vendredi 28 avril 2017

IQRA KHALID - Liberal Muslim MP in Ottawa, motion M-103, associated with terrorist groups Islamic Society of North America ISNA and Jamaat-e-Islami and Hamas

IQRA KHALID - liberal Muslim MP in Ottawa, motion M103, associated with terrorist groups the Islamic Society of North America ISNA and Jamaat-e-Islami and Hamas
Islamophile The racist M103 motion passed in the Canadian House of Commons is an unprecedented swing in the struggle of globalist policies against Western nations. Its purpose: to prevent criticism of Islam, equated with "Islamophobia." Presented by the Muslim MP Iqra Khalid, was approved by two thirds of the elected officials present in the room.

Information has "escaped", one would have suspected at all major media. French  But also, more surprisingly, in almost all re data carriers whose resistant feature, only the daily Metro in Quebec mentioned.
Motion M-103, racism Islamists against Christians and Jews upside
M-103 motion stating that the Canadian government had to recognize the "climate of hatred and fear that settles in the population" (! ) and condemning "Islamophobia and all forms of racism and systemic religious discrimination" was adopted by all members of the Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party of Thomas Mulcair, another traitor, Canadian  but also Michael Chong, candidate for the leadership of the Conservative Party.
Other Conservative MPs and all members of the Bloc Québécois have meanwhile voted against the motion in December by the member for Mississauga-Erindale, Ms. Iqra Khalid.
IQRA Is KHALID a COLLABO of the Islamic state in Canada?
Faced with this strange motion and debate it triggers within the population, it is interesting to look at the unique path of this new born Liberal MP in Pakistan in
1986.funny support of MPs and ministers affiliated with the global terrorist
the candidacy of Ms. IQRA Khalid was openly supported by a member of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) TERRORIST GROUPS IN CANADA WITH JUSTIN TRUDEAU KNOWS MEMBERSHIP AND MEMBER IQRA KHALID Y ACTIVELY INVOLVED WITH THESE TERRORIST GROUPS OF CANADIAN SOIL LIKE ZUNERA ISHAQ FRIEND STAFF JUDY WILSON RAYBOULD JUSTICE MINISTER OF CANADA, whose charitable status was revoked in 2013 due to activity related to the financing of a terrorist group.
ISNA is close to the Jamaat-e-Islami - the Islamic Party in Urdu - a Pakistani political party founded by the great thinker of the Islamic revival Mawdudi.

The Jamaat-e-Islami is the main Islamist political formation of the Indian subcontinent. It was the initial goal of forming an Islamic state on all of British India, is today the territory that covers India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. In the 1970s and 1980s, he supported the policy of Islamization of President Zia-Ul-Haq while actively participating in the war in Afghanistan by setting up training camps for the Mujahideen.
Today, the Islamic party seeking to enforce the strictest Islamic morals within Pakistani society. Officially, the party did not advocate armed violence, but remains close to the most radical movements in the region, including the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani jihadi groups.
The mosques of Mississauga, Ontario, they were odds terrorists and liberals and Muslim brothers
But that's not all. In addition to the support she received from ISNA and Islamist circles of Mississauga, Mrs Khalid extremely troubling activist course. We all expected the wonderful outcomes of Zunera Ishaq, one that chia on the Canadian flag during his swearing to become Canadian and congratulations Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair about it.
Militancy Mrs Khalid in the image of the terrorist
Zunera Ishad The woman in niqab work in a radical organization

IQRA KHALID to duplicate image Zunera Ishaq work within an Islamic terrorist criminal radical organization in Canada for Al Qaeda

Zunera Ishaq is a volunteer for an association linked to Jamaat- ei-Islam,whose armed wing is considered a terrorist organization with Justin Trudeau Liberal government of collaborating with one hundred percent and the Ontario government of Prime Minister Kathleen Wynne who visits him and not the crumpled with the Islamic veil.
Ms. Iqra Khalid Was president of the Muslim Student University Association York association founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1963 which the Trudeau government and several provincial governments are parties to gather money and votes.
During a proselyte event, the Muslim Student Association distributed particular book legitimizing domestic violence against women on the grounds that "these women may even like being beaten and sometimes take it as a sign of love and attention." The title of this book is: "These women enjoy being white May Even beaten at times as a sign of love and concern." And as is the habit of multiculturalism and jovialities Prime Minister, there agree with all stages of the provisions of the Koran because it is part of their tradition of barbarians.

