dimanche 2 avril 2017

Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, François Hollande, Angela Merkel, Philippe Couillard, Pope Francis, Western nations of murderers leaving Islamist reign in our country

Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, François Hollande, Angela Merkel, Philippe Couillard, Pope Francis, Western nations of murderers leaving Islamist reign in our country
Theresa May, the first British minister said that terrorism does not frighten him has need more than good feelings to face this challenge. Terrorism is the tip of the iceberg and will follow the disintegration of the entire West. Islam, the Koran, Shariah among all religions and political system are the depths of humanity, the evil galactic black holes.

However, to combat radical Islam, we must tackle the whole iceberg, beginning with the indoctrination of our politicians, our judges, intellectuals, feminists investors. These radical Islamists use our own laws against us, therefore withdraw all laws, amendments to these radicals so that they can continue their destruction of our democracies with aid of our laws.
Philippe Couillard, the Liberal party, and racist CBC Québécophobes, Christianophobes, demagogue, Populists, Charlatans, Manipulators, crossers, Finks, Deceptions, Traitors, etc.
All that is a legitimate concern of Quebecers on the integration of Muslims, on secularism, equality of men and women, is considered by Mr. Couillard, by CROP and CBC as racism and xenophobia.
The overall effect of those actions is to try to stifle the will of the vast majority of Quebecers to defend secularism, to discuss immigration levels and defend the equality of men and women .
All true lucid Quebecers must stand up and say: "Enough and throw out Philippe Couillard and his friends, sold!" Enough blaming Quebecers who wish to secularism, which insist on having a peaceful debate on immigration who wish to defend the equality of men and women.

"Quebecers are open people, tolerant. So tolerant, they became fools them home. Newcomers make fun of them, a people without panties, brainless, spineless. A National Assembly to serve only Salafists who generously pays the ruling party, the Liberal Party of Quebec, the party most corrupt monetarily and ideologically corrupt, and identity. The Muslim Brothers have built their beds with ministers and Liberal MPs and their Muslim accommodations. This can be demonstrated. There is racism here as elsewhere, we must act. But this ongoing trial that is made to Quebecers is unacceptable, shocking, Quebec bashing like Canada English know how and Justin Trudeau is probative evidence.
Delete multiculturalism, non-integration is equivalent deportation
Integrating our Muslim immigrants is the last concern of our politicians, our intellectuals, feminists that cause the death of the West.
Our governments are lying with demons, barbarians, Salafists, petrodollars from Saudi Arabia, which will join the Muslim Brotherhood and other Wahhabi Salafist groups.
A multitude of Islamist associations, generously funded by the government, are emerging, as well as hundreds of Koranic schools and over 1,000 mosques and bribed the British political parties without any exceptions.

As does Justin Trudeau in Canada with total indifference of the government and in favor of rampant multiculturalism, these self-proclaimed leaders will introduce their cities at the heart of patriarchy, their value system, their code of honor, their full veil , sexual segregation, their Islamic courts and their justice system based on sharia. Even the Prime Minister from his wife and her feminist ministers violates the face of beings attack on local fears.
accommodation Unreasonable for Islamic stand for weaknesses states rights
Paradis multiculturalism without limitations, the UK, France, Germany, Canada, all over Europe, Quebec has become, over the years, open air dump hate speech spewed out into the open by radical preachers whose many profess in our mosques mosques with approvals of our Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard Salafist friend.
London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Ottawa under occupation Totals Nazistes Islamist
Muslim Brothers are invading Europeans and Canada countries and the United States through the government of Barack Obama, his brother active member of Hillary Clinton , the Democratic party are the services of these terrorists, those criminals who roam within our National Assemblies in every opportunity with hands in checks Gulf Emirs to distribute to corrupt, to be sold, the quislings, the service Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the petrodollars, the barbarians, the Koran, Sharia.

Demagogy and populism of our politicians is killing our democracies, François Fillion, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel
Birmingham, Great Britain, or The Trappes, near Paris, the largest city, also fell under the influence of Islamist barbarians criminals.
In at least 25 public schools where women teach their burqa, they managed to drive out the teaching staff and replace them with Taliban who indoctrinate children to fight against "Western error and disbelief".
Gender segregation is in order and biology classes, music, physical education and swimming are forbidden to girls.
La Trappe Muslim city, Islamic near Paris
In the streets, little traffic due to summer holidays many parking spaces are empty, more than half of interviewees wear Islamic dress: long tunic and ankle knitted hat for men, for women sailing from a simple scarf covering only the head to the hijab from head to toe.
The men dressed in Western, many of them sport a beard. The restaurants, mostly Arab and Turkish cafes and butchers all display on their fronts the word"Halal"impossible to eat sausage, a ham or a good old brawn in this city défranciser.

After an hour of walking, and questions asked several passers-by, the visitor arrives at the brand new mosque in Trappes, avenue Hector Berlioz: a minaret 15 meters high; pale green walls beneath which are being dismantled the last scaffolding; all surrounded at a distance by a wrought iron gate, just to keep the infidels in check.
Two inputs are provided in this grid: a large gate and a small gate on which is affixed a sign in Arabic with subtitles in French, which says "The Entry of women." When asked, an official of the mosque, who went about in the yard of it, informs the visitor that the large gate is the entrance of honor, reserved exclusively for men and that the mosque has two prayer rooms, one for men and only they, the other for women.
Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Muslim selfie
A hundred meters from the mosque, in a fast food halal held by Arabs, where the visitor has halted to drink, sits on the counter cubic piggy bank, "offering box" according to the boss, on which is written: "he who helps to build a mosque for Allah, Allah will build him a house in paradise."
Here's how an almost entirely Muslim city grows near Paris in general indifference: a territory in which the French Republic no longer preserves the appearance of his presence; an enclave of Saudi Arabia; thousands of Muslims living in isolation in relative quiet - but for how long?

Our politicians, judges, feminist, leftist intellectuals, lovers of petrodollars, the murderers of the Western
nations,France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Canada has created sub Salafi Muslims barbaric Islamic countries to within the state that will create the explosion of our states rights and Allah will have earned his crusade on Christians and Jews.
The political racist religion universal excellence liars, hypocrites, barbaric Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the
Gulf's Talk about the Muslim racism, Islamist, Salafist, normal, moderate, extremist, veiled, bearded, preaching hatred and openly freely.
Identified as the filling station, the mosque of gasoline at the pump because it is the only pseudo-religion with different octane level, normal, moderate, extremist, super extremists, terrorists, untouchable , imams, terrorists, etc. towards other religions, nations, political.
The politically correct do not dare say a word as encyclopedias of this world would be large enough to contain their lies and hateful slander their Salafi propaganda with left intellectuals, paid feminists, media controlled politicians that fill the pockets to continue the destruction of the West.
Decadence of man and woman, for all religions, religious, money and power

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