samedi 4 novembre 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Denis Coderre - Kathleen Wynne - Rachel Notley Muslim Failed - Muslims applaud the law 62 on secularism - Samira Laouni's Niqab dedicated to Islamist racism and Shariah

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Denis Coderre - Kathleen Wynne - Rachel Notley Muslim Failed - The Muslim applaud the law 62 on Secularism - The Niqab Samira Laouni dedicated to Islamist racism and Shariah
The niqab, the burqa, the Islamic veil, the toilet paper on the head, are all insults to Islam, to Muslims, especially women. It has nothing to do with religion.
It is a symbol of oppression of women, a political symbol, barbarians of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan, Afghanistan, turbans, Sikh, and other nazistes Koranic Islamist dictatorships charianiques Prophet .
"They Surprise us when they come from the mouth of some Muslim that Fatima Houda Pépin, Djemila Benhabib, Ouldkaci Nadia, Nadia Benmiss, Roksana Nazneen
Fatima Houda Pepin made us a very good document about the Montreal newspaper and Quebec regarding this.
But Roksana Nazneen also has much to say about the full veil. Born in Bangladesh, she has witnessed the rise of radical Islam in this predominantly Muslim country. "When I was little, nobody wore the veil. When I returned this summer, I realized that almost all the girls had a hijab.
"The Party of Philippe Couillard kneels before Islamist barbarians who fill the coffers of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ)
No Roksana has nothing against the hijab, the headscarf that suggests the face. She attended besides several women who freely choose to wear it. Sociology professor, however, that sometimes this small piece of fabric is a step towards the niqab, the veil.
"An epidemic AIDS sufferer"that contaminates the entire Muslim world and that Canada is not immune, according Roksana, who is very proud that the province she lives for 30 years an example for the rest of Canada. "62 The law sends a clear message that here we must integrate, that those who think that women are inferior to men are not welcome."
In the Qur'an, the Prophet clearly said that a woman no value as half of a man so two women equal one man. Ladies of the Quebec Federation of Women you are only half a man, then the government should cut your salary inhalf,is not it, by Allah, according to Samira Laouni the charianique?

To those who believe that the law 62 tackles the wrong problem (there would be only fifty women in Quebec who wear the full veil), Roksana their answers on the contrary, because only in Montreal, said to be about 5000, it's an epidemic, it is now the need to legislate.
"Do we necessarily must wait for far-right parties are at the gates of power as to Europe to do something?" Them she asks, citing the example of France which has gone much further than La Belle Province in completely banning the full veil in public places.
Canada Bashing lower veiled
A path that is not ready to take the rest of Canada must rely on Justin Trudeau and the first ministers of Alberta and Ontario, which have not ruled out the idea of challenging the law in court 62.
"From anti-Quebec racism," says Tarek Fatah,founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, an organization that advocates a liberal and secular Islam.
Whoever is also columnist for the Toronto Star notes however that much of English Canadians watching carefully what is happening on the other side of the Ottawa River. "Quebec has always been ahead of the rest of the country. Good thing you're ever separate you, "jokes Tarek Fatah, who lives in Toronto for ten years.
Muslim are afraid to show their faces to impostor
Many Muslims would also agree with the law 62, according Roksana Nazneen. "All my friends tell me it's a good deal, but they are afraid to talk. They do not want to get back on the community.

"Roksana Includes. It now paying the price for his strong opinions.
With her students, she was supposed to visit a mosque, but had to cancel the activity. "I no longer felt welcome," she laments.
The Niqab hate coverage of the Prophet
Since the adoption of Law 62, which requires give and receive public services openly, the media system has found a new category of victims to make us cry: women in niqab . Were persecuted.We even condemn exclusion and a life on the margins of society.
In solidarity with those unfortunate, Youth means excited to announce the inclusive left they veil their faces also to resist an unjust law decreed, while it is mainly poorly made.
We must come back to earth, Islam the religion of the devil.
That which carries the niqab does not rule society: it excludes itself.
It is not rejected because of the ambient intolerance. It was she who rejects society and fully rejects all of its codes and its uses. It was she who said his refusal to belong to the Western world and manifests himself against aggression.

They want us to believe that the niqab is a symbol of religious modesty. Rather, it is a symbol of identity exhibitionism. It is precisely door submit the whole society to morals as are not only foreign, but hostile. In fact, it reflects the desire of conquest of radical Islam.
Faced with radical Islam, some politicians, intellectuals, journalists RDI, will bendeyes.
They do not realize that the rights and freedoms are manipulated by a regressive ideology that wants to impose its codes in public places throughout the West.
They are bluffing by those who say that the niqab is an expression among others of the freedom of women to dress as they wish so that it is a community dedicated symbolic marker of forfeiture women, to cut the company.
There are limits to succumb to victimhood that condemns us to liberal thinking intellectual indolence.
Requests for religious accommodations are mainly from mission staff to implement Islamist ideology in Quebec, and blackmail the Government by Philippe Couillard, prevents the Quebec Association of North Africans to secularism.

I feel naked without my Niqab and I make love with my husband and my Niqab seeks my vagina under my Niqab, AH Yes, you're kidding me!
"As an association of citizens from mainly Muslim countries, what concerns us most are the constant demands of religious accommodation from ideological groups that drape the veil of fundamentalism and intend to impose their way of life another time, the average age, "explained the AQNAL before the Minister of Justice who is preparing the adoption of the bill on religious neutrality of the state and religious accommodation.
Bill 62 will allow the wearing of the niqab, the hijab and chador, supported the AQNAL, who says see a gap that will be eager to borrow the Islamists. "The full veil is recognized worldwide as the instrument preferred the ideology advocated by the islamists to DEFY the laws of the host country and undermining social cohesion, "said a member of the AQNAL FeridChikhi.
"This bill would not exist if Islam had not invited in public space since 1990. There is an ideology that develops is Islam, the Wahhabi fundamentalism whose first Canadian Justin Trudeau promotes development in all sectors of government in the country. Muslims who do not practice are stigmatized. Religious accommodation open a gap to indoctrination and radicalization, "added Mr. Chikhri.

Justin Trudeau I have to do everything to destroy Canada as a whole and give the Islamists
Several requests for accommodation are not inspired by Islam, supported the spokesman of AQNAL. "All requests made in companies and institutions revolve around practices that are already accommodated by Islam.
Those who demand a place of prayer to work, Islam recommends to postpone the prayer in the evening or at night, "said Ferid Chikhri and Philippe Couillard request that accommodations become laws favoring Muslims against Christians.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau do the Fuddle Duddle for christ's sake

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