vendredi 17 mars 2017

François Fillion, in Presidential, a tramp, a beggar, demands the social assistance of the rich and the Emirs

François Fillion, in Presidential, a tramp, a beggar, a beggar, requires welfare of the rich and Emirs
François Fillion, believing that he is a millionaire, and feeling superior to all the French who work to earn their bread to sweat of their brow, sir, it does not matter, he enjoys life as the queen and basks because he admires the benefits of royalty, luxury, he did not. For him, the only way to acquire it is to sell the French people, Muslims, Salafis, the barbarians, the Emirs, Gulf, and to that dohe is an expert.

As career politician, that is to say, a professional selling of human beings to other human beings to acquire personal property and invest in luxury and tax havens, it would be willing to sell his children for get there. All tips are perfect for politicians to gain power and fortunes and attaching thereto and François Fillion enjoys sexually whenever he sees her get fat, self-centeredness has no equal. I think it is the twin of the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, but he is already a millionaire with a bird brain.
François Fillion made a welfare asks Emirs Gulf
One of the first conditions to obtain a county welfare, and regardless of the aid, is to have his welfare domicile in the department where the application is filed . Under the law, is regarded as emergency home where the applicant lived for three months without interruption. The quality of emergency home is lost in cases of willful absence of 3 consecutive months of residence. Are not considered voluntary absences hospital stays, stays in nursing home, investments.

Specific conditions are required to obtain some aid, including social assistance to children (physical, educational difficulties) and aid in inserting the RSA (lack of resources or the existence of low income under the law); Here however the general conditions for obtaining social
assistance:Benefits related to the management of dependency or disability, as colluding to extinction of the French culture and the promotion of the Salafi Muslim ignorance in France and Shari'a, the French Government submitted to study your request to Emmanuel Macron, Jacques and François Hollande Guillemain.
The Little Brothers of the Poor open the doors
Who paid and will pay future costumes François Fillon if he becomes president of France Whereas a lawyer beggar? The millionaire was offered, since 2012, nearly 48 500 euros of tailored suits in the upscale Arnys the rue de Sèvres. 35,500 euros were paid in cash.
The weekly explains: fortnight after two suits were paid by check (13,000 euros) by a "generous friend".

The beggar sell all the French Salafists in thirty seconds
Knowing politicians who ask, require, costumes, by the presidency after they ask the Emirs of Qatar and the King of Saudi Arabia billions of dollars to finance their personal property , political families, relatives, lying to the general population.
They're naked, these filthy politicians in ties, Hung, pose as saints before the media, they are liars, thieves of truth. So that they are liars when they say the opposite.
How can you trust these career politicians who sell you, which sells only the wind, with no resale value, these politicians are liars an insurance salesman or car. Politicians are like nappies, change constantly as they fill up quickly.

Lives Minister and Senator
Ministers often told us before he catches some disease, hello, I am a minister for forty years, and I'm completely honest, chaste, pure, Salafi Muslim, sold, and party member Republicans and she smiled gently, kindly, raising her dress a bit, I barely thirty eight years, I am Senator, Republican, feminist, prostitute for thirty years and virgin boy champagne!
The car dealer sells cars, politicians sold the population, our culture, our identity, our religion, our property, our ancestors, our country to fill their pockets and without any awareness of the harm it does for future generations .

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