When Justin Trudeau, Iqra Khalid Philippe Couillard will they have the AUDACITY, COURAGE to sanction by the racism MOTIONS Islamists, Muslims against Christians and Jews christianophobies, endemic and systemic antisémitismes
When will you initiate the Motion Iqra Khalid for the Christian and the Jews
When will you initiate the Motion Iqra Khalid for the Christian and the Jews
Universal Islamic racism registered in the Quran
Islam, Muslims, racism Salafist imams Christianophobes, Antisémitismesin when Justin Trudeau, Iqra Khalid Philippe Couillard will they have the audacity to make Canadians and Quebecers motions to contain defamatory, hatreds, speeches provocateurs of these monsters in the mosques, in the media, in schools, colleges, in assemblies, in their conferences, leaving foreign entry to the conference in our universities freely.
You our elites, puppets, our criminals, who kneel before these false Muslims actually destroy the good and true Muslims, who come here rebuild their lives peacefully with their wives, their children, work as true citizens, officials, and that they does not want your damned Islamic crusade of Allah and the prophet, and your sexual problems you are male, your pedophilia often hidden,you and your male and female homosexuality..
The majority of Muslim Associations of Canada, honest, not those that the Honorable Prime Minister, the selfie, liberal, frequent mosques with Liberal ministers and deputies with allophones or semi-allophone allophone or maxi majorities we no longer know how includes the lavatory Justin Trudeau.
No Canadian-born it does not recognize,it is so multicultural, who only has no culture, except the non-culture of which I can not name names. We citizens of the last classes, French language Canadians and can be Anglophones, can be hoped that you will make laws to protect according to true 1867 Constitution that only the Christian religion or Catholicism and Protestantism are the only official religion of the country.
And that cursed Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the traitor,your father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau should be null and void.
Including back on topic, Islam is racist, Islamophobic also against Arab peoples non-Muslims
Muslims are always the first to complain of exclusion while being the first to practice, preach in their prayers and sermons their imams and self-exclude themselves they only plan on others their own flaws lest they return to the figure as a boomerang.
A Christian is secured to a Muslim, or a Jew, but a Muslim reaches out to Christian or a Jew, if he is a Muslim like him. The worst exclusions Is not the repression of Muslims who convert to Christianity or a Jew, or renounce Islam.
Christians do not reject their that do. What place should we do to people who are convinced that they are the masters of mankind and have nothing but contempt and hatred for their fellow human beings different from them treated as less than nothing?
Like the Nazis, the purity of the breed of the Prophet and Allah Iqra Khalid, liberal, terrorist Mississauga, Ontario, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas and Zunera Ishaq Pakistan with al-Qaeda
as all Muslims disadvantaged nature tend to overestimate themselves to exist and want the purity incarnate while they are mired in abject poverty, the most dogmatic obscurantism and the most barbarous fanaticism consider non-Muslims as pigs , monkeys and worst beasts that may exist.
Bringing up the rear of the train of humanity, contributing only his misfortune they see in their vile ideology as a solution to the ills of humanity, unaware that the best service they can pay him is to control their impulses deadly .
They are the primary source of its current troubles and bring him suffering and misfortune. They start with purify themselves rather than trying to change the lifestyle of others without them they would still be in the early history in which they want to return but by driving the humanity in their wake.
They are in the unacceptability of others because they are in denial of their own. Pathological misfits and adapt to their environment they prefer to destroy it.
The denials of the humanity of their impurities, their sexuality and their barbarities Salafists wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other countries underdeveloped mentally
It is high time that Westerners no longer have to feel guilty and learn to defend their identity in danger today.
It is absolutely intolerable that the real masters of the place to live in the cultural and cultic dictatorship guests often fell like a hair in the soup.
Islam naturally and exclusively racist and Islamophobic as the Premier of Quebec, the Honorable Philippe Couillard newly arrived from Saudi Arabia after receiving Koranic washes brains and Charias for five long years
The myth of racial innocence of Islam Adil Charkaoui, Hamza, Chaoui Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel and several other politicians and intellectuals défroquées are creations of the West to serve Western interests, and profits of oil companies such as Exxonmobil, Total, petrodollars from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Persian Gulf countries.
It was not the first time an idealized and mythological perception of Islam was to provide a rod to castigate the West. Our politicians, friends of Emirs, our whores who run our countries will make all in their power to make us feel guilty to prove by laws, motions Iqra Khalid, liberal, terrorist Mississauga, Ontario, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, M-103 that are wicked Christians, Jews islamophobia, racists, criminals, to prove that these shits, Salafists that infect our governments, our institutions, our righteousness, and with the false Koran Sharia that these Islamists are the lords, non-racist, non nazistes.
