dimanche 30 avril 2017

Justin Trudeau - Alexandre Trudeau - Liberals, federal and provincial, literally swim with Islamic terrorist organizations, Muslim extremist Salafists and Muslim brothers

Liberals, federal and provincial, they swim literally with Islamic terrorist organizations, Muslim Salafi extremists and Muslim brothers
Adil Charkaoui, imam, terrorist, manipulative, very smart, was cautioned $50 000 paid by Denys Arcand, Alexandre Trudeau son of Pierre Elliott Trudeau and brother Justin Trudeau,Prime Minister of Canada, singer Bruce Cockburn and former ministers Warren Allmand and Flora MacDonald on 18 February 2005.

They condone terrorist asks Thomas Mulcair
Trudeau family swims, and political party, liberal, literally swimming with Islamic terrorist organizations, Muslim extremist Salafis and the Muslim Brotherhood. When sworn Zunera Ishaq for citizenship, one that defecated on the Canadian flag and all of Canada in opposing to show his face to Pakistani terrorist with permission the of Prime Minister the Honorable Justin Trudeau and congratulations explicit by the Honorable Minister of justice Judy Wilson Raybould.
The federal and provincial Liberals and Muslims extremist terrorist groups
The woman in niqab Zunera Ishaq, who deflected the campaign work in an organization linked to the Jamaat-e-Islami, a Pakistani Islamist party that several Western countries consider as a terrorist organization. The  woman Mississauga also work within the female branch of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA Sisters). Similarly, the Liberal member for Mississauga, Ontario, Iqra Khalid, Motion M-103 also militates in this terrorist organization and seat in Parliament in Ottawa.

Adil Charkaoui, a Montrealer of Moroccan origin suspected of belonging to al-Qaida, who has been imprisoned since May 2003, has achieved a for release yesterday, but it still faces deportation to Morocco.

According to an order of Justice Simon Noëlof the Federal Court, Adil Charkaoui, who is being held under a security certificate, will be released, but under more severe conditions, including that of not communicating with a long list of individuals. He can not use a computer or a cell phone and will have to stay home and wear a bracelet so that the police can keep track.

In the evidence against him so far, the Crown alleged that Mr. Charkaoui had visited a training camp in Afghanistan in 1998 and proximity of a Moroccan terrorist group.

During his testimony last Monday, Adil Charkaoui has denied everything. It also comes with the exercise of lie detector, he succeeded.

However, the 31 year old man will appear again before the court next week while the federal government will defend the validity of the security certificate issued against him.

"The battle is far from over," said yesterday the sister of Adil Charkaoui, Hind, after learning the news of the release of his brother.

"We now look forward to two things: the day my brother will be fully cleared of these allegations and the day will end this discriminatory process, Kafkaesque."
Adil Charkaoui, an imam, a Muslim, a Salafist, jihadist, terrorist , Christianophobia, anti-Semitic, teacher, intellectual, recruiter, Wahhabi,pro Al Qaeda, liar, manipulator, a Muslim example
The Montrealers terrorist Adil Charkaoui, a Moroccan, who participated in the attacks in Casablanca and Madrid in Spain and have made more than 100 people who freely walk our streets in Montreal and mosques make speeches of hatred with the other imams under the rule of the Honorable Philippe Couillard Quebec Premier, was long considered a sleeper agent of Al Qaeda and detained, he wanted to commit a biochemical attack against the Montreal metro?

This story bombing in the subway also recalls a conversation intercepted by CSIS in 2000 and disclosed in 2011 by La Presse, in which Adil Charkaoui and Abdelrazik allegedly discussed a plan to blow up an Air France plane connecting Montreal to Paris.
In early August 2011, the daily La Presse published in two confidential documents that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) was prepared for the Department of Transport in 2004. We learned that Mr. Abdelrazik was apparently part of a discussion with Adil Charkaoui about a plan to blow up an Air France plane by the Montreal-Paris.
This wonderful, this imam literally mocks our governments without panties who kneel before him by washing his feet and bowing their liberal post. These racists who use our laws to scroll through and destroy our right of States to build the long-awaited event by our sold to Salafis from Saudi Arabia who govern us from coast to coast.

Alexandre Trudeau and an Algerian, Mohamed Harkat, suspected of being a sleeper agent of Al Qaeda
suspected of allegiance to the Islamist, he was imprisoned from 2002 to 2006 under a Canadian Procedure terrorist anti exceptional, introduced in the wake of September 11, allowing authorities to indefinitely detain without formal charges foreigners, as well as judge in camera.
Alexandre Trudeau is engaged with Mr.Mohamed Harkat for over a decade: in 2005, he had offered to stand surety as he did for Adil Charkaoui,terrorist imam in Montreal for his release parole, while fighting the controversial law allowing detention.
In his letter published in the Ottawa Citizen and addressed to Ralph Goodale, federal Minister of Public Safety, Alexandre Trudeau wrote that the "security certificates" are "fundamentally unfair".

Justin Trudeau favorable to Muslim terrorists in Canada
Justin Trudeau was criticized by a Canadian Muslim organization, because he visited a mosque that is considered by the US military as recruitment center al-Qaida in Montreal's Al Sunnah Al mosque -Nabawiah is in his riding of Papineau.
Liberal Leader confirmed late last week that he was presented to the Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiah that respects a strict interpretation of Islam based on Wahhabism. He also questioned the designation of the mosque as a recruitment center by the US government.
"I think I probably went in every different mosque in my riding, said Mr. Justin Trudeau. I know a number of people who were listed by the US government on a no-fly list and we make our own decisions in Canada for this kind of things, because the US government is known for making timing errors time.
"The founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, Tarek Fatah,found" outrageous "the response of the Liberal leader.

"This mosque is proud he calls, according to his own description, a Wahhabi mosque, which serves as an example to the Islamic state, Hamas, Al Qaeda and the Taliban," he told the QMI Agency.
According to Mr. Tarek Fatah, the Liberal leader would have done better "denounce jihad, sharia and hatred of the Jew and the Christians, which are the basis for sermons in the mosque."
Justin Trudeau I prostitute myself to the first comer and cheap
Honorable Justin Trudeau also said that the members of this mosque, are people who work closely with terrorists and Islamic organizations, Pakistani, Islamic state, Muslim brothers, with his ministers and MPs to Ottawa for the installation  the Koran and Sharia controlled by its sponsors Saudi Arabia. Mr. Trudeau felt in all the mosques they attend regularly a great sympathy for the total destruction of Canada as we know it now.
It was with emotion, with his veiled wife, who toured all Salafi mosques in Canada, those of the Muslim Brotherhood in Brossard and Mississauga where they meet her best friends to discuss eventual destruction of Muslim organizations not making parties pro al-Qaeda groups, pro Salafists, Muslim Brotherhood pro, pro barbarians pro Koran, Sharia pro, pro apartheid, segregation pro.
Justin Trudeau and the American devil, Donald Trump, what to do, should I throw my ballerina tutu to negotiate this infidel?

Thomas Mulcair question?
Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada do they have a lot of links with al-Qaeda in their political group?
Canadians citizens can themselves recognize in this Canada that Trudeau built with this multiculturalism. A country without culture, because no one can say that this religion has a culture except Salafist barbaric medieval. Several religions must renew or from our soil.
Canada Trudeau colander Islamic terrorists, Allah loves Trudeau and the Liberals

Hussein Mohamed Justin Trudeau, the man without culture

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