mercredi 26 avril 2017

Liberals of Canada and Quebec thirsty vehicles corrupters and supported by Bay Street, the Desmarais family -Power Corporation - Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau

Liberals of Canada and Quebec thirsty vehicles corrupters and supported by Bay Street, the Desmarais family -Power Corporation
Quebec Branch of liberal mafia Federal and Quebec corrupt who direct and completely destroy Quebec and Canada. Since the arrival of salafi wahhabi the Saudi Honorable Philippe Couillard, pro emeritus doctors Koran, Sharia pro, pro hatred, racist Islamophile pro Islamic Québécophobe, anti nationalist Quebecers, water carrier, narcissism, lapidate culture French in America.
The first Lester Bowles Pearson, Liberal *
Lester Bowles Pearson (sometimes nicknamed "Mike"), born April 23, 1897 and died on 27 December 1972 is a diplomat, politician and Canadian State, winner of the Nobel peace in 1957. He is the 14th Prime Minister of Canada from April 22 1963 to April 22, 1968, directing two successive minority governments following the elections of 1963 and 1965.

Minority governments Pearson establish universal access to health care, the student loans,official bilingualism,Canada pension plan and the Canadian flag. Combined with his innovative work at the United Nations and international diplomacy, Pearson can be considered one of the most influential Canadians of the twentieth century
In regard to Quebec and francophones in Quebec, the Honorable Lester Bowles Pearson was always open-minded towards Quebec and honest and that would certainly no longer the case with his successors, all specially francophone Quebecers, who have to sell at a discount, their own people to build a place within the Government of Canada English and Bay Street.
Haggling should be plausible for the Anglo-Saxon elite want to welcome them to their communities control all monies, airports, travel, hydrocarbons, so this Elite will create Canada's Division into two parts, Ontario and the West, and beggars, Quebec and the maritimes, that is to say the line "Borden"  
Now the bad ones
The second Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the decline of the empire Canadian
Traitor, monumental multiculturalism,the Maoist mentor with the Charter of rights and freedoms wanting to kill the entire Quebec with the patriation of the Canadian Constitution, the night of the long knives with nine provinces English-speaking Canada excluding Quebec.He wanted so much the destruction of Quebec, he taught his son, Justin Trudeau,selfie, all possible routes to achieve its ultimate goal the destruction of all of Canada by a single philosophy, discord promoted by multiculturalism and massive immigration to invade first francophone contribution to Quebec.

To destroy Quebec, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, pictured with extraordinary diabolism with a new airport to Montreal Mirabel, 50 km from the city center with no direct link between the other Dorval airport where transatlantic flights.  
Dorval was the transitional plate for these flights to the United States. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, in his Machiavellian separating these two airports by this distance and with no road link, transatlantic flights will be redirected to Toronto and have actually killed 50% of air transportation in Montreal. Dorval has become a second international class airport and take him back at least 30 years to turn the corner as Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver controls all Canadian air traffic, and Montreal is a commuter airport.
The hatred of a prime minister against Quebec
Pierre Elliott Trudeau, his resentment against Quebec Francophones go without wanting to destroy with the years and the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution by including SA Charter of Rights and Freedoms will kill all of Canada and judges begin to make policy and manage the laws of our governments.
The third Martin Brian Mulroney
Martin Brian Mulroney,born March 20, 1939 in Baie Comeau, is a lawyer, business executive and Canadian politician. He is the 18th Prime Minister of Canada, 17 September 1984 to 24 June 1993. He is head of the Progressive Conservative Party of 11 June 1983 to 12 June 1993 and a member of the House of Commons on 29 August 1983 to 8 September 1993 where he represented successively the constituencies of Central Nova (1983-1984), Manicouagan (1984-1988) and Charlevoix (1988-1993)

Since leaving politics, Mulroney had a lucrative career as a lawyer at Ogilvy Renault and international business consultant. His experiences as prime minister, as his attempts at reconciliation between the Western provinces and Quebec as well as his close relationship with former US President George HW Bush, has served him well.
In 1997, Mulroney régla out of court a defamation case he had filed the Government of Canada, originally for $ 50 million. He contested the allegations that he had accepted in bribes in the "Airbus case" for government contracts. Mulroney was reimbursed for $ 2 million in legal fees. The Government stated that the allegations could not be confirmed.
The fourth, the little guy from Shawinigan Jean Chrétien
Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien,Quebecers water carrier, Born11,January  1934 in Shawinigan, Quebec in eastern Ontario after the conquest of the Plains of Abraham. He is a statesman and politics,Canadian 20th Prime Minister of Canada, from 04 November 1993 to 12 December 2003 under the banner of the Liberal Party, the party of the corrupt.
The Jean Chrétien gulfs of bullets and the yes camp, Quebec referendum
The sponsorship scandal highlights the illegal participation, under Quebec law, the Chrétien government in the referendum activities. Some sovereignists believe that these activities have given the victory to federalists, a victory they consider illegal.

