dimanche 16 avril 2017

Girls, extremist feminists, left-wing intellectuals, veiled Muslims are noununs, and males Muslims navels religious religious bastards approaching the heat of summer

Girls, feminist extremists, left intellectuals, veiled Muslim women are they nounounes and  Muslim male religious bastards indulgent with the approach of summer heat
According to the Honorable Philippe Couillard,Quebec premier since his return his trip to Saudi Arabia for five long years to be indoctrinated bySalafist Wahhabiwe swore on the print and broadcast media that is part of their traditions as are honor killings and we simple idiots, citizens, the idiots who contribute to his election must accept this religion with all the accommodations that now attach to it.

But they are therefore pity? Look at the parks in summer. Public pools, the nice gentlemen, bearded with their male children, the hairy bellies and well tanned plunge in well water refreshing with is 35 degrees Celsius, but these females, these second-class beings, these breeders, these fecundating these layers, dressed from head to foot, for that gentleman, not raises his male member up to go rape her on the spot, according to the sonatas.  
This nice male, bearded never control her sex as male, the supreme Allah wants his sexual pittance at all times of day and night. His torch is always on and runs continuously. His brain is his rod as they are untamed barbarians.
It's hot, everyone suffocating you, you're a guy, you're in shorts and sandals, you turn around to your wife and say, "You're going to wear a turtleneck, black gloves, wool socks and a big veil on her head because Allah wants you dress like that, "and she'll look at you and say: "OK, "what I often wonder, is Allah, the imams, these males more or less virile in his paradise, hot or cold the summer, or Allah is naked in paradise?  
Did the Prophet pointed to Iqra Khalid,or Françoise David,or the Canadian Women's Foundation, Mrs. Jennifer Flanagan,President and CEO or Jessica Houssian of Women Moving Millions of New York, NY, Anne-Marie Goldwater, judge, etc., these women, under the aegis of a Salafist political religion are constraints with knowledge or without knowledge of the inhuman rules as their male undergo their facts.  

In addition to our governments, with their legendary cowardice,leaves many religions make their religious laws their supremacy on civil and human laws of our democratic country.
Religions that destroy the values of our democratic nations
These religions Barbary,of different nations that pollute our Christian and secular religious values are totally immoral for us all, but moral to accommodate in their shipment to the depravity of the woman as a human being. The Canadian values explain that the male and female are equal in the constitutions and charters and rights and freedoms, but our elected officials, our judges, our intellectuals our feminist extremists recitals that these laggards religions have not to comply with laws and our rights of States.
So our feminists are our elected officials nonos, fools or they think only to be re-elected and not to put their panties in our country. If these people want to remain as they were in their home country, they return to their home country and they will be happier to.
She sees you in tshirt and flip-flops, but it does nothing to him. The Prime Minister of Canada, at the mosque in Mississauga,Ontario, after his daily ablutions before the crowd of males present and have perched above their wives, veiled females above the second floor with a satin wall black, the Honorable Multi gives instructions on how to dictate directions that females should take during the summer season.

The Honorable Prime Minister of Canada, on the occasion, in this mosque affiliated with the Muslim brothers of the place, and Hamas with some leaders, imams, guiding Muslim associations, the female ministers of Ottawa Liberal government knew veiled head and the Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne also took out are wonderful scarf to hide her hair and had certainly worn a chastity belt for the occasion.
The INFRA-Canada Associations MAC and Canada were the privileged partners of this event and they were distributing the membership cards, collected the monies for tax purposes, distribute meals in the words of the imams who read sonatas in a wordy language, misogynistic, chauvinistic, phallocentric, who was raising some males present their distorted male authorities of several religions who have never advanced.   
The"feminist",the imam, Luc Bertrand of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, was of the same opinion that MélanieJoly,her boss that distributes grants to the State Corporation.
The Honorable Justin Trudeau supported apartheid between males and females, inferior to man
since he only frequents mosques, many Canadians and Quebecers media wonder if the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada, our national selfie did not embrace the Islamic religion, and his wife to better engage with community.
Sun News Toronto and The Globe and Mail has repeatedly asked if the Government of Canada, Parliament Hill after receiving several hundred Muslims to do their prayers and religious rantings and his ministers and MPs from different healthy religions their religious symbols in the House of Commons, the Honorable Prime Minister, has become by the grace of Allah, one of his fervent collaborator.
The associations of women of Quebec and several other nounounes are totally consistent with the actions of politicians from the Government Trudeau in relation to treatment vis-à-vis women males.
The man in selfie cares, because the planet love
The presence of Justin Trudeau in a mosque imposing separation between men and women causing a stir. Women's groups complain that this passage endorses a misogynist practice.
This is the case of the Canadian Council of Muslim. Its director, Alia Hogben,said that, unfortunately, although some of us, Muslims, oppose gender segregation in mosques and in social gatherings, most are more traditional and have no problem with separation.
It nevertheless ensures that some mosques allow mixed, indicating that it can be done. It would have been that he claims that he and his female ministers are for the same time assembly and not separately. At least it would have demonstrated gender equality. The hypocrisy and falsehood of a religion still has its place.

