samedi 4 novembre 2017

Tarig Ramadan rapist and terrorist Salafist International manipulator filthy bloodthirsty be his Waterloo soon and will live with his hell Allah

Tarig Ramadan rapist and terrorist Salafist International manipulator filthy bloodthirsty be his Waterloo soon and will live with his hell Allah
France is shaken by accusations of sexual abuse allegedly committed by the allegedly dirty dog rock star Wahhabi , islamism , grand-son of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood Hassan al-Banna and professor at the University of Oxford, the Swiss Islamic scholar and preacher, 55, and Tariq Ramadan main friend of the Prime Minister, the leader of the Liberal party Canada (LPC) which he attended only religious places, mosques, Salafists, the multiculturalist selfie, Justin Mohamed Trudeau.
He packed when it comes to Montreal having lectured as speaker Imam Jordanian with hate speech against women, sexual gay, LGBT,infidels, Christians, Quebecers, Jews, Muhammad Bin Musa al-Nasr, hate and terror, Islamophobic, christianophobes, anti-Semitic,the English universities of Montreal invite to speak at seminars. The audience was mostly composed of women, most veiled in fear of being raped, and accompanied by their bearded and politicians with membership cards to fill envelopes political party.

End sly as a fox and a liar as the Prophet
Tariq Ramadan in Islam does not condemn rape, he practices it. It absolves rapists as evidenced by numerous cases of denial of justice found in Muslim countries to which the woman is nothing but a sperm container during the past 15 years.
So according to him, when he violates i'm saying female he made them benefit from his sperm, purity of his sperm, its clarity, its consistency, its magnificence, its color, its clarity, its Islamic vanilla gasoline taste organismic his sperm. His Koranic religious morality and charianique are matched as appreciations Surah 23: 1: 16
The guy's Stalinist Plume, devilish, viper, untrue, Koran, Islamophobic, racist truths, misogynist, a lot of charisma and a rare talent for doublespeak: extremist, but twisted, manipulative, as populist politicians, liars, talented as President of France multicultural Emmanuel Macron.  
Or the stupid welcoming refugees Islamist Muslim terrorists and rapists, Queen of Europe, Angela Merkel.  The king of SaudiArabia, Salman of Saudi Arabia, the International nullity, and the Honorable Justin Trudeau International nullity.
We can really say that he is the son of the Devil, "Satan" sent to earth, the rapist, Tariq Ramadan,the liar, lying, Sura 3:28
Debating with him is useless, the devil,as with any Islamist Muslim, it is so limited,as the Qur'an is like catching fish with bare hands and you will reap nothing, you will still lose with him or Mrs. Samira Laouni.
I want my FREEDOM
Tariq Ramadan the NASTY charanique
For example, asked about corporal punishment in Islam, including the stoning of women, he suggested a "moratorium" and ask the Federation of Women what she thought! Surprising,the Federation of Women of Quebec, as the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, are in complete agreement with the stoning of women under Sharia laws for all Canadian women of all religions.
Tariq Ramadan, resident in France, the Muslim country par excellence, whose magistrates exclusively protect judges Fabienne Siredey Garnier and companies Salafi Islamists against strains of the French.
Tariq Ramadan, is the perfect example of the reformist-fundamentalist masturbator liar lies, as described by his nemesis, the French essayist Caroline Fourest. "Come back," he would go perfectly as currency. It's totally the motto of the West and Pope Francis, Muslims, Salafi Islamists and multiculturalism add glimmers of hope towards the forfeitures of all mankind, to backward barbarians of the Middle East.

Tariq Ramadan is accused of rape and of having wasted his wonderful Salafist sperm in the female vagina and France is outraged to see this waste of sperm Islamist exclaimed Emmanuel Macron on France 2
last week Henda Ayari, Muslim, become unfaithful , a former fundamentalist became secular activist, accused Tariq Ramadan of sexually assaulting her. Two other complaints were filed later. Police opened investigations of rape, sexual assault, violence and death threats. The female judges are amazed, Tariq Ramadan, a male, Islamist, a Muslim, took out his penis to rape in France Fabienne Siredey Garnier judge of the17th arrondissement in Paris are all Crazy it's impossible, it's the world upside down and went to his psychiatrist immediately.
HendaAyari,one of the alleged victims of the controversial Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan, accused of raping several women testified Monday, October 30, 2017 in various French media, including BFMTV, what would have subjected him to his attacker. She filed a complaint against him with the prosecutor of Rouen Friday, October 20, and Tariq Ramadan, the pig,"was literally thrown at me,"
Tariq Ramadan impulsive rapist according to the Qur'an but not due according to the Prophet. More and more aggressive, the Islamic scholar, pigs, Tariq Ramadan, the Koran, allegedly insulted the victim before attempting to blame:

The fact that I remove the veil meant I had caused his wish, it was my fault. He also criticized for not being sexually experienced. I was the manager, I had got angry, because I was a little girl.
Henda Ayari also evokes insults: "You came to that, it's what you wanted, that's what women like you deserve. You sought, "he would firmly told Tariq Ramadan.
She and her children have been threatened with death
That hole Islamic ass, professor of Salafists studies, this terrorist, this rapists laywomen, unveiled at the University of Oxford (UK) denounced a " cALUMNY CAMPAIGN ". "The law must now spoken, my lawyer is in charge of this, we expect a long and bitter struggle. I am serene and determined, "said Tariq Ramadan charianique this human trash, devilish Koran without soul, without any kind of honor, no credibility.
When he prays and he looks in his hands he must see his shit out of her rectum ride in his evil brain.

