN.
Just as the French people, we present himself as rebellious finally be brave. There are sick cowards and cowards, who tremble before the politically correct dictatorship, then they agree with the speech of the FN. Only if they show courage if necessary that the French people inflict a blow to liars, cheaters and manipulators, as the American people have been able to do ...

Emmanuel Macron, a collaborator Salafist anti French, a what filth!
French, there's that to you to save your country's AIDS sufferer Emmanuel Macron cancer underlining that French culture does not exist but Arab cultures exist. Emmanuel Macron, what asshole, what a bitch, he often walks on St. Denis Street and likes to get fucked by guys with long beards, hairy well, soft to the touch, it does bend in "Muslim"!- And its corollary, the powerful dictatorship against the wage system - the migration and invasion accelerated the Islamization of France ...
I do not see why the host society could not also use the word "we" and celebrate what distinguishes it from other companies.
"We" also have values, history, a past.
Why the extreme right is soaring everywhere? Because there is a identity crisis in the West and only the extreme right, unfortunately, speaks.
THE MUSLIM immigration, humanitarian AIDS will kill our countries, our cultures, our customs, our cultures, and nothing was

The West is dead and buried, thank you to our politicians

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