Segregation is illegal in Canada and Québec
The Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) declined to comment on the subject. To the right of women in Quebec (PDFQ), a group that emerged to dissociate from the FFQ deemed too conciliatory on issues of veiling, deplored the visit.
The president of PDFQ MichèleSirois noted that "racial segregation, we fight against long time. I'm not a politician who would agree to go to a place where blacks on one side it looks, whites on the other. But for women, it seems to be less serious, because Muslim women are slaves of Allah, approved Sharia, Halal, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, François Holland, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillion, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, etc.
Michèle Sirois believes that politicians should stop frequenting places where gender equality is not appropriate. She recalls the borough mayor Anie Samson who was veiled in a mosque in 2013 to invite the faithful to vote to block the charter of Quebec values.
Israel -  Jews Ultra-religious and gender segregation
The female faces are plagued completely disappear advertising posters in some neighborhoods of the Holy City of Jerusalem. The persistent provocations ultra-Orthodox against female representations in the streets, uprooting posters, vandalism prompted advertisers themselves to self-censorship. But more serious segregation and the gender division are also evident in the allocation of specific seats in buses, on sidewalks or in queues.
Under pressure from ultra-Orthodox Jews, women are increasingly rare on billboards in Jerusalem. Other cities are spared the phenomenon. But in the Holy City, advertisers have bowed to pressure the men in black. More broadly, they establish in the public space a real sex segregation, new border spaces.
The bus is crowded. At stops, men dressed in a long black coat and a large hat boarded and settled in front. Women in long skirts, enter through the second door and sit at the back. The bus passes through several ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods of West Jerusalem.
In India, Hinduism and the caste system, segregation
In India, born into a strict caste system that is hard to escape. One feature of Hinduism is its caste (varna), a structure that divides society into rigid classes. This system of social stratification deeply rooted in the mentality cloised even Hindu society. Many Indian denounce its discriminant side.
Indian society is divided into castes, from the birth of Hinduism in India. Castes are hierarchical groups, and endogamous hereditary. This caste system originated in the Rig Veda, one of the founding works of Hinduism. It defines four castes, native of Brahma, from highest to lowest. Each body part of Brahma gives a function to the caste
Brahmins, out of the mouth of the creator, these are the priests and teachers. This is the highest caste.

The Kshatriyas, born of the arms of God, these are the warriors, princes and kings.
The vaishyas, from the Brahma legs are traders, farmers and final caste artisans.la is that of servants, out of the god feet, it is the Shudra.
The untouchables, the fifth class of Indian society is constituted by the untouchables or outcasts. They are so called because they are not born of the body of Brahma, but the earth. They also carry the "Dalit", meaning oppressed. Gandhi nicknamed "Harijans" Hari is one of the names of Vishnu. They represent 25% of the Indian population, or 160 million people.
While most consider the fate that devolves as predetermined, inevitable; for them it is the fruit of their karma or retribution for the acts of a life they have made in a previous life.
Christianity, segregation in Northern Ireland
Cause of the Northern Ireland conflict,segregation in Northern Ireland between Protestant and Catholic communities has long been a system of government. Strong political, religious and ethnic differences have opposed the Catholic minority, mainly of Irish origin, Republican or national, to the Protestant majority, descendants of English and Scottish planters, unionist or loyalist

Sects, tribes, voodoo, etc.
Sects, Salafi wahhabi tribes of Arabia Saudis, the Emirates of Qatar, we are invaded by these often diabolical beliefs to human life and our politicians indulge and encouraged by populist deputy motions. Our societies regress visibly, with all these religions that pollute our media, our schools, our governments have the maximum power and money. Religions certainly lead us towards leveling down.
Many people can tell the difference between religion, religious practice and that their belief in God or the afterlife. In all cases, whereas religions were created and written exclusively by males and for males, females are totally excluded it. Most deities are male, or no sex, very rarely are female.  
Our dear veiled Muslim had a brain cleansing by their mother, their grandmother for this and it will never change because they practice with these same Islamic Crusades sails with their daughters in Canadian lands, European and Western. They suffered the same workouts that the military has become killers to fight the enemy. For these veiled Muslim women, the enemies are all of us, blasphemers, infidels bury.
Religions that kill
This is not nono, that, to be fooled by all these religions, who sell us insurance for the afterlife and they have forgotten humanity, that human beings on this planet are alive and happy to be before you die?
In France vote Marine Le Pen

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