lundi 13 novembre 2017

Tariq Ramadan the virtuous rapist of the twenty-first century

Tariq Ramadan the virtuous rapist of the twenty-first century
A Hollywood scenario occurs on Islamic planks Paris Tariq Ramadan The virtuous Tariq Ramadan rapist of the twenty-first century
How Tariq Ramadan, the collaborator, Pope Francis, God have his soul, and that St. Peter does not reject it,have not seen that devout Muslim, this internationally acknowledged guru, do not expect the paradise of Allah to have its quota virgin because he has violated the age women ripe and  committed pedophiliaat 12 or 15 girls and boys can be to know during his career model of the Prophet and Allah on earth. Its main quotation for our holy collaborator in the Vatican "Either veiled or is raped and pedophile."
Imam Mehdi Nader Abu Kabir and Anas
We Salafis like manly and naked men to disconcert the infidels
Islam of France,these religious schemers, guard on the case the deafening silence of cowards, these barbarians, these veiled these Niqabs, the Hijabs, these bearded, these imams, mosques, elected politicians who receive monies of emirs, and some accomplices speak a truth campaign and involve "pro-Israel networks, French and foreigners"...
Ifthe facts are based, it would seem that victims have evidence), the preacher with two faces, for the seducer groupies Islamized, will lose its luster.
What tumble, deserved descent to the liar, the Honorable Tariq Ramadan,rapist, Islamist, Salafist terrorist! The little son of the founder of the Brotherhood, Muslim  known worldwide Islamic terrorist organization, doctor"dishonor causa" from the University of Oxford, one of the hundred most influential people in 2004, according to Time magazine would therefore, according to the writer and journalist Mohamed Sifaoui, "a vulgar sex offender, Muslims and protect their diabolical religion." The mind boggles!

Crying crocodile
But the lesson because lesson there, was given by Naoufel Ibn Ziaten that voice drowned in tears, spoke of his brother who believed in republican values, standing dead because he refused to put his knees before the murderer. For him, yesterday was the French justice and with it France which has knelt and surety killers and fundamentalists.
Tarig Ramadan accused of corruption of minors therefore a Pedophile
comments Extracts played on,following the article "Tariq Ramadan under the blow of a rape complaint"
"If you are a woman, you are Arab, you write a book where you spit on Islam or a current of Islam, Muslims describe you using all the usual Zionist cliches you earn money, be invited on TV etc. "(Mak).
"I personally know Tariq Ramadan and his brothers, I have long frequented the Islamic Center of Geneva, now I am the way, Salafi So I do not listen to Tariq Ramadan, neither his brother nor Hassan Iqouissen and certify that this woman is a liar and that she was never Salafi is a hypocrite who came to swell the ranks of these pseudo-Muslims "(Aziz).
Tariq Ramadan he teaches pedophilia of the prophet?
Except that the Zionist plot is a little easier, and now the Tribune de Genève. Twice accused of rape during the month of October, the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood is again pointed. La Tribune de Genève in particular discovered that he had unsuccessfully tried to seduce one of his students 14 years before to achieve with three others, aged 15 and 18. So Tariq Ramadan is a dangerous and recidivist pedophile.

Viola there boys, too?
Four women from Geneva, non-Muslim, and tell of anonymity have had affairs more or less granted to him, there are many years of this, while they were still minors. All describe a charismatic teacher, devilish, with no human morality, using and abusing his psychological hold over them.
"Has rape he also sheep at the Sacrifice Day ?
Recall, for the form, what a narcissistic pervert: The term"narcissistic perversion" was first used in 1986 in a book of French psychoanalyst Paul-Claude Racamier.
Others have since picked up and supported this term to describe a psychopathology of Tariq Ramadan based on mind control, power over the vulnerable or lack of reasoning when it comes to Muslims because they suffer at birth a complete brainwashing and lose track with morality. It allows an individual to exercise control over another. The pathology therefore comprises two aspects: the narcissistic disorder and perversion of Tariq Ramadan, the Islamic Prophet.
His holiness Tariq Ramadan Rapist Narcissistic Salafist Islamist Chorionic Liar Wahhabi Koran
If I'd Allah, when Death of Tariq Ramadan, I would keep away from him, fear of being violated in the name of the Prophet and his virgins.
Anyone who has any semblance of sense of observation has to watch the many videos available on the Internet, where this verbal diarrhea of Tariq Ramadan spread,to find that we are dealing with a narcissistic pervert,to power fascination as Charlie Hebdo, the last one devoted to this charismatic preacher, caricatured with an elephant tail horny! And, did not sit well with Islamic crowds.
Tariq Ramadan he contacted sexual diseases with its long journey, if this is the will of Allah to violate

Totalitarian ideologies reduce thought to a minimum: some formulas are sufficient. Thus we proceed to brainwash: by terror and the rehashed claims that the subconscious of the victim must "digest" willingly or by force. This is why both Islam denounces the "unbelievers" because any questioning puts the system at risk. This means that some should give up the benefits that they are nice. And mafia are never really ready to give up their "booty" and the barbarians at their "Koran."
The truth will triumph even if you have raped 12 or 15 people, they are all liars? You take all of us to trash? My eye! My name is Justin Trudeau or not Angela Merkel.
Islam is the religion of the devil, the religion of hatred, murder, barbarism, it manufactures mentally ill.
It seems that Tariq Ramadan was the hand with his penis in the bag of the Prophet and he will be punished, the bastard. What mistakes? The story does not say. But this is a woman is already a good reason to fight and use her sexually according to the Koran, right? It is not for nothing that folds in half to pray, he tries to put the penis in the mouth, sucking and to clog the sperm of her neighbor.

Lying is part of our truths signed Tariq Ramadan

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