mardi 7 mars 2017

Abdallah II, King of Jordan - SALAH ABDESLAM - Terrorists - Bataclan Paris - Jordan Fifteen Terrorists and criminals hanged BRAVOS How to get rid of the Islamist roots Islamic Muslim salafists racist islamophobic christianophobes politico religious who infest our countries

Abdullah II, King of Jordan - SALAH ABDESLAM - Bataclan Paris - Jordan Fifteen terrorists and criminals hanged Bravos How to get rid of racist politico religious Muslim Salafi Islamist rot
Justin Trudeau - Barack Obama - Angela Merkel - Hollande - Theresa May - Van der Bellen - Charles Michel - Helle Thorning-Schmidt - Stefan Löfven - Serio Mattarella - Pope Francis - Prokopis Pavlopoulos and other
AMMAN | Fifteen people sentenced to death for "terrorism" and other crimes were hanged Saturday in Jordan, a rare mass execution in the kingdom hit by bloody attacks in 2016.

We congratulate King Abdullah II of Jordan for his courage Read rid of junk Islamic terrorists, Islamophobic of the Islamic State were committing murders on its territory. The king has the respect of his people at least in the justice terrorists, I do not speak of the rights of people because terrorists are not people that are inhumane.
Unlike our Western politicians who actively participate in the development of terrorist activities in our territories, as Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande that accepting checks of our dear Emirs Salafists of Arabia Arabia, Qatar.
These barbaric empires of evil, the Koran, terrorism, sharia, Wahhabi,human depravity, blasphemy, petrodollars that now control all our government institutions that lead ion instinct of our values and our democracies the dictatorship of Allah and catfish.
Terrorists burned pilot alive
Wonderful eleven sentenced to death were hanged in 2014 for crimes unrelated to politics or terrorism. Although Amnesty International has denounced this fact, the organization has often lost its credibility and honesty in several subjects. When I hear them, they are like politicians, their words are paid by several agencies and organizations that take advantage of situations to make political, religious, power and money.  
Jordanians do not like terrorists and do the feed not during seventy years free
Ten of them were convicted of "being members of a terrorist cell" responsible for several attacks in which those "against the offices of general information in Jordan, against members of the security forces, tourists and against the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad in 2003, "he added.
The spokesman made particular reference to a 2006 attack against tourists in a Roman amphitheater in Amman, which killed a Briton than last June against the intelligence services north of Amman (five deaths) and the assassination in September before a court in Amman to the Christian writer Nahed Hattar, who was tried for a skilled offensive caricature of vis-à-vis Islam.
Slaves children
The five other Jordanians sentenced to death were convicted for "horrible crimes including rape".
Copies of executions for Westerners
"This is a big step forward for Jordan, which wants to eliminate raptors on this globe that the rights of States to protect. Jordan is a member of the international coalition under US command that conducts air strikes against the jihadist group Islamic State (EI) in Syria and Iraq.
The kingdom, which fears a contagion for several years of the jihadist threat in its territory was hit by four bloody attacks in 2016, some of which were claimed by the Islamic State.

A message to national security
to the Attorney General Ziad al-Amman Dmour, these executions are "a clear message to those who attempt to undermine the security of the nation."
Thousands of Jordanians are suspected of being supporters of the Islamic State and al-Qaida. In Canada as in Europe, our politicians are fies Islamic Muslim organizations that support terrorist groups, petrodollars, the Salafist regimes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar that fill the pockets of our politicians.
The latest attacks in Jordan date back to December. Claimed by EI, they were perpetrated near the site of Karak, 120 kilometers south of Amman, where ten people, including seven police officers and a Canadian tourist, were killed and 34 injured.

