samedi 1 avril 2017

If the Koran is democracy, the garbage is gold, citation of François Hollande, President of France and father of Emmanue Macron the French traitors

If the Quran is democracy, crappy garbage is gold, quote François Hollande president of France, traitor
François Hollande, pro Salafist, Islamist, has never read the Koran but lined up to have checks Gulf Emirs. The President of France, as prime ministers or presidents of the Western countries that obtain the black gold of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, kneel before the devil, raises his arm with huge empty containers full of Euros, dollars, jewelery, plane tickets for François Fillion, Imam Tareq there will Oubrou mosques for Muslims in your country, with the guidance of Alain Juppé, and the entire Qur'an will all seats in your National Assemblies that perfectly will control your lives, your destiny, your crops, and your deaf.

The decline of empires of the West
in the Qur'an, sovereignty, governance, civil laws of a government, and judgment belong only to Allah and to him alone. On numerous occasions, the Qur'an strongly asserts that Allah is the sole legislator.
It is the only one with the sovereignty to legislate and He established laws for eternity in the Qur'an. This book that Islam considers the "uncreated Word, eternal, divine word, Philippe Couillard, ingested during those five long years to learn the Koran and Sharia law in Saudi Arabia. Our Premier of Quebec has never indicated whether he was involved in the joys of daily stonings in this wonderful country of Emirs who sprinkle their petrodollars our corrupt elected officials across the world satanic Koranic Salafist ideologies.
Caroline French feminist liar Islamist Fourest
Our elected officials, our politicians, our explicit and unalterable sold Allah the master of man's death. " The requirements of this book, the Koran, the book of hell, ignorance, brutish degradation, are valid any time, any place. It is the foundation of Islam, human barbarism at its worst.
And the Koran allows Muslims, no other way apart from total obedience and complete submission to Allah: Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillion, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Pope Francis, etc. ., friends of the Muslim Brotherhood of Canada and France are the only words of the believers when they are called to Allah and His messenger that he may judge between them, is: "we hear and we obey and we promulguerons laws to suppress freedoms of expressions of Christians and Jews. And those are the successful with unreasonable accommodation to the destruction of the entire West.
Moreover, Allah threatens explicitly, those who dare to govern in freedom and democracy. Imams as Adil Charkaoui, Hamza Chaoui and many others continue to remind us that those who believe and do not govern according to what Allah has revealed, such are the infidels, those are the unjust ones -There are perverse.
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, the Canadian selfie, the French fawn, without knowing it, these sonatas professed relief on his weekly visits to mosques distributing membership cards of his political party, the Liberal party Canada, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood associated with these veiled mosques.
Thus we see that the media on the pretext of conducting investigations to inform the French, Canadians, Quebecers in all honesty, uses manipulation and does not shrink the gross falsification. Our state TV's handsomely subsidized by governments sold to Emirs must provide their leaders, ministers, recipients luxurious perverted gifts, requirements that the central government asked.
Imam of Bordeaux Tareq Oubrou, Muslim brothers and Alain Juppé
Our media must comply with the directives of the Prime Minister, the President of the country, never tell the truth to the citizens, misinformed as possible, falsified information, distorted the evidence mix the facts. Very often our Crown corporations or mainstream media, use professional handlers or former politicians, crooked, with confidential connections with the powers of the upper echelons of society.

Knowing that most politicians are lawyers, journalists, professionals, knowing all the ways to lie and manipulate the public as imams, are excellent communicator to the illiterate several Muslim countries who can not read and write and believe in this book to save the atrocities of these imams do to them throughout their lives. The Koran is their only way out, the human hell they make them suffer. These people may have no recourse other than these vile people who use their powers to manipulate.

Unfortunately in our advanced societies, our media, our politicians and with the help of imams, they manipulate us and détruisissent the foundation of democracy.
Our official media and our public service broadcast these lies to the French people, which raises a propaganda worthy of the darkest hours of our history. The falsification of the truth was the main weapon of totalitarian systems. Goebbels and Stalin are the perfect example. We do not want to relive those horrors. Unfortunately, this sad reality we see: When it comes to manipulate the people to conceal the true face of Islam, our leaders and our media are reluctant to return to the methods used during the darkest hours of Stalinism and Nazism.
Imams in mosques openly say, Islam, the Koran and Sharia are incompatible with democracy and the West
Above all, our company OUR RULE OF LAW should not be obliged to welcome men come here openly lead the fight against our society. There are limits to the carpet, make us laugh, to be stolen.
It confirms that what we already know: the Islamists have long understood how to retrieve and exploit the logic of human rights to formulate their claims through it, to put forward their political project, to move it forward. It is also the name of human rights as contained in the charters that allows the communitarianism of training at the heart of our institutions that tolerate or regression of women's rights. Do not be surprised: the Charters of Rights helped to distort the human rights and democracy, emptying the political will of all content. They weaken the political link judiciarisant to the extreme social relations.
We must stop stick their heads in the sand. Men, veiled women confront us, they openly challenge the principles that underpin what is best in our political system, but there are too many before him whistling as if he had said nothing. Our judges bow to their demands, their requirements, and eliminates our values, our cultures to install Islamic underworld. Judicial gangrene, our judges are accelerating the disappearance of our democratic laws to Koranic dictatorship.
What are the reasons that these Muslims they doing here at home. I will never go see a country or a person I hate them but they are embedded and after we destroy.
How do they conduct explicit work of subversion, hate speech, as we used to say? For the rest, we will have to repair gradually our institutions, and how to dismiss these agitators who hide behind the freedom of expressions that gives them better someday we deprive our own. We citizens and we must defend ourselves against its Islamic enemies, Muslims, our politicians, judges, intellectuals, feminists, media, Salafists who govern us.
Quran Salafi Wahabi the loss of the West and gifts for our politicians who sell us the devil

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