dimanche 19 mars 2017

Dr. Diane Francoeur, Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec, Dr. Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health of Quebec and Mr. Ismaël Habib, presumed terrorist Islamic State. Is there a difference between them

Dr. Diane Francoeur, Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec, Dr. Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health of Quebec and Mr. Habib Ismail, alleged terrorist Islamic State. Are there any difference between them?
The president of the Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec, Dr. Diane Francoeur, because it prevents among other things it will SUPPLIER doctors for its health reforms are working and they begin to give the necessary returns that patients can be met in a humanly appropriate time.

Dr. Diane Francoeur, although its function and monetarily believes in an underdeveloped country and underpaid despite all Quebec physicians are greatly favored over doctors in other countries. They are so unhappy in their misery, she knows what to invent.
Knowing that Dr. Gaétan Barrette, it turns hood, was president of the Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec and possibly friend Dr. Diane Francoeur, do they us together with a Machiavellian touch a concert Uncle Tom, to further manipulate us more, the citizens, taxpayers, who pay the salaries of our Gaétan Barrette and Diane Francoeur. Were they engineered these scenarios together to better wrap us in flour. These two characters are politicians, comedians, magicians merlins, can we trust? Never !

These politicians bureaucrats sow the wind and reap the citizens we storms
Let the pedigree of Dr. Gaétan Barrette as president of the Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec.
Dr. Gaétan Barrette, hit the JACKPOT leaving the PRESIDENCY of the Federation of the SPECIALISTS Quebec to become veers hood deputy of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ). Shortly after, wanting to minister, given that the CAQ will never be in power, he resigned, currency brain, political conviction and is on the side of the political party known for corruption and corrupt and was elected as MP the Liberal Party of Quebec.
Philippe Couillard, becomes premier of Quebec after five long years to learn roughly the Salafist wahhabi with Emirs of Saudi Arabia to establish in Quebec and in Canada with the Koran and the Sharia and appoint Dr. Gaétan Barrette as Minister of Health in Quebec. Knowing his skill turns covers, he had all the words to manipulate the entire population and fulfill the commandments of the Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec awaited him. The collaborator is in place to make its nest.

Our dear Gaétan Barrette receives the sum of 1.2 million dollars to thank for his services to the Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec, a very poor federation. Since doctors do not pay their quota share in taxes in Quebec and in Canada since the Liberal Government had allowed them to STIR as trust in the company and not as an ordinary citizen would pay about 50% but that they are not subject at maximum tax rate of 18%.
Some candidate for the post of health minister in a future Liberal government, Dr. Barrette refuses to say if he would be comfortable to negotiate with the union of doctors he presided over seven years or s' he lie to the people during these seven years.
At the time doctors
Liberal party, the Liberal government of the day had given this favor to doctors to address their demands were, the present Premier of Quebec, Dr. Philippe Couillard, Dr. Yves Bolduc and Gaétan Barrette that was president of the Quebec Federation of medical specialists. Monetary union mafia was sitting at the table for future projects.
Our dear Quebecers doctors, and I believe the doctors, Canadians from other provinces should also have the same conditions in Quebec, because our doctors feel so abused, that the new president Dr. Diane Francoeur, emphasizes and persists and signs that time is finished that doctors receive orders from the Ministry of health and will begin to work and have a greater yield after receiving a raise seven billion dollars and she still wants another billion more .

A holier and he was the same way when he was president of the Federation
Gaétan Barrette said he was "outraged" by an editorial in which the president the Federation of Medical Specialists of Quebec (FMSQ), Diane Francoeur, warns that will "beg" for its members that the health reform work. Are démagogues Dr. Diane Francoeur and Dr. Gaétan Barrette credible, uncle Dislike aunt?
"The FMSQ would gain credibility if she could just say: it's true that the population does not pay for. They have been increases over five years of 37%. When it will be enough?
"And that Ismael Habib, a Muslim Terrorist, live on other people's money
Is the morbid obesity of the Quebec state, so a big machine that no one knows who is doing what or what is the money that is injected into not counting the thousands of aid programs, departments, bureaucrats, pencil pushers, trade unionists, associations, etc.

How is it that everything seems to crack when we constantly feed the monster with our taxes and our taxes? We citizens are slaughtered by these tentacles that siphon us constantly. Not only are our specialists, at least they them work for the good of the citizens, but it works to kill us and we provide them all the attention required for it to flourish with his family, this stench on our soil.
Our doctors are financial entrepreneurs
Ismail Habib, first foreign unfortunately become Canadian trial for attempting to leave the country to participate in the activities of a terrorist group with the blessings of Adil Charkaoui undisputed master of Muslim Salafists hateful slander the anti democratic Canada protected our rights and freedoms.
We recently learned that this had received nearly $ 70,000 in loans and grants. Not only Habib has never seriously pursued his studies, but he was still sacked because of his poor grades and absenteeism. Moreover, he made small from all sides and from all sides. It proliferates like flowers. How much-he medical expenses? Certainly when his family arrived at the hospital he comes before all others. He finger standing near us straight into the post, the Islamist it is.
And wait, there's more: Montrealer also collected for several months monthly welfare payments of $ 500 for each of his two children, while they were living abroad with their mother! Coudonc, one checks anything to the government? We send checks to anyone without any follow-up?

What I am saying here is that the priorities of everyone are not always in the right place. Federations doctors should be less selfish or if they want to have a system in the US, the government dismiss them all and start again with a system of insurance and another for the public. People who can afford insurance will have better service and the other will have the public system. And I know I speak for my siblings remain in the US for over forty years.
Our two-tier health system came slyly
In the United States, their medical system is certainly not the best in the world, I can swear it unless you have money and a lot of money, or they will let you die in front of your home slowly, which does not happen here in Quebec. The costs of a basic insurance varies from $ 10 000 to 15 000 extra per year for a 65 and over, certainly the government will pay some bills.

How many people here in Quebec, with pension, old age pension of 13 000 to 15 000 per year could pay for such insurance. Any. The Quebec health system is very highly paid specialists if they are comparable to other countries by including the incorporation of profits, not paying all liabilities insurance, and other fees. When you compare your salary, you should also compare the costs of living of the society around you, college expenses, education, food, housing.
Dre. Diane Francoeur you are killing the egg in the hen. The hen is old and may no longer have other eggs. You have taken everything, there remains more money unless the Government Couillard lying to us again after the election of 2018, increasing taxes as it did in 2014 to five billion dollars to hand it to you in person.  

Is a doctor a human being?
And I'm sure a thousand times, that even if you receive a new billion dollar your union would encor unhappy, like spoiled children, kings children the system. Nothing will satisfy you in this world, you are so manipulative, so you make a good president to the Federation, you hope to replace Dr.Gaétan Barrette maybe one day. The Liberal Party of Quebec or Canada accepts anyone, anything, no matter how, as long as you rule your civilities convictions.
Comparisons should always be fair and honest Dre. Diane Francoeur and Dr. Gaétan Barrette. Ismael Habib is a liar, I do not care, it will pull and intellectuals and feminists, and Luc Chartrand go congratulate him on his masterly work on jihadist crusade to conquer the Quebec Court of Human Rights Freedom and Quebec, will give reason to fool Quebecers with all accommodation unreasonable of Philippe Couillard.

At the height of pocket, and for you, you go with pockets unionists

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