Handling organizations, individuals, media by money
in this organization as well as NGOs, corrupt and corruptions are made because we have to look at what is currently happening in Haiti with all the money that they received and the population is as poor as before but humanitarian organizations themselves have become rich, full stop. Multitudes of organizations associated with the United Nations are silver marks for corrupt, criminal organizations for senior executives of countries to grow their power and have protected the eyes of the nations.
Salah Abdeslam, terrorist, MUSLIM, happy soldier of Allah,killer, murderer, Paris,in prison or small private apartment at Club Med paid by all French taxpayers and not by François Hollande, he cares, he's a millionaire and receives so much of money from Saudi Arabia with his political partners he did not care what's going on in your own budget, with social equity for all Christians French, of Molière values.

The terrorist all rights, our rights of States, and he knows it, he is not a fool like our intellectuals and our feminist that protect and incense veiled in perpetual slavery to their lowest bids bloodthirsty males.
Emmanuel Macron Dolphin Francois Hollande friend Salafists and enemy of French
Our rights of States totally ignore the rights of victims, their misfortunes, their loss of revenues, their psychological demands for them and their relatives of the victims. The justice system, the Charters of Rights and Freedoms Human are so vile that they are dedicated only with criminals, to give him every humanly possible resources to make it more enjoyable life that politicians completely forgotten the fates of the victim's, old, poorly led, people who really need to need help.  
But not all state resources were put to the exclusively criminal services, terrorists, these Islamist killers, Muslims who freely sabotage our democracies.
IslamSalafist Wahhabi global AIDS
victims, their relatives, their children, their communities are ignored so that they became outcasts of justice, the enemy of the people, the victims are now the terrorists that the state should discourage and remove at all costs with the aid of the judges, those intellectuals who handle democracy, the honor of a people torn ancestral heritage patriotism by recognizing more the existence of their own countries facing the enemy, the political religion attacking France and Western countries.  

Our judges, our laws, our rights of states have become accomplices of the deadly humanitarian lapidary, these cancers that plague Western societies, Muslim societies and other societies on this planet. Our Western civilizations have fallen into reverse, criminals are pampered and the victims were decapitated, here or visited our states rights of our depraved intellectuals.
Rot receives all the attention on a platter of gold
That dirty dog, SALAH ABDESLAM, that bastard, this dying, this pedal Muslim affiliated with the Islamic state, he is involved in the attacks of 13 November 2015 that made 130 deaths in the Paris Region.
On the Balkan route used from the summer of 2015 hundreds of thousands of refugees, the Europeans does not want their territory because these people bring with them their Muslim religion, their crusade devastating indoctrination incompatible with any other religion or world political system as highlighted all imams in mosques and in the face of all media openly.
SALAH ABDESLAM he conveys by four Brussels roundtrips to German and Hungarian communities, the almost all of the commando who commit these attacks and those of Brussels on 22 March 2016. On 13 November 2015, is notably the tenant of the car used by the attackers of the room Bataclan, and also deposited the three suicide bombers before the Stade de France where they blow themselves up.
This religious junk benefits from the largesse of the political system, criminal, medical French at your expense
Do you think for one second that these wonderful people who work for our politicians to come to commit murder in our country do not know the laws and knowing they will never be sentenced to death and who live lives of pashas, THE CONS, will do everything in power to have the best lawyer to get the best prison, with the best services, cells, repaint the walls for it feels at him and everything.  

In addition you will go fervent fools in the media, I see every day on the air of TV5 Quebec protest against the inhumane conditions that nice man must undergo every day.
Muslim François Filion, makeup artist and
liar,why not give it, all equipment terrorist perfect that when he goes before the judge to blow up the courthouse and feminists, intellectuals, politicians can definitely say that it was the Christians mistakes not to have understood and agreed to be killed asfor provided our laws and religious rights and freedoms promulgated in our charters that are superior to our civil laws.
Taxpayers who work for him to live his sixty next decade cool, safe with health care, no concern, no live the Quranist Islamophobic Islamist terrorists who walk veiled that block your intersections flattened on the floor for you shit and the police to leave for fear of being treated Islamophobic. As this term was created specifically for the small Christian heads, fragile without balls that do not want to face the realities Islamists, Islam is a religion of conquerors and that Islam will destroy the West shortly .

