jeudi 23 mars 2017

Let's celebrate the total extermination of Christianity in the West with the arrival of the barbaric Islamist Salafist in Canada, Quebec, Europe, the West, Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - François Hollande - Angela Merkel

Celebrate the total extermination of Christianity in the West with the arrival of the Islamist Salafist barbaric in Canada, Quebec, in Europe, in the West
For several decades in the West, in Quebec, our intellectuals, our feminists, our leftist extremists, our Leninist our teachers in manques of human intelligences patriotic, destroying the values of our ancestors, thinking of the new revolutionary speech. These playwrights, these hypocrites,these demagogues, trade unionists, devoid of collective moral sense, thinking only to pecuniary gains, monetary.

We all know that at the university of "Knowledge" Islamic UQAM, anarchists teachers Bolsheviks, who can not even nail a nail with a hammer support revolutions, barbaric Muslims that pervades our western civilization because it is the universal power of politicians and the media paid directly by the country Salafis from Saudi Arabia and Qatar with billions of dollars to infiltrate our institutions especially universities, our future leaders you train.
Our media, the culprits
To do this, our journalists, our media, European media, Americans, Canadians and Quebecers still leaning towards the same and only one side, leftists, barbarians, invasions, invaders as you let walk in our corridors of our schools freely. You let them crucify Christians, Jews, all that is nationalist, you only want mediocrity,  you asare already yourself.
The 7100 massacres of Christians perpetrated by Muslims in 2015 in the global index of Christians, published annually by the NGO Open Doors, an increase of 63% in one year. The number of destroyed churches also doubled.

Christians have no magnitudes
We see every day in the wonderful Arab-Muslim world totally insensitive to Christians drama in Iraq, Syria, and other countries of Islamic confessions, about the fate of the CHRISTIANS, as if this issue does not concern them, while Christians are interested in any Muslim hungry, displaced, refugee.
No Muslim, Muslim countries, Western countries offer assistance to Christians martyred by the Islamists who blithely roam our streets, our cities, our territories by all freedoms to reign their laws. We hear anywhere an Imam, an Adil Charkaoui of Montreal call from the top of his mosque, or the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, during his time in mosques on Friday, asking Muslims to rescue their Christian brothers. Never, he does not even recognize that accursed Christian religion that does not provide its liberal election fund.
Why do Christians always come to the aid of Muslims worldwide, while Muslims are biting the hand of those who feed them, care for them and host them? As well said my father fed a pig and it will piss on your stoop. Well is that they make us, as a thank you, they destroy us by installing a political religion of death, the Salafist Koran, sharia, the annihilation of mankind.

Racism of imams
Why don't we hear the preachers in mosques call the Muslim and international community to save the Christians of Iraq, and particularly in Mosul,while Christians pray in their churches for the blood of Muslims continues flowing everywhere? Look, even the Pope Francis, the collaborator, not even protect the Christians, he worships the Koran, he kisses it does politics, it does not even realize that kills the Catholic religion and s' kneeling before the monster that goes directly against him, against the Church of Rome.
How many times in our media have the opportunity to know the massacres committed by these Islamist barbarians, these Muslims fools of Allah, and also preaching in mosques in our country and teach in our schools subsidized by our taxes and taxes to invade. Our politicians have sold these criminals in power. Our media, Radio-Canada that feed happily with the lies of their left journalists, newspapers which always lean on the same side.
We can never know what happens with Christians in Muslim countries. Over 4028 Christians have been killed in Nigeria alone, particularly in the north of the country as a result of actions of Boko Haram jihadist group. We also remember the massacre in Garissa, Kenya, where a terrorist attack Somali Shebab had 147 deaths in university. The jihadists had specifically targeted Christians, sparing the Muslims.