Furthermore, Jean Chrétien said after the 1995 referendum that he would never have recognized a Yes victory by a narrow margin, believing that we can dismantle a country on the basis of a few thousand votes. Still, the sponsorship scandal cost the Liberal Party in the subsequent federal election.
The fifth Paul Martin
Paul Edgar Philippe Martin, born August 28, 1938 in Windsor, Ontario, is a man of Canadian State, Prime Minister of 12 December 2003 to 06 February 2006.
The Gomery gets under way in earnest in early 2005. over the testimony of the alleged players in the sponsorship scandal, revelations made therein arouse the anger of the people, outraged by this waste of public funds. The protests increasingly growing towards Martin Liberals did nothing to help the management's current affairs in Parliament, the opposition never ceasing to ask questions about the involvement of Martin or his team in the scandal.
Paul Martin owner of Canada Steamship Lines
Paul Martin enact a special law to himself: Case CSL Canada Steamship Line, tax havens to avoid paying taxes in Canada

Paul Martin was also accused of having escaped the tax by registering his company,CanadaSteamshipLines,in tax havens.To make this legal system, it would change the law on  evasion tax when he served as finance minister. These controversial laws and provisions on tax havens were found unconstitutional by the courts. Hundreds of millions of dollars in savings in escape for the family of Paul martin in taxes of all kinds
The sixth Robert Bourassa
Robert Bourassa,born July 14, 1933 and died October 2, 1996 in Montreal, Quebec is a politician. He served as premier of Quebec, under the banner of the Liberal Party of Quebec, twice: of the 12 May 1970 to 25 November 1976 and 12 December 1985 to 11 January 1994. He is known to have been Prime Minister at important moments in the history of Quebec as the October Crisis, Meech Lake, the Oka crisis and the Charlottetown Accord

Few would associate of former Prime Minister Robert Liberal Bourassa in Quebec nationalism, and yet, according to an expert, he strongly defended Quebec during his long political career in addition to giving him the tools to ensure its long term sustainability. Twenty years after his death, he died on 2 October 1996, marking the politician in the history of the province seems still misunderstood in the Quebec imagination.
Robert Bourassa led Quebec for 15 years in two phases, from May 1970 to November 1976 and from December 1985 to January 1994. In his first term, the young prime minister was predestined to put forward an ambitious economic program . Or are his achievements on the cultural and constitutional claims that have punctuated his career, according to political scientist Guy Lachapelle, who co-edited the book "Robert Bourassa: quiet builder."
The seventh Claude Ryan, the hand of God and Yvette, the camps of "YES"
Claude Ryan was born in Montreal 26,on January  1925 and died February 9, 2004 in Montreal is an intellectual, journalist and politician in Quebec.
M. Ryan has not always been a magnanimous leader. He struggled to adapt to the political discipline that requires nuances, "recalls John Parisella, who was the team supporting the leadership of M. Ryan before joining permanence. It will also serve as chief of staff post of Premier Bourassa during his last term.

"It was not a conventional politician. His adaptation was difficult. But we must remember that we were in a pre referendum climate and the opponents swelled the least of its faults, "said Pierre Bibeau.
The eighth Jean Charest, the tiles fall on his head
John James Charest said Jean Charest, born June 24, 1958 in Sherbrooke, is a lawyer and a Canadian politician.
He is Vice-Prime Minister of Canada of 25 June 1993 to 03 November 1993 and leader of the Progressive Conservative Party from 1993 to 1998. In particular, it is known in Quebec as deputy chairman of the committee "no" in the referendum Quebec 1995

