samedi 4 novembre 2017

Fatima Houda Pépin is a Muslim woman and former Liberal deputy in the veiled women

Fatima Houda Pépin is a Muslim and former Liberal MP and she is fed up with cursed veiled Islamist Salafist terrorists who do want not to integrate and sow shit in Quebec and in Canada on behalf of the Koran and Allah
Fatima Houda-Pepin (born December 26, 1951 in Meknes in Morocco, and is Muslim. political Woman, the Liberal party of Quebec (PLQ) and apolitical Quebec scientist.
She was the member of Parliament for La Pinière to the National Assembly of Quebec between 1994 and 2014. and since it rectifies policies falsehoods of the political party of the Liberal party and its leader Philippe Couillard,Quebec Premier Salafist that supports all accommodation unreasonable extremists to promote Islamist Salafi communities that control entirely administrative schedules governments.
Supreme Court of Canada statused: The content of religions is not protected by the state November3, 2017
OTTAWA - In an expected decision on freedom of religion, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Thursday morning that the state not to protect this what people believe.
Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees freedom of religion in the country. "The obligation imposed on the State by paragraph 2 (a)

Identity Islamist blackmail to politicians of all political parties and the media elected
Philippe Couillard having encroach in cargiant of racism commission Islamists, systemic Muslims and wanting to make it disappear under the covers without too vague, it s' has been overtaken by different problem of corruption of his ministers, his crusades on Niqabs, racist Francophone Quebecers whites,his ministers and the police, etc.  
It's a mess at the National Assembly Philippe Couillard now, one year before the next election. And now the law62is finally out, and even his ministers do not understand it and Justin Trudeau jumps on him.
Philippe Couillard will he be stoned?
How much are they the Islamists in their Salafist Islamic crusades their barbarities to Quranic Niqabs, burqas and veiled services of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Justin Trudeau, Tariq Ramadan,terrorist rapist, and personal friend of Justin Trudeau and Liberal party of Canada, Philippe Couillard, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), Stéphane Dion, Denis Coderre, Samira Laouni etc.
Whenever the burqa,niqab, chador, sharia, jihad or terrorism burst into the news, a question arises: "How many are there? "Only in Ville St-Laurent, Cartierville about2000,slaves, zombies, Quranic, not 50 as RDI suggests, the media or Denis Coderre, its offices Downtown and paid by the Muslim Brotherhood to close the eyes.
62 The law on religious NON-neutrality of the state brought this questioning. Under the guise of open face Prime Minister Couillard has introduced a provision that reconciles with Saudi Arabia that allow employees of the State of Quebec to wear the burqa,the niqab and chador. A monumental setback for women's rights.

All to trivialize
But from this, there was no question. Our do-gooders were too busy defending Islamists who have withdrawn themselves from the society of unbelievers by posing burqas.
So how many women wear it in Quebec? According to different sources, it is ten to one hundred. On what base-you one to advance such figures? On "the man who saw the man who saw the man who saw the bear".
Truncated figures are not based on verifiable data, and yet our political and intellectual elites debit them as gospel to bolster their theory of denial.
Philippe Couillard hate royally Quebec
But the question is far from neutral. It is deliberately maintained to minimize the magnitude of these problems and above stifle debate open attempt on radical Islam.We even avoids naming the fear of being accused of Islamophobia.
No, this outfit degrading to the dignity of women - except for those who wear it under duress - is never neutral. It is a political identity card to show the Salafi ideology in the public space, and mark their distance from the world of unbelievers.

They are tens of millions
You say there is no big deal? Their number does not scare you. Let's rest the question in context. How many are they ?
Initially, they were A in the person of Mohamed Ben Abdel Wahhab, who will give birth to Wahhabism and make alliance with totalitarian monarchy of Saudi Arabia, a country where women are forced to wear the full veil.
In 1928, another Salafi Front opens in Egypt. Hassan El Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood and makes the junction with wrens Saudis. His grand-son, Tariq Ramadan, terrorist,wreaking havoc in the minds of young people in Europe and Canada.
Very soon, thousands of preachers will swarm in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, Europe, the US and Canada. They are already millions. Wherever this is ideology permeates, women wear burqas and niqabs.
You hear of these Salafist groups as they pass violent jihad in remote areas: the Taliban, Al Qaeda,the Islamic State, Boko Haram, al-Qaeda in the Maghreb, or when young Canadians to leave jihad in Syria.

But they are much more effective in the ideological and legal jihad that they lead from the inside, in Western societies, including Canada.
This is also the reality that many of our political and intellectual elites conceal. They wrap themselves in the Charter of Rights to defend the indefensible and contribute their willful blindness to undermine the foundations of our democracy.

How many are they? You have said, the Honorable Prime Minister Philippe Couillard, who sleeps with all the racist Islamists of the province of Quebec?

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