samedi 4 mars 2017

Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec - Sept-Îles - Province of Quebec - New Deluxe Prison, Five Stars with Butler Services

Philippe Couillard, Québec Premier - Sept-Îles - Province of Quebec - New Luxury prison, five star serviced Staff Men
This document is almost all truth except some adjustment on my part 3 March 2017
This new provincial jail has nothing to envy to many Quebec flats and apartments welfare recipients who receive 650.00 dollars a month for food and shelter in Montreal when a three-room housing starts at $ 500 per month. François Blais, Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity of Quebec considers $ 150 a month for food is ample for a Quebec citizen.

Our Liberal ministers run the soft
I would you remind that our ministers give salary increases in the last few months between $ 125 000 and $ 150 000 increases in addition to the bonus that the Liberals get their corrupt friends here and there for many years. As said so well, the former Premier of Quebec, the Honourable Jean Charest, after Charbonneau Commission about Liberal corruption, we must change tactics if we do not make us. And they have changed from winning recipe, they give increases.
Our prisons are human, comfortable and prisoners want to remain there
Inmates can rely on the latest equipment, very high brand sophisticated,equipment, cutting-edge technology with push buttons that you can not imagine. All families and households Quebecers and Canadians of the middle class, the taxpayers, the real taxpayers, those who go to work every day, can not afford such princely equipment home them. Only big stars, MPs, ministers having received these beautiful computers working as gifts or as money under the table.
A single cell
Luxurious electrical supplies are likely to make jealous among other criminals who have to cram in antiquated prisons elsewhere in Quebec in provincial prisons. See now, we have another problem with Ottawa, the Department of Justice, the Honourable Judy Wilson Raybould, federal prisons will not be as posh and luxurious than Quebec provincial prisons.
What will the injustices against minorities, allophones, Salafi Islamic waiting for their permission to stay in Canada and to prove that they are not terrorists wanting to destroy our democracy dormant or pending their deportation to their countries of origin . The Human Watch of Canada, in reference to the Honourable Mohamed Justin Trudeau, who will be eager to demolish all Canadian federal prisons luxurious for updating the upper six-star standards to prove the Canadian hospitality to our detainees.

That life is beautiful in our prisons in Quebec
Inmates belonging to the mafia or underworld groups only have privileges to remain in that place where nature awakens with the chirping of birds. The city of Sept-Îles, on the North Shore, seduces with its wide open spaces, fascinates with its native culture and pique the curiosity with its major industries. Here it mixes with the lives of people to discover the various attractions, events and good food.
Of course, a visit is not complete without an excursion in the archipelago of the Seven Islands. Whether through the multitude of bird species that revolve around the islands or the discovery walk of the island Grande Basque, you will marvel at the magnificent scenery in the wild cohabiting with Sept-Îles, bubbling with activities.
Each island in the archipelago has its unique character. Corossol Island is renowned for its bird sanctuary and whale watching. A blue mussel farming is operated near the Grosse Boule Island. The Basque Big Island is the only island equipped for hiking and for primitive camping. The site also runs the underwater world of the interpretation of activities with a naturalist guide.