After a Charlie Weekly depicting Muhammad in January 2015, many churches were burned or destroyed in Niger.
Islamic extremism is the leading source of persecution and Canada international
Islamic extremism, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and especially the Islamic State group that we imported Nazistes affectour continents thanks to oil and petrodollars emirs, barbarians, to effect a radicalization of Muslim societies, in our countries and they destroy, exterminate Christians in their countries.  
It is strictly forbidden to build, to build a Christian church in Saudi Arabia but we need to build mosques and pay in our country. Here as always, the side of the blanket still leans towards Muslims, never on the side of the Christians because our politicians have to collect their checks every week filled with figures from the Emirs and receive princely gifts to sell us that they can settle comfortably and exterminate us.
Eight other countries are in extreme persecution category are Iraq, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. It is these countries that send us refugees, or terrorists every day at our borders, we welcome with kindness, with open arms and come with Salafist contracts to radiate from our territory and install Allah, the Koran and the Sharia with collaborators Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Luc Chartrand, Lise Bacon, Radio-Canada, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Francois Hollande, François Fillion, Emmanuel Micron, Jean-Luc Melançon, etc., media, Western politicians sold the Salafists, the Emirs who pay every day to destroy us.

The destruction of Christians do not mind Pope Francis
The association also notes a refusal to coexist with Christians increasingly live in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Never before have we seen such a migration of Christians, still say the authors of the report. Syria, Nigeria, Kenya or Eritrea, cities and entire regions are emptied of their Christian population.
What is very surprising is that the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin defends Christians in Syria and no president or prime minister speak in Western media. How is it that a communist, to update these Islamist criminal before the cameras and our politicians, our intellectuals hide the truth from us barbarians who walk among us by raping our girls and boys. Our judges who release them unconditionally.
Muslims who massacred the Jews
Currently in Montreal, in some mosque imam promotes some, how to eliminate the Jews of the world. Considering that this is part of their ancestral traditions, our governments do not want to get involved. The Salafist Islamic community, the Muslim Brotherhood contribute much to the election funds of the Liberals and the votes of these parties exclusively. These are the breasts of those parties that accept all who prostitute themselves on the market.

Understand the holy Imam Muslim that when walking in the street and he sees a Jew, he is ordered to hunt for the kill on the spot without hesitation, where he finds! This would be a divine command in black and white in the Qur'an. You can have the full excerpts on YouTube in Arabic only. We believe that may be, the government may be internet?
The Centre for Israel and Israeli relationship-Québec (Québec CIJA) on Monday condemned the calls for the destruction of the Jews by an officiating imam at Al-Andalus Islamic Center of Montreal.
In at least two sermons circulated on YouTube, Imam criminal Sayyid al-Ghitaoui called Allah to "destroy the accursed Jews" to "kill them one by one" and to "make their orphans and their women widows"
what are the reasons that Canada and Quebec does not withdraw this barbaric nazi Salafist to his homeland with the scorpions that he preaches with his candles. This charming imam permission to hate speech, it is Muslim. It is part of the master race, the Liberals, the superiors. They alone have the freedoms of expression, Islamophobic, their racism are their labels serving to our ministers, MPs and the Prime Minister.
Imams medieval mentally retarded still eat on the floor like animals
Just the imam, a preacher, with no human value, no conscience, he just has to grow a beard to open the holy books, and I find here the holy words, very exaggerated, for the Islamic market to sacred texts, making them say any interpretation of the moment, since many of these imams are unbalanced mentally, schizophrenia,extreme male sexual problems ejaculatory, and homosexuality.

These bearded critics who handle the Quran Salafi, allowing them to commit the crimes they wish in accordance with Shariah as Saudi Arabia and Qatar want to implant in the West. It is this political religion carrying the crime, hate and barbarism that Muslims selling to the world as one of love, peace and tolerance. No offense to those who refuse to recognize the danger of Islam, the verses that call for killing unbelievers abound.
Justin Trudeau in mosques participate and contribute fully to hate speech. His insipid speech in which he abuses empty formulas and politically correct to never take sides, and inordinate penchant for selfies suggested already that our Prime Minister is an empty shell. Now we learn his addiction almost clinically mosques with his narcissistic personality and no substance.

Justin Trudeau Secretary General of United Nations
Justin Trudeau  this beautiful man, this wonderful politician, that great liberal, this man with indelible intelligence, if I would be her, I will use as Secretary General of the United Nations and his wife could be the first lady of the world. Both diplomat and advocate, civil servant and head of the Administration, the Secretary-General is the incarnation of United Nations ideals and a spokesman for the world's peoples, especially those who are poor and vulnerable around. The Prime Minister of Canada, would become the international Mufti of the glory of his countrymen.
 Video Sayyid al-Ghitaoui

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