vendredi 28 avril 2017

Rachid Abou Houdeyfa, imam of Brest, France, terrorist, fundamentalist preacher, terrorist groups affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood - Immediate Déportation

Rachid Abou Houdeyfa, imam of Brest terrorist, fundamentalist preacher, terrorist groups affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood - Immediate Deportation
Rachid Abou Houdeyfa, Salafist imam terrorism and bearded Brest, Rachid "Abu Houdeyfa" has received support from the leader in France of the international Islamist organization Muslim Brotherhood: Amar Lasfar.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the brotherhood who heads Turkey today via Erdogan's AKP, Hamas Palestinian terrorist movement or the Egyptian Islamist party disappeared "Justice and Freedom" of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, who tried to launch the treatment of Christians in the country.
The Emirs who pay politicians
The Salafist imam of Brest is now attacked from all sides, largely discredited in public opinion is now informed of the carried interest. A petition demanding the retirement of harm preacher has already reached 47 000 signatures).
Accustomed Northern France - where he organized quests to raise money) to build an Islamic school resolutely fundamentalist organization - Rachid El Jay - said "Abu Houdeyfa" - is now seeking the Muslim Brotherhood to support him. A move that aggravates a little more if the preacher:
For those who do not know what the Muslim Brotherhood, suffice it to say that it was founded in 1928 by the Egyptian Hassan al-Banna, grandfather Tariq Ramadan. Its slogan "Allah is our objective. The Prophet Muhammad is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. "
Emmanuel Macron supports the Muslim Brotherhood
is also interesting to note that inspired the jihadist Salafism is from the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood. Sayyib Qutb is one of the key thinkers of modern jihadism, revered in Saudi Arabia and referenced by Oussama Ben Laden.

From the outset, the British and American intelligence services have developed close ties with political Islamism. Whether the fight against Arab nationalism of Nasser in Egypt or to exhaust the USSR in Afghanistan. Alliance still in force during the "Arab spring" when Hillary Clinton supports the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt or Tunisia to overthrow the secular authoritarian regimes.
Qatar, one of the Brotherhood of major financial and host of its most prominent "theologian" - Youssef al-Qaradawi - actively supports the expansion of the Muslim Brotherhood, from Syria to France. Qaradawi was publicly recognized by Rachid "Abu Houdeyfa" as a "great scholar" in which Muslims should "respect."
And no matter how legitimate Qaradawi suicide bombings of the Palestinian Hamas, a branch of the Brotherhood or has issued a "fatwa" against countless "enemies of Islam" - in reality the Muslim Brotherhood - who happened to be Washington also enemies: Mahmoud Abbas in Palestine, Gaddafi in Libya, Bashar al-Assad in Syria and the Grand Mufti of Damascus Mohamed Said Ramadan al-Bouti for denouncing the conspiracy led by the brotherhood against the Syrian government with the support Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Qatar such as Saudi Arabia, through their massive investments in France - all of which are large-scale corruption operation - bribed a number of French politicians. And impose its geopolitical agenda to France virtually bankrupt. This explains the eagerness, a priori obscure, of French diplomacy to bring down Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, however, guarantees some protection of Christian minorities, and rather well disposed towards

The Muslim Brotherhood, fellow PSF
Christine Tasin recently returned in a long article on the relationship between the political patronage of the French Socialist Party and the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, now represented by the UOIF. A pattern that is found in Brest, under the direction of François Cuillandre, mayor of the city.
Islamic lobbies
In France, they observed and understood the importance of the debate, of dialectic, lobbying, and especially ideological clan politics.
Thus, in Lille, in the early 1980s Pierre Mauroy, and after him, Martine Aubry, the Socialist Party, swear by Amar Lasfar.
It will be recalled in passing that Pierre Mauroy was the first minister Martine Aubry Mitterrand and the first secretary of the Socialist Party, a party whose deputies dared to abstain in the vote of the law against wearing the full veil, symbol of oppression of women. Martine had to receive a good point of his favorite imam! It will be recalled in passing that Pierre Joxe in 1990, interior minister under Mitterrand, decided to enlarge the Council to reflect on Islam in France (CORIF), ancestor of the CFCM. Two "northerners" UOIF there were then co opted Abdallah Ben Mansour and Amar Lasfar.

