mercredi 15 mars 2017

Philippe Couillard - Premier of Quebec - Is offended to see himself on a caricature stoning a woman according to traditional Islamic customs

Philippe Couillard - Quebec Premier - East offended to see a cartoonstonedant a woman according to Islamic traditional customs that strongly protects Quebec
Premier of Quebec, the Honourable Philippe Couillard, who was indoctrinated for five long year with the government of Saudi Arabia, the land of barbarians Salafists, who stone women, gays, Christians, Jews, hang them in places public which he must have attended and applauded with dances of joy among men only.  

Because you know in this country, men give birth between men. They celebrate the Women's Day for men only, you know why, the Koran does not teach them how to control their penis. You and may know how to read the dictionary The Larousse and it says "I sow to the winds," Muslims, sow with any wind, their semen, their rapes, their refugees, their universal slander, their hatred of Jews and Christians, death of infidels, etc.
Justin Trudeau, our women, females in this Women's Day, our signed servants: Sophie Grégoire First Lady of Canada Salafist
So for them, women are bitches, receptacles, holes to fill with semen. Don Western feminists, Agnes Féo, Agnès Gruda, intellectual Anne-Marie Goldwater, Lise bacon, Henriette Recker, or who teach in our universities, or are reporters lingered as Luc Chartrand, in the media or CBC or minister in Ottawa distributes grants and who do not pay their due to the city of Montreal or Quebec.
Is a cartoonist has the right to portray Quebec Premier stoning a woman to mark Women's Day which feminists encourage enslavement of Muslim women around the world. Feminists, for sure. This is what we call freedom of expression or freedom of the press, because our dear Prime Minister was often portrayed in the media since his return to the promised land, Saudi Arabia as the soldier of Allah, in America.
Philippe Couillard trying somehow to hide his satanic inclinations Koranic Wahhabi Salafists but nobody is fooled to the point when he heard the National Assembly with the law 62 for the total extermination of the freedom of expression in respect Islamist Muslims, the Koran, sharia, and you can destroy the Christians completely without any constraints.

At some point, it's Charlie or you do not, his holiness, Philippe Couillard has never said that the terrorists were Muslims, Islamists, he simply said that it was part of their ancestral customs to kill the infidels.
Universal degeneration by religion
Salafist muslims among our politicians, our medals have only one hand we have racist Islamist Islamophiles all rights according to Chartres and Freedom We Have ourselves legislated to accommodate and bring total destruction of the values of our society and to establish non barbaric culture, satanic punishment imams we bring petrodollars in our pockets and eternal power.
Philippe Couillard offended to see his Islamic reflection in a mirror  
By Against that famous freedom is a motorway in both directions. If almost everything can be criticized by words or blows pencil, we must also have the right to say that something is in bad taste. And this cartoon is certainly not in bad taste,because it is a work of genius which represents well the mentality of prime ministers Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau, Islamophiles, Québécophobes, Francophobia,Coranophiles, Canadophobes, and they frequent mosques and receive a lot of petrodollars to their political parties, the Liberal party of Canada and Quebec.

In addition, the wider community, which invades the entire country and very prolific, considering that he has no control over their penis, their children are flooding our society. As often told me, one of my Muslim friends, just lunch with me at the restaurant in the morning, we will conquer the West with the number of children we do. This community is being squeezed by the liberal parties who give their all unreasonable accommodations and appoint ministers in our respective governments in all spheres of government, come to control all our actions.
Politicians, journalists, comedians are caricatured
That's essentially what Philippe Couillard says. And he's right. High negative tone cartoons on it, the Prime Minister has seen hundreds, never intervene. And that's not counting those he has not seen. Philippe Couillard is very racist and hate strongly Quebec. Sir, the Prime Minister is an excellent surgeon and a super intelligent man, but also a "French Canadian" and not a francophone Quebecers.  
He considers himself old of the older generation, who continues to vote Liberal as a water carrier, a worthless, serving superiors, English-speaking Canadians. He comes from a very beautiful area, and he had to fight for what he managed to do. A constant struggle for power is smooth in the Desmarais family arms Bay Street Toronto service, drivers of the Canadian economy Protestant. Like Trudeau, Jean Chrétien, Justin Trudeau, Stéphane Dion and many other French Canadian  to had betray Quebecers, we sell and become fervent collaborators of Toronto Anglos.
Canadians French water carriers for the Desmarais family
As was also the case for the caricature of Phaneuf in Le Courrier du Sud, until a reporter from La Presse decided to submit it to the entourage of Mr. Couillard. Look, here's a detail that Philippe Teisceira-Lessard failed to mention in his article. Indeed, it is himself who contacted the Prime Minister last Friday to inform him of the existence of the drawing.

Depending on the version of the latter, they decided to raise Transcontinental the fact that they had been questioned by the reporter, then they make their comments. In any case they have demanded the withdrawal of the cartoon.
The Prime Minister is a very intelligent man should even be happy to have freedom of expression and use that water bottle in his favor. You know I do not appreciate the actions of the Liberals, but when Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec, spoke with extraordinary humor, he made me laugh. Jean Charest, he was a statesman, that one likes it or not, it does not always taken seriously, it was a Quebec nationalist who had both feet on the Quebec territory like other first Liberal ministers from Quebec.
Philippe Couillard hate enormously Quebec francophones in Quebec as Justin Trudeau
But Philippe Couillard, Saguenay, we hate so much, Quebecers, Quebec he has broken all reconciliations with his ancestors. This being, this individual came from a deep space is certainly not Quebecers, I would not even Canadian. He was so humbled to be born in Canada French and speak French and English to be born, that when he was in Saudi Arabia, the country has opened his eyes to the future held out Allah.
Therefore, he felt his crusade, Salafi, incarnate in its cells. He knew he had to win the Liberal Party of Quebec and change them all findings with the nationalist Quebecers are to create feelings of racism,of islamophobia, fears. This great man, who never answers questions, always dodging the truth, learned the Qur'an, and its perversions, he gleefully professes in his speeches.
So it's not a little cartoon that will influence Allah in the National Assembly of Quebec. Ask Adil Charkaoui,hateful prayers when he could slip a password to his jihadists to help. His school of "Knowledge" you can give him grants, how to destroy the systems educations Francophones and Anglophones in Quebec and replace written and petrodollars fund of Qatar who finance Sharia in Montreal and Quebec.

The victimizers speech Philippe Couillard
Guilt at the Pierre Elliott Trudeau against francophone Quebecers since this astonishing wave of Trudeau philosophy that Justin Trudeau uses background created by these arrogant manipulators that are professional image creators of selfies, wants the individual, he wants to fulfill rights, is stripped of the essential: his identity.
For example, he argues that one of the fundamental reasons why the warmth of newcomers to integrate into Quebec is that we introduce ourselves as a disadvantaged minority, appears much more a cause than as a country. Newcomers, immigrants prefer not to take risks and reach the Anglophone community.
But disillusionment is total, migrants being too much, are heading in the same forming neighborhoods,ghettos, speak their own languages, no longer fit, demanding their own schools in their languages, hospitals, etc.
The new  generation immigrants, is more Québécois nor Canadian, she is Muslim, Islamic, Canadian Muslim Moroccan, Tunisian Salafist Canadian, and others, but never will be real Canadians and Quebecers, they will always strangers with Foreign religions on a foreign continent and never integrate and integrable.
Philippe Couillard have failed you in your duty not having the courage, identified and implemented LAY IDENTITY QUEBEC and that Quebec has disappeared from history for a few more votes and keep the balance of power. You are part of the temple thieves.
Betray his country, politicians, votes for

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