Ms Khalid was communications coordinator of the Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals (CAMP), an association which presents itself as a network of contacts to young Muslim graduates in North America. However, looking more closely, we see that CAMP campaigning openly for many Islamist causes - for example, the wearing of the niqab - and maintains close ties with various organizations Islamist circles, including ISNA mentioned above, terrorist organization internationally recognized but is liberal representative as member of parliament in Ottawa.
IQRA KHALID Is a Salafist serving Saudi Arabia?
This speaks volumes about the integrity of MPs and Liberal ministers in Ottawa under the Multiculturalism Justin Trudeau. He's always nice to make selfies, Islamophobic motions, but it remains that he is a traitor to the entire Canadian nation with all the raptor that has brought the Canadian Parliament.  
Justin Trudeau and his evil father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau with this cursed Charter of Rights and Freedoms included directly with the Canadian Constitution and signed by the premiers of English Canada only in the absence of Quebec, during the night of the long knives wanting destruction Quebec to actually create the beginning of the entire destruction of Canada, its culture, its ancestors, the only two religions recognized in the Canadian Constitutions, the original, of London, England, are the Catholic and Protestant religions and not the Islam as it tries to make us believe by all the bowing these whores are trying to fool us.

IslamizationSalafist Wahhabi Iqra Khalid Ontario Liberal barbarians from the bottom
face of these troubling facts, it is quite justified to ask whether by voice Iqra Khalid, Motion M-103 does not proceed by a willingness Islamist lobbies, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda,to muzzle criticism of political Islam by exploiting excessively notions of racism and religious discrimination "systemic".
INCA The writings of Maududi, a fanatic of Sharia and the caliphate, have inspired several international terrorists, including Sayyid Qutb of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Shiite Khomeini The Maududi Islamist Party functions as a Pakistani division of the Muslim Brotherhood,and its explicit mission is the establishment of an Islamic state governed by Sharia Law.Their ultimate goal is the establishment of Sharia to all Canadians in all provinces in Canada which actively endorse Iqra Khalid and the Government of Justin Trudeau.

This is the precise definition of shirk (association or polytheism): we have the Minister of Defense the Honorable Shirk Harjit Sajjan confession associate a partner with Allah wa subhana taalah(praises to him the Most High). And we clearly realize that shirk is the opposite of Tawheed (affirmation of the oneness of Allah), is necessarily and definitely the worst evil of evils, as among the Jews and Christians who are mushrikoun (polytheists) the point of view of tawheed (affirmation of the oneness of Allah) as we see it and have learned. Only Muslims affirm the Tawheed as the first principle and obligation of every human being: to bear witness that no god should be worshiped except Allah wa subhana taalah.
IQRA KHALID Is at the Service Canada IRFAN Terrorist group?
A Canadian organization that provided humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza was formally added by the Canadian government with a list of terrorist entities. " IRFAN, based in Mississauga,Ontario, sent about 14.6 million in aid to "several organizations associated with Hamas," between 2005 and 2009, says the statement. Certainly not forget, it is the city of the Mosque of Zunera Ishaq, Iqra Khalid, Justin Trudeau, the Honorable Premier of Ontario who likes to visit.  
A region near Toronto that has a secure future in the government of the Canadian selfie. It tolerates all terrorist worldwide known organizations,thank you Kathleen Wynne, well veiled.
Moreover, we know that the concept of Islamophobia remains extremely problematic, since it was exploited by the regime of Ayatollah Khomeny to discredit all criticism of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. It now serves to equate any questioning of political Islam to a particular form of racism against Muslims.