So very early, Amar Lasfar advantage miserable electoral considerations socialist North of France to circumvent regionally this party. And derive a position of influence.
Amar Lasfar, the spearhead of the Islamist agitation against Charlie Hebdo
Lasfar is the soul of the demonization of the extreme left Charlie Hebdo newspaper. It was he who threw indeed judicial offensive against him after the publication of Muhammad cartoons in 2006. He is the hexagonal sounding board for the campaign in the Muslim world to the killing of the cartoonists. Operation actually performed on January 7, 2015.
Amar Lasfar gave out to some dirty work, he particularly opposed to the last wishes of an apostate of Islam with the help of Martine Aubry. At the funeral of an atheist Algerian Amar Bergham, who wanted to be cremated, Amar Lasfar dared write to Lille judges that only Muslim clerics could decide how to bury one of their own! In short, he issued a fatwa that prohibits a Muslim born of apostasy and renounce Muslim pumps.
Unwavering militant veiling of women, met in his mosque 17 girls excluded from school Faidherbe Lille, in 1994. From there he created the school Averroes, a Muslim high school (an Islamic school) in 2003 ... High school under contract, whose teachers are paid by the state ... He fights for school and many Muslim schools flourish in France.

This is the same Amar Lasfar, which, after the attacks against Charlie Hebdo on January 7, threatened to go to court if Charlie Hebdo Mohammed represented again ... He had yet to show Hollande sides on 11 January. But sharia is sacred. No freedom of expression for the enemies of the Sharia.
Amar Lasfar and the Algerian Armed Islamic Group
It is an open secret that the British intelligence services have excellent relations with the Muslim Brotherhood and long. Unsurprisingly, London served as a rear base for many Muslim activists as recalled Mark Curtis in his book "Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam."
The purpose of the British, as their US allies, is to destroy the Arab nationalist regimes emerging from decolonization which remains heavily influenced by the anti-imperialist socialism. As such, they are particularly hostile to the penetration maneuvers undertaken by Anglo American. The Islamists are so practical allies to destabilize these strong regimes.
The Algeria led by the FLN is no exception. And Amar Lasfar occult play a role in supporting jihadists GIA in the 90

Christine Tasin: Lasfar touches everything ... everything that touches closely the Muslim Brotherhood. At one time it was the "bagman" of a few network "humanitarian" at least according to our criteria - Western - define an NGO Islamic Relief and started four for CBSP (Committee charity and Relief for Palestine) Palestinian Hamas facade behind which lurks the Muslim Brotherhood.
François Hollande member of the Islamic congregation
Islamic Relief, which was created in England by Hani Al-Banna, son of Muslim Brotherhood founder is considered by US authorities, but also by the French DST, as a transmission belt of international terrorism ...
Islamic Relief is tightly controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, whose members include in articles filed with the prefecture of Seine-Saint-Denis. Moreover, Islamic Relief, including a former interior minister, Jean-Louis Debré himself says (in "In my heart of hearts," Jean-Claude Lattes, 1997) that "engages in fundraising in France in favor of a subsidiary of the IIRO. This Saudi funded NGOs have called the Office of Services in Peshawar in Pakistan and to support the GIA. "
The Point in 1993, said Islamic Relief that it was a "bearded travel agency of all kinds." Amar Lasfar, treasurer in his time this subsidiary of the IIRO, claims he would "travel agent" and that he would organize pilgrimages ... France evening, March 28, 1995 even wonders if it would not have signed checks to allow young jihadists "French" to go jogging in Pakistan or Afghanistan.

