samedi 4 novembre 2017

The arrogant politicians Denis Coderre Régis Labeaume

The arrogant politicians Denis Coderre Régis Labeaume
Arrogant: that manifests in respect of others, a scornful pride. Synonyms: haughty, condescending, dismissive.

If you live in Montreal or Quebec City, you probably recognize your mayor in this definition.
In politics the image before any
thoughts in the right spirit, the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau devoted some nice lines in this trait.
"Have you ever paid attention to how the arrogant conduct themselves vis-à-vis others? Have you noticed with disdain what they listen to you, how arrogantly they meet you with a mocking smile,or some about insulting, they are narcissistic, of selfies?
"We blushed for them, their impudent rudeness they lost all the zygomatic major and small zygomatic facial muscles, laugh alone do not blush, and if they do exist not much indignation, that happens most commonly, they are at least pity."How is manifested in political arrogance? In various ways the famous song of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the traitor Multiculturalism in the House of Commons in Ottawa, "Do the Fuddle Duddle" Hot Dog eater, November 3, 1971 on YouTube.

Elected as Caesar takes the victory for granted, not thinking that the knives are near him. The political elites living in a world surreal and sailing in favor of corruption, lobbyists, pressure groups refused to answer legitimate questions from reporters. They consider that to answer for their actions to the little people who elected them, these populists, it is a degradation of their immense power.
The welfare of the rich normally demoted former politicians thrown out castes, having no political ambition, because no party wants them outcasts, they engage in municipal politics for the rest of their da
ys and they fulfill the joys of power, and their pockets.
These schemers already initiated the pernicious workings crooked politicians, go sit on a chair well repay their dirty ass, well built, adjust, assemble, push, scratch, stick, suit, their two big wide and huge buttocks seated at offices monitor by secretaries, policemen, shoots pencils, ass licking, scraps of paper, toilet paper on the head continuing their religious lobbies services religions.
Having lied to the public during a four year long, and a pivotal period of two months of questions from reporters they will not even have the dignity to answer honestly, they will have no consideration for his opponents, journalists and ordinary citizens who pay their salaries honorary.

Napoleon Bonaparte In politics stupidity is not a handicap, it is an asset, many of our heads of state are using today
These mayors are unable to accept any criticism, but they admit honest mistakes because for me, a citizen, intelligent, and I think journalists should be smart and without partisanship,in some cases, if an elected admits his error, as every human being has the right to another chance.
A political elected has the right to make mistakes, but to falsify information as does Denis Coderre since long year. Justin Trudeau with his guests with his lack of judgment. Philippe Couillard with systemic commissions racist Islamist Salafists systemic Brotherhood infiltrated by Sharia leech Samina Laouni. And in recent days resurfacing the effects of liberal corruption of Charbonneau Commission Jean Charest to Philippe Couillard and his Liberal government.  

So their narcissism, their self-idolatry and, above all, he believes he does not need to present a program to get elected, their charisma, their personalities, their sexualities enough to get elected again. They lied to us during the ten or twenty years do you think they will change?
His person IS a program. Labeaume team. Team DenisCoderre.Team Leeches. A team that fills the casings and the other team picks up the envelopes. Which to choose, this is the dilemma?
People who can not feel divide their votes, and you weave in between your two competitors. Pepsi or
Coke,but in a race two as is the case in Montreal, arrogance can lose you. Denis Coderre for over two years, is no longer the Denis Coderre,the tracking dog, since the massive arrival of Syrian refugees, Salafi, Islamists and commandments of Ottawa and Justin Trudeau, multiculturalism,its propaganda and dictated in Ottawa sources.
Objectively, Denis Coderre was not ashamed of its balance sheet. He delivered the goods, and the forfeiture of Montreal continues internationally as requested by Ottawa,
Montreal is paralyzed by yards and orange cones, has an Indian flag at City Hall, has invited illegal, Justin Trudeau, Salafist, where mosques every street corner, veiled everywhere, garbage bags two-legged walking on the sidewalks, in the subway, taking the bus and going to college Muslim brothers there have established their headquarters.

Napoléon Bonaparte: The right policy is to convince people they are free AUXx
We are very lucky that Stéphane Dion, Member of the illegal terrorist brotherhood of Muslim Brotherhood of Canada and Quebec to Saint-Laurent, which we can recognize several photos on YouTube, the Salafist Islamic traitor is transferred to Berlin to rub shoulders with the Queen of Europe Angela Merkel godmother Germans Muslim Brotherhood
it's not that people will vote for Valérie Plante. But they are likely to vote against Denis Coderre.
Demand accountability from our elected officials
Unfortunately, economic issues do not interest much the man in the street. We prefer to speak more dramatic subjects such as reasonable accommodation, the waiting time in the emergency department or the quality of the food in the nursing home.
However, as we will not ask accounts to our elected officials about how the state manages our money, officials of various departments will continue to dig into our pockets and spend our money left and right, without purpose or specific goal.
When is a tax revolt against these chambers pots?

Vote Conservative in the next federal election

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