Privileged prisoners can admire the flavors free fresh fish from the St. Lawrence cons fees Quebecers
Minister of Justice of Quebec, the Honourable Stéphanie Vallée, we emphasized during his trip to Sept-Îles that the privileged inmates will expected in spring 2017. Built at a cost of $ 90.9 million and inaugurated yesterday with nearly a year of delay, the new detention facility is ready with all amenities on the cutting edge.
In his address to the press conference, she lay length and lay down on several major points on the benefits of social reinsertion, communal, tribal, different mafia groups, criminals wanted in nicely arranged spaces for them to better communication between them and their families.
The Minister of the family, the Honourable Sébastien Proulx, that families of the detainees are no cut by distances of Sept-Îles and Quebec or Montreal offer freefour weekly flights between those cities free for family visits and inmates to promote their better beings like asking the judges of the court of Quebec.
Cruise at Sept-Iles
Inmates handcuffed by police escorts arrive in armored limousine
Upon arrival at the prison in Sept-Îles, inmates receive a special pair of headphones enabling them to connect to a modern system to watch plasma TV without disturbing their roommates as when you arrive at your five-star hotel at Sandals in Jamaica for a two week stay that you cost seven thousand dollars.
Different types of luxurious rooms according to your crime or criminal social position
Different accommodation sectors are equipped with plasma equipped with a headphone system televisions connected directly to the seats. The installation will be enjoying his favorite channel without disturbing her roommates. No worries, the headphones will be provided on arrival as a plane in first class. The Minister of Justice has not emphasized, as upon arrival at the hotel in the south, if the prisoner has a flute of champagne and a tour of the prison to become familiar with the scene.
The Islands of Sept-Iles
The prisoners have sentences regular small cells, but individual, while intermittent sentences will be served in dormitories. They will be given a small kit of hygiene on arrival: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo,razor and rolled like small towels at the hotel.
For inmates of different religions other than Christian, halal, they will have rights to adequate food, in meetings with their imams or rabbis or their other preachers blessings of their meals, their sexualities, meal midnight and all other conditions that inmates require for their own welfare. Inmates Christian religions will not have any rights and privileges as citizens in this prison Quebecers.
To do their washing, inmates sets of front washer-dryers with high efficiency. Inmates non-Christian religions can do their washing every afternoon, every day.
The outside jail
Front-loading washers and dryers "high efficiency" LG brand are available to them to wash their clothes. In some areas, a washer-dryer is available for two inmates. The appliance model worth more than $ 2,700 on the market is even equipped with a technology offering to customize cycles of its washes from a smartphone application. Too bad that the detainees are entitled only to public phones until now ...
They will do the dishes with a modern commercial dishwasher. If non-Christian people want to do their own separate dishwashing may do so before the Christians. Christians will then clean the washer at the end with water endorsing the next day for that non-Christians can use the washing dishes immediately after eating.

A luxurious washing
Inmates will be responsible for doing the dishes have nothing to be desired for many restaurant divers.
A large room has been specially equipped for that they fulfill the task. They can count on a high-performance commercial dishwasher thousands of dollars and even facilities designed specifically to clean and easier food transport trays.
Dish cloths may serve very little.
The new prison Sept-Îles
Cost: $ 90.9 million, 50 jobs created, hosting three pavilions, an administrative area, a library, a gym, a classroom, computers, external packages, may possibly a golf course, parts of peaches, an Olympic swimming pool, why not, a shooting gallery.
Correctional services and specific programs tailored to indigenous are planned.
The cons of Quebec are in fury
The construction of a luxury prison at a cost of $ 90.9 million in Sept-Îles is described as unjustifiable by some associations, denouncing the way the "poor" living conditions of people in nursing homes.

In hosting centers and long term care (CHSLD) in the Province of Quebec, Canada, we have a hard time have layers, even a quota of layers per client, for incontinence and meals worthy of the name, said Mr. Paul Brunet President of the Council for the protection of patients. It would turn the tables and place the elderly in prison they would be more protected and eat better, and send inmates shelter.
"For his part, the Director of the Quebec office of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation abounds in the same way. He badly explains this "interest" to improve the fate of detainees.
"I find it absurd, said Carl Vallée. What kind of society are we if our criminals are treated better than our seniors? We misery to feed them senior citizens, but we are able to provide 130cm televisions plasma in our criminals.

"Influence of criminal circles
This luxury jail would be the result of the influence of some members of the middle criminal who had "control over high-ranking government" believes Mr. Brunet.
"The reason that our prisoners are treated better than our people in nursing homes is that their representatives have stronger ties to the government that our committees to defend the rights of our users in a nursing home," a- he said. They seem to have the contacts we have not.
"Unjustified and unjustifiable because we are in austerity
According to Mr. Laliberté, this expense we" reflects poorly as society "and should have been done elsewhere.

"It is totally unjustified and unjustifiable, has he said. It's very frustrating for taxpayers at this time, that would have no doubt preferred to see a tax cut. It's a bad expenditure of public funds which suggests that the government thinks the criminals before anyone else.
"In Quebec and Canada it is better not to be born Christian but Muslim Salafi firstly, secondly join party Liberals and corrupt, and stolen the maximum possible, thirdly your future is assured.

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