samedi 22 avril 2017

Gabriel Nadeau Dubois of Quebec Solidaire, WE MUST PROTECT ALL CHILDREN REGARDLESS OF RELIGION HIGHER ISLAMISTS and we do not care of their Allah

Gabriel Nadeau Dubois of Quebec Solidaire, WE MUST PROTECT ALL CHILDREN REGARDLESS OF RELIGION HIGHER ISLAMISTS and we do not care of their Allah!
As we learned Lise Ravary in his blog Wednesday some personalities of the Muslim community would create a DPJ for Muslims.
The law is clear, however: no one has the right to abuse a child, period. This law applies to all Quebecers, regardless of their beliefs and their origins.
Racist Islamists un integratable Philippe Couillard and Gabriel Nadeau Dubois
The law does not take into account religious and cultural particularities of all. The law is blind. She does not care about the color of your skin, your gender, your sexual orientation, your religion and your background. And Mr. and Mrs. Muslim and Muslim penis and vagina are the same as the Christians and Jews, the blood is the same color, it is your brain which have suffered mental and irreversibly fatal bleaching for all common mortals. To him of all of us, happy and normal citizens, we are all alike.

When you are sick you go to the hospital and see a doctor, you will not see Allah, the Prophet or Imam. Stop lying. No cultural trait can not allow, justify or "explain" the abuse of a child. You do not have the right to abuse a child, whether you are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, Baptist, agnostic or atheist.
In your country treated women and children differently here? We do not care. We are not in your country, it is here. And here's how it goes. And if you are not happy with our laws, will you at home in your beautiful country Islamic countries to bully your children on your own, if it is part of your traditions and laws of your Prophet.
Here is what the law in Quebec: "The safety of a child is considered compromised when he is in a situation of abandonment, neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or physical abuse.
Evening at the prelude of Sharia in Quebec subsidized by Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, or smells Shariah this contraption?
Especially as the guest of honor was the cheikh Fawaz Said, Islamic terrorist representative of the Muslim World League,the main  promotion agency sharia in the world, based in Saudi Arabia.

In the group, I recognized, among others, Samira Laouni, founder of the organization COR (Communication for opening and intercultural rapprochement) and former NDP candidate and Dalila Awada, veiled pinup.
Shafia Murders Children of Muslim honors
Mrs. Laouni campaigning in Quebec since 1998 to make fundamentalist Islam more attractive to 'strain'.This is the female counterpart of Shiite Haroun Bouazzi of the Association of Muslims and Arabs for secularism. These people, out of nowhere, everywhere, of all groups, committees and have the ear of the Prime Minister without knowledge of their true agenda.
Following the publication of the famous life Hérouxville code, Samira Laoun and 'sisters' took their sticks and pilgrims are parties educate' the deep Quebec natives on Islam. Mrs. Laouni had brought two books 'educational' as a gift to the city library.
The first Women's rights in Islam, was written by an Iranian mullah Khomeini who does not care for gender equality: 'what we say is that the non-similarity of rights between man and woman is more consistent with justice ... in short, equality between men and women is not desirable because it violates the laws of nature. '

The Orthodox Jewish sects Lev Tahor, the martyred child
I could go on Laouni case but life is too short and Google exists.
And here GND, figurehead of progressivism (we said 'left', now they say 'progressive'), seems delighted to participate in an event advocating the creation of a separate DPJ for Muslims.
Organization Islamic racist Challenge Islands at its maximum approved Philippe Couillard
I forgot, during his speech, the president of the body Challenge Islands and wings who organized the event said that the real reasons for delinquency girls, apart from the poor communications are working drum intolerance, Islamophobia, xenophobia, individual racism, apartheid, segregation, Salafist, the wahhabite, barbarism, the nazi, Christianophobia , anti-Semitism, and systemic racism. '
A nazi speech, purity of a religion
Islam, we Muslims, the Challenge Islands organization we represent in fact the human ideal, absolute perfection that the prophet soil of America. This is our model for all Quebecers citizens who must support. All Muslims or not people should be inspired to become an ideal citizen under the Koran and Sharia, the only law recognized by Quebec.
Islam is the only conceptualization of purity or impurity of man. Indeed, it was essential that those belonging to Islam, Muslims are the only race remain pure and uncontaminated by the Christian malsaineté, Jewish and Western.