After working for the federal government, he launched into provincial politics, directing the Quebec Liberal Party from 1998 to 2012 he held the position of Premier of Quebec to come to power his party in the election of 2003to its defeat in the 2102 election,on 4 September 2012.
His party becomes the official opposition and it is not re-elected in the riding of Sherbrooke.The next day, he announced that he resigned as leader of the Liberal Party and he leaves politics.
UPAC, the student strike and Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, humanitarian Apocalypse to be located within Québec Solidaire, God protect them.
This will cost his job
In February 2012, a large part of Quebec students began a strike,which is supported by student association and a part of society as a whole. This strike challenges the establishment of an increase of $ 1,772 in tuition fees over seven years, or 82%. At its peak, the strike has more than 350,000 post-secondary students and is therefore considered the longest protest in the history of Quebec.
During the 6 month period of the strike, Jean Charest will refuse to meet with student leaders during the first four months and will eventually go shake their hands and talk for 30 minutes without taking part in the negotiations. It will develop and implement Bill 78, Law 12 (repealed on 20 September by the PQ). This law will be greatly criticized by a majority of Quebec society then out on the street every night to bang on pots.
The eighth Philippe Couillard Lespinay, the Saudi, Muslim Salafist abroad, the sword of Damocles striking his forehead all the values Quebecers
Philippe Couillard Lespinay says Philippe Couillard, born June 26, 1957 in Montreal, a Canadian politician, Prime Minister of Québec since April 2014.

A physician by training, specializing in neurology, he was Quebec Minister of Health and social Services from 2003 to 2008 in the government of Jean Charest and MLA for Mount Royal from 2003 to the Quebec Liberal Party. Re-elected in 2007 in the riding of Jean-Talon, he resigned on 25 June 2008.
The doctor learns Arabic with a Jordanian colleague who became his best friend. "I could make my outpatients without an interpreter," he says proudly. He read about Islam, Muhammad, the Quran. Opera lover, he runs the best muezzins of the city. "Their calls were very beautiful, very poetic." He will push his barbe noire, now salt and pepper. Rumor in the hospital that Dr. Couillard has converted to Islam. "The Arabs were happy!" He said. [...]
The expat life is totally artificial. "You always want to stay longer to make more money, said Couillard. However, if you wait too long, nobody knows us to return, not interested in what we did. I did not want that. And my daughter said to anyone who would listen that she was Saudi! It is first income for that and for my career. I knew if I did not return, I would be unrecoverable emphasized Philippe Couillard
Philippe Couillard feared becoming unrecoverable! His statements of recent days show that he has indeed become.
After stating on the international stage that it was "ridiculous" to see a link between secularism and the fight against fundamentalism, having surrounded confessionnalistes Muslims as advisors in the establishment of an oversight body fundamentalism, here he says he has no problem with religious fundamentalism

The nithJustin Trudeau, usurper, destructive despotism Salafist and integrator Wahhabi Stalinist narcissistic
Justin Trudeau, born December 25, 1971 to Ottawa is a man of Canadian pro Muslim state, 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada, based since 04 November 2015.

It reaches this position following the federal election won by the Liberal Party. Trudeau is also Member of Parliament for Papineau in the House of Commons since the 2008 elections and Prime MinisterSalafist Wahhabi since 2016
in September, wearing the traditional Muslim clothing, M. Trudeau went to pray in a mosque in British British. He said while the values of Ramadan were Canadian values. In other words, Islam is also .. Liberal
Justin Trudeau Hussein Mohamed Pro Koran and Pro Sharia for all Canadians
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke January 17, 2017 at the Masjid Al-Salaam Peterborough Ontario is prayers, managed by the Muslim Association Kawartha, and Islamic terrorist groups Canadians.
Justin Trudeau attended the reopening of the mosque had been the target of arson Paris the day after the attacks in November. He spoke of the efforts of his government to build an "inclusive" society and "nice". He was accompanied by Maryam Monsef, Peterborough MP and Minister for Democratic Institutions and the member Salma Zahid, both deputies were veiled as not to offend Muslims sit on the floor and were perched on the second floor with the other women as second class hens.

Justin Trudeau pro Muslim brothers
Or Shazim Khan, the imam of the mosque, holds a speech that is far from being "nice" and "inclusive" against women. He preaches that the wife does not need to leave the house or speak to anyone; she should not show her beauty to other men; it should not refuse to her husband without valid reason; she must serve him, save his honor and preserve her chastity.
Justin Trudeau pro gender segregation and apartheid
* Lester B Pearson Prime Minister of 22 April 1963 to 20 April 1968, which created the flag of Canada,(see above Zunera Ishaq)and Justin Trudeau, the Salafist who lives at 24 Sussex the official residence of the Prime Minister and chia on the Canadian flag with Zunera Ishaq and Judy Wilson Raybould, too liberal, and Minister of justice of Canada that does not even respect its own flag.
Justin Trudeau will certainly receive the Nobel Nonsense, and stupidities of the International selfie of narcissistic shell and his brother Alexandre Trudeau.
Do not forget, dear idiots, he's a millionaire, we have to pay for a vacation. I have to pay for his safety and for the safety of his family but not for vacation.

Vote Conservative!

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