jeudi 9 mars 2017

Luc Chartrand Radio-Canada journalist - Muslim - islamophobia - racism - christianophobia - demagogue - marionette - populist - Ask Richard Martineau for forgiveness

Luc Chartrand journalist for Radio-Canada - Muslim - Islamophile - racist Christianophobia - demagogue - puppet - populist
Luc Chartrand shameful son of Michel Chartrand
Michel Chartrand, a true Quebecer, a not sold Salafi Muslim and serving Liberal Justin Trudeau, of Mélanie Joly and the Muslim Brotherhood as the Ottawa became her son Luc Chartrand, a journalist with Radio-Canada that feeds generous subsidies distorting truths to please the Trudeau government, the Canadian Salafist mentor.  

Michel Chartrand, honest and conviction, patriotic, a loudmouth, a rebel, a fighter of all political and social causes that will never be resigned to his last breath. Michel Chartrand has marked several decades of union and social history of Quebec. By against his son shows for his reporting before being purchased by Ottawa, since the new government Trudeau, Liberal balance to the Islamic, Muslim mosques.
This excellent journalist like most journalists from Radio-Canada, state company paid by the taxes of Canadians and not by Justin Trudeau, are forced to forge new, arrange to conform to the guidelines Salafists that the Canadian government wants us to believe its hate propaganda against us all honest citizens.
The meanness of Mélanie Joly
The Trudeau government and Mr. Luc Chartrand and his accomplices CBC want to make us guilty and we traitor Islamophobia.Racism Muslims who do not want to integrate us, Canadians and Quebecers people you think, Mr. Chartrand acceptable because they are superior to our culture, our civilization.  

See what they are causing congestion as planets, you, junk intellectuals, sold, dying, dishonest towards your own father does not even beat you to your own people, your own religion, your own culture, we can certainly say that Radio -Canada houses collaborators, anti-democratic.
You should consciences exams and ask your superior not only to stop filling their pockets with the Ottawa subsidies but begin to tell the truth about these supposed refugees, these voters we liberals who cross borders illegally with their religion, immoral, Salafi Islam, Wahhabism,veiled, you Publicize as the religion of God on earth.
The majority of these people are soldiers of Allah, paid and sent by Saudi Arabia and Qatar to invade our territory. How is it that you, who is so clever never tell both sides of the coin, but always against Richard Martineau, who sees the lies in your writing journalists at Radio-Canada, as in The Family Press Swamps.

You do not think that people can make the difference between you who lie, like the anarchist professors from UQAM, student associations Maoist theÉNIists jovialistes Trudeau smoking marijuana ignoring the true life, the West and economic realities the son to dad, the Tanguy.
How is it that you and you want to be BLIND at this point or you are a FOOL,which is impossible, or an ASSHOLE,which may be true, or bribed by your employer, the government Trudeau to lIE,which is probably the absolute truth
Brib'd by these Islamic organizations and politicians who wade media reporters corridors
French media, tear the shirts to be politically correct and not offend the Islamic invaders who destroyed everything in its path by paying handsomely elected politicians.
What is happening in France is no stranger to that observed in our patients democracies lack of hope, confidence and vision. The values that unite a people can not be replaced by the addition of individual values. France also feeling the effects of his openness to all economic illegal immigrants, mostly Muslims with their religion incompatible with our democracy, our Christian values, our families, our cultures. This causes frustration popular pro-right extremists and the left.
Luc Chartrand should kneel before Richard Martineau and take lessons and guidance on the daily realities of Salafi Muslims that we are obliged to accommodate. When you were a correspondent for decades as you saw Philippe Couillard atrocities of these people and you want them to reproduce the same here.

But yes, they come here, and after a few months, imams indoctrinated in the new and again become walking bombs as they were in their countries of origin. They bring and recreate all the same situations in our territory thanks to your publication and you defend them to the last drop of your blood. It is unfortunate to be treacherous in this way betray his own people.
Muslim, Islamist or gasoline terminals
What is infuriating with Muslims, and only with this political religion is saying, we need to be subdivided at the gas pump, in different category. When you go to Petro Canada, he regular gasoline, unleaded, super, super, super ultra and Islamists are the same things.
Normal Islamists, without sails, which are here to rebuild their lives, have kids and live happily after we lead free, the moderate, they may be normal or extremists, they swing between veiled and do problems and ask accommodations. unreasonable The other class, super unleaded, extremists, imams, mosques, Muslim brothers, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Mélanie Joly, Luc Chartrand and thousands more, extremists demanding the destruction of Canada and Quebec to become an Islamic state where the Koran and Sharia will reign there with their barbaric laws, nonhuman up to the terrorist for the sake of Allah.