Amar Lasfar attacked the journalist of France tonight ... and lost his case. This reporter, Andrew Wareing, who died in 2005, has conducted several investigations into Islamist circles in France, especially on Amar Lasfar which brought him several trial for "defamation" and lost all of them, despite the defense of Amar Lasfar by Mr Jean-Louis Brochen, lawyer of Islamist movements in North and companion Martine Aubry, mayor of Lille.
In short, Amar Lasfar evolves in troubled waters. It is perhaps not his fault that members of the GIA (cell Lille), Ben Ali and Mohamed Fattoum Drici, two members of the Lille cell GIA, said they had been known at the Mosque of Lille-Sud , the same one which Amar Lasfar is the rector. They also met with terrorist Abdallah Nasr and Ait Affect, who attended several mosques North ... all affiliated with the UOIF! The mosque was also attended by Christophe Cazé and Lionel Dumont, two converts, Rachid and Souidi, all three members of the Islamic-mafia Roubaix gang dismantled in 1996.
Links with the terrorist movement Hamas
Amar Lasfar is just as tied to the branch of Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine: Hamas. It delivers a fight to the death to the nationalist movement of Mahmoud Abbas, the PLO.

As for CBSP, the Committee for Charity and Aid to Palestine, he was at Lille, the former premises of the travel agency Amar Lasfar ... and documents distributed to the public, the address "where to send donations "was that the mosque rector ... the CBSP is linked closely with ... the Muslim Brotherhood, to the point that the United States froze its accounts in 2003 because of its relationship with the representation in Palestine so-called Muslim
Brotherhood's Convergence with the Islamic State
One of the arguments used by the now nebulous Muslim Brotherhood in France as Salafists, is to say that, through their action, Islamism remains exclusively "political" and thus away from the "jihad" the young Muslim immigrants. As indicated above, the support of the Muslim Brotherhood and Amar Lasfar the Palestinian Hamas demonstrates the absurd that is not the case.
If there are theological differences between supporters of the Salafi jihadist Salafists and the Muslim Brotherhood - to Asharite orientation - they are not likely to prevent alliances, structural or cyclical. This is what the public is discovering with the massive support of the Turkish AKP Recep Tayyip Erdogan led by the Islamic State. Turkish intelligence (MIT) is funding the EI via routes in Turkey of its oil production.
As for Saudi Arabia, it is she who provides the Islamic State religious structures that are the basis for the indoctrination of the masses in the conquered territories. Not to mention funding.

For Salafi jihadists and the Muslim Brotherhood, as the powers of the Gulf and Turkey share a common enemy and absolute: the Shiite Persia. The rise of the latter, about to reach the Mediterranean and thus regain its historic sphere of influence, terrorizing Sunni Arabs, whatever their doctrinal affiliation. We are witnessing the convergence of supporters of the Sunni Caliphate, whose leadership is formally claimed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
It would be illusory to believe that the Sunni masses of the East or established in Europe are procrastinating about their choice between Shiites and Sunnis on the one hand to the other. Any policy to contain the Sunni revolt - now fast track rapprochement with jihadist Salafism - it will amount to a declaration of war.
The end of democratic France and the beginning of barbarism in France
Therefore, it is normal to see the Salafi preacher Rachid Abou Houdeyfa approach the organization close to Barakacity Muslim Brotherhood which helps the Salafis war effort Syria against Bashar al-Assad. When the French Air Force began to bomb, together with Russia, capital of the Islamic State (EI), Raccah, that organization has taken up the cause of the Islamic State.
The Islamist fifth column is the very fact of corrupt politicians as irresponsible that and nothing can prevent the spread of war in the European territory, French or Breton. The nature of the Salafists as the Muslim Brotherhood prohibits changing. And they are cunning enough to concede a few oaths "Republicans" to media, buy or ignorant  unable to have a historical perspective, both no culture crass racist blindness.
Vote Marine Le Pen

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