Political Islam or Islamism,can be defined as a political ideology aimed at making the whole society to Islamic precepts both in the law (fiqh) that social conventions. Some Islamist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood advocate a 'Islamization from below', or the sneaky imposition of Islamic morals in society in order to prepare the ground for a future decision power.
This is exactly the strategy chosen by the Muslim Brotherhood Egyptians since the 1970s While the Muslim Brotherhood renounced directly confront the Egyptian political power, they waged a cultural war to impose the strictest Islamic norms in the population Egyptian. This strategy proved effective since practices considered completely backward in the 1960s, such as the wearing of the niqab, are now commonplace today in Egypt and Barack Hussein Obama servant.
IQRA KHALID MAC Is the lobbyist organization with the federal government?
MAC is a Muslim umbrella organization that would have funneled money to a charity linked to Hamas buys goods Quebec to Alberta.

QMI Agency has conducted research land-registry that show the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), based in the suburbs of Toronto at Mississauga, where MP Iqra Khalid bought at least 11 buildings in Ontario, Quebec and Alberta since 2006.
Unfortunately, the Egyptian case is absolutely not isolated and the entire Arab and Muslim world has experienced a breakthrough of Islamist movements for about fifty years. Due to the mass immigration of Muslims, it is now the Western countries who find themselves struck by the same disease.
The terrorist political and media complicity Justin Trudeau and the Muslim Brotherhood
Remember also that if the Liberal Party of Canada Justin Trudeau seems infiltrated by an elected near Islamist networks, the Quebec Liberal Party for his part as leader Philippe Couillard,a former employee of Saudi Arabia, a country known as one of the largest sponsors of political Islam worldwide.
Faced with this disturbing collusion between more than liberal politicians and advocates of political Islam, it is extremely worrying that the mass media do not fall under the danger of this insidious penetration of Islamist networks in our society.

Before the blackmail of "systemic religious discrimination" and Islamophobia,"it is urgent that the Quebec population wakes from torpor imposed by the politically correct and make clear to politicians refusing to be gagged on criticism Islamism.
Faced with the cowardice of some of the political class, it is essential that people remain more combative than ever face the guilt that tries to impose on us as soon as we approach the thorny issue of the creeping Islamization Quebec society. Resist the widespread blame when it is a question of Islamism is not an intellectual coquetry, it is now a civic duty.
IQRA KHALID initiate does a motion for the stoning of Christians and Jews supported by Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair populists, careerists?
One is left to wonder, following the same logic, for what some reason hate book supposedly revealed by God to a pedophile seller slave seventh century did not fall, too, within the scope of this law. It says, in effect:
IQRA KHALID told us in the House of Commons that the Qur'an specifically notes that the Canadian Government must legislate according to the religious laws of the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, as promised in last Friday's mosque during his hallucinatory benefit all citizens of Canada, believers or not are subject to Sharia and the Quran.

Justin Trudeau in smoke good
sonatas The following will be included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Canada's highest court will have to justify these words and the will of our ayatollah, the Grand Mufti Western Justin
Concerning Christians, Justin Trudeau, confabulating. Sura 2 v 191: "And slay them wherever ye find them; and turn them out from where they drove you. "Surah 2 v 193" And fight them  until there is no more association and religion is for Allah alone. If they cease, letbe nor hostility there except against the oppressors.
"Surah 4 v 89" Do not take friends from among the infidels until they flee in the way of God. But if they turn away (become apostates), then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or helper. "Sura 9: 5" When the sacred months have passed, slay them (Christians) wherever you find them. Capture them and besiege them and lie in wait for them.
"Asfor the Jews, it was a little hesitant, he lost a few votes, but the number was not worth the candle he said. Sura 5 v 64 "We (Allah) or (Justin Trudeau) the son of the father, the son of the Prophet,have cast among them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection.

"The Notion of Islamophobia, racism Islamic Muslims against Christians and Jews, is a Koranic diabolical scam at all levels of federal whores, Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair.
The criminalization of blasphemy is no longer a fear in Canada: it has become a reality under the leadership of Prime Minister Trudeau and his useful idiots of fundamentalism, Islamist government infected ISNA (Islamic society of North America),which IQRA Khalid is a shameless thug.

We expect a proposal for Emmanuel Macron contender for the presidency of France, in this sense, that will delight all the CCIF and the Muslim Brotherhood on French soil and associated with the Liberal Party of Canada. After which it will do more than endorse the mutilation of thieves and killing apostates for the tagine, pardon the cut is finally full.
Islam dump religious hatreds

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