We the servants of the prophet, if Nature does not want weak beings procreate with more powerful beings, she still wants less is a superior race, Muslims, Salafi, we in Quebec have remove this inferior race by accommodements and laws to remove our children under the laws of Canadians and Quebecers civilian governments. That only the laws of the Koran and sharia apply to Muslims and the establishment of an exclusively under the Canadian Islamic supervision system with a Canadian Islamic Constitution
Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, another fool POLITICIAN POPULIST sold
Accompanied by Islamist leaders, terrorists , Salafist extremists, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois attend a dinner which it is proposed to establish a DPJ for the Muslim community
The benefit dinner Challenge Islands and the Islands
April 14, 2017, the organization Challenge Islands and wings held a fundraising dinner in Montreal North in which our principal guest GABRIEL NADEAU DUBOIS and new SPOKESPERSON Salafist REPLACING MRS FRANÇOISE DAVID the National Assembly of Quebec.   
The organization claims to be especially dedicated to "Supporting families who do not want the Government controlled Muslim children against parental abuse, the Koran, sharia is superior to all Canadians and Quebecers with laws the youth protection Branch, and we want a Ministry of education and exclusively Islamic school boards in Quebec to counter the infidels.

If our girls are raped or beaten, our boys are hit it is left of our traditions and the government has no right in the way we educate our children according to the teachings of the prophet and the Charter of Rights and Freedom stressing that Islam is above all religions and civil laws Canadians and Quebecers. "
One of the highlights of the evening was the project formulated by Mrs. Soraya Zaïdi, president of the Association Challenge Islands and Wings, "to create a DPJ for the Muslim community" His plan was applauded by participants and Gabriel Nadeau Dubois said he welcomed this approach of this group and he will report to the National Assembly and it will then promote Salafist with the support of the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard.
Mrs. Soraya Zaïdi also said that the current system "pulls children to their culture" and blamed tensions between young Muslims (and Muslim youth in particular, raped, and beaten according to the rites of the Salafist prophet and barbarians Saudi Arabia and imams, bearded) and their families to "intolerance, Islamophobia, xenophobia, social inequality, individual racism, systemic racism and racist Muslim imams in mosques who attack Christians and Jews "in short tour host society, Quebec.

Cogeco Paul Arcand interview with a con
Asked by Paul Arcand on this self-isolation project would be the development of a DPJ for Muslims, the new star of Québec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, said no hearing this portion of the speech during the party while adding he would not support such a project. However, Mr. Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois directed his harshest criticism to those who made public the proposal of self-isolation rather than one that was set and he said not to have heard.
On its main page, the organization Challenge Islands and wings states have two main partners: the Algerian Cultural Center and Laurentian Community Center (CDC). According to the Register of Quebec businesses, the CDC is one of the many names by which operates the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), the main relay of the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada.

List of major guests with Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, and many of them with links to Muslim terrorist groups worldwide
Cheikh Fawaz Said -Said Fawaz / Saudi Muslim World League
Messaad Beltaji
Moujib Arrahmane
Tirkawi Mahdi (Muslim Association of Canada)
Consul of Tunisia
Consulto Algeria
Ève Torres (President of the way women
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois (Québec Solidaire)
Hadjira Belkacem
Ben Hassel
Samira Laouni (President of COR
Souad Bu Nakhla - Founder of the Association  Al Arabiya Quebec
Mohamed Barhoun (General Manager mark / legal Accompaniment)
Najat Boughaba (Consultant and intercultural intervener
Samer Elniz (Muslim Association of Canada)
QMA (Quebec Muslim Association)
Brahim Benyoucef (President of the Observatory and Space Company
AishmUQAM (Association of ÉMuslim students UQAM)
Radio Maghreb FM
Dechra TV north America (actually Dachra TV)

Said Fawaz is the first name on the guest list for the evening benefit. In 1992, La Presse reported that he was sent to Montreal by the Muslim World League (LIM) and is paid by the Saudis to operate in Canada.
The Muslim World League (LIM) is involved in violent activities and nonviolent promoting the Saudi version of Islam throughout the world. She is known in English as the Muslim World League / MWL.
One of Canada's agency investigation report that led to the revocation of charitable status of another Saudi organization (the World Assembly of Muslim Youth / WAMY), evokes the bonds of LIM with Al Qaeda. Enter the acronym of the LIM (MWL) to find the passages in the report in English on the involvement of LIM in the promotion and financing of Islamist violence.
August 29, 2005 broadcast on channel, Saudi IQRA TV  Abdullah Basfar, Secretary-General of the Saudi Commission LIM openly incited Muslims to contribute financially to the Hamas terrorist organization by giving
"theProphet said: 'he who equips a fighter - it is as if he had fought himself.' You're lying in your bed, safe in your home, you give money and Allah credits you with the rewards of a fighter. What is it? A privilege "(MEMRI).