Luc Chartrand and CBC advocate the decline of the West
Knowing that the Honourable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, multiculturalism,represents the decline of all world cultures and proves that wearing the Islamic veil, even his wife, symbol of oppression, slavery of the male of the species lower female.  
When will make his ablutions and prayers every Friday in mosques with his wives and his male and female ministers, females will veils and nest the second floor admiring these men, bearded, muscular, dressed in white, savoring the divine words coming from the mouth of Allah, the son Justin on the other.
We believe that you, Mr. Chartrand and Salafi males media should wear the Islamic beard. This could give you all of you a complete chic and you can go around the box to Mecca and you will see there may be collaborators, even the Pope Francis.

The Salafi Islam is the global carcinogenic disease
Century of racism Islamist Salafist fundamentalism, extremist, Christianophobia, anti-Semitism, journalistic gangrene in our media
Why do we the right to criticize, ridicule and slay the dogmas of the Catholic Church, but not those of other religions?Yet, look at the plight of Christians in some Muslim countries, it quite like that, right? Muslims, not touch.
The rubbish and junk CBC since the totalitarian rule of the Trudeau government
a crown corporation like CBC, became immoral, which publishes such bullshit, it took my breath whistle on Richard Martineau says openly truths, real situations, what the majority of the population thinks the Islamic invader we suffer.
The Chronicles of Richard Martineau verbalize this political movement that infects our religious institutions, our children, our Western civilization. Richard Martineau is no racist, he worked for his race, he is not a hypocrite, a liar, a sold, a traitor like you, intellectuals, feminists left that protected the false Muslims.

Richard Martineau never fueled Islamophobia but Adil Charkaoui, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, they feed on Islamophobia for the maximum possible votes and monies petrodollars. Huh? But how far do we go in the denigration of the competitor?
CBC tries to shoot Richard Martineau. Mediatically is exactly what the Crown corporation is working to.
She wants to silence the one that goes against good editorial. This self-righteous left does not accept that some dare to question the good big juicy dogmas that are theirs. The CRTC should be aware of the lack of rigidity and honesty of journalists and surveys to the CBC on the shutters of refugees, Muslims, Islamists, protected from Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada
CBC radicalized , being Islamized as desired by Justin Trudeau and his close associates, the Muslim Brotherhood
Several presenters and journalists working with Richard Martineau Jonathan Trudeau and hosts a radio show on nasty RadioX Quebec. It regularly happens that I taunt him on his insistence to denounce radicalism and religious excesses of all kinds, because I personally spends only very little power. Not quite the same, according to Richard!

So here: I do think Richard Martineau often speaks of Islamists? The answer is yes. Does he have the right to do so? Absolutely. This is what is called freedom of expression. No offense left-wing extremists from UQAM, anarchist institution. Does it encourage people to hate Muslims? In no way. Is it racist? But no! It only said the truth and causes informed and constructive discussions.
The "controversial columnist," as some like both qualify, uses his pen and his voice to write and say what many people are thinking. Through its diatribes on radicalism and rigor, the About Martineau wants a powerful advocacy for freedoms, especially those of women.
Double standard, Muslims, Islamists have all the rights and freedoms of expressions and some other Christians, the people, not no right to speak, under penalty of judgment and prison, according to the laws of Philippe Couillard, Quebec premier who eliminated freedom of expression as does the dictatorships of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and North Korea.

CBC as CNN the United States are sold to liberals, Islamists perversions
our public television has widely reported the sad fate Raif Badawi in Saudi Arabia. Still, she hopes that, with us, a chronicler of the competition to be muzzled. It is condemned by the court of the great intellectual minds. She rejoices at the idea pillory a lost sheep. And, in passing, to make them responsible foolish actions are possible with sick and weak people.

That CBC and journalist Luc Chartrand made is small. Very small. And again, they do it with taxpayer money. CBC should always present both sides of the coin or fired Luc Chartrand could be a good assistant for Adil Charkaoui or  at the taught school of knowledge in Saint-Laurent.

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