French wake up before being assassinated
You, French, love to talk, when will you act like Donald Trump did not like Justin Trudeau destroying Canada with the Muslim Brotherhood and that he frequents mosques.  
Justin Trudeau as mentioned in your newspapers and weekly is the one who governs the country. Your media does not report the truth about him and his political party. It has the same faces of Francois Hollande, Barack Obama, Emmanuel Macron, and many others sold and approving the total destruction of your country, Canada, and the West. We must never rely on the envelope focus our politicians because they are handy as weathervanes for sale and we vote.

Patriotic workers French, do you have anécoeurantite acute laws, judges, mayors, judgments do you handle
Yes, you French, you idiots are going to work from eight am to ten eight hours, pay your taxes, charges social, bring your children to school, try to have can be a retirement, comfortable  but no. Your government needed money to build places to keep it nice, harmful, justice has decided so, it must keep in top physical, mental, sexual, halal, everything, everything.  
And you, your parents when they get old, go in slums like rats without support from governments because you were honest throughout your dog's life, pay your taxes, your tickets, high your children, your homes built , end up with nothing.

Donald Trump told the truth that France and Paris are no longer French, shocking but true, you are like Canada a country without culture, multicultural predominantly a Muslim country desert
Let it currently has that nice man who killed 150 people whose French government loves you more than all the idiots who contributes to the economy of France. He has never done or given to France, to Europe, Koranic, the Islamic Salafi this, this killer,the messenger of Satan came to destroy the West, according to the laws of Allah and refugees you welcome every day in Europe.
Conditions of detention of terrorist better than anyone else held in prison in France because France and judges protect Muslims from Francois Hollande, Manuel Valls, Alain Juppe, Francois Fillion, Agnes Féo, and other prostitutes who kill French.
France, Islamic, Muslim countries, sharia and the Koran as republican constitution, thank you for fucking politicians sold the Salafists in the words of Donald Trump
The Muslim bastard, ISLAMIC, eats Halal, the costs of the French. Please, kitchen, reality TV, daily masturbation, Pasha Salah Abdeslam dream of living in prison for this killer, this vermin Islamic, Quranic.
It requires excavation conditions as it pleases Sir!
When the great Salah MUFTI Abdeslam wanted to oppose a body search, the tone is mounted with an agent and it was very tense because thirty laptop and USB key are entered by week and we all know honesty our Muslim terrorist lorsqu'Allah is in prison.

French wake up in the words of Charles de Gaulle
The French government does not care about you honest taxpayers French and vote for change for Marine Le Pen and rots out of France, those who do not want to integrate. France is Christian and democratic and it is not the Koran, Salafi, barbaric, and do not belong to the desert country, the scorpions, the petrodollars to without values, without identities, but the real humans who respect men and women and not crazy Allah and bearded, the medieval arrears criminals Satan.
The administration kneels before him not to shock the
When he shot at people, their he asked permission to kill or hurt. So the administration is lowered as mentally retarded sheep has adapted his meals, not to shock their distinguished guest Salah Abdeslam, to be distributed at noon and in the evening of storable commodities until sunset. This Islamic dictator must have all the attention it should Allah on earth, the best services that the idiots do not have the right to have the paying of taxes.
The prison administrator welcomes it as it was when Louis XIV when he was having breakfast and had admirers who paid to see him eat, because it is a privilege to see a terrorist action that swallows Halal go to her anal.

At lunchtime on Wednesday, the large exercise yard is empty. The buildings constructed in three-blade, in the form of a large snowflake, concrete mix, bars and color sheaths. The renovation lasted more than ten years to half a billion euros. New windows, now well insulated, have decreased in size. Finished the oven fashion summer and ice in winter. Our guest can relax and do his prayers to Allah and ask him to destroy France.
Cher French, to quote Philippe Petain, the traitor,that your MPs and ministers, you are the turkey stuffing, François Hollande, is a real noodle
Each cell, initially designed for one prisoner was doubled to he can lie, cheerfully, rubbing, muscle, the pieces that swell after several regular jerky friction, with bathroom and shower excluding character of high rank that the French and European course require us to serve as a luxury that execrable individual, bloodthirsty monster under our laws, our states rights against the will of the French people, he simply deserves death immediately.