This extract was also presented in 2005 to a subcommittee of the House of Commons on Public Safety.
MUSLIM ASSOCIATION OF CANADA terrorist organization in Canada and approved by the Trudeau government
Depending on the guest list at the benefit evening, two leaders of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) in Montreal represented the organization at the benefit evening: Mahdi and Tirkawi Samer Elniz.
On its main page, the organization Challenge Islands and wings has the Laurentian Community Center, a substructure of the MAC, as one of its partners.
The MAC endorses Islamist ideologues terrorists leader like Hassan al-Banna and Syed Maududi who argue that "The goal of Islam is to provoke a universal revolution. Islam seeks to destroy all states and governments opposed to the ideology and program of Islam wherever they are on earth. The goal of Islam is to establish a state based on its own program and its own ideology.
"In2014, the head of MAC's education department was sentenced to six years in prison for kidnapping for ransom ($ 500 000) of the small-son of a wealthy businessman in a Montreal park.

Samira Laouni, terrorist dormant lobbyist SalafistMuslim brothers
Pedigree Samira Laouni
Since arriving in Canada in 1998, Ms. Samira Laouni work for the Federation of Canadian Muslims, a relay of the Muslim World League (LIM), whose first and ultimate agenda is the export of sharia around the globe, and finances itself with billions of petrodollars SALAFISTS OF THE BARBARIANS Islam of Saudi Arabia who walk on our street in Montreal and Quebec and mosques that radicalized youth into our criminal and terrorist Muslims.
Moreover, Samira Laouni working with the pro-Hezbollah Ali Sbeiti Mullah, an extremist sheikh in the pay of the Iranian Islamic state.
The omnipresence of Laouni activist for years and access to Philippe Couillard is the fact that it acts in two heterogeneous networks: the Muslim World League and the Khomeini established network in Quebec. Now these two networks belong sources of power and foreign authority, namely: Mecca (Saudi Arabia) and Tehran (Iran). (If the Shiites and the Sunnis are killing the Middle East, it is clear that in Quebec they know come together and join forces against secularism, against freedom of expression, and for the Sharia.)
Mohamed Sawan is also the chairman of the executive committee of the Lebanese Islamic Center. He is also the husband of Carmen Chouinard, veiled converted part of the Board of COR chaired by Ms. Laouni.

Mouna Diab, Elsy Fneiche (who praised Mullah Hezbollah) and Haydar Moussa (who treated non-veiledwomen of alcoholic fornicatorsin Sada al-Mashreq) were also part of the delegation sent to Hérouxville Samira Laouni, as members of the youth Association, an association under the guidance of Mullah du Hezbollah Ali Sbeiti, an Islamist in the pay of the Islamic State of Iran, terrorist.
Haydar Moussa later became the director of the Mrs. Laouni campaign when it ran as the NDP candidate in the riding of Bourassa in federal elections of 2008.
On the left, Samira Laouni with Imam Khomeini Ali Sbeiti during his election campaign
Next mission in Hérouxville, veiled gave a detailed account of the operation to Mullah Ali Sbeiti to the mosque he chairs, and where are located the main local newspaper Sada al-Mashreq Khomeini.
Besides sweets, veiled mission offered books on Sharia written by hardcore Khomeinists. Recall that after coming to power, one of the first actions of Khomeini was to establish Sharia law; he notably forced women to veil themselves, and legalized polygamy.
Thanks to the excellent report of Thérèse Isabelle Saulnier (as seen here discussing with Mrs. Laouni), we know that the two books were veiled brought copies dozens are Philosophy of Islam and rights of Women in Islam (see in particular the section "polygamy is a right of women").
The first (black book) was written by Mohammad Beheshti (President of the Supreme Court of Iran under Khomeini) and Jawad Bahonar (Minister of Education under Khomeini).
The second (red book) was written by Morteza Motahhari, a member of Fada'iyan-e Islam (which included Khomeini).

The mosque of Ali Sbeiti, prized by Samira Laouni, relays hatred of homosexuals, and taught that "do not wear the hijab can lead to divorce, adultery, rape and illegitimate children."
The terrorist Salafi Muslims in Montreal who plot the destruction of the West with open hands of Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, and Québec Solidaire and Philippe Couillard, traitors are to the National Assembly of Quebec
Information accompanied-leaders-Islamist-gabriel-nadeau-dubois-assists-dinner propose putting-on-foot dpj-for-community-Muslim /
me Soraya Zaïdi and Mr Nora Hamali, President and Vice-President of the Association Challenge -They and wings
Samira Laouni
further reading
Point de Bascule: FILESharia / Self-isolation

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