mardi 7 mars 2017

Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Francois Hollande and thousands of others - Salafist corneal suppositories essential to Saudi Arabia and Qatar

Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Hollande and thousands more - Suppositories mutt essential Salafists in Saudi Arabia and Qatar
Corniaud derogatory, presidents, muffs or Prime Minister, namely dogs and collaborators. Person of little intellectual, silly, naughty used by diplomats and check books of our POLITICIANS from wrens to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two breasts that fund with billions of dollars and the euro expansion of Salafi ideologies wahhabite to destroy Western civilization and impose their barbaric dictatorships, their Koran, their Sharia, their mosques, their intellectual terrorism and rape.

Let, make you like a mutt; not be mutt; kind of mutt! Pickle synonym, gourd, stupid, sublime, multicultural, without culture, ignorance. She had made the trunk with a young tree,a mutt who had the presence, but nothing in gadin.
Suppositories politicians
Suppositories of the caliber of Emmanuel Macron politicians in France show us the perfect suppository vacuum politician of all common sense, a verbal nullity enriched vocabulary, enriching null promise for ordinary people who just electioneering worn, populist, demagogic promoting Salafi Muslim Wahhabi French Community he covets all votes in the next election.
These traitors,tous as François Hollande, Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, thousands more, who snapped the favors of the Gulf Emirs, continue their crusades with their checkbooks begging millions of Euros because we all know, our dear politicians, are eternal corrupt. They lick boots, if not lick the asses, we have elected, who whimpered like to Madeleines gave them the power that they can take root in their royal seats forever.

Having tasted power, these politicians suppositories, is part of the World Elite and will be received by more dignitaries, the highest scoundrels that the world knows.But diplomacy being manipulative, will handle the truths and lies as these wonderful citizens echelons of companies acrobatics above the clouds and which are used by their slaves, the taxpayers, the taxpayers, salivating walking and crushing the little beneath him.
There is only one medication against these suppositories politicians who govern us, that dictate how much we have to win on time, how much we have to spend, what religion is best for us is to introduce him in his cult to privilege the horrors that makes us suffer. When our political leaders, the Emirs of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the leaders, the barbarian imams themselves will be attacked by terrorists and their own friends, that day they will realize that the power will fall.
We all know that politicians of all countries are hood vires, they change their ideas and opinions as the wind rose. The day that the people will revolt, or say no, this is enough, or decide to abstain from voting by making protest marches against all political parties, our politicians suppositories, these politicians will not have the choice to open their eyes and start working for the welfare of the people and not just for the wealthy and emirs who provide their areas and well-provided pensions in tax havens

Our collaborators politicians
Here in Canada, we several collaborators politicians, especially francophones, water carriers, who feel so inferior to English-speaking Canada, selling his English in Canada. Here are some names of collaborators, traitors who have sold for decades the people of Quebec, Pierre Elliott, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Stéphane Dion, the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Quebec, the Desmarais family and their media empires CBC and others.
We tend to qualify as a politician or Pope Francis, who collaborated on the implementation of a policy of aggression against his own country; or against his own Catholic religion by embracing Islam and welcoming Salafi Muslims as survivors who seek only to invade Europe for the sake of Allah.
Our stupid politicians,collaborators,as our Prime Minister, that can not even hold his pants that dangerously serves his own company and he ignores certain purposes by not taking the crucial decisions for the continued existence of his community, his province , his country  the leaving migrants, vultures flying over the territory to do their religious, cultural, domineering. The collabo primary appears to act by instinct, by stupidity, by mental corruption, perversion or by another deputy as sadism that we see very often with Jean Chrétien and his adopted son Justin Trudeau.

The politician, traitor is it different from the collabo?
Alain Juppe, a politician, traitor who in Bordeaux, promotes the establishment of the radical Muslim community and leaves a massive Islamization giant complex set up there!
This traitor,Alain Juppé who regularly receives money from Saudi Arabia working directly in the development of Islam in the southwest and the full and total demolition of France. This new Islamist Salafi Missionary Wahhabi also mélitte for sharia and the stoning of adulterous women and the establishment of sacrilege for all French Muslims accusing the Islamists of harm of hate speech.  
The patriotic mission Alain Juppe, this terrorist, murderer of French civilization, this incubator AIDS sufferer politico religious extremist hate destructive anarchist populist Nazism has no measure legendary dastardly destructive mediocrity of a corrupt politician paid to bloody hands terrorists, extremist Muslims who pollute the whole of France
Alain Juppé is a traitor,and François Fillion, François Hollande, Emmanuel Micron, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Angela Merkel and thousands more who have the ultimate mission of religious missionaries the service of Allah and of petrodollars!

There are there difference between trafficking and collabo? The collaborator is Pope Francis, a theologian, christian, catholic and makes policy. Pope Francis, a person who only wants to help the poor and save them from their misfortunes, is manipulated by thugs as Alain Juppé or Syrians refugees, feminists, intellectuals, the media bought by the Emirs of the Gulf. Unknowingly he becomes the best contributor to the devil, the Salafist Koran invades Europe, the Americas, the Western countries and non-Salafi Muslim countries.
The real politics of the Muslim is to practice the Islam, to manifest, the policy of Muslims is not the policy of the other, the policies of others is built on lies, but our policy is built on sincerity, on the right behavior is bring love into the heart of others, our policy is a radical and profound change in people and in society, it is not necessary that we enter a gear in the political sense politician, elections.

Politician honest
What merit a politician he to to the left as the left brought him through the power all the conditions of life, palaces, limousines, domesticités, power, money, high-ups of the right, Nirvana, eternal happiness?
The honest politician is like the urologist who introduced into the foundation of the consultant, a finger, then two fingers, then any hand with a glove coated with a creamy liquid, and reaches and evaluates a prostatic adenoma: this is more discomfort and much less pain, it is a necessary investigation ...
A politician dévierger prostitute is as surreal an alcohol-free wine whose producer claimed that this wine is not a grape juice but birch juice.
Politicians who claim honest in a world where olive put a hole in the hull is doing good where it goes without saying that bad will.

It is in my opinion much more difficult for a politician expressing honest as a prostitute declaring virgin, to be credible.
Our politicians are reflections of our society because we do not take care of our politicians, attitudes, behaviors. Political parties ignore the mass, the so-called silent majority and listening only minorities which represent the balance of power. Politicians sell to retain power, no matter the consequences on our lives, our cultures, our future generations. They are oblivious to the real criminals and threats they cause to our democracies.
Prostitutes identity incendiary murderers politicians

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