Islam is the image of the death of the human being, Tariq Ramadan, lying
The Islamic scholar and theologian and ISLAMIC TERRORIST Salafist Barbarian Tariq Ramadan, covered by two recent additional cases of rape, reacted first After Saturday night by publishing on his Facebook page, a message that denounced a "smear campaign" initiated by his "eternal enemies".  
But behind the scenes of his mosque, his followers are well aware that these facts are factual, very real to him, and he boasts of his prowess against the infidels unveiled to the wishes of the Koran. For him, Tariq Ramadan, the rape of women is the culmination of a busy life and punishment of Christians and secular.
Tariq Ramadan, 55, grand-son of the founder of the Islamist Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group, the French magistrates knowingly protect and Emmanuel Macron and French intellectuals. Tariq Ramadan enjoys strong popularity in conservative Muslim circles, extremist allies with the barbarians of Saudi Arabia.
It is also highly contested, especially in secular circles, who see him holding of political Islam.
Investigation for "rape, sexual assault, violence and death threats" Tariq Ramadan, is the humanitarian decadence of the human being, that is to say a trash be shredded and be eaten by pigs Halal.

Question: Tariq Ramadan in his religion can he raped his own mother, if she is not veiled?
The Swiss theologian since Monday referred an investigation in Paris for "rape, sexual assault, violence and death threats", was speaking following the revelation of a new lawsuit, filed in Paris on Thursday and denounced similar facts .
According to Le Monde and Le Parisien, the story of this woman, which provides medical certificates to support, reported "scenes of sexual violence of great brutality." They reportedly took place in a large hotel in Lyon in October 2009.
This testimony follows that of former Salafist become a feminist and secular activist: Henda Ayari, 40, published his accusations on his Facebook page on October 20, right debate about sexual harassment in society. She was heard Tuesday by investigators on these facts date back to 2012 in Paris.
Tariq Ramadan uses Islam for sexual gratification because his penis, being very curved, and could not fully recover for penetrations he assured us under obscure representation at his obscure travel with the police and representatives of the Justin Trudeau government in Ottawa, Canada.  

This Islamologist, demagogic, Tariq Ramadan, was expelled after some controversy regarding its sexual behavior and other subject abroad and was send out of Canada quietly. Here is a quote, the rapist, recidivist criminal and that "either you are veiled, or I'll  rape according to the principles of the Koran and the Prophet and Allah, confirming the terrorist Salafist Islamist sexually perverted liar halal, Tariq Ramadan, ignoble character." It is forbidden to enter the United States this inhuman character, evil and protected by the judges of France and of France.
The sexual perversions and rape of Tariq Ramadan
Tariq Ramadan was told it was initially a religious sin according to the Quran at birth.
Since the law was punished and sanctions throughout his life as a pervert and he will be all his life throughout his life. His perversion is conduct that deviates sex drive is its natural object or its natural goal, his extreme level of a false religion.
Tariq Ramadan face this anxiety, develops perverse denial of sexual difference, and does not waive any price imaginary power of the phallus. But this denial is not total: a portion of his ego denies sexual difference and the other recognizes and develop appropriate behaviors to fight against castration. That is to say that Tariq Ramadan should be castrated as animals at birth.
An Islamist Salafist and liar wolf in sheep
It's called the splitting of the ego (knowledge and beliefs coexist). For him, there are those who have something and those who do not. Showing off for example, is a triumph over castration. Structurally, there are as perverse perverse men than women, but in reality, we will find fewer women because they have a natural defense Child.
Consciously with its perverse charms in religion considers women as laboratory animals, rats to satisfy hisneeds. nocturnal anal
These are factors that fixing: they can first be constitutional. It can also be a childhood experience of active corresponding to seduction seductive fantasies, primal scene which her father or brothers or sisters of his mother. It will always be a pervert and a predator, a Koranic liar Freud.
The dirty pig continues its perversities Whereas it is therefore a Muslim exceed the original French, it will continue, Emmanuel Macron, president of the French.
Three other sexual assaults revealed for the moment, are there still to come arises media, BFMTV, imams in mosques, Pope Francis, his collaborator Angela Merkel his disciple, Emmanuel Macron his great fan, and more judges and other French intellectuals and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his visit to the mosque and his ablutions in public.
The Salafists pigs not veiled are all halal and in pig Tariq Ramadan

http: // www / 2017/11/02 / veiled-or-raped

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