Showers with anti corrosive casings massive gold so he could not catch an incurable disease with white towel wrapped like in five star hotels
the collective showers, dangerous, and have been removed for this nice scamp they are deprived him. We would not want it to be abused mentally, physically or sexually. We want him to guard her chastity for its pristine paradise exclaimed the director of the prison.
The detainee most watched France ROYAL enjoys privileges at your expense, taxpayers slaughtered by the State
Two floors above, on the top floor of the building, Fleury guard the prisoner most watched in France, French President Salafist Salah Abdeslam .
A portion of the fourth floor has been "cleared" for him, and how much it costs the company to keep that French Islamic rot? Please answer

the right, most of the cells are for the dedicated unit, composed of radical prisoners incarcerated for terrorism, and are isolated from the rest of the prison.
Judges and justice mentally ill and encourage terrorist criminals, France loves you, come and kill us
"Either court order, because the magistrates ask they do not have contact in detention or administrative decision, usually when we think they may be at risk, "also explains the director.
Four cells for its GREATNESS, HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, with patio doors, garden, ON TERRORIST IS ON OR IS NOT, Madam Administrator
four cells were developed for his coming. Two to its use, a cell A and a cell B in case of deterioration of the first. In a cell in the middle of the two, a video surveillance post. This is an official standby 24 hours on 24 to observe the prisoner and noted scrupulously all his doings.
Justice and administration should have the genes to provide services to the God of Allah that is an inhuman killer, and we owe him in his own religious laws give him the opportunity to go as fast as possible fornicate with 72 virgins for eternity, whereas it is not human, life is unimportant to him because the Qur'an professes death and not life.

Your elders will end their lives in closets and him in luxury hospitals and it has never paid a single penny
Even the elderly, the elderly in hospitals do not have these kinds of services after having paid all their bitches lives of taxes and duties and have lived honestly but criminal, these Muslims, this Islamist has all the services the Queen of England at its disposal. It's inconceivable. It should be embedded in a helicopter and dropped from the top to about 400 meters and will be able to see its pristine cursed. He deserves no mercy, no justice, he is the representative of the devil and he can go to hell with the judges and justice that protects it.

Exclusive gym for Mr. 4K TV with 130 cm
A fourth cell was transformed into "special sports hall" with a rowing machine for exercise. Another strength training equipment is controlled at the expense of French taxpayers, the idiots who pay again, Francois
Hollande,and on the roof, a small promenade space for itself alone, also under video surveillance. There is a place to land the drone with terrorists effects sought to perfect his training before leaving to commit other terrorist acts in France and Belgium.
This magnificent executioner is the prayer of hypocrites with bloodied hands, the Salafist Koran as the basis of crime, a well appointed kitchen, satellite TV antenna, the 230, channels Free Arab computer, internet, condom, all a man asks Allah to give him before his departure, her journey to virgins to dévierger.

SALAH ABDESLAM after his shower, in tracksuit and dark shirt, and he tied the djellaba around the waist jacket, before kneel, facing the East and he said, Death to France died in Belgium, glory to Allah! A long prayer that we must all respect for these are his religious beliefs and which are superior to Christian beliefs exclaimed François Filion.
"What marks Thierry Solère is the high cleanliness and meticulous storage of the cell. It is unfortunate, the French government should let it out freely from prison and give him a pension for life, we do not want him to die in prison, the poor boy. We, the jewelers we worship our terrorist, he is an example for all of us. Many of us believe we convert to Islam.
In conclusion
We will have to get rid of the terrorists and put them to death as soon as possible, it is to render them a service according to the Koran and we will save money for our well deserved retreats. We will make a stone two costs, that is to say pleasure to Allah and to ourselves.

Cost of a criminal per year $ 180,000 X 40 years =
$ 7,200,000 plus inflation at 2% per year
Vote Le Pen is the only solution to your problems and you should fight and endure because critics will be strong in France, because the French are intellectuals

live France lIVE or DEAD

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