Islam,a religion that promotes racism and apartheid
claim that Islam is a religion that has banned racism is a great intellectual fraud kept by the followers of the religion of Mahomet and its Western cronies to drown the fish in water and thus continue to practice discrimination against non-Muslims in the name of freedom of conscience. This practice of divine racism is codified in the Koran and in particular in verse 123 of Sura 9 (repentance): "O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you; and let them find harshness in you. And know that Allah is with the righteous. "
In this verse, God is on the side of Muslims clearly and asks them to fight in his place the unbelievers to submit to his will.
For the disbelievers who reject Islam as a religion, Allah has prepared for them an exemplary punishment, the Day of Resurrection.
For the disbelievers who reject Islam as a religion, Allah has prepared for them an exemplary punishment, the Day of Resurrection.
To this end, it is written in Sura 4 (women) verse 18: "But repentance is not for those who do evil deeds until death comes to one of them, and exclaims: "certainly, I now repent" - nor of those who die disbelievers. And it is for them We have prepared a painful punishment. "
Islam gender segregation, slavery and accepted by Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard
Any Muslim book on Islam begins by praising the Arab people that invaded half the civilized world in a time incredibly short and founded a religious empire that stretched from the Atlantic to the Indus.
The Arab colonialism for most Muslims a favor of Allah who freed mankind from darkness forgetting that ruined civilizations and wiped out many crops. Instead they criticize Western colonialism by positioning itself to blame victims who dare to criticize their religion and customs clearance at the same time the horrors caused by Islam to the people that submitted by the scimitar.
Their position is dictated by the Koran which classifies humanity into two distinct groups: believers and unbelievers.
Believers are ennobled by Allah and therefore they have power of life and death over the infidels. According to the Koran, the Islamic Ummah is the best of societies that God created on earth. This vision distinguishes social groups, is not racist since the inception of Islam by Muhammad?
Islam negation of the human being and thinking for oneself
and in the Koran, Allah does not he overwhelms those who reject Islam and especially the people of the Book, Jews and Christians the worst abuses on the day of Judgment?
In Surah 4 (women) verse 56, it says: "Verily, those who disbelieve Our revelations, (the Quran). We shall burn them in Fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for other skins that they may taste the punishment. Allah is Mighty, Wise!
"Reading this verse, we find that Allah is barbaric and sadistic ruthless against disbelievers, Jews and Christians.
Besides being racist towards non-Muslims, Islam has imposed a ruthless segregation against the woman who is considered the same as a pet who bought and sold according to the human mood. Just as slavery was codified and encouraged by the Koran which recognizes the supremacy master over his slave and can dispose of it as he pleases.
The Salafist Islam, barbarism, genocide of mankind
Muslim who owns slaves can sell them and deliver them. If he has female slaves, he can abuse them as he wishes. The Muslim market egalitarian kindly Islam and peaceful but there is misrepresentation of the product, because history proves that Arabs were real racists and continue to be against Muslims who are not of the same ethnicity they. It is true that Islam teaches that Muslim believers are equal before God.
Kill the Jews and the Christians as told in the Mosques in Montréal
Kill the Jews and the Christians as told in the Mosques in Montréal
The Real Zionist Holocaust is Predicted in the Hadiths! The Hour of resurrection will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, and the tree will say: “Oh, Muslim, servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, kill him! THE PROMISED Holocaust,” the terrorist group’s Islamic State Media.
Anti-Semitic and Anti-Christian propaganda has played an important role in the terrorist group’s recruitment effort. Its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, placed Jews and Christians on the side of evil in a speech posted Tuesday on the Internet in which he called on Muslims to join him.
“O ummah of Islam, the world today has been divided into two camps and two trenches … The camp of Islam and faith, and the camp of kufr (disbelief) and hypocrisy … all being led by America and Russia, and being mobilized by the Jews,” al-Baghdadi said.
ISIS told jihadists to “Break the crosses and destroy the lineage of the grandsons of monkeys.”
Those ISIS has many supported from the Canadian Government
The infidels, Christians and the Jews in Canada
They judged non-Arab Muslims lower and hit the fiscal, social, political and military humiliating. For them, they were unfit to govern; they remained strangers. There were no mixed marriages and the only cases that had existed, were considered a crime against the Arab society.
The Arabs have always practiced apartheid towards their non-Arab Muslim brothers. In each city, mosques are separated.
The Arabs have always practiced apartheid towards their non-Arab Muslim brothers. In each city, mosques are separated.
Institutionalized racism, contempt, liar, manipulator.
Our legislators will they act against these manipulators, against the Iqra Khalid, manipulative, terrorist or do they leave it all to pick up the votes of the Mississauga, Ontario area the new stronghold of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau