dimanche 2 avril 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Angela Merkel - François Hollande - Adil Charkaoui - Hamza Chaouia - Imams - Scoundrels - Christianity and Judaism have evolved, maybe the Islamist could do the same and Allah will be better.

Christianity and Judaism have evolved, may be the Islamist could do so and Allah will be better.
What I do not like is that we, you have to adapt to them other. If are not happy, who stay at home, a one-way highway with Muslims, Islamists, Koranist, no integrations, fully veiled and mentally.

A structural block politico religious, racist, narcissistic, conceited, arrogant, having huge problems with her sexuality and that of others, retrograde and wanting to destroy everything in its path as that told him the book, without any thought of him. These immigrant envy and hate the societies that receive them feel guilty and require non-stop accommodations because they are the superior race, the race of Allah, the conquerors.  
Having never built for centuries because of a regressive religion and barbaric, their crusades sown only the destruction around them for centuries. Their one and only post medieval, prehistoric, anti democratic, gender segregation, homophobia, anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, terrorism is the total destruction and a return to feudal times. Was the discovery of black gold, the Salafists are in the desert, in the sand, between tribes, rending like dogs hordes to devour.
Dogs hordes became rich emirs bribing our politicians, our leaders and the UN is clear evidence

Fatima Houda-Pepin, Djemila Benhabib, Islamophobia created by salfistes themselves and Philippe Couillard Quebec premier to make us feel guilty people having little confidence in himself and too welcoming to immigrants who lets strip without saying anything, his culture, his faith, his ancestors, religion, identity to let in the barbarians Salafi Saudi Arabian petrodollars , intellectuals terrorism, Islamophobia, racism created by Islam, the sect of Saudi Arabia
Islamophobia "following a claim of radical Islamist groups have long called for the criminalization of hate against religions whose governments Trudeau and Couillard give their total support for all the votes from this community that controls the parliamentary majority in all provinces and Canada
We are in a field of political ideology in the guise of religion, power imams, terrorism, money, and disposal .... From the expression of our democracy, equality between men and women, religions, laws, the foundations of our secular societies.
Fundamentalists because the fundamentalists are the enemies of democracy. They have a political agenda as Philippe Couillard, the bearer of Islamic water, Salafist and the Liberal Party of Quebec that seeks constantly to feel guilty Quebecers glow saying they are racist, and they do not welcome Muslim immigrants properly. The deceit of the Premier of Quebec have no equal on the planet.

Mohamed Mahjoub Mosque in Montreal Terrorists
Salam Elmenyawi "When one turns a religion into derision, you mock me, you mock my wife, you make fun of the Prophet and the Prophet's mother. If they insult the Prophet's mother, it is like insulting my mother. You can insult me but do not insult my religion. For a Muslim, when you attack religion, it is the very person who is attacked. If you turn a mockery of the prophets, you may laugh a few seconds, but you'll have much more long-term problems.
"Invasion of the Body Snatchers democracy
Their crusade, their invasion of the Canadian territory were 13 Muslim immigrants near of 3.5 million inhabitants of the Dominion of Canada at the 1871 census and nearly 650 than in 1931. 100,000 in 1981 to nearly 600,000 in 2001, their number increased to over one million in 2011, and are estimated to be 2.5 million in 2017.
""radical Islamism in Quebec and Canada is not the art of spontaneous generation that pushed with jihad. This is the tangible result of a systematic ideological indoctrination, made in the general indifference for over thirty years, when Saudi Arabia began sending imams its service and Philippe Couillard and his army to National Assembly and Justin Trudeau with his prayers in mosques to destroy the whole country.

Therefore, and even today, the organization of Islam in Quebec was captured by the "self-appointed leaders for life" Adil Charkaoui, Hamza Chaoui Stéphane Dion Knowledge school, the UQAM intellectuals CBC, and Islamist groups linked to a national network, INFRA and international Salafist organizations with considerable financial resources.
Hateful propaganda of Justin Trudeau
Hate propaganda imams in mosques, media, permitted by our ministers Ottawa and the provinces, mayors, managers, etc.
In 2006, the hate propaganda that is spreading in Quebec through some Islamic mosques and centers, "extremely violent hate speech in the place of all" infidels "; mean by "infidels" those who are not Muslims, on the one hand and on the other hand, Muslims who do not think like them. "

"As long as we let people here do indoctrination and start messages of hatred against others because they are of another religion, another culture, another ideology or another religious practice, we will have problems.
"theword refers to a yet vis-à-vis hostility of a religious doctrine, not at the point of a race, ethnic group. Islamophobia can be seen as a form of resistance to the influence of Islam in public life.
Oppose a religion in itself has nothing wrong. It is a right for all, in a democracy and oppose Islam like other religions is an essential right.
This falls contrary to freedom of expression to be able to criticize and even reject a system of thought, whether philosophical, economic, political or religious
Terrorists around the world, of what sect or religion they are mostly?
Let's be honest, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Jody Wilson Raybould, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron, Thomas Mulcair, Kathleen Wynne, Pope Francis, and others sold that receive the money and gifts from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, petrodollars to sell their fellow citizens, their democracies to Wahhabi Salafists barbarians.

What kind of religion that would allow this
Saudi cleric Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al ash-have signed a fatwa permitting husbands to eat body parts of their women Famine if this allowed to save their lives.
According to the fatwa, women must not show resistance and welcome this decision with dedication and humility, for the husband and wife form one flesh. "
However, the text of the fatwa sparked much controversy in Saudi Arabia and on the internet and was not published on the official website of the Grand Mufti, who nevertheless denied the allegations calling fatwa "lies that have been circulated for damage the image of Islam. "
Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al ash-is known for his catch as radical as publicized positions. In 2012, he has called for the destruction of all the churches of the region. According to Al Quds Al-Arabi, just a few weeks, he also authorized the marriage of girls under 15 years, having found to comply with the rules of Islam.

A Muslim cleric bans women from touching cucumbers and bananas
There are precedents in this idea of food sources of sin. In Iraq, al Qaeda has demanded that sellers separate tomatoes and cucumbers on their stalls under the pretext that these vegetables are of different sexes, and decreed that only men could buy cucumbers ... and the Maldives, public television censored the word cucumber for fear of causing embarrassment.
Addition (8 December 2011): the fatwa on phallic fruit and vegetables has been around the world on Twitter. In India, Hindustan Times a reader asks whether to prohibit men from touching the melons ...
Sheikh, presented in an article published in El Senousa News, was quoted as saying that if women wish to eat these foods , another person, preferably a family man as their father or husband, should cut these foods into small pieces and serve them. He said that since these fruits and vegetables "resemble the penis", they could arouse women or "inspire their sexual thoughts." He added carrots and zucchini to the list of forbidden foods for women.
One person asked how the sheikh "control" the women of the family who buy food at the grocery store and if the fact that they take these foods in their hands was bad for them. Sheikh replied that it was between them and Allah. Responding to another question about what to do if the women of the family enjoy these fruits and vegetables, Sheikh advised to cut these foods in a hidden place so they do not see.

A religion which publishes the rules before going to the toilet
It is in many Sharia rules governing natural needs. Here are a few:
1) Do not move towards the Qibla when urinating or defecating, because it marks the direction in which we look for the fulfillment of the prayer of the Muslims.
2) Do not touch his penis with his right hand while urinating. This is based on the Prophet (peace and salvation be upon him): "When one of you urine, it does not take sex with the right hand, he does not do his toilet by right hand and not breathing in a container. ".
3) Do not wipe the stain with the right hand, but use the left hand. This is based on the hadith: "If anyone of you cleans her sex, he does not do it with the right hand. "Who says that he used his right hand for eating, drinking, ablution, wearing his clothes to give and take, so he used his left hand to acts other than those. and "When one of you cleans its impurities, it does not do it with the right hand, but with his left hand. ". Etc., etc., etc.
What kind of book and did people needs to know how to go to the toilet and ask God how shit in life, a natural need. This religion and people who have written were mentally ill or had and did not know what to do to sicken their population. This is a perfect ridiculous, women do not eat bananas in 2016, cucumbers, are these imams fools of the highest levels and dictate to politicians that Islamophobia and racism they propagate against Christians and Jews on the planet.  

Identity criminals Justin Trudeau Philippe Couillard and the premiers of Canadian provinces
Christianity and Judaism have evolved, may be the Islamist could do so and Allah will be better.
Adil Charkaoui, Hamza Chaoui, Justin Trudeau, Islam religion to modernize is not it and secularize and to announce that 2000 has arrived and there are various technologies that save lives and not only death professed the Koran.
In it you can insert the names of your own presidents, prime ministers and all the corrupt who lead your nation's respectively. They are all corrupt and Emirs are close to their pay wages and gifts to sell us, all of us all the Barbarea, the Koran, Sharia, the Muslim Brotherhood, the terrorist, the judge of the 17th arrondissement paris, etc.

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