lundi 3 avril 2017

MEETINGS OF OUR NATIONAL WESTERN COUNTRIES - MEMBERS of - demagogues - populist - EXTREMISTS - Salafists - Words PROMULGATED AND legislated that will kill ACCICÉNÉNERONT AND OUR COMPANY AND OUR FREEDOMS EXPRESSIONS - Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Angela Merkel - François Hollande - Theresa May - Emmanuel Macron - François Fillion - Manuel Valls -

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Angela Merkel - François Hollande - Theresa May - Emmanuel Macron - François Fillion - Manuel Valls -
Fatima Houda-Pepin
sheltered laws, unknown to the authorities, the Islamists are on. Mosques are often controlled by radical Islamists
Fabrice Pierrebourg - La Presse
A Montreal mosque stuck by the FBI as a place that was frequented by Islamic extremists, where we consider that women should remain cloistered at home, however, is considered Revenue Canada as a charitable organization.
Fatima Houda-Pepin
There is confusion in this bill between freedom of expression about religions (we will put a font of ideas) and hatred of believers as such
Denise Bombardier
Cemetery for Muslims St. -Apollinaire
Boufeldja Benabdallah, co-founder of the Islamic cultural Center of Quebec. Muslims should not be buried beside the unbelievers, Christians, Jews, religion of Quebecers,namely those who do not claim to Islam, including Muslims who display their unbelief. Muslim jurists even forbidding Muslims to support a non-Muslim to his funeral.
Joseph Facal
The "denial" of the Government of Quebec Philippe Couillard isthe word used to designate the position of denying the explicit will to commit genocide to the Jewish people place during World War II, by extension the word now refers all genocide denial despite evidence available to support the Islamic community and unreasonable accommodations that give them.
Wafa Sultan - Islam produces unbalanced - ISBN: 979-10-92936-09-8 Book to hand over to Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau TO OPEN THE EYES OF THE BLIND BLIND TO BECOME PAYABLE BY BARBARIANS Salafists
Wafa Sultan is an American psychiatrist of Syrian
Journalists routinely describe as unbalanced number of attackers Muslims for no apparent reason, injure or kill the unfortunate who have made the mistake of crossing their path at the wrong time. In a society where reigns the tyranny of Especially no Wafa Sultan amalgam dare explain these acts by the mental oppression exercised against Islam his followers from their childhood.

It describes how Islamic rules locked, for 1,400 years, followers of Allah, prevent, by submitting duty to sacred texts, to create, to invent ... and be happy. It dissects the many causes of the oppression of Muslim women. She explains that this feature is largely responsible for poverty, intellectual, moral and maternal Islamic societies. His verdict is clear: Muslim rebel yourself, emancipate yourself from Islam!
Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Angela Merkel - François Hollande - Theresa May - Emmanuel Macron - François Fillion - Manuel Valls -

We allow these small atrocities because they are integral parts of their ancestral customs and we appreciate the volume of votes they place in us in votes and money that we give to fulfill our election funds. We give a damn for these women, they deserve, Islam is the religion of peace, submission, male winner and we elected elites of Allah and the people are promising.
We agree, we Westerners politicians
in the Muslim world, there is no punishment for crimes committed by men against women. Sharia is strictly focused on women's punishment. For men as rich and influential, Islamic law is more lenient. Thus, for example, in Saudi Arabia, a young woman raped was thrown in prison, while his four attackers were not worried. This is Islam.

This is Islam and that is, for men, legal approval for their crimes against women. It is the freedom to abuse and use women as they please, without limits. Over 70% of terrorism are committed by Sunni Muslims and 90% of acts of terrorism are committed in Muslim countries. Muslims kill other Muslims.
Muslim countries are dominated and governed 100% male. This should give us a clue about what a male-dominated society means. So you can imagine all sorts of barbaric brutality involved in this male-dominated everyday life. Islam makes evil men.
This barbarism is the result of 14 centuries of rule of singular male, without moral or punishment for their actions compass. If Muslims are so concerned about the "honor" why are there no honor crimes Muslim men? Crimes that should bring shame to the Muslim community.

The following images are of course not exhaustive. They are simply horrible and sad reminder of the "respect" that have imaginary Muslims for their women. The lives of these women are permanently destroyed while the men emerge unscathed.
Health Canada and the US Federal Food and Drug Administration warned some prime ministers and presidents of Western countries against their populism and demagoguery poisonous because it has risk of premature death
punished Civilized countries pedophiles but not ......... ..
True, it has not failed to vote to deny the authenticity of the marriage, sponsored by Hamas in 2009, 450 girls under 9 years in Gaza with young men 25 to 30 years.
The world knows that weddings Hamaspedophile are organized with children sometimes as young as 4 years, with the authorization of Islamic law, of course. This information was revealed by Paul Phd L.Williams, Brazil. Great Muslim dignitaries as Mahmud al-Zahar, a Hamas leader, personally congratulated the couple during this very carefully planned ceremony.

Rachid Abou Houdeyfa, Imam Salafi

will he invited the House of Commons in Ottawa with colleagues to make them collective prayers
Mahmud al-Zahar, pedophile allowed religious and Islamic happy and sympathetically, the Hamas leader, "We are pleased to tell America that it can not be denied your joy," said Zahar to engaged couples all dressed for the occasion, of the same suit dark. Each fiance has also received Hamas gift, the sum of 500 US dollars and venereal diseases.
We offer this wedding as a gift to our people that faces the siege and war "commented Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf.
30% of these little sweethearts are beaten by their husbands. Every year, 3 million these Muslim girls are subjected to mutilation. the practice of pedophilia that has the support of radical Islam because it makes their traditions as the first Canadians ministers.

in addition, the best known of all the Muslims, Ayatollah Khomeini defended with horrifying speech pedophilia these practices:
a man can get sexual pleasure of a young child and even a baby, however, it can not penetrate but sodomized. nO Quebecers.
PROBLEM intellectuals and feminists prostate
Quebecers Intellectuals, Luc Chartrand CBC, Mélanie Joly, Justin Trudeau, selfie and Françoise David, the Leninist professors from UQAM,the program "Survey" always on the same side , The same sense, the liberal sense, the Salafi orientation of Ottawa attendees querent they or will they do about it?
Our elected to fight for their domination of the Christians, the Jews, citizens born in our respective countries. Immigrants, immigrants, the foreigners, these invaders, these manipulators as often emphasize by Djemila Benhabib
Married at nine years old
What that religious pedophilia?
Roland Coutanceau: In psychiatry, pedophilia is first a reality from fantasy or religion or religious group. The persons or group of persons under the approval of religious texts experiencing sexual excitement to a children's bodies prepubescent and married according to religious rites.
There are three types of pedophiles: those who have an exclusive attraction to children for thousands of years; those preferential attraction for them but which can be excited by adults because girls are slaves, nonhuman under Sharia; and finally, those who have a secondary attraction for children to have their male authority over females, inferior.
This shows that the human brain can live archaic little girl as a woman. In certain religion, some religious preacher can not control their sexual urges because their homosexuality is not permitted in their own religion on pain of death, become pedophiles.
8 years old with that pedophile religious
Here is a sexual prophecy
is why some teenagers or some immature men, regardless fulfilled in their sexuality, because of their religious principles explode testosterone, the masturbation does not work, can not naturally meet girls, contrary to the Scriptures, may accidentally criminally engage in fondling girls while they are usually interested in women their age.
Promotion of religious expression liberties
Fathers are allowed to marry their daughters, even when they are in the cradle, but their husbands can penetrate when they are capable of this and also when they can support the weight of the husband ... "It happens from comment or rather so. What pedophile in the world would not dream of such a windfall? What pedophile in the world would not dream of the rule of Sharia, the best ally of pedophilia? What pedophile did not submit to Islam? Islam is the Eldorado pedophiles. Thanks to him, they could satisfy their bestial instincts in any Shariah law.

Couillard The government will soon have a committee to promote the benefits of religious pedophilia in all spheres of society. The male and female citizens, will have to be one-off tests to better explain to their children the acceptable ways in our new host society. A new law will be ready before the next elections to allow, this pool of dynamic people in their rise to parliamentary life.
We, the Government of Quebec, choose the openness of our new compatriots, we sit down with them to accomplish most merciful task freedom of religious expression and openness of our girls to a greater future. The Minister of Justice has already learning new standards for those around him and parents found some change in the reactions of their children.

The connections to the Internet have ceased, the children settled in their rooms, start reading books censer to educate the country Salafist, extremist, the honor killings, etc. According to reliable sources, our colleagues in state television, radicalism is on track to prosper as our leaders wanted. The first Canadians Ministers welcome the Quebec initiative in religious matters and pedophilia openness Islamophile honor killings ..

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